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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 125 The Primarchs’ Thoughts


Mountains of garbage were like yellow-brown stools, sweeping towards the exploration fleet. Behind them, half of the battle moon could no longer sustain itself and began to collapse and decompose.

However, the green-skinned boss is not on the moon, and the Garbage Mountain Offensive is not chaotic at all. It is still surging like a tide, rather than falling into internal fighting.

But Said was not worried at all, because the waaaagh position is essentially a psychic field. After entering the forbidden magic field of Blackstone Fortress, the garbage mountain collapsed.

Like the adhesive on a masonry house failing and the building beginning to crumble, the entire Greenskin fleet was transformed into veritable garbage.

Without waaaagh force fields, without psionic powers, the greenskins’ sorcery technology has no effect.

In the garbage mountain, the Blackstone Fortress is rampaging, like water droplets starting an unparalleled massacre. Some garbage mountains escape to the subspace, but are trapped in the real universe by the forbidden magic field.

In a short time, the greenskin fleet was completely wiped out. The news was sent back to the Lion King’s flagship, the Indomitable Truth. The Lion King’s face was as dark as water and he said calmly:

“Battle Moon…should make those bureaucrats who hope for peaceful times see the reality clearly. The environment does not allow the empire to develop peacefully!”

Seve nodded and said: “With the remains of the moon in our hands, we can negotiate terms with the Adeptus Mechanicus and cooperate with us in hunting down those traitors!”

“Those traitors” refers to the rebellious fallen angels. The purge expedition did not kill them all, but made them hide deeper into the darkness.

To this end, the Dark Angels need to find allies and unite other factions to help find them, but looking at the empire, there are not many suitable allies.

Driven by honor, the Lion King has always claimed that the Fallen Angels have been wiped out. If he asks Said and other Primarchs for help, he will undoubtedly slap himself in the face.

The Lion King’s pride did not allow him to ask the original body and the prince for help. Malcador was evil and could not be trusted.

This ally must be relatively uninvolved in Imperial politics, and the Lion has only two options: the Custodes and the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Without the Emperor’s orders, the Custodes have no interest in fighting the Moon. Only the Adeptus Mechanicus, which only recognizes technology and not people, meets the requirements.

Leon asked: “How many of those traitors have been found now?”

Seve shook his head and said: “I’m sorry, father, the Milky Way is too big, they are too small, and our intelligence network is not enough, unless we can get the support of the Mechanicus.”

Leon nodded: “Such a huge combat celestial body, gravity generator and teleportation technology are enough to drive the people of the Mechanicus crazy.”

Far away in Terra, Said knew nothing about Leon’s little thoughts, but his mood did not improve with the victory of the exploration fleet, but instead became more and more nervous.

Because he knows that there is more than one battle moon. In the beast’s plan, the battle moon is just a teleportation node, and the real trump card is the battle planet.

“Battle planet…Battle planet…Where are you?” Said stared at the star map and muttered to himself:

“After blowing up one planet, there are still six planets of Ullanor left. It just so happens that according to memory, the Orc Emperor named Beast also has six.”

After the fall of the Ullanor Orc Empire, the Imperial Fleet blew up their home planet and colonized other planets in order to avoid the Beast War.

However, contrary to expectations, the Beast still appeared and teleported the entire Ullanor Galaxy. If it is not found and destroyed, the Beast War will never end.

Past greenskin wars have proven that it is foolish to compete with the orcs for attrition. Only by quickly beheading the orc boss can the war end.

Guilliman asked curiously: “Your Highness, there should be puppets stationed in the Ullanor system. Isn’t it impossible for puppets to be located?”

Said shook his head: “No, when the subspace storm appeared, I lost contact with the puppet without any warning…”

Guilliman looked solemn: “This is definitely not something that can be accomplished in the material world. There must be evil…gods from the subspace involved. No wonder my father would warn like that.”

“Faced with such an existence, can humans… win? Your Highness!”

He looked depressed. As a staunch materialist, the Emperor’s transformation into a god caused his faith to collapse and created a strong cognitive conflict.

Said patted him on the shoulder and comforted:

“Don’t worry, you might as well think about it this way. Subspace and gods are materialistic existences. It’s just that human beings have limited cognitive abilities and cannot correctly understand gods and subspace.”

Guilliman was struck by lightning, as if he had found a balance between materialism and idealism. He looked expectantly at Said, who continued:

“Human beings’ understanding of the truth is spiraling and advancing in waves. There will be twists and turns in the middle, but humans will eventually understand the truth, and the same is true for subspace.”

Guilliman suddenly realized: “No wonder my father forbade us from studying the subspace because human beings’ current cognitive abilities are not enough to explore it.”

“The so-called gods are a name for unknown things when cognitive ability is insufficient. Thank you, Your Highness, Prince. I hope to return to the extreme theater and command the legion to resist the orcs!”

Said readily agreed. He had long seen that something was wrong with Guilliman’s state. Not all Primarchs could accept the Emperor becoming a god, especially those who believed in the truth of the Empire.

Guilliman is undoubtedly the one with the most serious cognitive conflict. If he gets into the corner, Chaos may take advantage of him.

So Said deliberately stayed with him for a while to find a reasonable explanation for him.

After Guilliman left, Said asked in his mind: “Brother Emperor, do you think it is possible for the Primarchs to be incited to rebel?”

The emperor said calmly: “As long as they are loyal to me, their souls will be protected by me and cannot be tainted by Chaos. But if they have doubts, they will no longer be loyal…”

Said immediately said coldly: “Brother Huang, don’t worry, I will help them be loyal then!”

At this time, history has changed, Said has lost his prophetic advantage, and the future is in a fog.

Originally, at this time in history, all the loyal Primarchs had disappeared due to various reasons, so there was no possibility of the Primarchs rebelling.

Nowadays, there are many loyal Primarchs occupying high positions in the empire. If any one of them rebels, the price will be extremely painful.

It is not difficult to imagine that the evil god of subspace will not let go of any possibility of inciting rebellion against the original body. If Guilliman’s crisis of faith is not resolved, Chaos may take advantage of it.

Shaking his head to dispel the complicated thoughts, Said began to deal with the invasion of beasts. At this time, each war zone was gradually improving its combat readiness level. Countless weapons were coming off the assembly line, and more legions were formed and sent to the war zone.

Under the instigation of the state religion, the people fell into extreme hatred for the greenskins. Even if they could not join the army, they formed militia teams in the hive community to kill all the fungi in the territory.

But this is not enough. These measures can only barely protect themselves. To eliminate the green skins, they must find the disappeared Ullanor and eliminate the beast boss above.

Said personally commanded the Prince’s Legion and cooperated with the intelligence agencies of other Primarchs to collect various suspicious clues and conduct investigations, but still found nothing.

Said didn’t just wonder how on earth a star could be hidden in the Milky Way.

At this moment, as a battle moon was discovered in the Extreme Star Territory, more battle moons appeared across the empire, engaging in fierce exchanges of fire with troops in the theater.

The empire was well prepared and successfully withstood the first wave of offensives, but the greenskins seemed endless, putting great pressure on all war zones.

The sound of waaaagh resounded throughout the galaxy and subspace, and the era of green skins had begun.

In the original Beast Wars, the high lords of Terra fought among themselves and humans sought death. Now that the Primarch is in power, there should be various lines and doctrinal struggles interspersed, and even Chaos, which is unwilling to give up, will cause trouble~

Although it is still a political struggle, line struggle is much more advanced than the original selfish support of troops and self-respect and suppression of dissidents.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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