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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 135 The Mechanicum digs graves

A few months later, genetic radiation bombs targeting green skins were put into the battlefield and immediately achieved strong results.

With each explosion, radiation enveloped the entire galaxy, and the greenskin’s genetic sequence was defeated and turned into a pile of mud.

Despite the extraordinary results, Trazin still boasted that the bomb radiation was only effective on low-level orcs and could not threaten the orc boss who was strengthened by the waaaagh force field.

In the microscopic scan, the genetic sequence of the orc boss was wrapped in a layer of spiritual energy, which could not be penetrated by radiation. Even if it was defeated, the spiritual energy could repair the genes.

What’s even more useless is that radiation not only kills the orcs, but also has a powerful effect on the puppets. During the weapon experiment, the Krieg puppets fell in pieces like the orcs.

Said yelled at Trazin: “You did it on purpose! Once this kind of weapon becomes popular, the puppet will have the means to be restrained!”

Trazin looked innocent:

“How could you misunderstand me so much? I kindly help humans fight against orcs, but you blame me for personal gain and loss, even though I do plan to tell your companions later!”

Said gritted his teeth: “Are you threatening me?”

Trazin shook his head and said: “No, no, Your Highness, I have no intention of doing so. I just want to contribute to the peace of the galaxy, even though it will harm some personal interests.”

“What do you think of me telling the Empire, especially the Adeptus Mechanicus, about the radiation-exploded technical bomb?”

Said sneered a few times: “Then just tell me that not all humans are so selfish! As long as it is beneficial to the empire, it doesn’t matter if my strength is weakened!”

“And radiation bombs are based on energy radiation. There are so many materials that can isolate radiation. Only orcs with no clothes on will fall victim to it!”

The coat of the Krieg Puppet Army is completely sealed. It is not difficult to add a layer of sealing material. Moreover, the orcs have psychic powers, and Said also has them.

As long as the psychic shield is maintained for a short period of time to survive the radiation, the battle can continue. Although there is no threat to the soldiers, it is not a big threat.

And Said shot back:

“You should know that Brother Huang has become a god in the subspace. It is not difficult to find your lair. If you spread the gene bomb, I will come and build your museum!”

Although I am selfless, I feel your malice and do not prevent me from coming to praise you.

Trazin said helplessly: “Your Highness, you really have no sense of humor. You are just like an orc who only wants to fight and kill.”

“It was just a joke. If the genetic radiation bomb was really that powerful, the orcs would have been extinct in the Heavenly War.”

“Goodbye, Your Highness, it’s not pleasant to deal with you!”

After improving Krieg’s protective suit, genetic radiation bombs appeared on various battlefields, killing low-level greenskins in droves.

Those new orcs, goblins, scrooges, and mushrooms all turned into a ball of mud, and only the boss who had been enhanced by psychic powers could escape.

However, the bosses then faced the vast imperial army, unable to defeat the four-handed force with two fists, and were overwhelmed by countless artillery fire.

In this way, the empire’s efficiency in eradicating the green skins reached a new level, and with the cooperation of the Battle Moon, good news spread frequently, and people saw the dawn of more victory.

However, while the country was rejoicing, a group of people were not so happy. On Mars, the independent giants gathered together with solemn expressions.

The Foundry General spoke first: “Everyone, in the past, our Mechanicus had a monopoly on all machinery and technology in the empire. All weapons, battleships and vehicles were made by us!”

“But now, our monopoly position has been challenged. Whatever we can make, the Prince Faction can make, and what we can’t make, the Prince Faction can also make!”

“The genetic bomb and the battle moon prove that the empire’s dependence on us is decreasing and it is losing its monopoly. The empire’s huge size will threaten our independent status!”

A great sage said: “General Casting is right. We must prepare for the worst. When the ignorant beliefs of the state religion erode Mars, how will we respond?”

Some great sages also raised objections: “The value of life is knowledge. The empire’s knowledge is better than ours, why can’t we learn from them!”

His words aroused widespread opposition, with angrily scolding: “It’s ridiculous, you plan to let the state religion enter Mars and turn this temple of wisdom into a desert of ignorance!”

The constable immediately defended: “That’s not what I meant. I proposed to move closer to the loyalists, such as building a good relationship with Akanland!”

This statement immediately aroused opposition: “That would result in the loss of autonomy, which is no different from state infiltration. It is impossible for the Mechanicus to exchange autonomy for technology!”

Seeing that the meeting once again fell into a quarrel, General Foundry hurriedly smoothed things over and said: “Everyone, if you want to compete with the prince faction, you can only surpass them technically!”

