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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 137 Encirclement and suppression of fighting planets, an empire with surging undercurrents

As expected, the Mechanicus had some background. Soon after participating in the study of the ruins of the Sotec Dynasty, the empire’s navigation technology ushered in a new breakthrough.

By upgrading existing materials, the speed of conventional power engines can be increased from 0.9 times the speed of light to double the speed of light.

Don’t underestimate this 0.1 times improvement. When the speed reaches the speed of light, space will be distorted and the distance will be shortened. This will not only increase the speed, but also shorten the distance.

This technological breakthrough has eased the conflict between Said and the Mechanicus. Not only to bury the hatchet, but also to shelve the dispute and work together for the greater good.

However, this is only an appearance. The intelligence submitted by Malcador and the loyalists shows that the independent faction is disintegrating, and most of its members are flowing to the separatists and loyalists.

The separatists are growing stronger and there are faint signs of competing with the loyalists, which arouses Said’s vigilance.

But he could only bury his doubts deep in his heart. It was not the time to dwell on this matter yet. The predicted day for the gathering of fighting planets was coming soon.

The more mobile the fleet, the farther away the ambush location is, the lower the probability of being discovered, and the higher the ambush success rate.

Due to the instability of subspace, Said asked the fleet to rely on conventional power to close the network, so he did not dare to deploy the fleet too far to avoid delaying the time of closing the network.

However, if the deployment distance is too close, the wild beasts will be alerted, causing the ambush to fail.

Breakthroughs in navigation technology have solved this problem, allowing fleets to be deployed to farther and more concealed locations, increasing the success rate of ambush.

Said gave the order and immediately transformed the prince’s fleet, and then deployed the legions into the void around the ambush point.

According to Said’s plan, when the combat planets enter the target system, Said will first activate the black stone array to trap them, and then send out a large army to encircle and kill them.

In order to ensure nothing goes wrong, Said did not tell other factions about the gathering of fighting planets, but let the Prince’s Legion eat them alone.

It’s not that he wants to monopolize the battle planet, but with more people involved, there are more variables. As the most critical battle of the Beast War, Said must eliminate all surprises.

In one sentence, he was worried about letting other factions participate.

Said specially mobilized three prince legions stationed in the Tau cluster, with a total of 500 battleships, 6,000 cruisers of all levels, 200,000 Titan soldiers, and countless Titans and auxiliary troops.

The strongest weapon among them is the ten battle moons!

With the Battle Moon as its core, this huge military force was divided into ten battle groups, lying in wait in the void around the target galaxy, silently waiting.

Inside the galaxy, the Blackstone Array and the garrison were standing ready. In order to avoid the beast becoming suspicious, Said did not dare to deploy too strong a force inside.

In most galaxies in the galaxy, no matter how strong the defenders are, it is impossible to resist five combat planets at the same time. If the defenders are too strong to block the attack, the orcs will be alert and the ambush will fail.

And in order to be realistic, in addition to puppets, there are also a large number of mortal dead soldiers recruited from all over the empire on the planet. They will be used as bait to resist the crazy attack of the orcs.

All variables such as subspace, orcs, and friendly forces were eliminated by Said. It was like a string of dominoes. As long as the first one was pushed, it would reach the end.

However, if nothing else, the accident will happen at this moment.

The nine original bodies found Said at the same time and said: “Your Highness, our think tank predicted the same thing. The Orcs’ fighting planets will gather in a certain galaxy!”

“We can set up an ambush in advance and catch them all at once! Our legion is ready and waiting for your order to destroy this group of aliens!”

Said was stunned and asked: “What’s going on? You received the prophecy at the same time?”

Guilliman nodded and said: “Yes, the original body and the psykers of the Mechanicum have seen the same prophecy. If it is true, we will bring an end to the Beast War!”

However, Said did not want them to participate. The more factions involved, the more variables there would be, so he asked:

“If the prophecy is false and the enemy is actually hiding the enemy’s real purpose in order to divert the main force, wouldn’t we be fooled!”

Guilliman was anxious and quickly explained:

“That’s it. Your Highness, you will select some from the existing legions to form the Tribunal Legion and go to the target star system for encirclement and suppression.”

“There are many legions at present. Relocating some of them will not affect the combat effectiveness at all. As long as they are properly arranged, they can completely annihilate the fighting planets!”

Said let out a long sigh and said calmly: “Three prince legions have been deployed there. Your people have gone… To be honest, it has not had much effect.”

“If you can send someone to supervise the technology for the battle planet, I will share it with you after the war, just like the battle for the moon!”

The Primarchs were angry, and Rogal Dorn said: “What did His Highness say? Do you not believe us?”

