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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 124 The Disappearing Ullanor

In the past thousand years, the Superman Council has not been convened often. The original body and Malcador are usually busy with their own affairs and rarely have the opportunity to get together.

The exchanges between members are more through various functional committees, such as the internal affairs committee composed of Vulkan, Guilliman, Dark Crow, and Malcador.

Another example is the Military Industrial Development Committee composed of Fernus, Leon Jonson, and General Casting.

and a construction committee composed of Dorne, Vulkan, Guilliman, and Sanguinius.

These committees became a platform for cross-department and cross-faction cooperation to promote the development of the empire. As the imperial octopus, the Said puppet joined every committee.

Who makes the empire unable to circumvent puppets no matter what it does! If there were no puppets, the decree would not even be able to leave Terra.

This also determines that only Said can gather thirteen oligarchs to convene a superhuman meeting, although Said has not used this power for hundreds of years.

After all, there are very few things that require the full power of the oligarchs to solve, and can be solved within the general committee.

However, hundreds of years later, following a warning from the emperor, Said used his privileges to convene a meeting of all the oligarchic supermen and said straight to the point:

“Everyone, I have just received a warning from the Emperor’s Oracle. Enemies of the same level as the Primarch Rebels have appeared. We must be prepared!”

Everyone was shocked when the Primarch’s rebellion threatened the very foundations of the Imperium, nearly destroying it, rendering the Great Crusade futile, and returning humanity to its old ways.

Now that such a level of threat has appeared again, the participants looked at each other in disbelief.

At this moment, the human territory covers the Milky Way, and any three pests have become gutter rats. They dare not show their faces under the attack of the Inquisition. It is hard to believe that there are suddenly three pests that rival the empire.

So, Malcador asked: “Your Highness, I wonder if your Majesty has any more hints.”

Said did not hide anything and said calmly: “The emperor said that the evil gods in the subspace have been making a lot of moves recently, and the green skins may make a big wave. Let us be more vigilant.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the atmosphere of the meeting relaxed. Both the original body and Malcador had disdainful smiles on their faces, and Leman Russ even smiled and said:

“Greenskins, I don’t deny that they have great potential, but in the past thousand years of war, they have always been suppressed by us and cannot become a climate!”

Guilliman shook his head and said: “I really can’t imagine how, with the current strength of human beings, green skins can threaten humans. They are like cockroaches in the bathroom. No matter how many there are, they cannot threaten the owner of the house.”

But Leon Johnson had a different view and said calmly: “I think it is worth paying attention to. In the Obscurity Star Territory, the number of green skinned waaaaghs has increased significantly recently, and there have even been battle-level wars.”

Sanguinius shook his head and said: “The situation in the Obscure Star Territory is special. The green-skinned holy land of Ullanor is in the Obscure Star Territory, and the Calixis Star Region is where the remnants of Ran Dan gather.”

“But reports of orc attacks in other parts of the empire have not increased. The question now is not the greenskins, but whether we should increase our combat readiness level because of His Majesty’s warning.”

Several members of the Internal Affairs Committee immediately objected, and Guilliman said: “Everyone, now that the empire has completed several hundred-year plans, the empire has fully entered the electrical age!”

“Even the death world of Catachan has electric lights, televisions, power stations and factories. In the future, we will bring the empire into the space age!”

Malcador nodded: “Everyone, try to imagine that every planet in the empire can build spaceships, Titans, and armored vehicles. Then the empire will have no fear of any enemy!”

“If the combat readiness level is raised, limited funds will inevitably be invested in the military, and economic construction will be hindered. What’s more, the existing military strength is enough to defeat any enemy!”

The Military Industrial Development Committee, represented by Fernus, had different opinions. He retorted:

“Lord Guilliman, please be careful. This is a warning from His Majesty the God-Emperor! If the warning comes true and we are not adequately prepared, the internal affairs achievements of the past thousand years will be destroyed.”

“Ulanor is to the greenskins, just like Terra is to humans. Any movement of the greenskins starts with Ullanor. Now that Ullanor has changed, isn’t it worth paying attention to?”

Leon Johnson agreed: “That is, His Royal Highness the Prince once said that weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is!”

“Human beings should not underestimate any threat. When a lion fights a rabbit, he must use all his strength. Just like we discovered the green skin in the past, we must use all our strength to eliminate any clues we find.”

In the end, both sides held different opinions and argued endlessly. The focus was whether to invest limited funds in military affairs or people’s livelihood.

With years of construction, the empire’s economy has taken off, and the total amount of currency issuance has increased year by year. Even if printing is at full capacity, it still cannot keep up with the speed of deflation.

