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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 128 Battle Planet and Black Stone Cage

The orc thought that his favorable conditions impressed Said, but he didn’t know that no matter who he was, he would fight to the death after hearing these conditions.

As long as any race has seen the green-skinned agricultural world, they will not be willing to integrate into the green-skinned garbage ecological chain and become a grunt and a scooter. However, the orc diplomats think this is a gift.

Said saw through the orcs’ clumsy trick at a glance and knew that they did not want to negotiate at all, but just used negotiations to delay time. However, Said had the same plan.

He also needed time to prepare a killing move, using Terra as bait to annihilate the main force of the orcs, so he agreed to a clumsy “truce agreement.”

After the Primarch’s Rebellion, Said expanded the Blackstone Array in the solar system, covering Terra and even the entire solar system with blackstone obelisks.

This ensures that demons cannot open portals in the solar system, and can even trap demons, prevent them from returning to subspace, and shut down the demons.

Said gave this a vivid name: Black Stone Cage.

But this trick cannot be used lightly, because Terra has a star torch, which is a beacon for human navigation in the entire galaxy. Although the star torch’s importance has declined after the appearance of the puppet, it still has huge symbolic significance.

The presence of the Star Torch and the presence of Terra mean that no matter how far we go, the light of the God Emperor will still guide us forward. If it is destroyed, it will bring a huge blow to morale.

Especially during wartime, when there are still enemy troops on Terra, once the Star Torch is destroyed, the entire galaxy will think that Terra has fallen.

Makado knew Said’s concerns and mused: “As long as we communicate well, it won’t be a big problem. The Navigator family will be dissatisfied, but I can suppress it.”

Since the appearance of the puppet, the status of the Navigator family has been greatly reduced, and the interstellar navigation monopoly has been broken. If the Star Torch is extinguished by Said casually again, dissatisfaction will rise to another level.

During the Primarch Rebellion, some of the Navigators joined the rebel Primarch because Said had harmed their interests, and since the new authority had no puppets, they still had a detached status.

After receiving Malcador’s assurance, Said controlled the puppet and checked the black stone array of the solar system, and at the same time asked the puppet and the navigator on the ship to report the star torch extinguishing.

Although the navigators had no eyes, Said could still feel that they were extremely unhappy. After all, the Star Torch and their sacred objects were now extinguished.

However, in the face of the survival of the race, these contradictions were suppressed. After a slight hesitation, the Navigator accepted the explanation.

Three days passed by in a flash, and finally at sunrise, the orc ambassador sent a communication, saying proudly:

“Boss Xiami, are you done thinking? Do you want to accept my persuasion to surrender? Hahahaha, I’m telling you it’s too late! I changed my mind! I want to be waaaagh in mud! waaaagh!!!”

“What are you doing? You refuse to surrender? You are such a fool! You refuse such a favorable condition! I want to turn my car upside down! waaaagh!!!”

After saying that, the gravity generator was activated, violent geological movements occurred in Terra, and the Sun Fleet immediately resumed its attack, washing away the battle moon with firepower and launching cyclone torpedoes at the same time.

Said ridiculed: “It’s really a shame. We can overturn the fighting moon outside, and we can do the same here!”

“Hahahaha!” The orc laughed loudly, and while controlling the position of the battle moon, he mocked:

“I warned you, we have a super waaaagh boss. There is no enemy that he can’t defeat. I’ve been talking nonsense to you for so long just to wait for him to come! You didn’t even think about it!”

As he spoke, the subspace around the battle moon fluctuated violently, and a larger battle planet tore open the curtain between reality and illusion and appeared next to the battle moon.

The beast is up there!


The beast-like roar passed through the void and echoed throughout the solar system, like an enhanced version of the planet’s broadcast, throwing rolling thunder towards Terra.

Near the battle moon, the fleet that was originally showing its might suddenly appeared in chaos. A powerful gravitational wave grabbed them and dragged them into the ground of the planet, turning them into scrap metal.

Even the cyclone torpedo launched was torn into pieces by the strong gravity.

In just an instant, the Solar System Fleet was completely wiped out, losing the ability to fight in space, and the garrison lost 70% of its strength.

Following the violent roars and the huge body of the celestial body, as long as the people of Terra looked up at the sky, a large number of them had a nervous breakdown and knelt down to pray to the huge iron ball in the sky.

Order began to collapse. The belief in the Emperor, the gunfire of the Ministry of Justice, and the terrifying methods of the Night Lords were all vulnerable to the fighting planet that was like a god.

Millions and millions of people are driven mad, the planet is in turmoil, and many people are hallucinating in their insanity, seeing huge green shadows coming towards them.

So, they instinctively stretched out their hands to greet him, even if they were held to their heads by the guns of the Ministry of Justice.

To civilians, beasts are different from the God-Emperor, who only exists in churches, statues, and books.

And beasts are everywhere. Wherever the roar goes, there are wild beasts.

Masses of the people abandoned the Emperor’s faith and began to embrace the savage illusion.

In the resentment of the aliens, things that were usually suppressed were released. People smashed churches and toppled the emperor’s statues. Some crazy priests replaced the statues with giant orc images.

All this happened in just a short moment. Superman Zhengquan, who came back to his senses, reacted quickly and dispatched billions of puppets and mortal auxiliary troops to eliminate all the heretics who betrayed the faith of the God-Emperor.

If you see them on the street, hang them from street lamps. If you see them in the house, kill them in the house. If you see them in the toilet, you will drown them in the toilet. In the words of His Royal Highness:

“Forgiving them is a matter for the God-Emperor. Our duty is to send them to see the God-Emperor!”

The blood successfully brought back sanity, temporarily quelled the turmoil, and Terra returned to order. However, the crisis had not yet been resolved. Malcador found Said and said anxiously:

“Your Highness, the orcs have taken action, what about you? Hurry up and get your arrangements out!”

Said was stunned and asked: “Can’t you control it? How many more battle planets do I want to attract?”

“The void shield can isolate gravitational energy, and the geological changes have disappeared. Apart from directly joining the gang or dying together, the orcs cannot threaten Terra!”

Malcador was about to burst into tears: “My Prince, one-fifth of Terra’s people have died in just that moment. If we don’t solve it, all of them will probably die!”

Said thought for a while, picked up the communicator, and asked: “Hey, Green Skin, how many more battle planets do you have? Isn’t it just one? What a waste!”

The greenskin laughed loudly: “Just pretend, one bullet is enough to knock you over. Boys, join the gang! waaaagh!!!”

Said turned off the communication and sighed: “I understand, activate the black stone cage immediately!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the black stone obelisks of Terra and other solar system planets and satellites were activated, and the forbidden magic domain covered the entire solar system, as well as the battle moon and battle planets.

In just a short moment, these huge creations exploded one after another, and then collapsed.

On the other side, in the secret place of Terra, several Eldar buffoons looked at the panicked people and the massacre of their troops with contempt. One of them said in disgust:

“Human beings are so cruel and cruel that it is disgusting!”

The companion replied: “Stop complaining Yoda, let’s rush to the palace and bring the news to Said…ah!! I can’t use my psychic powers!”

It hugged its head and shouted: “It’s the Black Stone, damn Said!”

The Eldar began to attack the palace! Ugly alien, what a blasphemy!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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