A sage asked: “General, what do you propose?”

General Foundry took out a piece of information, circulated it and said:

“By comparing the radiation characteristics of the bomb, we found that it is very similar to an ancient alien ruins. A large number of dead green skins were found in the ruins, and their death patterns were consistent with the bomb radiation.”

“So I speculate that genetic radiation bombs come from ancient aliens and are generally used as defense systems. If we excavate the ruins, we are likely to break the prince’s faction’s technological lead and achieve overtaking in a corner!”

This statement aroused widespread agreement. In the past, their technology relied entirely on mining stc, but this required years of experimentation and translation, and the things created had to stand still for hundreds of years, so they could not achieve transcendence in a short time.

Now they know that there was a powerful race in ancient times whose technology was at the pinnacle of physics, even stronger than humans in the golden age.

If you can get a glimpse of it, it will undoubtedly greatly enhance the technical strength of the Mechanicus.

At this moment, a sage whispered: “But the alien technology is a misinterpretation of the right path, and we can’t learn them!”

His words were selectively ignored. It was not that they were unaware of the dangers of alien technology, but since Said had used it, it meant that the danger was not great.

In the past, the Mechanicus had a monopoly on all the cool gadgets in the empire. Now that the monopoly has been broken, even the loyalists are extremely unwilling to do so.

So the oil guys are determined to overtake in a corner – explore the Necron world and achieve a technological leap!

The foundry general took out the star map, pointed to somewhere on the Storm Star Territory, and said: “The goal of our exploration is here – the Orpus Star Sector located in the Storm Star Territory, the dark border area!”

At this time, Said knew nothing about the oil guy’s actions. If he knew, he would definitely stop it at all costs.

In later generations, a war broke out here with the Necron Menak dynasty. The empire was crushed to the ground by the Necron and the entire Orpus sector fell.

At this moment, the Beast War has not yet ended. The Mechanicus is digging the grave of the Menak Dynasty. If someone accidentally wakes up, the empire will have another powerful enemy.

In the extreme star field, although Said controlled the crown world of the Sotec dynasty – Manderagra, they did not dare to go to war and only dared to use the soil of soldiers and trees to record data bit by bit.

The oil guys don’t have the soil for soldiers and wood. They dig graves much more roughly. They will directly dig open the soil, kill the underworld guards, and lift off the coffin boards. If you do this, it’s strange that the Necrons are not furious!

The Imperium cannot afford a war with the Necron.

However, due to the competitive relationship with the prince’s faction, the oil guy kept it absolutely secret. Said knew nothing about it and was rejoicing in the victory in the beast battlefield.

He chatted with the emperor: “Brother Huang, you should not have agreed to Xi Gaoqi in the first place. According to the current situation, even without Xi Gaoqi’s information, humans can still destroy the orcs.”

But the emperor calmly denied: “Don’t be careless. As you said, weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, arrogance is!”

“Greenskins have never been extinct for tens of thousands of years. They are extremely adaptable, not to mention that the genetic radiation bomb comes from ancient times. They will definitely find a way to adapt!”

Said believed deeply and nodded: “I know, Brother Huang, I’m just saying that now the trap has been set, I’m just waiting for Xi Gaoqi’s guarantee!”

“Speaking of which, is Xi Gaoqi’s promise really reliable? Will the beast really act according to the prophecy?”

The emperor affirmed: “Xi Gaoqi is a god. Even if he is a god with weaker divine power, his promises are still restricted by rules. If he violates them, the price will be extremely painful.”

“So now Harlequin should be on the prowl to make sure destiny gets back on the right track!”

Said chuckled and said: “Then the Harlequin’s sacrifice should be greater. He saved two Yodas, but sacrificed more. I don’t know what Xi Gaoqi was thinking!”

The emperor said faintly: “The thread of fate tells Xi Gaoqi that Yoda plays a vital role in the fight against the four gods of chaos, so he must keep it at all costs!”

“It was based on this that I agreed to his truce conditions.”

Said suddenly realized, and then asked: “Brother Huang, what do you know?”

The emperor refused to answer: “You can’t say it. Once you say it, the future will be uncertain!”

Said smiled and said: “Brother Huang, you didn’t believe in prophecies in the past, why do you suddenly care so much?”

The emperor said calmly: “There are no prophecies in subspace. I exist in the past, present and future at the same time, and I can see a more accurate future!”

Said took a deep breath and said, “In this case, chaos is really terrible. Fortunately, Brother Huang, you have become a god!”

