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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 138 Destroying the Beast, the Era of the Two Emperors

The battle planet is like a majestic king. As soon as it appears, it crashes into the guarding fleet with unmatched momentum.

The gravity generator was activated, and instantly it was like a pair of invisible giant hands, grabbing a large number of moon-class cruisers tightly, twisting them into scrap metal like twisting twists.


The other orcs were greatly inspired and let out excited war roars. A huge waaaagh energy gathered on the fighting planet, making it stronger and more ferocious.

After tearing apart the fleet’s defense line, the battle planet pursued the victory and crashed into the galaxy’s defenses. The gravitational field enveloped the entire galaxy, and countless forts, fortresses, and space stations were twisted into scrap metal.

A large number of garbage mountains poured into the galaxy and launched landings on various planets.

Ground battles swept through every planet. Intensive anti-aircraft fire was of no avail, and the endless green tide landed on the ground and collided with the defenders.

It was only then that the battle planet slowly entered the galaxy in a kingly manner.

This was the moment that Said had been waiting for for a long time. With a thought, he activated the black stone array, and in an instant, the Forbidden Demon Realm swept across the entire galaxy.

Said smiled ferociously: “I won, humanity won!”

The green-skinned creation violates the rules of physics and relies on the waaaagh force field to maintain it. Its essence is a kind of spiritual energy. The forbidden magic field dispels all spiritual energy, and the fighting planet cannot be maintained!

Without the fighting planet, the greenskins will only be slaughtered, and mankind will achieve complete victory in the Beast War.

However, subsequent developments were beyond Said’s expectations. Instead of being affected in any way, Battle Moon continued to move forward and continue to be unparalleled.

The gravitational field showed its power, and any approaching warship was twisted into scrap metal.

Said was stunned and yelled angrily: “What the hell is going on!”

The next moment, the beast’s wild laughter came from the communicator: “Listen up, Xiami, I am a killer, I am the incarnation of Mao, there is no way I can be defeated twice by the same move!”

“Haimao reminded me that Xiami will ambush here, and also used the same trick to destroy the Xunsi of the Techba boy. We will use the trick to let the Techba build a big iron ball using Xiami’s method!”

Said found that he had fallen into a misunderstanding and confused the beasts with ordinary orcs.

How could a warboss that could dispatch orc diplomats, plan the orc agricultural and industrial worlds, and establish an orc logistics system not understand standardized production?

Orc Techmaster’s products are extremely unreliable. Many of the products Techmaster himself doesn’t know how to make and must rely on waaaagh force fields to maintain them.

However, the beast commander, trillions of greenskins, is fully capable of concentrating his efforts on big things, mastering the battle moon technology bit by bit, and then refining and standardizing production.

Their final result is a battle moon that can function without the waaaagh force field!

At this moment, the battle planet is like a creation of a wooden puppet, fully complying with the rules of the real physical universe.

However, Said was not discouraged. Although the Black Stone could not paralyze the battle moons, it could prevent them from escaping and buy time for the army to encircle and kill them.

He gave an order, and the fleets that were ambushing around the galaxy were at full speed and attacked the galaxy. In order to prevent accidents, Said prepared a huge fleet.

But it will take time for the reinforcement fleet to arrive. Before that, the ground defenders must go through a hard battle.


The greenskins launched an overwhelming charge, killing the garrison forces on each planet. Under the orders of the beast, they focused on attacking the Blackstone area.

In front of the greenskins, the Krieg puppets had already dug a position, and a forest of hell guns were waiting for them. The quadruple heavy artillery behind them slowly raised their barrels.

In the sky, there is a fierce air battle between the Valkyrie fighter jets and various green-skinned aircraft such as the Death Helicopter. You and I compete for air supremacy.

At this time, a tsunami-like green tide surged toward the Krieg position, like a giant wave loading onto a rock. Laser salvos shot down large numbers of orcs one after another. Countless rocket launchers and heavy artillery exploded in the green tide.

