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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 130 Everyone has their own agenda

Said’s hundreds of thousands of puppets couldn’t defeat Yoda at the beginning, so the Night Lords alone couldn’t kill the entire troupe instantly.

The Forbidden Army took out the spirit bone communicator that Yoda had thrown away. It was filled with gunshots and shouts to Yoda:

“Yoda, don’t surrender! Hold on! Ah——!”

At this time, the battle was still going on. Although the Harlequin was killed one after another, he still insisted on resisting. Yoda couldn’t help but be surprised: “Then what I just saw…”

The puppet jokingly took out a blood eagle and said with a smile: “Are you talking about this? It’s just a set prop for Sevita!”

Yoda was surprised that the Eldar had special sensory organs. How could it be possible for humble human beings to hide their props from them? However, the Night Lord did it.

What Yoda doesn’t know is that the Night Lords are masters of horror. As long as they are given time, they can turn an area into a large-scale horror studio.

Using psychology and optics, they successfully deceived Yoda’s perception, crushed her spirit, and finally surrendered before the Custodes.

Although it was humiliating, Yoda felt a sense of relief. His companions could die gloriously without having to experience the death of seven clowns.

Yoda shouted to the puppet: “We come for peace! Why kill us!”

The puppet sneered and pointed to the sky: “The orc ambassador said the same thing as you, the aliens cannot be trusted, and they should all be killed!”

Yoda seemed to be insulted and said angrily: “The Eldar are different from them. Please believe us, our prophet has something to bring to the Lord of Humanity!”

However, Said was too lazy to listen. The puppet waved his hand and said: “Go and tell the court! Drag it on and try it severely!”

In this way, the farce of the Eldar invading the palace came to an end. Unlike in history, where more than a dozen imperial troops and a large number of auxiliary troops died, no human being died this time.

The few casualties were puppets. Under the encirclement and suppression of the Custodes, Sisters of Silence and the Night Lords, all the Harlequins except Yoda and Lariel were wiped out.

Soon, the trial court submitted the interrogation report and told the Harlequin’s purpose:

Tell the Lord of Mankind that the real enemy is not aliens, but Chaos! In the fight against Chaos, the Eldar can cooperate with humans.

Said sneered and said coldly to the interrogator:

“Do you believe it? The person who killed us forced his way into the palace just to say something? Can’t you tell the puppet directly? Continue the rigorous interrogation and don’t be afraid of torture!”

After the Inquisition took the order and left, Said asked the emperor: “Brother Emperor, do you and Eldarad know each other? He actually brought a message to you directly? Isn’t that too hasty?”

Unexpectedly, the emperor gave a positive reply: “After dealing with him for a period of time, he didn’t just want to send a message, he probably wanted to interfere with a certain prophecy.”

“But don’t worry about that magic stick. You should do whatever you want. Even if Xi Gaoqi comes, I will stop it for you.”

At this time, as the greenskins in the sky were eliminated and order gradually returned to Terra, Said knew that there were six beasts, representing the six fighting planets.

Terra destroyed one, which meant the elimination of an orc war general, but he was not happy because it meant one thing.

The Ullanor galaxy has been dismantled, and all planets and satellites have been transformed and are active on battlefields everywhere.

Combat planets, like combat satellites, have teleportation capabilities. Finding them is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

At this moment, of the remaining fifteen battlefields, decisive victories have been achieved in five. However, many battle moons escaped before being defeated and attacked systems where there was no war.

In the words of the orcs: “We are not trying to escape, but to change places to eat shrimps…”

Under the guerrilla warfare of the greenskins, the Imperial Legion was exhausted, putting out fires everywhere. If they wanted to fundamentally eliminate the greenskins, they would have to destroy the fighting planets.

However, battle planets also teleport, making it difficult for Imperial forces to capture them.

On the other side, the Founding General of the Mechanicus found Said and requested: “Your Highness, I hope that the remains of the battle planet will not be destroyed and left to us to deal with!”

