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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 131 Blood Angel’s Changes

Said was very unhappy and argued: “Brother Huang, if you just let it go, you will be regarded as weak, and anyone can step on you in the future!”

“So we must kill them all, use torture, videotape the process and broadcast it to the whole galaxy, showing the cruelty and brutality. Only in this way can we shock them!”

The Emperor asked calmly: “Then do you have a way to find the remaining battle planets?”

Said’s expression was stagnant, and he asked with some confusion: “What does this have to do with the battle planet?”

The Emperor continued: “Xi Gaoqi knew the location of the battle planets, predicted a gathering of them, and assured us that the prediction would come true.”

By setting up an ambush at the gathering location in advance, the battle planets can be swept away. If successful, humanity will win the Beast War.

The gods personally guarantee that the emperor has the ability to ensure that the contract is fulfilled. Compared with a deterrent with unknown effects, the chance of destroying the fighting planet is obviously better.

But Said was very unhappy, but with the empire behind him, he couldn’t be sentimental and settle for grudges, so he had to reluctantly agree.

Anyway, under the torture of the Inquisition and the Night Lords, the two clowns had changed beyond recognition, so putting them back could be considered a deterrent.

After getting the coordinates and the gathering time of the battle planets, Said made a thought and mobilized the prince’s army to make arrangements. At this time, the emperor said:

“Sayed, please pay attention to Khorne during this time, he may continue his previous evil deeds!”

Said was stunned and guessed: “Corrupted original body?”

As the Beast Wars spread across the galaxy, Khorne’s power grew greatly, allowing him to exert even greater influence over reality.

As the only one of the four gods who does not have the Primarch Daemon, Khorne is very unwilling to do so and will definitely try again.

However, the Emperor denied: “The original body is on guard and it is difficult to corrupt, so the focus is mostly on each battle group. Please pay attention.”

Said was stunned for a moment, remembering an inconspicuous incident recently. During the warning, he learned that there was a warrior association among the Blood Angels, and there was more than one war group.

Combined with the emperor’s warning, Said immediately aroused high vigilance.

When forming a battle group, adhering to the principle of teaching and commanding guns, the state church trained chaplains of the chariot and sent them to the company. The chaplain was on the same level as the chaplain.

Above the chief priest, there is also the Legion Bishop who is responsible for the ideological work of the entire legion. The Bishop Minister is at the same level as the Legion Commander.

This operation ensured that the Astartes, under the leadership of the Ecclesiarchy, had only one ideology and that there was no need to secretly form another association.

Once a fighting association outside the state religion appears, it means that heretical ideas have penetrated into the fighting group. Alarm bells are ringing in Said’s heart. Fortunately, there is a warning system as insurance.

The warning system can reach heaven, and it can be called a small reporting tool, allowing Said to keep abreast of the grassroots situation and predict the invasion of chaos in advance.

He then reported the discovery to the Emperor. The Emperor thought for a moment and then calmly said:

“This matter must be done with caution. It is unbelievable that something like this would happen under the leadership of Sanguinius.”

Said shook his head: “It was one time and another, but it is different now. After the reform of the battle group system, the original body leads the mixed legion, not just his own descendants.”

“He can’t control the Blood Angels sub-groups of other legions. Each primarch has a different leadership style, leaving room for the Chapter to become corrupted.”

The Emperor asked: “What do you plan to do?”

Said replied: “Let’s investigate secretly first. If there is really contamination, there will be a big cleanup.”

Said ended the call with the Emperor, activated the legion’s puppet military police, and launched an investigation into the Blood Angel Chapters of each legion.

Soon, he learned that the name of the secret society was the Blood Thirst Brotherhood, and its purpose was to exchange ways to suppress blood thirst.

Blood thirst is a flaw in the Blood Angels’ gene seeds. During battle, the Blood Angels will become bloodthirsty and violent, eager to drink the blood of their enemies and eat their flesh.

The Blood Angel, who is thirsty for blood, is like Angron with the Butcher’s Nail. He can only chop and slash wildly without obeying any command.

Before the return of Sanguinius, the Blood Angels were known as ghouls. They not only ate the flesh and blood of their enemies alive during battle, but also sometimes ate mortal auxiliaries. Their reputation was even worse than that of Angron’s World Eaters.

With such characteristics, the Blood Angels have always been Khorne’s ideal target for corruption. It was not until Sanguinius returned and used his charisma to influence the ghouls and turned them into a model legion that Khorne’s plan failed.

From other aspects, Said learned that the blood consumption of the Blood Angels increased, and the number of blood thirst attacks and disobedience to commands became more and more frequent.

However, Said was puzzled and said:

“Historically, after the death of Sanguinius, the Blood Angel could still suppress his blood thirst. Now that Sanguinius is still alive, why can’t he suppress his blood thirst?”

Full of questions, the Said puppet found Sanguinius and told him the situation. After hearing this, Sanguinius frowned and said:

“Since the Chapter was split, I have no authority to command other Blood Angel Chapters, so I don’t know much about the situation, but as far as His Highness the Prince said, it has never happened in the past.”

Said asked: “In other words, the current blood consumption, as well as the number of blood thirsts and warrior associations, never happened when you were the commander of the legion, right?”

Sanguinius categorically assured:

“That’s right, Your Highness, I guarantee that the descendants who have followed me will be able to control their blood thirst! But I cannot guarantee the descendants who will build the army later!”

To the Blood Angels, Sanguinius is a spirit, just like wind and thunder, representing restraint, dedication, and sacrifice. The warrior’s creed is “live up to the blood of Sanguinius.”

Historically, the sacrifice of Sanguinius brought black rage. When the battle was fierce, all the Blood Angels would become violent after seeing the scene of the young saint’s sacrifice.

Although Black Rage has side effects, it allows all Blood Angels to remember Sanguinius and inherit his spiritual qualities.

Said looked through the records and found that, as Sanguinius said, most of the warrior associations and blood thirst consumption occurred in the sub-groups born after the second founding of the army.

As the Beast Wars become more intense, the depletion of veterans accelerates. The proportion of new recruits in many battle groups expands, and the veterans gradually wither.

They did not have the Black Rage, were not familiar with Sanguinius, and did not inherit his spirit. The ghoul style gradually resurfaced.

At this time, the concept of the state religion as an ideological fortress did not involve blood thirst and could not solve the plight of the Blood Angels. The Blood Thirst Brotherhood naturally emerged.

The crux of the problem lies with Sanguinius, so Said said: “Little Saint, if you are asked to give a lecture to the Blood Angels, can you pass on your spirit to them?”

Sanguinius smiled bitterly: “Your Highness, you praise me too much. Changing ideas is not about words, but actions and words and deeds.”

“I changed their ethos by fighting side by side with the children and leading by example. Now I have to either become a legion again or there is nothing I can do.”

Said frowned, feeling a little worried. If he stopped taking action, Khorne would take advantage of the situation and instigate the war group to rebel.

However, before he could come up with a countermeasure, in the subspace, the demon army of Khorne attacked a legion fleet. During the battle, the Blood Angels Chapter deserted and rebelled against the Empire.

Before the return of the original body, the Blood Angels had always been Angron without the Butcher’s Nails. They liked to drink blood and eat meat. It was not until the return of the Little Saint that he knelt down to the Legion and taught nobility and elegance through words and deeds. Only then did the Blood Angels come into being.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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