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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 134 Goodbye Figure King

With the Battle Moon destroyed and more debris in the hands of the Imperial Army, various factions of the Superman Council formed a scientific research committee in an attempt to crack the Battle Moon’s technology.

The committee sent research teams to various battlefields to analyze and study the wreckage, including a large number of oilmen.

However, among all the factions, the Oil Guys have the least scientific research benefits. The reason is due to the academic system with many internal factions.

In every forging world, including Mars, there are various sects and sects, each cherishing their own unique technology and not communicating with each other.

As the war spreads across the galaxy, representatives of the Mechanicus in each battlefield come from different sects. Even if there are results, they only benefit from the sects behind them, not the entire Mechanicum.

On the other hand, other imperial factions, whether the original body or Malcador, have formed powerful political entities. The results of one scientific research group will be shared by the entire faction.

Not to mention that after the gene seed incident, the scientific research committees only accepted loyalists and were full of alienation and rejection of independents.

As a result, the Adeptus Mechanicus fell far behind in absorbing the technology of Battle Moon, and until now, it has not cracked the teleportation technology of Xinxinnian.

You know, in the original history, the Mechanicus had teleportation technology at the beginning of the war, and even wanted to teleport Mars to escape.

It was precisely after learning this lesson that after Said took over the Loyalists, he relied on the authority of the original power to forcibly abolish the school system and turned the Loyalists into the only political entity within the Mechanicus.

Relying on the prince’s faction and the loyalist oil guys, Said took the lead in mastering the technology of Fighting Moon. As his thoughts moved slightly, the industrial nests in the prince’s territory began to operate.

They arrange puppet labor and design the appropriate technology and equipment to bring Battle Moon into production.

Not long after, the first battle moon came off the production line and floated in the boundless void. It had two main cores: a gravity generator and a transmission device!

The Gravity Generator allows the Battle Moon to travel freely within the galaxy, even hovering over Terra without being affected.

The teleportation device is a large jump gang teleportation. The two principles are similar, and the moon teleportation distance is greatly increased.

Soon, Said gathered six battle moons to reinforce the Charadon sector where the war was fiercest, where three orc battle moons were raging.

When reinforcements arrived, the Imperial Legion struggled to hold on. The three Orc Battle Moons supported each other. Around them, there was an endless mountain of garbage.

Through the battle moon’s field control cover, a large number of garbage mountains attacked the imperial fleet. Said once dispatched a scientific research ship for reinforcements, but was restrained by the gravitational field of the battle moon, and then exploded with a cannon.

Without the scientific research ship, the Imperial fleet cannot quickly slaughter the orcs’ garbage mountain, and its mobility is limited by the battle moon, so it can only passively welcome the orcs to join the gang.


A large number of Orks shouted war cries and charged at the Imperial warships. Marines and Space Marines stood ready, and bombs and lasers rained down.

However, the orcs used a large number of killing cans to clear the way, blocking the defenders from counterattack, and continued to advance, wreaking havoc inside the battleship.

The Imperial Army was in a bitter battle. Everyone knew that fighting the orcs would result in slow death. However, they lacked decisive counterattack weapons and could only struggle to support themselves.

At this moment, three battle moons appeared. Just when the imperial army thought they were orc reinforcements and felt desperate, the battle moons plunged into the garbage mountain.

The next moment, the imperial warship regained its mobility, but the large pile of garbage was unable to move and disintegrated under the scanning of the scientific research ship.

Soon there were only three Orc Battle Moons left on the battlefield. Seeing that he had become the bare commander, he decided to make a “strategic shift” and attack in another place.

However, before the teleportation was initiated, the Orc Battle Moon was pulled tightly by gravity, unable to complete the jump, and was disintegrated by cyclone torpedoes one after another.

At this moment, offense and defense changed, and humans found a way to restrain the fighting moon besides suicide attacks.

Immediately afterwards, Said created more battle moons and rushed to various battlefields to restrain the transmission of the orcs’ battle moons and create opportunities for annihilation.

At this time, none of the other imperial factions had thoroughly studied the Battle Moon. Only Said relied on the knowledge of the Golden Age and Gestalt consciousness to quickly understand the technology and form combat capabilities.