“You? Mechanicus?” Said frowned and said coldly: “These combat celestial bodies have green-skinned spores remaining on them. They must be disinfected before they can be studied!”

Forging a general is difficult:

“But during the cleaning period, the orc equipment will inevitably be destroyed and research will be affected. Forget about the battle moon. After all, there are many, but there is only one battle planet.”

“If possible, the disinfection work can be handed over to the Mechanicus to ensure that His Highness the Prince is satisfied!”

Said shook his head: “No, I don’t feel comfortable leaving it to others to clean. The solar system is the throne world and the center of mankind, and no green skin is allowed to be tainted!”

“Only a puppet army with microscopic scanning can complete the disinfection mission! What’s more, Mars did not participate in the war during the Terra crisis. The battle planet is Terra’s trophy, and you have no right to ask for it!”

The foundry general was speechless and said calmly: “You are not only the pope of the state religion and the prince of the empire, you are also the incarnation of the original power and the younger brother of Omnisiah.”

“Between the Ecclesiarchy and the Mechanicus, it is unfair for you to do so!”

Said sneered: “Your Excellency, Founding General, the separatist forces within the Mechanicus seem to be very strong. Terra has been very tolerant by not pursuing your refusal to save you, but don’t push yourself too far and mistake tolerance as weakness!”

The conversation ended unhappily. Historically, the Adeptus Mechanicus cracked the Green Skin teleportation technology and planned to let Mars teleport away in times of crisis.

Based on this, Said has always been wary of the Mechanicus, and the Mechanicus did not participate much in the Primarch’s rebellion. The rebellion ended before many Separatist forces had time to form a team.

There is no civil war on Mars, and the separatist forces have not been purged. Instead, they have grown stronger, accounting for almost half of the country.

Soon after, Makado found Said and persuaded:

“Your Highness, the Mechanicus has withdrawn technical assistance in several key projects. Should we make some compromises on the battle planet?”

Said shook his head: “No, the oil guys can’t understand the situation. They think they won’t move forward if the empire is gone. They can only rely on technology to make progress! What a dream!”

“The missing technical assistance will be provided by the Prince’s Territory. The Mechanicus has it, and the Prince’s Territory also has it!”

Malcador opened his mouth, but remained silent in the end. In order to check and balance the prince’s faction and reduce dependence, the Ministry of Interior’s technical sources were not only Said but also the Mechanicum.

The Mechanicus’ attempt to pressure the Ministry of Interior to make Said compromise actually led to Said’s monopoly on the Ministry of Interior’s technology, which was simply self-defeating.

After Malcador left, the matter of the Mechanicus came to an end, and the Inquisition sent the results of Harlequin’s trial.

After being tortured, Harlequin confessed the location of the battle planet and the true purpose of raiding the throne world.

The positions of the battle planets came from prophecies, and the future would change all the time. Said naturally did not believe it, and the real purpose of the raid on the palace made Said furious:

“Execute! Execute! Give it to Sevatar to execute!”

Harlequin planned to break into the throne room, blow up the Webway entrance and the Golden Throne, release demons to invade Terra, and even transform into the Eye of Terror.

To prevent this from happening, the Emperor placed a Talisman of the Seven Hammers forged by Vulkan next to the Golden Throne, which could erupt with flames that would annihilate demons.

If the webway barrier is breached and demons pour into Terra, use the energy accumulated in the Golden Throne to activate the Seven Hammers Amulet and transform into a psychic super-nuclear bomb.

Terra would be destroyed, as would the influx of daemons, and if the portal was left open, the flames would spread through the Warp, reaching the Chaos Gods.

As the Emperor’s divine power grew, so did the power of the Seven Hammers Amulet, which could very well wipe out the Four Gods of Chaos at the cost of humanity and Terra.

Said yelled angrily: “This is so vicious! The Eldar deserve to die!”

At this moment, the emperor said to Said: “Let the clown go, Xi Gaoqi will compensate us!”

During the Beast Wars, the Adeptus Mechanicus was a huge pit and always wanted to lead Mars away~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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