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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 133 Beating the Mechanicus

The planet where the Blood Angels gathered is located in the galaxy where the Orcs battle planets gathered in the Xigoqi prophecy.

Here, Said built a large number of black stone obelisks, which can cast black stone cages and turn the entire galaxy into a forbidden area.

Today is the day when the Black Stone Array is completed and tested. While testing, Said plans to clean up the subspace pollution of the Blood Angels.

On the barren and pale land, the Blood Angels stood in rows, taking off their power armor, and under the call of Sanguinius, cooperated with Said’s surgery.

He nodded towards Said’s puppet, which immediately activated the Black Stone Array, and the Forbidden Demon Realm spread, quickly covering the entire planet and spreading throughout the galaxy.

In the sky, microscopic scanning satellites scan the earth’s surface all the time, recording the changes of the Blood Angels at the molecular level.

Soon Said discovered that the chaotic movement of molecules caused by psychic energy disappeared and returned to the physical framework of the real universe.

At this point, the first step of the operation was completed. At this time, the black stone array test was completed, and he closed the forbidden area.

Immediately afterwards, under the orders of Sanguinius, a large number of Blood Angels entered the specially-made operating cabin and began to undergo genetic engineering surgeries.

In the golden age, humans performed gene editing through surgical chambers. Later, the technology was lost because its underlying technology was artificial intelligence.

But Bingmu can circumvent artificial intelligence. Under the operating cabin, Bingmu Zhitu records and transmits data, relying on Gestalt computing power to formulate an appropriate surgical plan in an instant.

In the operation center at the rear, hundreds of millions of puppets are sitting in front of the Thinker logic engine, manually operating the surgical cabin in a fool’s manner according to the surgical plan.

A meditator can only operate one forceps, or one gear in the surgical cabin, but the puppets are endless. Under Gestalt thinking, they are like precision-coordinated machines to complete operations.

Gene-targeting drugs were injected and the magnetic field was adjusted at the molecular level. Said modified the gene sequence bit by bit against the genetic template from the Blood Angel Legion period.

At the same time, the power of my thinking after hypnosis was activated, and with the help of psychic energy, I allowed the new gene sequence to play its desired role.

Soon, the first Blood Angel completed the operation and left the operating cabin. Sanguinius stepped forward and asked with concern: “My child, how do you feel?”

The Blood Angel closed his eyes, made a breathing movement, and then said: “It’s very quiet. The restlessness in the blood has been calmed, like a muscle relaxant was injected.”

Sanguinius asked again, “Are you feeling unwell?”

Blood Angel shook his head: “No, my father, it only relieved the blood thirst and did not cause any discomfort.”

Said was overjoyed and thought: “My power of thinking is indeed effective.”

Blood Angels came out of the operating room one after another. Sanguinius approached them one by one to ask questions and then gave encouragement. The Blood Angels burst into tears and thanked the Gene Father for his concern.

In front of the genetic offspring, the original body has a natural charm, which makes the genetic offspring unconsciously feel close to him and bring tears to his eyes for the original body’s concern.

When Said asked about the post-operative situation, he only received a cold answer. He couldn’t help but feel disgusted:

“I am the one who cured you, not Sanguinius. I don’t ask you to be as enthusiastic as you are to the little saint, at least don’t be so cold!”

At this time, Sanguinius seemed to notice something, and hurriedly pulled Said’s puppet and said to his heirs:

“We want to thank His Highness the Prince. Without him, our blood thirst would not be cured at all. So, thank you His Highness the Prince, thank the Empire, and thank the God Emperor!”

The Blood Angels reluctantly followed: “Thank you Prince, thank you Empire, thank you God Emperor!”

Said was too lazy to care. After repeatedly confirming that there were no sequelae, he let the Blood Angel sub-regiments board the battleship and return to their respective legions to continue fighting.

Looking at the battleship gradually moving away, Said said to Sanguinius:

“Little Saint, blood thirst is a genetic defect. I can only temporarily suppress it and alleviate it, but it cannot be eradicated. The problem did not occur during the legion era, but it has exploded now. The reason must be found out!”

Sanguinius wondered: “Didn’t you find the reason? It’s because without my spiritual guidance, the newly formed war group lacks faith, and the national religion cannot fill the vacancy, resulting in increased blood thirst.”

Said shook his head: “Your statement is not comprehensive. It cannot explain the pollution of subspace. The subspace cannot corrode the Space Marines just by lack of faith.”

Sanguinius realized that the problem was serious. After the Legion was split, many of the Chapters that formed the second army were unfamiliar with the original body. Why was it that only the Blood Angels were contaminated by the warp?

He looked solemn and asked: “Where does Your Highness think the reason comes from?”

