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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 127 Orc Ambassador


Orcs come with peace?

Terra was in an uproar. In the empire’s propaganda, the orcs were a group of beasts that could only fight. Although their technology was not weak, there was basically no possibility of negotiation.

Soon, the State Church, the Ministry of Justice, and the Assassin’s Court mobilized in large numbers, claiming that it was a conspiracy by the orcs, and through the bloody methods of the Night Lords, the riot was quickly quelled.

In the palace, Said said coldly through the communicator: “Stinky alien, do you dare to have a fight with the Andi fleet outside the solar system!”

The communicator sent back a fluent Gothic: “I said, I came with peace. If you have anything to say, please bring it to Boss Xiamidi! Don’t come here to fight!”

Said said calmly: “I am Xiami’s boss. If you have anything to say, just tell me!”

In order to ensure the legitimacy of his power, Said would usually adjust his way of speaking, but for some reason, when he saw the green skin, his green skin nature was revealed.

The other side of the communicator replied: “Oh, then I’ll come to you and shut down your anti-aircraft cannon…”

After that, the auspicious sign showed that a small spaceship broke into the atmosphere and flew towards the Royal Palace of Terra. Malcador found Said and asked anxiously:

“Your Highness, the riot has been suppressed, but panic is still spreading. Please solve it quickly!”

Said shrugged and said calmly: “Let the Midnight Lords be free and let the people fear us more than they fear the Battle Moon!”

Makado said worriedly: “But this can only suppress it for a while, not for a long time!”

Said said: “I have an idea that can speed up the end of this war, but it will take a week!”

While he was talking, the orc spaceship landed in the palace, and a green-skinned orc descended from it wearing a military coat, a big-brimmed hat, and a straight officer’s uniform underneath.

On the brim and collar, there are embroidered symbols of two red axes, representing the clan from which it comes – the Blood Axe.

Facing the waiting imperial army, the Blood Ax Orc laughed and said:

“A bunch of idiots, I’m the only one who can beat you! Get out of the way quickly, I want to bring a message to Boss Ni Meng!”

The imperial army was about to kill him when he suddenly received a message and immediately refused: “Your Highness, according to the Golden Cage Treaty, your body is not allowed to see any outsiders, let alone aliens!”

Said said calmly: “I have no intention of letting the main body see him…”

The Imperial Guard nodded: “I understand, Greenskin, come with me!”

The orc said angrily: “We are not called greenskins, we are called Orks. We are a great race. Greenskins are an insult to us!”

The Forbidden Army shrugged: “In the empire, you are called greenskins. If you don’t like it, come and fight!”

The orc snorted coldly: “When the fight starts, I will be the first to overturn you!”

Soon, the orcs came to the square outside the palace. The three-meter-tall original puppet was wearing silver power armor and a mask on its face. Its giant power claws gently tapped the metal throne.

Beside it, the Imperial Guards and the Sisters of Silence were waiting, while Malcador sat to the side.

The orc shouted without fear: “Are you the boss? I remember it’s a big golden guy, not silver!”

Said calmly replied: “The golden boss has become the silver boss. Now I am the silver boss. If you have anything to say, just tell me!”

The orc confirmed again: “You are fighting with us outside, do you think you are the boss?”

The original puppet nodded: “Of course, what do you want to achieve?”

The orc said: “Boss Ork wants Boss Xiami to surrender unconditionally. Boss Xiami will ask other shrimps to surrender unconditionally, otherwise they will all die!”


Said was amused, and Malcador beside him couldn’t help but shrug. The orc felt disdainful and continued:

“Silver big guy, you’d better think clearly. Our boss is the strongest and waaaagh. If you surrender, Mud Cute can be transformed into a shrimpy Scrooge!”

Said angrily yelled: “The greenskins are a rubbish civilization. The silvers will never surrender or join. We can waaaagh pierce you with an iron ball, just like the other silvers outside!”

Faced with the humiliation, the orcs didn’t take it seriously and laughed loudly: “Mao sent six chosen gods to lead us and transform our clan. The boys will no longer fight within themselves, but unite and move outward waaaagh!”

“If Yin joins us, we will take Yin waaaagh! Fight all the time! How cool!”

Said also laughed: “Now that you are with us, Ni Meng is the one who should surrender. If you refuse, I will die of Ni Meng!”

The orc seemed to have expected what he would say, and replied with a sneer: “You may not be sober, I’ll give you three days to think about it. If you agree, please contact me!”

Said shook his head and said: “I’m going to waaaagh your iron lump now!”

As he spoke, the Sun Fleet arrived and bombarded the battle moon indiscriminately. Massive missiles crossed the void shield and bombarded the surface of the battle moon.

Each of these missiles has the power of a hydrogen bomb, causing serious damage to the surface of the battle moon. At the same time, a cyclone torpedo is ready to be fired, ready to destroy the battle moon.

However, the orc said disdainfully: “Smelly Xiami, will you blow up the iron ball? Then the whole thing will crash into this village. Let’s see what Nimeng will do!”

Makhado was anxious: “Your Majesty, please be careful. Many people have not evacuated. If it falls, at least half of the people of Terra will die!”

Said whispered back: “Then evacuate the people quickly. In three days, I will waaaagh kill this greenskin!”

At this time, the orc said thoughtfully: “Boss Xiami, think clearly, you only have three days, either surrender or die!”

After saying that, he returned to the spacecraft and left.

At this moment, the Sun Fleet has surrounded the Battle Moon, with light spears and macro cannons bombing non-stop, and missiles blasting out mushroom clouds.

Malcador asked Said: “Your Highness, do you plan to crush the battle moon over Terra in three days?”

Said said: “Can’t you? If you activate the void shield surrounding Terra, you can avoid the impact of the war to the greatest extent!”

Malcador was still worried: “But the remains of the Battle Moon are not affected by the void shield!”

Said smiled and said: “This is what the orcs worry about. They will not allow the battle moon to be destroyed.”

Faced with the bombing, Battle Moon immediately counterattacked and activated the gravity generator, causing Terra to fall into violent geological changes. A large number of hives collapsed, causing countless casualties.

The orcs sent a message:

“Stinky Xiami, this is just a warning. If you don’t want this village to be destroyed, stop attacking and think about it for three days!”

“We will cease fighting within three days!”

Said replied in surprise: “Are you really green? You actually said a truce! Okay, then let’s truce for three days!”

After ending the communication, Malcador said worriedly: “Your Highness, be careful, the greenskin is probably holding back his ultimate move!”

Said shrugged: “I know that the negotiations are probably just a cover to buy time for the real ultimate move, but they are holding back the ultimate move, and so do I!”

Said showed a sinister sneer and asked Machado: “Ma Xiang, I will let the star torch go out for a while, it won’t affect it!”

The moon rides on the face Terrala╭(╯ε╰)╮

In the original history, the high lord of Terra was choked to pieces, and the orcs made a show of racial superiority. Now that humans have the upper hand, they naturally have no capital to show off their superiority.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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