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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 117 (First order requested) The emperor ascends to heaven

If becoming a god could save humanity, the Emperor would have done so long ago, but the fact is that it cannot.

When Said proposed becoming a god, the Emperor refused without thinking:

“No, becoming a god will extract a huge amount of spiritual energy, and humans simply won’t be enough. Then Terra will become the second Eye of Terror! Just like lust does to the Eldar!”

Said shook his head and said: “Brother Huang, you can’t make generalizations. The Spiritual Tribe had gods before sex. Aren’t the Spiritual Tribes just as good?”

“Even if you don’t talk about the Eldar, look at the greenskins, how happy they are with the protection of the fur!”

The emperor said quietly: “But do you know that the Ancient Spirit Tribe and the Ancient Orcs are completely different from what they are now, with every combat power comparable to the original body.”

“I have calculated that if you want to become a god, you need a large amount of spiritual energy to form a projection in the subspace. If the spiritual energy is not enough, the projection will be forcibly extracted and even reduce the potential of the race.”

Said wondered: “Humanity has spread throughout the galaxy, is it still not enough?”

The emperor shook his head: “Not enough!”

Said continued: “What if puppets are added? Puppets are psychic creatures, and their number is no less than that of humans. With Gestalt consciousness, they should be able to gather enough psychic energy!”

The Emperor was stunned. He really had not thought of this method. If becoming a god requires one billion units of spiritual energy, humans can only provide 500 million, and the remaining 500 million can be provided by puppets.

In this way, mankind can obtain a god without paying any price, but the Emperor still has one last concern:

“Even if successful, humanity will never be able to escape subspace and fall into complete stagnation, and technology will not be able to develop…”

The Emperor becoming a god means that humanity is more deeply bound to the warp. If it was a tumor before, it is now a functional organ.

The progress of mankind is reflected in the progress of science and technology. As long as subspace exists for one day, science and technology cannot progress and mankind cannot be sublimated.

Said sighed: “Then Brother Huang, do you have any other options? The collapse of the Webway is imminent, demons will pour out from the mouth of the Webway, and Terra will become the second Eye of Terror.”

“Don’t tell me that you will sacrifice yourself to block the webway, or die half-dead and sit on the Golden Throne. I will never agree. I would rather you become a living god than a stagnant corpse!”

The emperor sighed and finally nodded: “Go down and make arrangements. Remember, you must keep the fire of civilization and progress!”

Said solemnly said: “I promise, brother Huang!”

The next day, all the Webway forces were withdrawn, and all of Isstvan’s Primarch legions returned to Terra, along with a Blackstone Fortress.

If the Istvan Army could return early and block the Webway with the Blackstone Fortress, the Webway War would be won, but there are not so many ifs in the world.

At this time, the Webway was being rapidly eroded by Tzeentch. Not only the gaps, but also the man-made parts of the Webway were gradually falling into the enemy’s hands.

Even if Blackstone Fortress reaches the gap and activates the Forbidden Demon Realm, nothing will be done. It will only take three days at most for the entire Webway to collapse.

At that time, the demons will invade the throne room along the entrance of the webway and enter Terra.

Therefore, the only way to save mankind is to become a god!

The Emperor summoned the nine loyal Primarchs, Rogal Dorn’s lower limbs had grown, and he was gathering in the throne room with his brothers.

The emperor said faintly: “My children, thank you for your contributions to mankind, but unfortunately, we failed!”

The atmosphere suddenly became depressing, and Rogal Dorn said in confusion:

“Father, why is this happening! We still have hundreds of millions of troops standing by, and in other territories of the galaxy, humanity is thriving! Humanity has not failed yet!”

The Emperor immediately introduced the Warp and the Chaos Gods to the Primarchs, as well as the Webway Project, breaking through the current crisis, and finally apologized:

“I’m sorry, my children, for keeping this secret from you. The ultimate goal of the Great Crusade is the Webway. Without the Webway, the expedition is meaningless.”

“The vast territory can at best delay the decline of the empire, but it cannot eliminate the stubborn diseases of mankind. Therefore, I have to adopt a backup plan – becoming a god!”

Guilliman said sadly: “Father, are you leaving us?”

The Emperor shook his head: “No, I will always be with you. Your souls will be taken care of by me personally. Even if they are sacrificed, they will return to my arms.”

Immediately afterwards, the emperor described the future arrangements of the empire. He did not micro-manage the imperial system. He only explained a few general directions and taboo areas that could not be touched, and then announced the adjournment of the meeting.

The Primarchs reluctantly left the palace, knowing that this would probably be their last meeting with their father, and that the next meeting would be after death.

There were only two emperor brothers left in the huge conference room. The emperor was silent for a moment and said calmly: “Let’s get started, Said!”

Said nodded and said: “Brother Huang, don’t worry, we will succeed, because the Truth Party has laid a strong foundation of faith!”

With a thought in his mind, the entire galaxy was mobilized. At the priest’s order, a large number of believers put down their work, went to a nearby church, and whispered the holy words of prayer:

“My lord the Emperor!”

“You are the master of mankind! You are the master of the empire! You are the embodiment of order!”

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“You are the protector of mankind! You are the pioneer in exploring the truth! You are the overlord of the galaxy!”

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“Your name will be hallowed among mankind! You lead mankind through the Old Night! You give mankind stability and order!”

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“You are a wise ruler! Killing will make you stronger, and the death of your enemies spreads your glory! Your kingdom protects our souls!”

