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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 129 Fear Tactics

After the Forbidden Magic Field was opened, the Star Torch went out. The whole galaxy knew that Terra was experiencing a decisive battle that would determine the survival of mankind.

As a symbol of the empire, once Terra fell, the human empire would be torn apart in an instant, and everyone’s heart was in their throat.

The empire assembled the remaining solar fleet and opened fire on the battle celestial bodies. Under the bombardment of countless cyclone torpedoes, the battle planets and moons were blown into pieces.

The orcs had no power to fight back after losing the right to control the universe. They floated in the void, endured high temperatures and extreme cold, and were slaughtered by the solar fleet.

Finally, in the expectant eyes of the whole galaxy, the Star Torch was re-lit. In an instant, the whole galaxy cheered, the whole galaxy boiled, and humans cried with joy, shouting long live the God Emperor.

The morale of the legion was greatly boosted, and the combat power was increased. The aliens lurking in the dark began to re-evaluate the combat power of mankind.

On Terra, a new crisis is brewing. The Forbidden Magic Field caused the orcs’ transformed celestial bodies to collapse, and the fragments fell into the atmosphere, causing great damage.

Fortunately, the Ministry of the Interior moved the people into a shelter deep underground, and the casualties were not great.

However, the actions of the clown brought convenience. They quickly crossed the deserted streets of the hive, avoided the patrolling auxiliary army, and rushed towards the palace.

The Star Torch was rekindled, and the clown’s psychic energy was restored. Yoda took out the spirit bone and whispered:

“We have reached the periphery of the palace!”

A moment later, the communicator replied: “Let’s dance!”

If they go further, they will be exposed to the spotlight, like dancers on stage, accepting the audience’s review and the enemy’s obstruction.

So the troupe must separate a part to attract the spotlight and cover the rest of the members to continue dancing in the dark.

Yoda belongs to the latter. She and the shadow prophet Larriel went to the palace from an abandoned secret passage. If they are lucky, they will not encounter any obstacles before entering the palace.

The Eldar have extra senses, and can see the memory of the dead trees on the dusty furniture like sharks see electric fields.

On Terra, they saw the sickness of the world itself. The planet was slowly withering, and the stench of humans was everywhere.

After tens of thousands of reincarnations, this ancient planet was groaning in pain. From the lament, Yoda saw the suffering of this race for thousands of years.

For every Eldar, Terra did not feel good. The memory of this planet was a heavy burden. As they approached the palace, they found that a vast energy was injected into this withered land.

Just like reversing the work of entropy increase and tidying up the dilapidated and chaotic rooms, the owner of this energy reversed the decline of the planet with his own strength.

In an instant, Yoda’s brain trembled, and her contempt for the human race disappeared. She could clearly feel that as long as this vast energy existed, the planet would not wither.

This is the power of the Emperor, the Lord of Humanity, like a dazzling mountain in a crazy foreign land. At this moment, Yoda wanted to retreat.

The Emperor frightened them. As the dance progressed, the troupe’s footsteps became heavier, and a sense of crisis arose spontaneously.

Their intuition was accurate, but they got one thing wrong. The crisis came not only from the bright golden sun, but also from its minions.

In the Terra Palace, through microscopic scanning, Sayid saw every move of the clown, and couldn’t help but smile and thought: “Brother Emperor, guess what they will tell us? Or do they want us to shift our attention from the aliens and deal with Chaos?” The Emperor said calmly: “The prophecy can only see part of the truth. I don’t think it’s that simple. If they raided the throne room, there must be another purpose.” Sayid nodded: “I think so too. Killing so many of us just to bring a message is too absurd, but as long as we capture them, everything will be revealed!” After that, he picked up the communicator and said: “Sevatar, there are six targets, the coordinates are as follows, use the means that the Midnight Lords are good at, and capture them!” Sevatar replied excitedly: “Understand, Your Highness, long live justice, and sin should be punished by fear!” At this moment, Yoda walked through the abandoned hall, and the empty streets were filled with the arrogance of the human race. Humans paved roads on the land that feeds them; uprooted the trees that nourished them; boiled the ocean that nurtured them. What a sin this is! “Humans don’t deserve to live! Just like the greenskins!” Yoda cursed in a low voice. She knew that humans also hated the corruption of the Eldar, but she still despised this race that had struggled for ten thousand years. At this moment, the sound of fierce fighting came from the communicator. It was the sound of the companions fighting with the defenders, but she soon felt the death song of her companions. The clown who was responsible for luring the tiger away from the mountain fell in the solo dance. There was no applause, no clapping, and a black despair spread in his heart. Yoda’s fear deepened. Although her companions bought her time, as long as they passed through the abandoned underground maze, they could reach the palace of the Lord of Humanity. At this moment, a weak ballad came from the spirit bone communicator. It was an unknown little tune, and then Sevatar’s sinister laughter came: “Welcome to the midnight theater. In the field of drama, we are colleagues. In order to welcome your arrival, we have specially built a grand stage for you!” “Now, the performance is: Snow White and the Six Clowns!” Yoda curled his lips, threw away the communicator, and said angrily: “It’s disgusting!” However, a microphone had already been placed in the tunnel ahead, and Sevatar’s narration continued to play:

“Unable to bear the persecution of her mother, Snow White escaped from the palace and tried to ask for help from other princes, kill her mother, and liberate the country and the people!”

“During this period, the princess was helped by seven clowns. The first clown was called Yearning for Freedom. It had a pair of beautiful wings. In the process of escaping from the mother’s castle, its wings were broken and locked in a cage!”

Crack! Crack!

The sound of bone cracking sounded in front of him, and a scene that made Yoda angry appeared in front of him. A clown was made into a blood eagle, and the open ribs trembled with breathing, like a pair of wings!

Sevatar continued: “The queen is kind, she gave Yearning for Freedom a pair of more beautiful wings!”

Yoda endured the pain, crossed the hanging companion, and continued to move forward, and the story continued:

“The second clown was called the plumpest shaking. When he escaped from the castle, his fat bed was caught by the mother’s hound and unfortunately became food!”

There was a smell of meat in front of him, and a group of worms like lampreys were eating fried meat. The clown mask on it could vaguely reveal his identity.

Yoda closed his eyes, refused to watch, and rushed forward.

Sevatar’s laughter came to his ears: “Every time a clown is sacrificed, the princess is closer to the palace gate, and the prince’s reinforcements are waiting for her outside!”

“The third clown who was sacrificed was named “Gentle Taming”. After it was captured by the queen mother’s claws, its spine was pulled out and it was tortured all over its body!”

“Under the queen mother’s benevolent taming, it learned to be servile…”

At this time, a head wearing a clown mask appeared in front of Yoda, connected to a pale spine, and next to it was a kneeling corpse.

Yoda felt like vomiting and tears were about to flow out. The sharp perception of the Eldar made her deeply feel the pain of her companions before their death and the malice of the surrounding environment.

“The fourth clown is called ‘Young Lamb’. Guess how it will be dealt with…”

At this moment, Yoda rushed out of the tunnel and saw the guards and the powerful Titans waiting in front of her. She realized that humans were well prepared and the mission could not be completed.

She finally collapsed, knelt on the ground, covered her face and cried: “I surrender, please don’t torture my companions anymore!”

The imperial guards nodded: “I will give them a quick death, and you, as captives, need to be interrogated!”

Fear is the path to civilization ~ Midnight Lord


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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