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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 123 Establishment of Tribunal

In the end, Perturabo did not challenge one another. Although he was sentimental, he worshiped reason. He would never challenge a problem that could be solved with artillery and troops.

He silently swallowed this breath and intensified his offensive efforts, hoping to raise Dorne and the naval fortress together.

Unable to anger Perturabo, Said’s plan failed, because the ruffian boss’s magic resistance was as good as Guilliman’s, and he would be suppressed by the puppet’s psychic energy in a duel.

Dorn can easily control the ruffian boss in a one-on-one challenge with his puppet casting spells. After all, he doesn’t have anti-psionic armor like Mortarion.

“Brother Emperor, Perturabo looks like this, he is obviously mixed up with Nurgle. Is there any way to save him?”

Facing Said’s inquiry, the emperor quickly responded: “It’s hopeless. His stupidity has ruined his future. Give him the final salvation before he becomes a demon!”

Said nodded: “Okay, Brother Huang, I will give him a good time, but can you clear the subspace storm in front of the fleet?”

The emperor denied: “The storm comes from Nurgle. It will have to fight with him for a while before it subsides. It will not subside for a while…”

At this moment, a fierce subspace storm spread around the battlefield, blocking the legion’s reinforcements. If they forced their way through, not even one of them would survive.

After the Emperor became a god, Nurgle still dared to create warp storms. It is not difficult to imagine that he planned to fight for his life.

But Said did not panic at all, because the Blackstone Fortress of the Maelstrom had arrived. Through the anti-psionic field, the reinforcements easily broke through the subspace storm, arrived at the battlefield, and surrounded Perturabo.

Guilliman, Faenus, and Dark Crow led the three main armies to fight against the rebels. With an absolutely superior force, the battle was without any suspense. The Iron Warriors and the Shatterbreakers were killed.

Perturabo wanted to escape, but was trapped by the forbidden magic field and unable to jump to the subspace. In the end, along with the demon engine, he was pierced by a luminous spear and his soul was gone.

The destruction of the Iron Warriors and the Shacklebreakers marked the successful end of the Purge Crusade. This battle tested the combat effectiveness of the new army and also exposed its shortcomings.

Compared with the old legion, the new legion is larger in scale, stronger in strength, with standardized logistics and more comprehensive combat power. Even Guilliman said that he has never fought such a rich battle.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The regular rotation of legion commanders has caused problems with the running-in of officers and soldiers. The mixed formation of legions has also caused unfamiliarity with friendly tactics.

For example, the Dark Crows in the Dornish Legion proposed to assassinate Perturabo many times, but Rogal Dorn refused on the grounds that it was not in line with the way of a warrior, and ordered them to enter positional warfare, resulting in heavy losses.

In response to this problem, Said created a staff system to standardize tactical doctrines and free the primarchs from micromanaging. Secondly, he also held a tactical exchange conference so that the primarchs could learn from each other.

Through these two methods, the commander’s personal style can be preserved and each other can learn from each other’s strengths without excluding other tactics.

The era of rebirth and the purge expedition ended, and the empire entered the era of recovery. Thanks to the efforts of the Superman Council, the empire’s national power took off.

The Emperor and the Evil God had just concluded a divine battle, and both sides were licking their wounds. The rebels who fled into the warp were still too small to pose a threat.

The Great Crusade swept away the aliens in the galaxy. Except for the endless greenskins, the remaining aliens were like rats in the gutter. They only dared to cause trouble secretly and did not dare to challenge the huge empire.

For the empire, sporadic wars are considered security incidents at most, and it is not the theater headquarters’ turn to take action. They can be solved by relying on local PDFs alone.

Therefore, after discussion, the Superman Council decided to maintain the size of the existing army and not expand it, and invest the excess military spending into the people’s livelihood economy.

After the currency reform, Terra gathered the resources of the entire galaxy and a massive tithe, enough to carry out a galaxy-wide transfer payment.