Sanguinius said calmly: “Maybe the previous incident with the Blood Angels Chapter has made His Royal Highness worried. If an accident occurs, the great opportunity will be ruined.”

Guilliman explained: “Your Highness, please rest assured that our troops will absolutely obey the command and are guaranteed to be loyal and reliable people.”

Lion King Ryan also agreed: “Yes, the war has been going on for so long, and we have all made huge sacrifices for it. This last battle is about the glory of the warriors. I hope His Highness the Prince will make it happen.”

The primarchs all forced the palace, and Said nodded helplessly: “Okay, as you say, we will mobilize the elite of the legion to form the Tribunal Legion to participate in the encirclement and suppression operations!”

After the call ended, Said looked gloomy and immediately found Machado and asked: “Ma Xiang, where did the news about the gathering of fighting planets come from in the first place!”

Malcador thought for a while and replied: “As the original body said, prophecies appeared in the Legion’s think tank at the same time, and even those psykers who were not specialized in prophecies also saw the prophecies.”

Said gritted his teeth and said: “This is obviously subspace causing trouble! I don’t want the ambush to succeed!”

At this time, Malcador smiled mysteriously and said: “But… Your Highness, according to the news from the Mars Assassin Court, the earliest prophecy occurred within the Mechanicus!”

Said was stunned for a moment, seemed to have thought of something, and asked: “What did you say? The Mechanicus was the first to receive the prophecy?”

Malcador nodded: “Yes, the Mechanicus psykers received the prophecy earlier than the legion’s think tank, but they did not choose to announce it. It’s strange, isn’t it?”

Said nodded gloomily: “When I learned that five combat planets were infested, the oil guy didn’t go crazy and rush to ambush them, so how could he not do anything at all!”

The various unusual movements of the Mechanicus made Said feel strongly vigilant. In addition to the Space Marines, there were also many Mechanicus skitarii in the Inquisition legion.

If the Adeptus Mechanicus had a conspiracy, it would probably lead to the failure of the ambush.

At this moment, Said wished he could take back his orders and ban the Inquisition Legion from participating in the war, ensuring that the battlefield was under his absolute control.

However, his rationality allowed him to extinguish this idea. Not to mention whether the original body would agree, the Space Marines who pursued honor would be the first to be restless.

If someone is provocative at this moment, chaos might take advantage of it.

At this point, the only thing Said can do is to strictly control the Mechanicus members of the Inquisition Legion to ensure that they are all loyal to the Mechanicus.

At this time, Machado said another message:

“Your Highness, the Assassin’s Court has discovered a phenomenon worth noting. In the empire at this time, there are still a large number of believers in the Imperial Truth.”

After the emperor ascended to heaven, the official ideological trend of the empire became the imperial state religion. It changed from extreme materialism to extreme idealism. This sudden change made many secular elites unaccustomed to it.

Although worship was encouraged in the past, the glorious image of the emperor was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. As long as one was justified by faith, there was no red tape to declare one’s position.

After the establishment of the state religion, the entire empire became righteous by works. When meeting people, they would first say “praise the emperor” before saying anything else.

The beginning of each letter is, “The Holy Light of the Immortal God Emperor lives forever! Your Highness, the Prince, protects my human race!” before starting to write something else.

While eating, I would cross my fingers on my chest and recite the Psalms and hymns silently.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. In daily life, people are still bound by various rituals and rules to strengthen their loyalty and contribute their faith to the golden sun of subspace.

This kind of social environment that restricts thoughts is bound to make some secular elites who have been loyal to the emperor since the Great Crusade dissatisfied. They miss the free atmosphere of the human emperor era.

These people were generally highly qualified and powerful, and they soon came into conflict with the state religion, accumulating considerable conflicts.

But they were all mortals. Said didn’t take it to heart and said to Malcador: “Isn’t this difficult to handle? Let the Assassin’s Court and the Ministry of Justice take them?”

Malcador said: “Ideas cannot be killed, Your Highness the Prince. This part of the secular elite who believe in the truth of the empire has merged with the mortal power faction to become the largest opposition force in the empire.”

Said said disdainfully: “Under the microscopic scan, everything will be invisible. I will give you the list later. You can just ask the Legal Department to pick up the people. If you can’t move, let the Assassin’s Court!”

As long as Chaos does not take advantage of it, Said has nothing to fear. The microscopic satellites above Terra scan day and night to ensure that Chaos will be discovered once it appears.

It is not that Chaos and aliens have not penetrated Terra in recent years. As soon as they set foot on the land of Terra, the Inquisition came to check the water meter and then executed them on the spot.