The emperor said quietly: “This is just a cesspool. Rather than becoming a god, I would rather humans be isolated from this place forever. By the way, Said, be careful of the Mechanicus during this period. They are carrying out a dangerous operation.”

Said was stunned, nodded and said: “Okay, I will pay attention!”

After saying that, Said ended his chatter, manipulated the puppet to find Malcador, and asked: “Mr. Ma, to what level has the Assassin’s Court penetrated into the Mechanicum?”

Malcador asked: “What do you want to do?”

Said said: “I want to know what the oil man is doing recently. He seems to be working on this big project!”

Machado thought for a while and replied:

“Three days ago, the independent giants held a secret meeting, the content of which is unknown, and then just yesterday, they sent a mechanical ark!”

Said asked again: “Where did the Mechanical Ark go? Are there any of your people on it?”

Makka spread his hands: “Assassins are not puppets and cannot share perceptions in real time. Now the Mechanical Ark is sailing in subspace and cannot send out information!”

Said asked anxiously: “How long will it take to send back the news?”

Machado said helplessly: “If everything goes well, it will take at least half a year. If it doesn’t go well, it could take many years!”

Said said helplessly: “Well, it seems that the Assassin’s Court can’t count on it.”

Malcador persuaded: “Your Highness, I advise you to have a good relationship with the Mechanicus. The empire needs them now!”

Said sneered and asked: “How can we build a good relationship? Give up technology and help these trust arms tycoons monopolize all the technology in the empire?”

After speaking, he shook his head and said: “No, although the empire is an oligarchy, it will never allow such an awesome force to exist!”

Malcador smiled bitterly and added: “There is only one such awesome force, and that is the Prince Faction!”

Said argued: “This is fair competition. I have never prevented other factions from developing technology. Other factions are useless. Am I responsible for them?”

Malcador shook his head: “Well, I can’t tell you, but you must remember that the empire cannot withstand a civil war in the face of a powerful enemy.”

After finishing the conversation with Malcador, Said fell into deep thought, comparing information from all parties in his mind and guessing the actions of the Mechanicum.

It has to be said that the independent faction attaches great importance to secrecy, and the loyalists cannot catch any news. Said relied on the emperor’s prophecy to detect the clues.

“What exactly are the Mechanicus doing?” For a moment, Said had no clue.

Soon, things took a turn for the better. The answer came from an old friend of the people of the empire – Figure King Trazin. He said angrily:

“Hurry up and ask the Mechanicus in the Storm Star Territory to stop. Forget about poaching those small dynasties, you actually poached the Menak Dynasty. Do you want us to have a hard time?!”

The Menak dynasty is the leader of the Necron – the executioner of the Silent King. Similar to the Emperor’s Space Wolves, they are responsible for the internal cleansing of the Necrons and have a particularly bloodthirsty and cruel personality.

Most of the undead in the dynasty are infected with the skinner virus. They like to skin intelligent creatures and put them on their metal bodies. They are usually extremely warlike and bloodthirsty.

This resulted in their not having a good relationship with other Necron dynasties, but they were the only two strongest Necron dynasties, and their strength was on par with the Sotec dynasty.

With their strong strength, violent character, and having done dirty work under the Silent King all year round, the Menak Dynasty was not popular among their compatriots, and many Necron Dynasties did not want them to wake up.

Said was stunned and said anxiously: “What did you say? The Mechanicus went to the Storm Star Territory to dig graves?”

Trazin said helplessly: “Isn’t that right? You said it’s not good to poach anyone, but you poached those lunatics and lunatics of Menak. You guys from Orpus want it!”

In Said’s heart, ten thousand grass-mud horses ran past him, and he suppressed his anger and said, “Can you tell me their location?”

After obtaining the coordinates, Said made a thought and mobilized an expedition fleet from the Cartier region, entered the subspace, and quickly headed to the Orpus sector.

At this moment, Orpheus, like the rest of the galaxy, is filled with war. The battle moon and genetic radiation bombs are raging, constantly compressing the living space of the orcs.

On the agricultural world of Hydehurst, the Mechanicus made great sacrifices and finally eliminated the underworld guards and prepared to enter the underwater pyramid.

The Foundry Sage said happily: “It seems that this tomb is well preserved and there must be a large number of precious relics inside. If we can successfully crack it, we will gain a lot of knowledge and technology and restore our transcendent status!”

The territory of Menake is unclear, only Hydehurst is recorded.

Hydehurst is the territory of the Valeks Dynasty, a branch of the Menak Dynasty. It is also said to be a servant dynasty. It is set as a branch here because it is the only Menak force that has determined its home planet.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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