The development of the empire’s territory is extremely uneven. Some places can build warships, some can only slash and burn, and some are apocalyptic wastelands. The empire has been busy with expeditions before, and has never been able to develop these territories.

Now that the war has come to an end, it is time to seize the window period to develop the territory and bring the national strength to a higher level.

Said knew that the peace at this moment would last for a thousand years at most, and then there would be another war, leaving little time for human beings to farm and develop.

Afterwards, after statistics and discussions, the Internal Affairs Committee formulated a century-old plan with the goal of industrializing the entire empire!

The industrialization of steam engines is also industrialization, which is enough to raise the GDP of the feudal world to a big level. The use of steam engines in countless feudal and wasteland worlds will greatly improve the national strength of the empire.

Although the products of machine-knitted sweaters and manual knitted sweaters are the same, the cost and efficiency are very different. The sweaters can be turned into soldiers’ uniforms with a little processing.

The development of productive forces laid the material foundation for the next war.

Although the increase in military expenditures has stopped, the empire has not let go of Nanshan. To deal with various alien and cult problems, the War Council has established a new branch of arms – the Inquisition!

Compared with the empire in history, the empire at this time had a stronger degree of integration of politics and religion. The imperial army was the Skitarii, and the church established absolute leadership over the army.

On the first day of the founding of the army, Said defined the Imperial Army as: a military group that performs religious missions!

Generally speaking, the task of combating the three evils is given to the commander of the theater. An organization full of religious overtones has emerged in vain, and the Superman Council is very puzzled.

Malcador asked: “Your Highness, did you say that the Tribunal, as a secret service agency, specializes in investigating the three evils in the empire, does not overlap with the Assassin’s Tribunal and the Ministry of Justice?”

Corax nodded and said: “Yes, we all have our own intelligence organizations and news channels. Military missions are handled by the legions. Why set up an tribunal again?”

Dorn was instinctively disgusted with the secret service, and even frowned and said nothing. Only Guilliman said:

“There are currently no three evils in the galaxy that can rival the Empire, but sporadic three evil incidents are emerging one after another. This will be the focus of our next phase of military missions. His Royal Highness may have established the Inquisition out of this consideration.”

Said cast an appreciative look at Guilliman and nodded: “Yes, the positioning of the war zone is a field mission for a large corps. It is inevitable that the three-hazard events on the planet will be inflexible.”

At this time, Makado questioned again: “According to the doctrine, when the PDF cannot be solved, it will be reported to the theater command, and the theater command will dispatch troops to suppress it. Isn’t it enough?”

Said shook his head: “Not enough. As I said just now, the war zone is positioned as a decisive battle between large corps. The corps will inevitably be inflexible in the face of security wars. They must form a light force to quickly respond to sporadic attacks!”

“And the Tribunal is such an armed force that investigates and responds quickly!”

Everyone fell into deep thought, and Said slowly explained the structure and arrangements of the Tribunal. After some discussion, the Tribunal appeared as a new unit in the Imperial Army’s combat order.

Unlike history, the Inquisition, like the Astartes, Mortal and Puppet Auxiliaries, has military establishment authority vested in the military departments and command authority vested in the theater headquarters.

Under the Tribunal of the War Zone, three special orders of aliens, heretics, and demons were established to command the Death Watch, Battle Sisters, and Gray Knights respectively.

Among them, the Gray Knights have always been in the hands of Malcador, and were later handed over to the jurisdiction of the War Council, so he opposed the establishment of the Inquisition.

But no matter what, the Tribunal was established and became the most active armed force in the Golden Age Empire, effectively suppressing the remnants of the three evils in various places. It did not even need to be reported to Terra, and each war zone had already digested it on its own.

More than five hundred years passed like this. One day, when Said and the emperor were chatting, the emperor said:

“Sayed, please pay attention to the green skin. It’s not normal to have hair lately…”

Sorry for the late update, I am currently imagining Beast War and the new look of the empire. Beast War cannot refer to the original history. How will it unfold?


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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