Other Primarchs and factions asked Said to share the technology, which he refused flatly, but agreed to sell it at a low price out of respect for friendly forces.

Each faction soon discovered that it was better to buy than to build, and to rent instead of buying, so they gave up research and development, allowing Said to earn a large amount of imperial coins, which in turn purchased a large amount of Mechanicum technology.

Just when Said was making a lot of money, a wave of greenskins invaded Inuit, the land of Longxing. The strange thing was that he didn’t know where this greenskin came from.

In microscopic scans, they seemed to appear out of thin air, without any trace of subspace teleportation.

Looking at these greenskins again, they look just like other greenskins. They chop and chop everywhere and collect scrap metal to make all kinds of strange things.

But Said always felt that something was wrong. After destroying these greenskins, he finally found the answer.

Compared with the current orcs, the clothing and weapon styles of this group of orcs stayed in the Great Crusade period. Although there is not much difference at first glance, clues can still be found in the subtleties.

For example, during the Great Crusade, the clan divisions were not detailed. Gough, Evil Moon, Blood Ax, etc. did not have their own marks. It was not until the Beast War that the clans were clearly divided by the beasts.

This means that these orcs are not from the beasts. Said couldn’t help but ponder: “Where did they come from?”

At this moment, the Inuit Galaxy has become a large factory, with scientific research and industrial hives complementing each other, and many technological products of the Golden Age reappearing here.

Due to the inability to use artificial intelligence, their functions are greatly reduced, but even so, they are still very popular with the Empire and receive countless currencies every year.

When cracking the Battle Moon, the scientific research team here contributed a lot of ideas, and under the unified leadership of the puppets, they merged into the Gestalt consciousness and became a breakthrough in research.

In the Prince’s territory, Sayid’s scientific research speed far exceeded the Mechanicus with many academic cliques, allowing the Prince’s faction to crack the Battle Moon first.

At this time, Inuit was invaded by orcs during the Great Expedition, and Sayid couldn’t help but suspect that someone was plotting against the Battle Moon technology.

He immediately mobilized the satellite microscopic scan, but until he scanned every corner and every molecule of the planet, he did not find any abnormalities, let alone find foreign invaders.

As for where the group of orcs ran out from, there is still no clue.

Sayid felt particularly strange. In today’s universe, almost nothing can be hidden from the microscopic scan of the Golden Age, even if there are only a few.

Soon, a guess came to mind. In order to verify the guess, Sayid mobilized puppets and set up a heavy ambush at the place where the Battle Moon data was stored.

Sayid believed that it would come when the Battle Moon was cracked, not earlier or later, and it must be for the technical data of the Battle Moon.

So he planned to use these data as bait to lure out the shameful thief.

In the Empire, due to the existence of electronic viruses, any computer and logic engine became unreliable, so special parchment was used to store data.

The same is true for scientific research and technical data. Parchments piled up like mountains, filling the entire room. In order to preserve technical data, Sayid specially installed a static force field.

After the ambush was in place, Sayid waited quietly, but there was no movement for several days, and the microscopic scanner found nothing.

“Did I guess wrong?” Sayid wondered, and then comforted himself: “It’s okay if I guess wrong, it doesn’t matter anyway.”

In this way, Sayid put his attention back to the beast war. As the battle moon was invested, the battlefields were victorious. The orcs could no longer use guerrilla warfare to set fire everywhere, and their living space was getting smaller and smaller.

But the empire was far from winning, because there were still five beasts missing. As long as the beasts were still there, they could call on waves of orcs, making the empire never at peace.

Sayid could only wait for the day promised by Xi Gaoqi. At this time, something happened in Inuit, and the thief appeared.

In the data storage area, a giant god soldier puppet suddenly stumbled and fell to the ground, which immediately alerted Sayid.

Every step of the puppet was calculated, so how could it fall?

So Sayid immediately manipulated the other puppets to move forward, trying to control the fallen puppet, but it was a step too late.

From the wooden body of the fallen puppet, a sinister little iron hand stretched out, reaching for the precious technical data.

Sayid said angrily: “Damn it! Taraxin, I knew it was you!”

After that, a large number of Giant God Soldiers puppets rushed forward, trying to stop Taraxin’s theft. At this moment, Taraxin threw a glowing ball, and the light curtain covered the technical data.

