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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 122 The ruffian boss fights Dorne again

During the Great Crusade, the Iron Warriors encountered an alien creature called Hrud, which could release an entropy-increasing force field to accelerate the aging of matter.

At that time, the ruffian boss took a shot and instantly aged more than 3,000 years. Although the original body was immortal, it also greatly affected his mental state and became one of the inducements for rebellion.

Nurgle’s loving father governs decay and death, and entropy represents an increase in chaos and disorder. It is one of Nurgle’s realms, and it easily helped Perturabo solve the problem.

In exchange, Perturabo helped develop the Iron Plague of Gale and spread it among the Dornish fleet, allowing the Golden Sun to taste the loss of a child.

Before reaching their destination, the Dornish legion fell into a brutal civil war, losing half its strength, and was easily defeated by the Shacklebreaker legion that had completed its magic upgrade.

Seeing this, Said immediately ordered Dorn to retreat to the nearest naval fortress, and at the same time mobilized nearby legions to come for reinforcements.

Glancing at the burning Olympia at his feet, Said secretly thought that the ruffian boss was cruel, but his sister and the people he was familiar with lived there.

Olympia carries Perturabo’s childhood. As long as it exists, the ruffian’s life still has a place to come. If it is destroyed, his life will only have a way back.

However, the ruffian boss gave it up right away. He paid such a price just to give Dorn a hard blow. It can be said that he was disgusted by himself for hurting others.

Thinking of this, he sighed and said calmly: “Stop bombing, Perturabo will not come back, issue an extermination order! The fleet sets sail to reinforce Nuceria!”

At the Ndraga naval base, the remnants of the Dornish Legion gathered here to resist the attack of the Iron Warriors and the Shacklebreakers. Hours and days passed, and corruption was spreading among the military port and garrison fortifications.

Through the Iron Plague of Gale, Nurgle’s blessing came to this iron fortress, the data virus contaminated every wetware, and the mutant tentacles swept every orbital platform.

Soon, the large naval fortress became a demon engine, and the automatic defense turret above turned its muzzle and tilted its firepower towards the defenders.

After clearing the peripheral firepower, the landing operation began. Perturabo ignored the mutated metal armor on his body and called on the legion to launch an airborne landing.

Ndraga is not only a naval fortress, but also a factory complex and industrial temple composed of shipyards and arsenals. It is the best petri dish for the Iron Plague.

The Iron Lord decided to bury Dorne and the planet here.

Of course, Dorn will not surrender, and his legions will defend the world until reinforcements arrive.

There are more than a hundred battle groups left, more than 100,000 Astartes, an almost unlimited number of auxiliary PDFs, and the Titan Legion, waiting for them.

In the arsenal of the naval fortress, the production line is running wildly all the time, continuously producing weapons, war engines, and cyborgs to join the battle.

The combined forces of Iron Warriors and Shatterbreakers descended from the sky, and the naval fortress fired artillery fire all over the sky, like a giant beast struggling to defend itself.

A large number of landing modules were hit, and a Khorne-marked lander deviated from its course and exploded over the factory area. The shock wave of the explosion caused a flesh-covered Thunderhawk gunship to lose control and spray out a large amount of infected liquid.

The Valkyrie and the Plague Drone were chasing each other between the giant gantry cranes, and the devastating bombs fell. The bombs were as huge as houses, turning the front line into a soup of wreckage and biomass.

Compared with other rebels, Perturabo is much richer and even has the spare capacity to support the Shacklebreaker allies, not only because Olympia is relatively wealthy, but also because a large number of Dornish ships were captured in previous battles.

Through Nurgle’s blessing, the ship’s machine soul was rewritten, and the ship’s hull was corrupted into a demon engine. Relying on these warships, the boss plundered the world around Nuceria and obtained a large number of soldiers, supplies and equipment.

In the billowing spore exhaust gas, the first landing craft landed, and a large number of Iron Plague Warbands came out. Their bodies merged with the machine, with three heads and six arms, and they roared towards the defenders.

The Iron Plague Warriors are Perturabo’s main force and cannon fodder. Through them, the Iron Warriors have the ability to fight a war of attrition against the Dornish legions.

Like other Nurgle demons, the Iron Plague Warriors are rough-skinned and fleshy, and often require concentrated fire for a long time to die. As soon as they appear, they fight with the auxiliary army in a stalemate.

Immediately afterwards, the Iron Warriors took action. The Iron Warriors were few in number, so they avoided frontal combat and raided in small groups to recover the temple.

The Recycling Festival stores massive amounts of resurrection factors and chemically recombined originals. The Iron Warriors sneak into the village through teleportation, drop Nurgle’s gifts, and then evacuate.

The Recycling Temple was unaware of this and turned the contaminated materials into servitors, weapons, and munitions. When they were shipped off the production line and shipped to the battlefield, they immediately mutated, sprayed large amounts of pus, and caused widespread infections.

As a result, a large number of military forces were invested in the battle to curb pollution, and were unable to reinforce the main battlefield.

Nurgle’s plague combined with Perturabo’s micro-management, the plague tactics were used to great effect, such as electronic viruses invading information networks, high-altitude bombing causing the Gale Iron Plague, and transforming industrial facilities into mutated hell factories.

Perturabo left Dorne with a huge military force but was exhausted. Not only was he embarrassed but also suffered heavy losses. He was overjoyed and turned on the planet radio to laugh:

“Dorne! Your fortress shall be destroyed by death, despair, and the crimson war!”

“Dorne! Your hopes and pride, and those of the Legion, will be wiped out!”

“Dorne! Your empty prayers are not heard by the gods. The gods are dead! Killed by human logic!”

“Dorne, the angel of death has arrived. Don’t even think about getting rescued. Reinforcements will not come until you die!”

Dorn replied: “My brother, I feel sorry for you when I see you abandoning your loyalty, betraying your oath, and colluding with blasphemous things!”

“How could my father ever be sorry for you and give you a legion so that you can give full play to your talents and prove your worth to mankind? But you turned around and betrayed him!”

“As a human minister, you are unfaithful, and as a son of man, you are unfilial!”

Perturabo roared: “I am not wrong, the empire is just a farce of my father. I try to believe it and try my best to make it come true, just like I hope that the pavilions and pavilions I designed can be used in the new world.” Use the same!”

“However, this is just my wishful thinking. Humanity is like a mess and cannot accept the real order! The fault is not mine, but the hopeless species of human beings!”

Donne shook his head and sneered: “You always shirk responsibility for your mistakes. It’s really bad. Do you know what His Highness the Prince thinks of you?”

“Perturabo is a peerless resentful woman. She wants to be honored but pretends to be indifferent; she wants to be hard-hearted but doesn’t have the coldness; she worships reason but is sentimental.”

“Your adoptive father adopted you, but you think that the mediocrity of your mother planet limits your excellence; the empire gives you a platform to perform, but you are obsessed with vain honors; you want to be a saint but lack the ambition; you want to be a tyrant but You also lack decisiveness; if you pursue excellence but struggle with mediocrity, you are a half-hearted mediocre person!”

“Although I don’t like His Highness the Prince very much, I agree with his judgment of you. You are a mediocre person full of hatred!”

“Enough!” Perturabo broke through the defense instantly and roared: “Dorn, I want to duel with you!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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