Finally, a radiation gene bomb was launched, instantly turning a large area of ​​low-level greenskins into mud. The only remaining boss was unable to support himself and was destroyed by powerful firepower.

Before the defenders could breathe a sigh of relief, a huge battle planet towered over the sky, and the gravity generator was activated, instantly causing violent geological changes on the planet’s surface.

The carefully dug positions were destroyed, the dense artillery clusters were overturned, and a large number of Krieg warriors were buried alive. The Greenskins took advantage of the situation to launch a second wave of attacks, successfully flooding the first-line positions.

However, they were once again dispersed by genetic radiation bombs, and the second-line defenders took advantage of the situation to counterattack and successfully recaptured the first-line positions.

Soon, the battle planet repeated its old tricks, planning to turn over again and destroy the black stone obelisk. However, Said was already prepared and buried the black stone obelisk deep underground.

Under the special structural design, even if the obelisk is buried alive, it will still not affect its function, and it will be more hidden and difficult to be discovered.

It is worth mentioning that, except for the battle planets, the other orc artifacts still need to be maintained by waaaagh force fields and are falling apart one after another in the forbidden magic field.

The Tutu couldn’t be used, the Boom couldn’t be used, the flying garbage couldn’t fly, and the garbage mountain fell apart. The orcs had no choice but to use primitive slashes and attack Krieg, who was armed to the teeth.

However, due to the loss of control of the universe, the defenders were still weak. Under the suppression of the fighting planets, the resistance became increasingly difficult and they were retreating steadily.

If there is no fighting planet, even if there are ten times more orcs, the defenders will not be afraid, but there is no such thing as this.

Their persistence bought time. In just a moment, the ambush fleet arrived in the galaxy. The battle moon took the lead and crashed into the battle planet with an indomitable momentum.

In front of the battle planet, the battle moon is like a ping-pong ball in front of a basketball, but its power is enough to destroy the stress generator.

Like the battle planet, the battle moon will collapse and disintegrate as long as the gravity generator is destroyed.

Due to the existence of the forbidden magic stand, the void shield has no effect, and the battle moon has a smooth road ahead, and it seems that nothing can stop its impact.

But the shield is gone, and the battle planet still has a spear. The gravity generator is quickly activated, like a pair of invisible hands, holding the battle moon tightly, making it difficult to move forward for a while.

The battle moon responded tit for tat and also activated the gravity generator to compete with the gravity of the battle planet.

But the satellite is against the planet, and the battle moon is soon at a disadvantage. It is pulled by the powerful tidal force, cracks appear on the surface, and the steel creation explodes.

Finally, the gravity generator of the battle moon is overloaded and torn into pieces by the huge force.

However, it did not lose. Behind the battle moon, a large fleet of battleships, battlecruisers and other fleets took advantage of the fight between the gods and launched a suicide attack.

The battle planet increased the power of the gravitational field to stop the fleet from advancing, and used powerful gravity to tear and twist the warships into a twist.

But their sacrifice was not meaningless. The power of the gravity generator was limited after all. The sacrificed warships provided cover for the subsequent warships, closed the distance, launched cyclone torpedoes, and destroyed the gravity generator.

At the moment of the explosion, the battle planet collapsed, and then turned into fragments in a flash.

At the same time, there were nine battle moons making the same heroic sacrifice. They rushed to the battle planet without hesitation, using their sacrifice to create killing opportunities for the fleet.

Since the last battle moon was destroyed, the orcs have learned a lesson and left a small part of the generator power to intercept cyclone torpedoes.

Compared with battleships or battle moons, cyclone torpedoes are smaller in mass and more fragile in structure, like a toothpick, which can be easily broken with a slight bend.

The gravity generator of the battle planet is fully powered, and it struggles with the battle moon and the fleet engine, and the two sides are in a stalemate.

The battle planet prevented the battle moon and the fleet from approaching, while the fleet and the battle moon wanted to die together through the kamikaze collision.

As long as all the battle planets can be destroyed, it is worth it even if all the fleets and battle moons are destroyed.