At this time, he took off his disguise, holding a civilized stick, and bowed politely:

“Nice to meet you, Your Highness, thank you for lending me these precious technical data. I know you cherish them very much, but you are really too hard to study them. I just have a way for you to rest legitimately, that is, to borrow them for a while.”

Sayid didn’t know how it disguised itself as a puppet, nor did he know how it deceived the microscopic scan. He was first amused by Taraxin:

“I have never seen such shameless space junk that can make despicable theft sound so high-sounding!”

Taraxin shook his head and said, “You misunderstood me “, Your Highness, compared to the endless war, isn’t it more meaningful to keep a colorful page in the gray and serious universe?” “And the Battle Moon data is a bright spot in this gray universe. I will preserve them and pass them down through the ages. You should thank me!” Sayid shook his head and said, “There is another possibility. You will exchange them with the Oil Man for more valuable collections. Don’t rush to deny it. The Oil Man has a lot more collections than me.” Even the Emperor doesn’t know how many black technologies the Mechanicus has hidden in the bottom of the box, but he knows many artifacts that can be named. For example, the Labyrinth of Eternal Night and the fragments of the Star God Void Dragon are what the Necrons desire. Not to mention the long-term, once the King of Figures trades the Battle Moon with the Mechanicus, Sayid’s technological advantage will be broken. In the original history, Trazyn used the gene seeds of the Emperor’s Son to exchange Fulgrim’s clones from Fabius, shattering the only hope of salvation for the Emperor’s Son and causing them to degenerate into a group of perverts. Taraxin shook his head: “Your Highness, you misunderstood me. Please don’t think of me as that kind of person. But no matter what, I thank you for your generosity! Let me get such precious information.” “Please express my respect to your brother on my behalf, because even among my compatriots, very few people can understand my work, but I am really surprised to get the understanding from another race.” “Goodbye, Your Highness, goodbye, my friend!” After that, the tombstone door flickered, and the King of Figures was about to run away. At this time, Sayid said calmly: “Goodbye Taraxin, I believe we will meet again soon.”

Trazin made an exaggerated gesture: “No, no, I don’t want to see you at all. The threat to destroy the museum before is still fresh in my mind. If possible, I really don’t want to deal with a lunatic like you.”

After saying that, Trazin disappeared from the spot. The puppet said nothing and waited silently. After a while, Trazin’s furious voice came from the communicator:

“Damn it, this is the Necrontyr recipe! Said, where did you hide the research information on the Battle Moon!”

Said said calmly: “When you threw out those inappropriate group of orcs, the data was destroyed by me, and they were all recorded in my mind.”

“Do you want it? Mr. Thief!”

Trazin said angrily: “I’m not a thief. How did you know about Necrontyr food? The dishes in the recipe are so delicious! Damn it, are you laughing at my body!”

The recipe came from the Emperor, of course. Time does not pass in the Warp. The Emperor could easily transcend time, learn about the Necrontyr’s food, and then tell Said.

He suppressed his laughter and replied: “If you want research information, just exchange things with me, just like last time.”

Trazin said angrily: “Don’t even think about it, I’m very angry now and don’t want this villain to succeed!”

Said said calmly: “Oh, I’m not in a hurry. I’ll talk about it after you calm down.”

An hour later, Trazin sent another communication, asking: “Sayed, what do you want?”

Said thought for a while: “How to make the tombstone door!”

“No!” Trazin said angrily: “Don’t tell me that I don’t have it. If I do, I won’t give it to you. Even if I give it to you, you won’t understand!”

Said added: “How about… how to make a giant pumice tower!”

“No!” Trazin continued to refuse: “Same as before, even if I have it, I won’t give it to you!”

Said added: “Gauss cracking gun?”

Trazin continued to refuse: “Stop dreaming and be realistic. You are fighting green skins. I will tell you about the radiation bombs specially designed to deal with green skins!”

After saying that, a piece of information was transmitted to Said’s cogitator engine, which recorded a kind of radiation bomb that enveloped the star system, which could destroy the DNA of green skins and leave other creatures unaffected.

If this technology is successfully copied, the empire will be able to effectively curb the green skin threat. Said immediately agreed as if he had found a treasure:

“make a deal!”

Eight thousand words of loyalty update, please give me some encouragement~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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