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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 132: Living Up to the Blood of Sanguinius

A regiment of Space Marines defected, purging the few loyalists who refused to follow.

Each legion has dozens of regiments of space warriors. Militaryly speaking, the defection of a regiment has little impact on combat effectiveness and cannot affect the situation of the war.

But when this matter fell into the hands of Said, it became a big deal. He immediately ordered all legions of Blood Angels to withdraw from the battle, disarm, and hand them over to the control of the Military Police.

All the Titan Soldiers in the Military Police Regiment, numbering as high as four to five thousand, are guaranteed to crush any battle group. When the Blood Angels sub-regiment was disarmed, it immediately caused an uproar.

A chapter leader said angrily: “Your Highness, we have killed millions of orcs and made countless military exploits for the empire, but you still doubt us!”

The puppet said calmly: “The reason is already very clear. Only by eliminating corruption can you continue to fight. Before that, just treat it as a vacation.”

The Chapter Leader said angrily: “We don’t want to take a vacation. While others are fighting bloody battles, we are taking a vacation! This is not a reward, this is an insult! Soldiers should die on the battlefield!”

The military police regiment said in a cold voice: “Don’t show off your personal heroism. The legion does not lack a fighting group like you. You will be a contribution to the empire if you take good care of it!”

“You are insulting the Holy Blood Chapter!” The Chapter Leader fell into a rage and rushed towards the Titan Soldier, but was easily beaten to the ground because the power backpack was removed.

The other members of the battle group received the encouragement and rushed towards the Titan Soldier, and were beaten to the ground.

This scene happened in all the Legions. Except for Sanguinius’s own Chapter, all the other Chapters went into riots to varying degrees.

Some directly attacked the military police regiment in a rage, and some shouted to see Sanguinius. However, Sanguinius was commanding an army in another part of the galaxy, how could he just say so.

No matter what, the result was the same. The Blood Angel sub-group was easily suppressed. Under the thirst for blood, they became mindless charging beasts, completely no match for the Titan Soldiers.

Before the suppression, many legions had noticed abnormalities in the Blood Angels, such as returning to the style of the ghoul period, or falling into berserk orders.

Therefore, after the suppression, it did not cause turmoil in the legion. Other war groups even took the initiative to help maintain order. Everything was executed quickly, stably, and efficiently.

Later, Said used microscopic scanning to sequence the Blood Angels’ genes, compared them with the genome sequence before the military reform, and quickly discovered mutations that should not have existed.

After using a variety of equipment to detect, traces of subspace psychic energy were easily discovered, which means that the Blood Angels Chapter is likely to be corrupted.

Said told Sanguinius about the situation. The young saint became anxious and quickly begged: “Your Highness, please save them. They are all loyal warriors.”

Said said calmly: “It is now, but it may not be the case later, so the safest way is to clean them out!”

“No—! Your Highness, my beloved uncle, please don’t do this!” Sanguinius begged:

“The moment I became the legion commander, I swore allegiance to the legion and led my children to become noble and holy warriors!”

Said said calmly: “But if they don’t do this, they will become the source of Chaos’ troops!”

Sanguinius thought of something and hurriedly said: “On the contrary, my uncle will only increase the number of Chaos troops if he launches a purge.”

Said was confused: “How to say?”

Sanguinius explained: “Flesh mutation exists not only in the Blood Angels, but also in other primarchs such as the Space Wolves.”

“If the purge is carried out indiscriminately, it is likely to cause other war groups to conceal the flesh-and-blood mutation, or directly rebel when they cannot conceal it.”

Said fell into deep thought. In the original history, the Second and Eleventh Legion were purged due to genetic defects, causing everyone in other legions to be in danger.

Even the loyal Blood Angels and Space Wolves feared they would be next, indirectly fueling the Heresy.

Soon, Leman Russ heard about this incident. He deliberately pretended to be drunk and asked a puppet to inquire about it. Said realized the seriousness of the matter and began to think of other ways.

After thinking for a while, he said to Sanguinius: “I can think of another way, but there is a condition. I will gather them together, and you can help me appease them!”

Sanguinius nodded immediately: “Whatever His Highness plans to do, I will definitely cooperate!”

The puppet pointed to a place on the star map: “A black stone array has been built here to shield psychic energy and subspace. During this period, I will perform genetic surgery on them.”

Sanguinius was stunned and asked: “Can it be done? My father had such an idea at the beginning, but later it was proved that it was not possible!”

Said smiled and said: “Don’t worry, I don’t guarantee that the defects will be completely repaired, but at least it will be able to remove the subspace pollution and restore it to the level of the legion period.”

Sanguinius’s eyes lit up and he said, “That’s already very good. Please leave it to Your Highness!”

After reaching an agreement, Said moved all the Blood Angels under his control to the Prince’s fleet and transported them to the target system.

At the same time, Said declared to all chapters that he would never cleanse the Blood Angels Chapter, but would instead conduct genetic modification surgery to eliminate the genetic defects of the Blood Angels.

But this statement was not believed by all parties, because everyone knew that the emperor had made similar attempts. How could you, Said, do something that even the God Emperor could not do.

However, misfortunes never come singly. During the voyage in subspace, the fleet encountered a violent subspace storm, and the Geller force field was seriously damaged. Then a large number of Khorne demons boarded the ship and fought fiercely with the puppets.

Said had anticipated this and filled the cruiser with Titans, but the daemons were endless and even destroyed the warp engine.

The puppets fell one after another, and Said had no choice but to restore the Blood Angels’ weapons and resist the demons from getting on board.

Under the spiritual influence of Sanguinius, most of the Blood Angels fought alongside the Titans to resist the invasion of the Daemons of Khorne.

However, there were still two regiments of Blood Angels who rebelled, seized the battleship with the Daemons of Khorne, and defected to the depths of the warp.

Said let out a sigh of relief. This is the benefit of changing the army into a war group. Even if one or two groups rebel, it will not cause a chain reaction.

Soon, tens of thousands of Blood Angels arrived at their destination to greet their Sanguinius: “Congratulations, my children, you have passed the test!”

Seeing the Gene Father again, many Blood Angels cried softly and said firmly: “Live up to the blood of Sanguinius!”

The doubts and grievances he had suffered for many days disappeared the moment he saw the Gene Father. Said was surprised by the charm of the original body. For many days, he had a deep understanding of these thorns.

After appeasing the Blood Angel, Sanguinius calmly said: “Your Highness, let’s begin!”

Said smiled and said: “Brother Huang, hypnotize me and establish your understanding: as long as the genetic sequence is restored to the legion era, chaos pollution can be eliminated!”

The emperor said calmly: “I know!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Crazy Doctor Sai came online again!

In the Beast Wars novels, only a small part actually deals with the battle against beasts. Most of them deal with the various internal struggles of human beings. Perhaps the enemy of human beings has always been ourselves.

Even if the empire is already a superhuman politics, constraints and internal disputes will inevitably arise, and various necessary compromises must be made.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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