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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 121 (3rd update please order) Nurgle’s Revenge

Xiao Mo, with his remaining bodyguards, launched a gang attack on the Ministry of Interior transport ship, and effortlessly took control of the ship and its valuable navigator.

After clearing the puppets on the ship, Xiao Mo immediately started a subspace jump, asking the navigator to locate a forging world in the next star sector.

He still covets there. If he arrives, he will be able to obtain supplies and weapons, change to a better ship, and even rob some people to recruit new soldiers.

However, due to the inability to navigate through subspace, the distance of hundreds of light years is like a natural chasm. Now that there is an Interior Ministry transport ship, Xiao Mo firmly believes that everything will be fine.

However, somewhere unknown to him, the navigators nodded to each other, and the ship inadvertently deviated from its course. By the time Mortarion discovered the anomaly, it was too late.

In front of him, a cold golden sun floated quietly in the subspace. Under the golden light, the turbulent waves of the subspace also retreated.

Mortarion almost fell to his knees and said tremblingly: “Father…Father!”

The Emperor’s powerful and majestic voice came: “You are a traitor, Mortarion. You will bring everything to the bottom, but you are both the perpetrator and the victim.”

“So you can still get redemption. This is your last chance, but… you have no choice…”

“No…no…wait, father!”

Mortarion shook his head in panic. Before he could finish his words, a large number of the Cursed Legion swarmed onto the ship. When he saw a face with words written all over it, he was surprised and said:

“Luojia, what’s wrong with you?”

Luo Jia’s body was burning with flames and she shook her head. Although she didn’t speak, her message was very clear: Don’t resist needlessly!

Said did not know what happened after that. He only knew that there was an additional scythe-wielding Primarch in the Legion of the Cursed, most likely Mortarion.

At this moment, Barbarus is burning at the feet of the puppet, and the virus bomb incinerates everything, turning it into a lifeless planet.

At the same time, in a garden in the warp filled with putrid flies, the fat green man knocked over his beloved cauldron, and boiling green ichor spilled all over the floor.

The Nurglings were scalded to death in large pieces. They looked at the huge fat green figure in horror. In their memories, the loving father was rarely angry, but today he was so angry that he knocked over the cauldron.

Just now, my loving father’s beloved prince died young and was artificially killed before he was born. My loving father felt extremely sad and angry.

Just like the embryo of a pregnant mother was dug out and turned into the imp Gumantong, Nurgle, as the lord of life, suffered a bit more pain, even vaguely hurting his origin.

It must take revenge, otherwise it will not only fail its heir who died in infancy, but also affect his Taoist heart that governs life, and how he will be able to hang out in the subspace in the future.

While it scratched the pustules on its chin and let the pus flow on its huge belly, it thought about how to take revenge on the new golden sun.

Soon, it noticed the pleas of a painful soul and the fantastic thoughts to get rid of the pain, and whispered softly:

“Although this child is not suitable for my path, I can provide him with some help…”

A few months later, Said purged the remnants of the Death Guard. According to the Emperor’s intelligence, since Mortarion joined the Cursed, Typhons and the remaining Death Guard were inspired by their loving father to become Nurgle Daemons.

In order to make up for the loss of Mortarion, Typhons became the Daemon Prince, but there was always a gap between Byprima and Nurgle, which made Nurgle extremely unhappy.

After pacifying the Storm Star Territory, Said set his sights on the Ultimate Star Territory, where a large number of primarchs led their respective legions to fight everywhere.

The rebel bandits were annihilated one by one, and the worlds that helped the rebels were wiped out.

Facing the invincible force of the Empire, the remnants of the Shacklebreakers, Emperor’s Children, Alpha and others were vulnerable and could only rely on guerrilla harassment to barely survive.

As their home planet was destroyed, they all headed toward the Eye of Terror or the Maelstrom in an attempt to escape into the warp.

However, the Blackstone Fortress was already stationed there, blocking the entrance to the subspace. In desperation, they had no choice but to escape into the subspace through unstable small cracks, and a large number of people died in the process.

Less than one-tenth ultimately escaped into the Warp.

But despite this, there are still some rebels who have achieved amazing victories, such as the primarch Perturabo.

After Dorn took over the Legion, he began to clear out the remnants of the Shacklebreakers in Nuceria. After the death of the original body, the Shacklebreakers withdrew from the rebel army, and their strength was not greatly affected.

They returned to the Nuceria home planet and elected First Company Commander Kahn as the new legion commander.

In order to ensure the liberation of slaves, the Shacklebreakers were one of the few legions that managed their own territory. However, due to frequent liberation expeditions, the territory was ravaged by war, no different from Barbarus.

Although the level of development is low, it still has a large territory and massive resources. The Shacklebreakers have pulled up a medium-sized fleet and become a separatist force.

The Shattered Breakers inherited Angron’s legacy and regularly launched rounds of liberation expeditions, gaining pleasure from slaughtering the exploiting classes.

Whenever a place of exploiters is eliminated, the Shacklebreakers will feel a sense of excretion, and their mind and body will become relaxed and happy. More and more Shacklebreakers are addicted to this sport.

At this moment, Dorn led the Cleansing Legion to arrive. After the second establishment of the army, his legion had more than two hundred Astartes Chapters. The gene seeds came from the nine primarchs, as well as from soldiers, mortals, and the Mechanicum. Waiting for the auxiliary army.

Although the Shacklebreakers’ combat power was well preserved, they were still slightly weaker in the face of the stronger mixed army and were beaten back steadily.

Dorn cleaned up the territory of the Shatterers step by step, gradually reducing their living space. At this time, a red power in the warp took action.

As early as when killing the Exploiters was a pleasure, Khorne had already noticed the Shatterers. In his eyes, killing the Exploiters was equivalent to helping the weak and was a symbol of courage.

The Shatterers were very much to Khorne’s liking. When they were in trouble and couldn’t help but pray to the gods, Khorne immediately lent a hand.

The Shatterers were blessed and became stronger and more capable. After Khârn sacrificed several worlds, he was upgraded to a demon prince.

The strengthened Shatterers counterattacked the Dorn Legion, and their close combat was almost comparable to that of the Dorn Legion.

However, the Dorn Legion was not only Astartes, but also a large number of warships, Titans and auxiliary troops that should not be underestimated, and they easily defeated the Shatterers.

Just as Dorne was pursuing the victory, a group of Iron Warriors boarded the ship of the Dorne Legion. Although they were quickly repelled, strange things happened to the Dorne Legion afterwards.

Many operators of the Geller force field became mentally ill, their bodies grew together with the machines, and the symptoms spread to the surrounding creatures, spreading to the entire warship.

When Dorne realized the seriousness of the problem, a large number of monsters had appeared on the ship, not just humans, but all creatures such as rats and flies had mutated to varying degrees and began to attack the loyalists.

The Dorne Legion fell into civil strife in an instant, and the Shatterers took advantage of the situation to counterattack, defeating the Dorne Legion and forcing it to retreat.

At this moment, Sayid had just exterminated the Iron Warriors’ home planet Olympia. When he heard about the Dorne Legion’s experience, he immediately knew that this was Nurgle’s revenge – the Geller Iron Plague!

The Iron Warriors didn’t care about the destruction of their home planet at all. Instead, they joined forces with the Shatterers and Nurgle to severely damage the Dorne Legion!

Three more chapters are here! In order to avenge Nurgle for making me two yangs, I specially asked Xiao Mo to cast a curse~ Hum╭(╯ε╰)╮


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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