“When death comes, your servants will have eternal life in your kingdom!”

“My lord the Emperor!”

“You will lift up your kingdom and turn it into the golden sun of the highest sky!”

The neat prayers echoed in the Milky Way, and the emotional projections vibrated violently in the subspace. As they were repeated over and over again, they gradually converged into a cold black sun.

The gods are horrified and the world is horrified!

This is the common direction of the thoughts of trillions of people in the entire galaxy!

Since the introduction of puppets to replace the Crusade, the Word Bearers have focused exclusively on missionary work and established countless worlds of truth throughout the galaxy.

The World of Truth is dotted with wonders and temples that celebrate the Emperor’s greatness. When the Emperor becomes a god, they will be turned into firewood to provide spiritual power and faith.

The inhabitants of the world of truth rehearse regularly, pray daily, and rehearse the rites of becoming gods for many hours just for this moment.

Except for the World of Truth, all the worlds that have been ruled by the Party of Truth have a large number of priests from the World of Truth, as well as a large number of believers of the God Emperor Sect.

At this moment, they were organized, and the entire galaxy was united as one, causing a storm in the subspace. When Said saw this, he couldn’t help laughing and said:

“Luojia, is this the purpose of your rebellion? Just to make your father a god?”

In the webway, Luojia stared through the gap at the turbulent subspace outside, his eyes slightly closed, and a pleased smile on his face:

“Your Highness, you are indeed my comrade, and I did not trust the wrong person!”

This set of god-making rituals was accidentally created by Said before the rebellion. After the rebellion, the Word Bearers handed over the world of truth and various organizations to Said.

Said did not make many changes to Lorgar’s work, only purging his personal relationships, and the God-Emperor’s loyalty was retained intact.

After Luojia rebelled, the believers were taken over by the puppets and the Inuit Church. As long as Said raised his arms, he could immediately mobilize the fanatical emotions of hundreds of millions of people and form psychic projections in the subspace.

Next to Luojia, blue feathers continued to float, and the Lord of Changes chuckled:

“Is this your plan? It’s really amazing! If it weren’t for your unchanging belief, I would have turned you into my dependent!”

Luo Jia looked sarcastic and shook his head: “My loyalty to my father has never changed. I am helping you temporarily just to lead him to the right path!”

“As for now, he has returned to the right path and our cooperation is completely over!”

After speaking, Luojia knelt down on one knee and prayed towards the black sun that was gradually taking shape:

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“You are the master of mankind…”

The spiritual energy radiates from Luojia and converges towards the black sun in the subspace, making the latter’s shadow become more solid.

Tzeentch on the side chuckled and said: “That’s why you refused to ascend to the devil and dedicated your pure spiritual energy to this moment!”

Luojia ignored it and prayed to the Holy Word on his own, letting the black sun draw out spiritual energy.

Tzeentch found it boring and continued to corrupt the webway.

When the black sun solidifies to a certain extent, it will instinctively absorb spiritual energy just like a newborn craving for milk and nutrition.

At this time, the psychically weakened humans will die, like the Eldar, born from the first cry of Color.

Soon, a large number of humans began to faint and fall to the ground, their souls were drained and died. Far away on Terra, the Emperor said: “Sayed, let the puppets come up!”

Said nodded, and with a thought, a large number of puppets in the galaxy knelt down and prayed in unison:

“My lord the Emperor! You are the master of mankind…”

The addition of the puppet’s spiritual energy temporarily satisfied the instinctive thirst of the new phantom, the phenomenon of draining the soul disappeared, and prayer returned to normal.

Until the shadow became more solid, Said said: “Brother Huang, it’s time!”

The emperor said calmly: “Sayed, take care of yourself, the real universe will be left to you!”

Said respectfully performed the Eagle Salute and solemnly said: “Long live the Immortal Emperor! Long live the Empire!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a rift in the subspace opened beside him. The emperor turned into golden light and merged into the newborn black sun. The black sun instantly turned into gold, and the golden light tore through the purple sky.

Luojia was in a damaged webway, lacking the curtain of reality and warp space, and the extraction of psychic energy was particularly strong. When the emperor completed the fusion, he was already close to withered and close to death.

But with a satisfied smile on his face, he stared at the golden sun outside and said happily:

“Father God, I am about to go to the Golden Throne and become a member of the Cursed Legion. My comrade Said, Father God’s kingdom in reality will be left to you!”

After saying that, Luo Jia dedicated his last bit of spiritual energy to practice his faith with his life, and his soul flew to the Golden Throne.

Will the God-Emperor accept him? If Said knew this, he would have answered in the affirmative.

The Emperor never acts based on personal preferences, and the God-Emperor even less so, it is time for the Legion of the Damned to have a loyal Primarch.

In the Webway, a vast golden spiritual energy swept through, rivaling Tzeentch’s spiritual energy, but this was just a cover.

In the crystal maze of the Lord of Changes, a golden giant slowly stood up and struck the ground with a sword. Flames and explosions enveloped the crystal maze.

Tzeentch hurriedly abandoned the Webway and led the demon army back to defend the Crystal Maze. Losing psychic power to maintain it, the Webway collapsed and shattered, and the entrance was blocked by golden psionic energy.

In the end, everything settled, the Webway collapsed, the Crystal Maze burned, the golden sun hung high in the warp, and the Empire and humanity entered a new chapter.

Thanks for your first order! Thank you to every loyal citizen! Long live the God-Emperor! ≧▽≦

In addition, if you want to pull it all and order it, I will update it today~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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