To humans, Terra was the cleanest place in the galaxy.

Malcador got the list and launched a new round of purges. Said was putting the matter behind him and deploying the Inquisition Legion, but unexpectedly received a piece of news.

Through the admonition system, Said learned that the Secularists had actually infiltrated into the Space Marine Chapter, and the Warrior Association of the Imperial Truth had emerged!

These people united against the brainwashing of the Chapter Chaplains, still firmly believed in the truth of the Empire, and believed that the current Empire had deviated from the ideals of the Emperor.

But the Emperor has become a god, and only belief in the Emperor can save mankind. In the face of such ironclad facts, the market for imperial truth is not big.

Previously, Said noticed some clues, but because the impact was not big, he didn’t take it to heart. However, recently this trend of thought has spread rapidly, and a large number of fighters have formed associations.

Comparing the intelligence on Malcador, Said felt horrified that most of the think tanks that predicted the gathering of fighting planets were affiliated with the association war groups.

Said carefully analyzed the composition of the organized warband and found that most of them were veterans of the Great Crusade and loyalists from the rebel legions.

What motivated them to continue to believe in the Imperial Truth was unknown to Said, but at this time, these Chapters joined the Inquisition Legions in large numbers.

This cast a shadow in his heart. At that time, he thought that these rebel loyalists had no original body behind them, which was easier to command, and their loyalty had been tested by rebellion, so they were absorbed into the Inquisition Legion in large numbers.

However, after Makhado reminded him, he discovered that this dangerous trend of thought was spreading, and Said regretted it.

Without evidence of rebellion and no suitable reason, Said could not kick them out of the Judgment Legion and could only place them in relatively harmless positions.

Said told the emperor about his worries, and the emperor comforted him: “Don’t worry so much. I can feel that they are still loyal, but in a slightly different way, and the number is not dominant.”

Said’s worry has not subsided, he sighed:

“The Mechanicus, the Secular Sect of the Empire, the Four Gods, Gaomao… open guns and hidden arrows are intertwined into a web, and conspiracy is used as abacus. There seems to be a big web woven behind it, and I can almost breathe!”

The emperor said calmly: “There is an old proverb in Terra, which is ‘It’s cold at high places.’ If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. Said, do you have the consciousness to bear this burden?”

Said smiled and said: “Of course, I will protect your empire and your humanity. Only in this way can I feel that you are still with me!”

The emperor was silent for a long time and said calmly: “It’s not mine, it’s ours!”

At this moment, the Inquisition Legion was already in place. Said deployed the Inquisition Fleet far away from the core battlefield, and specially arranged a Prince’s Fleet nearby to monitor it to ensure nothing went wrong.

Their army received the same treatment. Unreliable elements stayed away from the core battlefield. Even if they rebelled, they would be discovered immediately, leaving Said enough time to react.

Among them, the black stone obelisk, which determines success or failure, is heavily guarded by giant god soldiers. There are no humans at all, they are all puppets.

As long as the Black Stone Obelisk is preserved, victory can be secured and no rebellion is afraid.

After some operations, Said finished patching and confirmed that there were no loopholes and that everything was safe. Then he relaxed and waited for the predicted day.

During this period, Terra’s undercurrents surged. Malcador obtained the list and led the Assassin’s Court, Ministry of Justice, and Tribunal to launch a purge. A large number of secularists were arrested and executed, and white terror enveloped Terra.

Under the microscopic scan, these people were nowhere to be found. They were either dormant in deeper darkness, or they were dragging their families with them to escape from the throne world shrouded in the light of the God-Emperor.

At this point, Terra’s ideological struggle ceased to exist, and the Ecclesiastical Church was victorious.

Finally, on the predicted day, a large number of orcs jumped out of the subspace, rushed to the target galaxy, and launched an overwhelming attack.

The garrison fleet immediately counterattacked, using all its light spear macrocannons, genetic radiation bombs, and space mine traps to give the Orc fleet a head-on attack.

Subsequently, the scientific research ship launched a microscopic scan and easily disintegrated a large amount of garbage mountains. At this moment, the orcs fought out of the moon, and the gravitational field restricted the movement of the scientific research ship, and then exploded.

However, a large number of moon-class cruisers immediately emerged from the galaxy. Taking advantage of the activation of the gravitational field and the weakening of the void shield, they launched a suicide attack on the battle moon, paralyzing the gravity generator and causing the battle moon to collapse.

The defender’s weakness is only for combat planets, not garbage mountains and combat moons.

In order to break the galaxy’s defense, the Mandeville Point twisted again, and five combat planets jumped out.

Does anyone guess the plot behind it~()


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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