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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 119 Cleansing Expedition

Terra Palace, Throne Room.

Said was extremely small in front of the huge golden throne. He sat on the steps, with his back to the huge throne, staring at the emptiness in front of him, and said to himself:

“Brother Huang, I am about to launch a clearing campaign against the remnants of the rebels. According to the report from the theater headquarters, Mortarion and Perturabo were sighted.”

“They are so popular in subspace, haven’t they become demons yet?”

After the Emperor became a god, he left a ball of light on the Golden Throne and blocked the webway. Said could talk to the Emperor through the ball of light.

At this moment, on the throne, the light group flickered slightly, and the emperor’s voice echoed in Said’s mind:

“No, for the traitorous original body, the best result is the Infinite Demon Prince, but this requires sacrifice to the subspace, and they have not yet met the conditions.”

“What’s more, Mortarion hates psychic energy and subspace extremely. He would rather be a bandit than become a demon.”

In the original history, Mortarion was tricked by his subordinate Typhons, and the fleet was taken to the Garden of Nurgle. After suffering from the disease, he agreed to become the Demon Prince of Nurgle.

The ruffian boss ambushed Dorne, contaminated a large amount of gene seeds, and eventually became the demon prince without distinction.

Now that the rebellion has been quickly suppressed, these tragedies have not yet happened, giving Said room to operate. He smiled and suggested:

“Brother Huang, how about I sacrifice them to you and become your demon prince? Oh no, they should be called living saints, or angels!”

The Primarch Rebellion was a game between the Emperor and the Gods. Unlike the historical times when the Gods won greatly, the odds of the Gods winning this time were not large.

Among the four evil gods, Khorne and Nurgle have not yet obtained the Primarch Daemon Prince, and Tzeentch who conquered Magnus, the Crystal Maze was burned to the ground by the Emperor.

Rebellion wars only occurred at the edges of the solar system and the Webway. The overall impact of the human empire was not great, and most places were peaceful.

The greatest result of Chaos is to kill the Webway, locking the path of human ascension and bringing it to a standstill. However, even a stagnant empire still possesses terrifying strength.

So it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose in the Primarch rebellion.

If Khorne and Nurgle gain two more Daemon Princes, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to the Empire and make the outcome of this game much better.

For the emperor, he naturally did not want the enemy to grow stronger, and the two original bodies were also extremely useful to him. He immediately replied: “Okay, you just need to do this…”

After finishing the conversation, Said manipulated the puppet, found Malcador, and asked: “Mr. Ma, is there anyone in the Death Watch in the Assassin’s Court?”

The Assassin’s Court is one of the few departments without puppets. Ma Xiang relies on the Assassin’s Court to build an espionage network throughout the galaxy.

Although not as efficient as Said’s puppet, it is still enough to become a formidable force.

Especially the rebel ships, which cannot be penetrated by Said’s puppets, and the Assassin’s Court can gather information as mortal slaves and servants.

Ma Xiang did not answer directly, but asked: “What do you want to do?”

Said said bluntly: “I want to instigate the pilot above and guide the ship to a certain place after it enters the subspace.”

“If successful, the God Emperor will gain another angel!”

Malcador thought for a moment, and then said: “You can try, but I also know that the Death Watch fleet cannot currently make a subspace jump.”

Said smiled sinisterly: “Leave this to me!”

Later, Said convened a meeting of the Superman Council in the name of Chairman of the War Committee.

At this time, the Imperial Army was similar to a joint-stock company, and any major decision needed to be approved by the shareholders’ meeting. At the meeting, Said announced a new round of personnel appointments.

Said proclaimed himself the commander of the Storm and Extreme theaters, Leon Jonson served as the commander of the Obscure theater, White Scar served as the commander of the Pacific theater, and Sanguinius served as the commander of the Sun theater.

The remaining Primarchs served as Legion Masters under the Theater Commanders, commanding larger mixed legions than ever before.

Perturabo’s home star is located in the Ultramarine Star Territory, and Mortarion’s home star is located in the Tempest Star Territory. Said decided to personally micro-manage and capture the two original bodies.

In order to ensure that he was not constrained by the institutional level, he was in charge of two war zones.

No one had any objections. Under the Gestalt consciousness, Said was capable of managing three-quarters of the galaxy’s troops.

He continued: “Ryan’s home star is located in the Obscure Star Territory, where there are fallen angel rebels. Leave it to the commander of the Ryan Army. Please be careful!”

The Lion King nodded in agreement, unable to hold back the anger of revenge in his heart. The last defeat was all because of the traitor, which led to the humiliation.

Said continued: “There are relatively few rebels in the Taiping Star Territory. There are only a few Word Bearers who promote blasphemous thoughts. Their combat power is not strong. It is left to White Scar to be responsible for whether he can do it.”

Lorgar became cursed, but Kor Phaeron and Erebus did not. They led a part of the Word Bearers to return to their home planet of Colchis to fight guerrillas.

White Scar is good at mobile warfare and surprise warfare, suitable for dealing with small groups of guerrilla troops.

Jaghatai Khan nodded lightly without making any further comments. Finally, Said said to Sanguinius:

“Little Saint, your mission is very important. According to intelligence, the remnants of the Third Legion are active on Horus’s home planet, trying to collect the genetic information of the original body and clone Horus!”

When Sanguinius heard this, he said angrily: “This is blasphemy, it’s too much! Don’t worry, Your Highness, I promise not to let this happen!”

After everything was arranged, the original body Vulkan hesitated and said: “Your Highness, I don’t want to be the commander of the legion. The original body should be used to build peace and protect the people, rather than blindly killing.”

Among the Primarchs, only Vulkan was the most war-weary. When the Emperor first found him, he even refused to take over the Legion and only wanted to be a blacksmith.

In times of peace, Vulkan’s qualities are extremely precious, but in the burning galaxy, where there is only war, sympathy and compassion are particularly out of place.

Said frowned and scolded:

“Vulkan, what are you talking about? The war is not over yet, subspace is watching, aliens are gearing up, and the people you want to protect are still in danger!”

“The way you protect them is to refuse to participate in the war? Are you worthy of the emperor’s teachings? Are you worthy of the people? Or are you no longer loyal!”

Vulgan opened his mouth, speechless, and finally lowered his head and sighed: “Yes, Your Highness, I accept the appointment!”

Said also took advantage of this incident and said to the participants:

“Everyone, please understand one thing. Don’t think that peace will come when the rebellion is over. This is just the calm before the storm, a window period to prepare for the next war!”

“Although this operation is just to wipe out the remnants, it also has a more important significance, that is, it reminds us that in the burning galaxy, there is only war!”

“This is also the meaning of the existence of the Superman Council. Otherwise, if those mortals are allowed to corrupt themselves at will, the empire will still be able to stand for thousands of years!”

The participants were solemn and said in unison: “Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”

Before the meeting ended, Said announced: “Now, the purge expedition officially begins!”

Sorry, the sun was so bad yesterday that I woke up almost midnight, so I updated… Nurgle’s blessing

Resume the second update today!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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