Said replied: “I guess the problem lies in the gene seeds. I have formed an investigation team and are heading to the Mechanicus to investigate.”

Sanguinius was stunned and whispered: “Does His Highness the Prince think that there is a rebellion within the Mechanicus?”

Said shook his head: “There must be rebellion. The only difference is the scale. As long as it does not exceed the critical value, it can be tolerated.”

“But now that gene seeds are involved, we can no longer tolerate it!”

Sanguinius’ expression turned cold and his tone was full of anger. He could not tolerate his genetic blood being so tainted, and gritted his teeth and said:

“Uncle, is there anything you need me to do?”

Said said calmly: “Once I find that there is a problem with the Mechanicus, I will convene a superhuman council to recover the gene seeds from Mars, and Terra will be responsible for the cultivation of the gene seeds.”

In the past, Space Marines would regularly pay gene seed taxes, and Mars would use cultivation chambers to cultivate gene seeds and transform Space Marines.

The technology of the training chamber is monopolized by the Adeptus Mechanicus, so Mars has mastered all the gene seeds and monopolized the training of Space Marines.

In the Empire, the Mechanicus, like the Prince’s Legion, has a transcendent status. If the Mechanicus is not willing, it can completely ignore Terra’s orders.

Such an organization has monopolized the lifeblood of the Astartes – gene seeds. If they have evil intentions, it will become a huge hidden danger.

Therefore, Said must break the Mechanicum’s monopoly on gene seeds.

However, Sanguinius was not optimistic about this method. He said:

“Your Highness, do you have gene seed cultivation cabin technology? If not, we will not be able to break the Mechanicus’ technological monopoly, and there may even be a risk of civil war.”

Said smiled and said: “I don’t have it, but Brother Huang does. After all, the Space Marine technology comes from Brother Huang, not the Mechanicus! We are just taking back His Majesty’s legacy!”

Sanguinius breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: “That’s very good. I will definitely support His Highness the Prince!”

At the same time, a cruiser slowly landed on the Mars orbital platform, and several giant soldiers walked out of it. The orbital skitarii were startled, and they hurriedly stepped forward and said:

“Dear Primordial Power, may I ask why your incarnation suddenly came to Mars without any prior notification?”

The Titan Soldier said coldly: “We are here to control the gene seed bank. We have already communicated with the Unification Council. Get out of the way!”

After saying that, he pushed aside the Skitarii and headed towards the orbital elevator. In front, the door of the orbital elevator suddenly opened, and a group of Skitarii walked out, lined up and said respectfully:

“Dear Primordial Power, the President of the Unification Council salutes you. According to your instructions, we have controlled the gene seed bank, the space elevator, and the roads between them!”

The giant god soldier nodded and said: “Start transferring!”

The unified president saluted respectfully: “Yes, praise the original power, praise Omnisiah!”

The Adeptus Mechanicus, like the Home Office, inevitably formed Prince factions due to puppet infiltration, which worshiped the knowledge of Said or the original power itself as much as they worshiped the Emperor.

After the Emperor’s ascension, Said took charge of the Empire and inherited much of the Emperor’s political legacy, including the Conglomerate, a Mechanicum system loyal to the Emperor.

As a result, the Royal Faction merged with the Unification to form the Loyalist Faction, which advocated deeper cooperation with Terra in exchange for more knowledge, even at the expense of some autonomy.

The opposite of the Loyalists are the Independents, who believe that the Mechanicus should ensure independence and autonomy so that they can explore knowledge more freely.

Any behavior that gives up autonomy for the sake of knowledge is short-sighted, picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons.

Within the independent faction, a more extreme faction emerged – the separatist faction. They advocated colluding with the enemies of the empire to leave a way for them to fall out one day.

At this time, the Separatists were still a minority, and Mars was divided between independents and loyalists, but the situation was different on other forge worlds in the galaxy.

Because the sky is high and the emperor is far away, some forge world separatists have the upper hand and become the separatist base camp, spreading to other forge worlds.

Said’s puppet saw this, and he wanted to launch a purge to clean up these insects, but this would inevitably push the independent faction to the separatist faction.

So he planned to cut the flesh with a dull knife and break the monopoly of the Mechanicus little by little, and gene seeds were the first wave of offensive.

Said used cooperative research on combat planets as bait to allow the loyalist Skitarii to secretly dispatch and control the gene seed bank and orbital elevator.

At the same time, hundreds of millions of puppet workers poured into the training base, quickly disassembled the training capsule and transported it to the space elevator.

With lightning speed, the loyalists and puppets transferred all the gene seeds to the orbit of Mars and transported them back to Terra via battleships.