There is no way, the empire’s production capacity is too great. Dozens of paper-making worlds and countless temple worlds are constantly printing money, but still can’t make enough money.

Under such circumstances, military expenditures have not increased for many years, and are still within the quota stipulated by the purge expedition to make way for economic development.

This made the Military Industry Development Committee headed by the Technocrats and the Mechanicus very dissatisfied. Military expenditures were reduced. The military industries under their command lacked orders, production shrank, and many were even transferred to civilian use.

The factory that produces ceramite armor was converted to produce iron pots, the factory that produced Leman Russ tanks was converted to produce tractors, and the factory that produced chain swords was converted to produce wood-cutting machines.

The Military-Industrial Committee felt ashamed just thinking about it. If military expenditures were increased, the stagnant military industry could be revitalized, so they tried their best to exaggerate the Green Skin threat theory.

Through the puppets in various committees, Said was well aware of their calculations and watched the debate without saying a word.

Finally, after an argument, Guilliman said to Said: “Your Highness, what do you think of His Majesty the God-Emperor’s warning!”

Everyone turned their attention to Said. At this moment, only Said had the authority to overwhelm everyone. He said calmly:

“The first task of the state religion is to be loyal to the God Emperor and implement his will. As believers of the God Emperor and the top leaders of the state religion, we must pay attention to his every word!”

This was a correct decision and no one could refute it. The Military Industrial Committee thought that victory was in sight, but at this time Said changed the topic and said:

“But what Guilliman said makes sense. Different perspectives can lead to different conclusions when understanding the prophecy. Who knows what the greenskins will do.”

“They might leave the galaxy en masse tomorrow. If they rashly turn civilians into military forces, it will cause a waste of resources.”

Everyone was confused and didn’t know the prince’s plan. Said finally said:

“I agree to increase military investment, but it will not be done all at once. It requires a step-by-step process, and the key to determining the process is the investigation results!”

“I propose to increase a portion of the military budget. First, enhance the combat readiness of the Obscure Star Region, and at the same time dispatch a reconnaissance fleet to investigate the Ullanor System!”

The participants nodded one after another, agreeing with this statement, and Feinus even agreed: “His Royal Highness once said that without investigation, there is no right to speak!”

Since following Said in the War of Fortune, Fernus has been particularly respectful of Said and hopes that one day every auxiliary army will be able to sit on a Titan.

However, at this time, Said’s expression changed and he said: “Everyone, just now, a powerful subspace storm appeared in Ullanor, and it will not dissipate for hundreds of years!”

Leon Jonson’s expression changed slightly, and he said coldly to Guilliman: “Ulanor is an agricultural world with basic industries. If it is destroyed by the greenskins, Guilliman, no matter how well you build it, what’s the use!”

Guilliman said coldly: “If it is true, then naturally, as Sir Leon proposes, all military expenditures for people’s livelihood will be invested in the war!”

Soon, the Superman meeting made a decision, and Hazy Theater sent four Moon-class cruisers and one Comprehensive-class battleship to explore Ullanor.

In order to pass through the subspace storm, Leon Jonson specially joined a black stone fortress, which not only carried the Dark Angels sub-group, but also several Death Watch chapters, with a total of more than 3,000 space warriors.

The Death Watch Chapter is drawn from the Astartes of various legions. Today, when the number of decisive battles between large legions is decreasing, the Death Watch is one of the few troops that can feel the flames of war.

Many idle Astartes actively joined the Death Watch, and their number even exceeded that of the Battle Sisters at one time.

After the fleet set off, Leon himself served as the commander of the Hazy War Zone to improve the combat readiness level of the entire war zone. However, according to him, the Hazy Star Territory has always been at the highest combat readiness.

Whether it is the Calixis Sector, the Gothic Sector, the Eye of Terror, or the Ullanor Region, they were all areas where aliens and chaos were raging.

The remnants of Ran Dan, such as the worm-man Shloth, the green-skinned orcs who could not be killed no matter how hard they were, and the Chaos warbands who came out to fight against the autumn wind, were on fire everywhere in the Hazy Star Territory.

Even after the Great Crusade is over, this place is still the hardest hit area by the three evils. Compared with other war zones, the intensity of the Inquisition battles here is particularly high, and legions will occasionally be dispatched.

Everyone is waiting for the return of the exploration fleet. Just now, because of Ullanor’s subspace storm, the Superman Council once again increased the resource investment in the Hazy War Zone.

