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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 120 Trapping Mortarion

After the failure of the Primarch’s rebellion, the surviving rebels scattered across the galaxy, using the Primarch’s home planet as their base, and became rogue bandits.

When Said received the report, he felt that it felt like he had committed crimes in his previous life and fled back to his hometown in the countryside.

Most of the Primarchs do not like to govern the home planet. The liberated territories will basically be handed over to the Ministry of Interior and the Pravda Party, and only the home planet will be retained as a recruiting world.

After the rebellion, the remnants of the rebels lacked military resources and were unable to attack the imperial world. They could only harass and plunder to maintain supplies and combat power.

Most of them don’t even have a subspace ship, so they have to count their explosive bombs, and some have to grab pdf laser guns to use them.

Space Marines of this size, not to mention the Imperial Legion, cannot even defeat the Planetary Defense Force.

With the implementation of military reforms and the formation of mixed corps, the living space for the remnants of the rebels is getting smaller and smaller.

The bandits could escape but the monks could not escape the temple. After the theater commander was in place, he ordered the army to march directly to Huanglong and attack the rebels’ home planet.

Historically, the rebel homeworld was burned to the ground by the First Legion during the Great Rebellion. After the war, the rebels all fled the Eye of Terror and became Chaos Space Marines.

But now that the home planet is built, it has become a hiding place for the remnants of the rebels. Said has authorized the expeditionary force to use the extermination order when necessary.

At the same time, the expeditionary legion under his command went straight to Barbarus, the home planet of the Fourteenth Legion.

As the only two legions with a primarch, Mortarion still controls the Barbarus system and is able to carry out simple supplies.

However, the Ministry of Interior did not carry out industrial development and construction, leaving Barbarus extremely desolate.

Except for a star base and a few law enforcer light cruisers, without any defense force, the expedition fleet easily destroyed the star base and occupied the Barbarus system.

One after another, the giant steel ships passed through the toxic clouds of Barbarus, bringing endless terror to the natives of the planet. Said looked down from the sky and couldn’t help but sigh:

“It’s really primitive. Mortarion, that idiot, doesn’t want to develop it? Alas… after all, not everyone is a Smurf.”

At that time, the Emperor proposed to make Barbarus livable and develop local industry. However, this was inconsistent with Mortarion’s socialist concept and he rejected it.

Xiao Mo believes that harsh environments can temper strong warriors, and livable transformation will reduce the difficulty of survival and be detrimental to the legion’s combat effectiveness.

So until after the Rebellion, Barbarus had been riddled with poisonous gas, and its industrial primitive technology was backward, almost exactly as it was when the Primarch left it.

Said smiled disdainfully, and a fleet adjutant beside him asked: “Your Highness, would you like to use the Extermination Order to destroy this planet?”

The puppet shook his head: “No need for now, use the public channel to issue a communication to the star area: Let the commander of the 14th Army arrive at Barbarus within three days to challenge me. If he doesn’t come, Barbarus will be exterminated!”

In the Warhammer Universe, the mother star has extraordinary significance. Once destroyed, it will be a heavy mental blow. Even the Emperor never thought of giving up Terra when Terra was in crisis.

So a few hours after the threat broadcast was sent, the Mortarion fleet rushed back to Barbarus and replied via broadcast:

“Sayed, I’m here, come out and challenge me, don’t hurt my home planet!”

The Death Guard’s fleet was particularly shabby. It was surrounded and suppressed by all parties on the way to escape. The originally majestic fleet was destroyed, leaving only converted civilian ships, unable to travel at faster than light speeds.

This also meant that their range of activities was limited to Barbarus’s sector, preventing Typhons from corrupting Mortarion.

Can’t even go to the Warp, let alone the Gardens of Nurgle.

With such strength, a single Moon-class cruiser can destroy them all.

On a huge meteorite on the outskirts of the galaxy, Mortarion left the small spaceship and saw the original puppet. He couldn’t help but taunted:

“My uncle, you are still as timid as ever. You let the puppets come out for everything, while you huddle in the deep palace!”

Said didn’t take it seriously and said calmly: “Who are you? I want to duel with the real commander of the Fourteenth Legion. His name is Typhons, not Mortarion!”

Xiao Mo broke through the defense on the spot and was about to curse angrily when another voice came from the communication channel: “Father, you are our legion commander, don’t listen to him sow discord!”

Xiao Mo said gently: “I know, kid, you and I are the only ones left in the first batch of Barbarus warriors, how can I not trust you!”

Then he turned to the puppet and roared: “Stop making useless conspiracies and duel like a man, Said! If I win, you will let my home planet go and swear in the name of your false emperor!”

Said nodded and said: “No problem, I swear in the name of the God Emperor that once Mortarian wins a duel, I will not harm the planet Barbarus!”

Then, Mortarion drew his scythe and slashed it with the chain sword of the original puppet, while roaring: “I am wearing anti-psychic armor now, you can’t beat me like last time!”

When the two met for the first time, Said used his psychic powers to hold him down, and then beat him violently with the original puppet. Afterwards, Xiao Mo was greatly stimulated and thought about how to prevent another tragedy from happening again.

In the end, he spent a lot of money to build a set of anti-psionic armor and sought to fight Said, but he never found a chance.

Although there is no hope of overthrowing Said’s true body, as long as he defeats the original puppet and restrains his psychic powers, Said will be defeated.

This was one of the reasons why Mortarion was happy to fight, to wash away the shame of the past.

However, Said’s attention is not on the battlefield at all, but on the “real legion commander” – Typhons!

Typhons not only sidelined Xiao Mo, but was also a follower of Nurgle. His goal was to lead Xiao Mo into the arms of his loving father and become a demon prince.

Historically, when the Legion fleet sailed through the warp, he killed all the navigators, and when Mo went crazy, he guided the fleet to the Garden of Nurgle.

You know, Xiao Mo hates the subspace extremely, and it is a great shame to become a demon prince.

Said wants to lead Xiao Mo to the embrace of the emperor, and his primary enemy is Typhons.

So he planned a duel to separate Xiao Mo and Typhons.

Soon, in the middle of the duel, the fleet attacked, and the light spears and macro cannons slaughtered the Death Guard fleet. Xiao Mo was furious: “Sayed, you are shameless!”

After saying that, he turned around and jumped on the small spaceship, preparing to run away. Said did not stop him, but instead increased the output of the fleet and attacked the legion’s flagship.

To his surprise, these modified civilian ships were actually equipped with void shields, which blocked the first attack and immediately escaped at sub-light speed, leaving Xiao Mo’s spaceship behind.

Although the crowd was full of filial piety, he couldn’t leave without leaving. If he left too late, the void shield would explode and no one could leave. Mortarion still suffered a critical hit of 10,000 points.

But before he could get angry, a Moon-class cruiser pressed up. Xiao Mo immediately sailed away and escaped. Through excellent technology and “luck”, he successfully got rid of his pursuers.

Then, he found a transport ship belonging to the Ministry of Interior, alone and without any escort.

Even better, the ship has a warp drive and is capable of warp navigation!

In this way, he can leave the Barbarus Sector, go further afield, and make a comeback.

Check out the third update later


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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