At the same time, in Terra, a remote meeting was held. Said summoned the original body and Malcador and loudly said:

“Everyone, we have just passed the test and found that the Blood Angels gene seeds from Mars are contaminated by subspace. However, the source Chapter members have no traces of contamination!”

“What does this mean? It means that the Mechanicus was artificially contaminated during the transportation and cultivation process. There may be a conspiracy, or it may be an unintentional mistake!”

“But no matter what, we must take back our gene seeds and control them in Terra’s hands to ensure that they are not contaminated by the evil god of subspace!”

Sanguinius was the first to respond: “I have no objection!”

Leman Russ was the second to agree: “I agree too!”

The other primarchs all agreed. After all, they didn’t want their genetic information to be contaminated and could be in their hands. Of course, they didn’t want to hand it over to others.

Only Machado had reservations and said: “Your Highness, I am not opposed to taking back the gene seeds, but I think we should be cautious and not use mutiny.”

“If the methods are excessive, everyone in the Machinery Church will be in danger and the separatist forces will be strengthened, so I think we should negotiate peacefully and give some compensation.”

But Said waved his hand and said: “Negotiations and compensation have been put in place, but not for the Mechanicus, but for the loyalists within the Mechanicus!”

“I propose that when dealing with the Mechanicus in the future, we should be close to the loyalists, alienate the independents, and suppress the struggling factions.”

Lion King Leon Johnson asked: “Then the research on the Battle Moon will only cooperate with the loyalists?”

Said nodded: “Yes, I will give you a list later. You will only cooperate with the oil guys on the list. There are many academics in the Mechanical Teaching. As long as the loyal academics have more knowledge, the greater their say. , the smaller the independent faction’s living space will be!”

Ryan looked confused and hesitated: “Your Highness, is this meeting considered the Superman Parliament?”

His meaning was obvious, he was asking whether this meeting had a mandatory effect, because the First Legion and the Mechanicus had a lot of cooperation.

Said chuckled and said: “It’s not mandatory, it’s just an initiative. If you have any difficulties in terms of interests, you can communicate with me privately!”

“But the premise is that…the interests of the empire and humanity must not be harmed. If the Separatists colluding with the Mechanicus are found to be causing trouble, the Prince’s Legion will kill them without mercy!”

The participants unanimously agreed. Basically, except for Ryan, all the participants agreed to support the loyalists, alienate the independents, attack the separatists, and break the gene seed monopoly at the same time.

After the meeting, Said waited for Ryan’s private invitation, but after waiting and waiting, Ryan did not go to the puppet. Said couldn’t help but wonder about his relationship with the Mechanicus.

At this moment, Foundry General Kubik came to Said and said in an excited tone: “Your Highness, what do you mean? Move away Mars’ property without saying a word!”

Said smiled and said: “The property of Mars? Are the gene seeds the property of Mars? If you mean the bottles and jars in the culture cabin, we will return them to you as soon as we have packed them!”

Kubik looked gloomy: “Your Highness, does Terra have to be like this?”

Said pretended to be confused: “What do you mean? Gene seeds, or something else?”

Kubik replied: “Both, does Terra intend to cut with Mars? Since the Empire does not need the Mechanicus, we can leave at any time!”

“No, no, no!” Said smiled and shook his head:

“Mars is an integral part of the Empire. The reason why Terra took back the gene-seed is because you caused the Blood Angels gene-seed to be contaminated by the warp.”

The casting general quickly denied: “This is slander! Your Highness, this is absolutely impossible!”

Said chuckled: “But during our inspection, we did find contaminated gene seeds. They were all done by the Separatists. General, I don’t know how to understand.”

Kubik’s position was leaning toward the independence faction, so he naturally did not know about the separatist conspiracy. Faced with the unverifiable error, he was speechless and could only say:

“The gene seed is in the hands of His Highness the Prince, so of course you can say whatever you want and slander it!”

Said refused to give in: “So, does the Mechanicus have any objections to the Primarch taking back its own gene seeds and cultivating space warriors on its own?”

Kubik was unreasonable and no longer dwelled on this issue, but asked: “Your Highness, is it true that you agree to open the moon and planets to the Mechanicus for combat?”

Said nodded: “Of course, if you are interested, go to Akanlander. He will be fully responsible for the cooperation project! I advise you to hurry up, the technology is about to be cracked, and you can build another one soon.”

There are many academic circles within the Mechanical Teaching. If the technology is cracked, you will have to pay more to obtain it.

Kubik was anxious. Akanland was a loyalist, and this was forcing him to change his stance.

Four thousand chapters, I will try to update four thousand chapters every time in the future, two chapters a day ~ Loyalty!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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