Several legions are being formed, warships are taking shape on the production line, and more Astartes battle groups are stationed. As time goes by, the Hazy Theater will become the most powerful theater.

Soon, news came from the exploration fleet: the Ullanor Galaxy was missing!

Everyone was dumbfounded, and the foundry general of the Mechanicus even shouted: “Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could the orcs have such technology! Teleport away a star system! How ridiculous!”

Said said solemnly: “But this is the situation. What is certain is that before the subspace storm, the galaxy was still there, but it disappeared after the storm appeared!”

He raised his heart in his throat. Originally, he didn’t pay much attention to the Beast War. According to his memory, Ullanor was the base camp of the Beast.

In the original history, humans were unaware of the crisis of beasts and allowed the green skins to develop in Ullanor and grow into a huge force that threatened humans.

As a time traveler, Said relied on the advantage of foresight. At this time, he could nip the beast in the bud as long as he gathered superior forces to expedition to Ullanor.

As long as the six orc emperors-the beasts are killed, the beast war can be easily won, and the empire will usher in a time of peaceful development.

However, things were out of Said’s control from the beginning. The orcs actually teleported the entire Ullanor galaxy, and Said’s beheading plan was stillborn.

This news attracted the attention of the Superman Council, and they quickly agreed to put the entire Hazy War Zone into a state of war, and at the same time increase the combat readiness level of other war zones.

As orders were issued, the atmosphere in the entire empire suddenly became tense, and countless civilian factories received orders from the military.

Textile factories began to produce military uniforms, tractor factories began to produce tanks, and civilian shipyards began to produce warships. The theater headquarters dispatched supervisory specialists to various worlds to urge planetary governors to carry out sterilization campaigns.

The people of the empire were no strangers to the greenskins, and they quickly guessed that a new war was coming. The civilians at the bottom of the hive capital began to join the army enthusiastically, trying to use military merit to complete the class jump.

In the Superman Council, the atmosphere was particularly solemn. Some of the Primarch Corps commanders and theater commanders left Terra early and returned to their posts to deal with the next crisis.

During their absence, the war zone duties were represented by the staff and puppets. However, since it was unsafe to walk back and forth through subspace, Said wondered whether to let puppets take over for meetings in the future.

After the original body left, there were only three people in the Terran Superman meeting: Said, Guilliman, and Malcador.

They nervously waited for news from various places, hoping to find the missing Ullanor. However, Ullanor was not found, and the exploration fleet encountered an accident first.

On the way back, the exploration fleet discovers that an Imperial world has been invaded by Chrome aliens. These aliens look like scorpions and are led by a hive-mind queen with no technology.

There are hundreds of billions of them, but they are more like civilized beasts. They are not difficult to deal with. They can be killed efficiently with the local PDF equipment.

After receiving the signal for help, the exploration fleet immediately attacked, using orbital bombardment and space warriors to easily wipe out hundreds of billions of aliens.

But compared with the past extremes, they found that the Chromium people were not very aggressive and had never tried to attack an imperial world on such a scale.

In previous battles, the Chromites acted more like actual self-defense than aggression, so the Inquisitor came to a heavy conclusion:

These aliens are not invading, but escaping! Behind them, there is a stronger existence!

This speculation was immediately sent to the theater headquarters and Terra through puppets. Said delegated authority to Leon Jonson and instructed:

“Ensure the stability of the Hazy Star Territory, and also protect the Blackstone Fortress!”

After Leon Johnson took the order, he immediately ordered the exploration fleet to explore in the direction of the Chromium invasion. Not far away, he saw a satellite wrapped in steel!

Said’s eyes narrowed and he blurted out: “It’s the Battle Moon!”

The next moment, a deafening “waaaagh!!!” came out from the exploration fleet’s communication channel.

Next to the battle moon, surrounded by vast mountains of garbage, when the exploration fleet was discovered, bees pupated immediately.

The exploration fleet also showed no sign of weakness, putting up a defensive formation and waiting for reinforcements. They were full of confidence because the Fenus Legion would arrive within a few hours.

Once the Primarch and the Legion arrive, they can crush all enemies.

The forbidden magic field spread, preventing the orcs from teleporting, and countless orcs attacked the fleet. The battle moon also slowly approached, pulling the battleship with its strong gravity.

Even the hard ceramic steel and fine gold groaned in pain under the gravity. At this moment, the vortex cannon of the Blackstone Fortress was fired, cutting off half of the battle moon at once.

It’s a big chapter of 4,000 words. I was typing it out. I wanted to type one more chapter, but my phone ran out of battery and I forgot to bring the charger. The next update may be late…


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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