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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 118 The Era of Rebirth and Great Reform

The Emperor became a god, marking the end of the Primarch’s rebellion and the beginning of an era of rebirth for the Empire.

Compared with rebellions in history, the scope of this rebellion was lower and the damage was smaller. The war was only limited to the outer reaches of the solar system and the Webway.

In Terra and even in most areas of the empire, despite the turmoil and chaos, there was generally no danger, and production and order were as normal.

The empire’s territory is generally stable, providing a favorable environment for a series of reforms in the era of rebirth.

After the Emperor left the real world, Said, Malcador and the nine loyal Primarchs formed a temporary regency council.

The first thing the Regent Council did was to announce the news that the Emperor had become a god, exaggerating the theory of the threat of evil gods from subspace. The Emperor became a god in order to protect mankind from the invasion of evil gods.

This statement was met with many doubts, but with the bolters of the Astartes and puppets, and the all-pervasive threat of the Assassin’s Court, all objections were silenced.

After taking control of the matter, the Regency Council took control of Terra and began to reform it according to the arrangements made by the Emperor before his ascension.

At that time, the emperor did not make a detailed design for the future empire, but only stipulated four general directions and principles, namely:

Truth reform, princely command, limited soldiers and trees, one super and multiple powers.

After the Emperor’s ascension, the imperial truth that promoted materialism was no longer applicable. Truth reform meant abandoning the imperial truth and establishing a religion.

Among them, the Imperial Truth Party was transformed and renamed the Imperial State Religion.

However, there has been no change in its program or doctrine. It still promotes the three major harms, still promotes authoritarian militarism, and still promotes racial hysteria…

The only adjustment was from the original coexistence of the Human Emperor and the Divine Emperor to the mandatory worship of the Divine Emperor.

During the Great Crusade, the contribution of the Party of Truth was obvious to all. Even if many Primarchs did not agree with its proposition, it was undeniable that it was the best solution to the current environment.

Therefore, after the establishment of the state religion, the Council of Regents collectively joined the Church. In order to reflect Superman’s politics, the Council of Regents was renamed the Council of Superman.

Even the most populist Vulkan admitted that with the physical limits of mortals, they are simply unable to rule the vast galaxy. Without Superman, it will inevitably lead to all kinds of corruption and inefficiency, leading to the decline of the empire.

However, these mortal factions believe that superhuman governance is only a temporary measure, and when the dust settles in the future, power will inevitably return to mortal hands.

This move also marked that the state religion led everything in the empire, changing from a materialistic monarchy to an oligarchic empire that combined politics and religion.

As a result, the Superman Council re-established the empire’s national structure:

The Empire of Man is a theocratic country led by the Immortal God-Emperor and based on the Alliance of Two Religions, with Superman being converted to a righteous form.

Among them, the Dual Religion Alliance specifically refers to the Mechanicus and the State Church. The Mechanicus is an independent political entity, and its casting generals reserve a seat in the Superman Parliament.

The state religion leads the empire, and the Superman Parliament leads the state religion. Therefore, the Superman Parliament dominates everything in the empire.

The Reformation of Truth adjusted the ideology and orthodoxy, while the prince-general commander, restricted soldiers, and one superpower with multiple powers determined the top-level power distribution.

According to the principle of prince-general, Said occupies a dominant position in the Superman Parliament and has veto power over any decision-making in the empire.

In addition, Said also has many titles: pope of the state religion, head of the empire, and chairman of the war committee, corresponding to the top leaders of the three major forces of religion, politics, and military.

This is not a golden word from the emperor, but a reflection of the prince’s strength.

After years of development, the number of prince puppets has become equal to that of humans. In Terra, the number of puppets has reached 70% of the total population.

Puppets have intervened in every field, every department, and every class, becoming an integral part of the empire’s operation.

It can be said that without the cooperation of the prince, no decision-making can be carried out, and his transcendent status is well deserved.

However, as a price, Said needs to accept limited soldiers and multiple strengths.

