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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 126 The Galaxy is Burning

A large number of battle moons appeared and the galaxy began to burn. Said couldn’t help but wonder how the greenskins could create so many giant battle celestial bodies during the empire’s siege.

But as all-out war began, he could no longer think about it.

Thanks to Said’s foresight. Humanity was fully prepared, and after falling several worlds, it successfully limited the war to sixteen galaxies.

On the outskirts of the fallen system, the Imperial fleet built a blockade and withstood the Orc attack, but also suffered huge casualties.

According to experience, the orc fleet is rough and fleshy, but unreliable. Its long-range firepower is relatively insufficient, and its tactics rely more on gang-hopping.

However, after the appearance of the battle moon, this shortcoming was made up for. They relied on gravity generators to limit the movement of imperial ships and create conditions for gang jumping.

With the blessing of celestial energy, the Battle Moon’s void shield is extremely powerful and can withstand the continuous firing of the battleship’s macro-gun light spear.

The Imperial fleet often relied on suicide strikes to overload the Moon Void Shield. With tragic casualties, more than 30 legions were reduced by more than 50%.

Although the empire has unlimited manpower and supplies, and losses can be quickly replenished, whoever wants to compete with the greenskins must find a way to quickly destroy the Battle Moon.

So Said took out his secret weapon against the green fleet: the scientific research ship!

Through micro-scanning, use stronger power to defeat the green-skinned waaaagh force field, thereby destroying the battle moon.

In the past, this method has been tried and tested. A huge green-skinned fleet was slaughtered without any injuries by a small scientific research ship. The scientific research ship stared at whoever was demolished.

However, this trump card is ineffective against the Battle Moon. Compared with the Garbage Mountain, the Battle Moon’s void shield is much stronger and effectively blocks the scanning beam.

The problem is back to the original point, how to destroy the void shield.

Said rummaged through his memory and suddenly remembered that in history, the Empire discovered that when the gravity generator was activated, the void shield would weaken for a period of time.

At this time, the imperial warship took the opportunity to attack and paralyze the gravity generator, causing the battle moon to collapse due to its gravity, achieving its purpose of destruction.

However, before the void shield of opportunity can exist, the fleet must break through the shackles of the gravity generator. This process is accompanied by the siege and gang-hopping of massive greenskin warships.

As a result, the scientific research ship showed unparalleled power. Unlike the battle moon, the void shield of the garbage mountain was unreliable. Relying on the microscopic scanner, the scientific research ship slaughtered unparalleled and covered the fleet approaching the battle moon.

Therefore, Said built more scientific research ships and went to various battlefields, allowing humans to kill a large number of combat moons at a relatively small cost.

However, taking advantage of this moment, a large number of green-skinned industrial worlds appeared in the fallen galaxy, transforming the natural moons into combat satellites and attacking the human fleet.

The two sides fell into a brutal war of attrition. Although humans found ways to restrain themselves, every time humans destroyed a battle moon, they had to pay the price of more battleships.

Human battleships are much more expensive than the Battle Moon. Not only do they contain various rare materials such as adamantine and ceramic, but they also require a lot of construction time.

On the other hand, the Battle Moon is nothing more than a natural satellite and countless pieces of scrap metal. As long as the labor is enough, there is no need to worry about manufacturing efficiency.

The green-skinned goblins have an inexhaustible supply of labor, producing battle moons like eggs.

Therefore, fighting against the orcs is a dead end. Even if you fight the moon, even if you wipe out one galaxy, you can still teleport to another galaxy to make a comeback.

Therefore, the fundamental way to win is to kill the orc leader – the beast.

Therefore, Said mobilized the troops of the Maelstrom and went to Octalius to join the two legions fighting there.

The two legions were commanded by Ultramarine Calgar and Imperial Fist Kurand respectively. After receiving reinforcements from Said, Calgar said in surprise:

“Your Highness, thank you for your reinforcements. I don’t know what instructions you have!”

Said replied: “We must end the stalemate phase as soon as possible, so I will use a legion of the Maelstrom to launch a counterattack with you!”

“Commander Kurland, what do you think?”

Kurland is the commander-in-chief of the Octareus battlefield. According to the combat regulations, he has the authority to command all imperial troops in this area.

Kurland said in surprise: “Really? Your Royal Highness, your army has not entered combat order. Can I command it?”

After a period of evolution, the Imperial Army was divided into the Oligarch Private Army and the Imperial Army. The former was used to defend the territories of the original body and the Oligarch, equivalent to the Planetary Defense Force (pdf).

In peacetime, the PDF does not enter the combat order, but the theater commander has the right to urgently impose a military tithe, that is, take away one-tenth of the PDF.

But legally, they have no right to command the remaining troops, and the original body sits in the center and is the immediate boss of the battlefield commander, so they will not allow the arbitrary collection of military tithes on private lands.

What’s more, there is no war in the Maelstrom Theater area under the jurisdiction of the Bingmu Legion, and Kurland cannot command Said’s private army at will.

Therefore, Kurland was extremely happy when he learned that Said was reinforcing the war zone.

The Bingmu Legion is different from the mixed army. It is a legion that is not afraid of death. It can withstand casualties that other legions cannot bear and is extremely powerful.

So Kurland made a prompt decision and let the Bingmu Legion be the vanguard. The two mixed legions followed up and launched a fierce attack on Octalius.

Said readily agreed, and a large number of battleships, battlecruisers, and cruisers charged towards the Greenskin Galaxy. The Greenskins also dispatched a battle moon and a large number of garbage mountains to fight.

Facing the vast mountains of garbage, Said had a thought in his mind, and the scientific research ship moved forward to clear the way. Wherever it went through microscopic scanning, the garbage mountains disintegrated one after another.

In front of the fleet, a road leading to the battle moon appeared. Said’s thoughts moved again, and a large number of carrier-based aircraft and light cruisers rushed towards the battle moon and launched an attack.

The moon’s gravity generator is activated, and the large battleships move slowly, but the light cruisers and carrier-based aircraft still move quickly because of their low mass.

After paying a certain amount of casualties, the light cruiser and a large number of carrier-based aircraft crashed into the battle moon, easily destroying the gravity generator and causing the battle moon to collapse from the inside.

At this moment, there is still a fighting moon inside the galaxy, but knowing that it is outmatched, it leaves Octalius through teleportation.

Then, Said saw a shocking scene-the agricultural world of the orcs.

Under the waaaagh force field, the natives of the planet turned into livestock that could not think. After special training, they became bloated, like domesticated pigs.

To make matters worse, Said discovered that the greenskins were assimilating humans into the greenskin’s ecology, and over time, they became creatures of the same level as Scrooge.

The agricultural world of the greenskins is already amazing, which means that the greenskins also know how to plan and manage, and can now assimilate other creatures. Said feels chilled in his heart.

No wonder they say that the beast is the green-skinned emperor. If it is allowed to grow bigger, I really don’t know what the future of the galaxy will look like.

Said did not hesitate to use the Extermination Order to eliminate these polluted planets.

At this moment, the escaped fighting moon appeared over Terra without any warning, and loudly announced on the radio:

“Waaaagh!!! I come with peace, I want to talk to Boss Xiami!”

The beast once assigned an orc diplomat to go to the Terran Council to engage in a verbal battle with the wise men, and proved with facts that the high lords of Terra were a group of idiots whose intelligence was not as good as that of the greenskins, causing the empire to suffer an unprecedented humiliation – the orc diplomat merely proposed Let the empire surrender and you can just sit back and watch the high lords fight within themselves and almost eat each other. In comparison, the greenskins seem so civilized.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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