Said himself is not allowed to leave the palace and accepts the protective residence of the imperial army. There are no puppets in the palace to ensure Said’s loyalty.

If the empire masters the main body, it can master the military civilization.

Secondly, the number of puppets in Terra cannot exceed the total population to ensure that Terra is human Terra. The number of puppets in the Bingmu world is limited. Each additional puppet must be unanimously approved by the Superman Council.

One superpower and multiple powers ensure the power of other members of the parliament. Whether it is the original body or the Ministry of Interior, they have their own armies and territories, which become a favorable restriction for the prince.

The prince is the strongest, and the other members are slightly weaker. They restrict each other, thus ensuring the political stability of Terra.

After completing the top-level design, the empire carried out a military reform in order to further ensure the leadership of the state religion over the empire.

After some discussion, the meeting established the War Council, the highest military organization under the leadership of the state religion, established war zones in local areas, and established military services in charge of military construction.

The relationship between the three major institutions is: the combat committee manages the general, the military services lead the construction, and the theater leads the battle. The three divide work and restrict each other to form a vertical leadership system to ensure the teaching and command of the gun.

In addition to institutional construction, Said also creatively put forward the idea of ​​building an ideological army, sending churches to companies to strengthen ideological education.

This work has been popularized during the Great Crusade, and political commissars who graduated from Zhongsi Academy became the ideological fortress of the mortal auxiliary army, effectively preventing the infiltration of rebel ideas.

On this basis, Guilliman proposed splitting the Legion into Chapters, which would become the famous Astartes Ceremony in the future, which triggered a period of discussion.

If it were before Said’s reforms, splitting up the Legion would undoubtedly weaken the power of the Primarch, and would inevitably attract widespread opposition.

However, combined with the new system, whether the power is weakened or strengthened is open to debate.

Although the legion was split, the original body was able to work as a theater commander and command the troops of more than one legion, which actually expanded the power in his hands.

Or he could direct the construction of a branch of the military and build the entire empire’s armored forces with his own hands.

Given the huge size of the empire, it is difficult to say whether the Primarch’s status and authority within it have been weakened.

Finally, after intense discussions, a military reform plan was released, the legions were split into battle groups, and a war committee was established to command all military forces of the empire.

At this time, the Imperial Army was similar to a joint-stock company. Said, the Primarch, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Mechanicus were all investors. The army was broken up into shares and reorganized into a large number of new legions.

The new Legion is not much different from the Primarch Legion, consisting of Space Marines, Adeptus Mechanicus, wooden golems, and mortal auxiliaries.

The only difference is that it has changed from a single type of space warrior to a combination of multiple battle groups, with the legion commander commanding multiple battle groups to fight in coordination.

After the meeting reached an agreement, under the supervision of the puppets and all parties, various reform measures began to be implemented, and new legions were formed one after another.

In the vast galaxy, five theater headquarters were established. According to the galaxy star field, they were divided into five theaters: Extreme, Storm, Taiping, Hazy, and Sun.

The war zone has various legions under its jurisdiction and commands them to conquer the galaxy.

This entire military system is a great test of coordination and communication capabilities. Communication in the Warhammer universe is originally difficult and navigation is dangerous, so such a reform is bound to fail.

However, with the God-Emperor in the subspace and the puppets in communication, it has undoubtedly reduced the difficulty of coordination and is enough to carry out more complex reforms.

Days passed quickly, and after a period of farming, the empire began to test the results of the reform.

During the Superman meeting, Said proposed: “Everyone, according to the war zone report, there are still remnants of the rebellion active in our territory!”

“For example, Barbarus, the home planet of the rebel primarch Mortarion, and Olympia, the home planet of Perturabo, both have traces of rebel activities!”

“I propose that the war committee be authorized to carry out a large-scale cleansing of these planets and completely eliminate the traitors from the galaxy!”

Sorry for being late. I checked a lot of information on this chapter and rewrote it…emmm, I didn’t originally plan to keep the battle group system, but after thinking about it, I decided to keep it. After all, it’s a Warhammer feature.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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