Just when the stalemate was at its limit, Sayid gave an order, and the giants left behind by the fleet boarded the assault boats and launched a boarding attack on the battle planet.

The battle planet discovered the intention of the fleet and commanded the anti-aircraft guns to fire a barrage of bullets to intercept, and assault boats continued to explode.

At this time, the fleet detonated the gene radiation bomb, and the radiation targeting the greenskin genes swept the entire galaxy. In an instant, the greenskin boys and goblins operating the anti-aircraft guns turned into a pool of mud.

The anti-aircraft barrage disappeared, and a large number of assault boats and airdrop warehouses landed on the surface of the battle planet. The giants held up the boarding shields and formed a shield wall to slowly advance.

Even if most of the low-level greenskins were killed, the number of the remaining greenskin bosses was still hundreds of times that of the giants. They gathered into a green tide all over the mountains and plains, rushing towards the giants.

In front of them was a steel wall made of boarding shields. Under the auxiliary sight, the bolter bullets were fired without missing a single shot. The Gestalt consciousness made full use of every bolter without any waste.

Each shot could take away an orc, and each bolter achieved the greatest results. At the same time, the fleet released carrier-based aircraft to bombard the surface and provide air support.

But there were more greenskins on the battle moon than bolters. The Giant God soldiers quickly ran out of ammunition and entered into hand-to-hand combat with the greenskins.

This scene happened on the remaining four battle planets. Sayid mobilized the whale transport ship to launch an orbital airdrop on the battle planet.

Batches of Krieg puppets were dropped, laser guns flashed continuously, the Titan Legion killed all around, and the attacking forces quickly advanced towards the gravity generator.

However, at this moment, the surface of the battle planet shook violently, and a deep canyon cracked out of thin air, and batches of Titans and Krieg puppets fell into the abyss.

The change in the gravitational field made the planetary terrain turn from high banks to valleys and deep valleys to hills. The assault troops had great difficulties in advancing, and casualties increased sharply.

At the same time, the greenskins all over the mountains launched a counterattack, but due to the existence of the forbidden magic field, their weapons were only big blades. In the face of the absolute superior firepower, they could only be slaughtered.

The Giant God Soldiers insisted on advancing, gradually approaching the location of the gravity generator, the landform changes became more drastic, and the advancement became more difficult.

But one thing was also overlooked. The power of the gravity generator is limited. The more it is allocated to transforming the landform, the less power there is to control the fleet and the battle moon.

In the end, this move became the last straw that broke the camel’s back. The power applied to the fleet and the battle moon was insufficient, and finally a cruiser rushed straight to the surface of the planet.

The explosion of the impact damaged the gravity generator, further reducing the output power, liberating more warships, and launching a kamikaze special attack.

One, two, three… light cruisers, cruisers, battlecruisers, battleships… They rushed to the surface of the planet without hesitation like moths to the fire.

In the end, the battle moon was liberated, and together with the battleship, it crashed heavily into the battle planet, destroying the gravity generator, causing the planet to collapse and become fragments.

This scene happened successively on the other three battle planets. The moon fleet wrestled with the battle planet, the marines boarded the battle planet, attacked the gravity generator, and finally destroyed the battle planet.

Through the Gestalt consciousness, Sayid shared the perception of all the puppets. Although he knew that they had no souls, he was still moved by their sacrifice.

If replaced by humans, this would be trillions of lives. It can be said that these puppets are sacrificing themselves on behalf of humans, burning themselves for the prosperity of the human race.

Said silently paid tribute to the puppets in his heart, and then threw in the last batch of marines, hoping to annihilate the last two combat planets in one fell swoop.

On the surface of the fighting planet, the Marines were advancing steadily, but the beasts had no way to save themselves, and roared unwillingly in the deep underground palace.


Sacrifice paved the way forward. Amidst the roars, the Titan soldiers and Krieg puppets successfully penetrated the greenskin defense line, climbed over the changing landscape, and reached the depths of the underground palace.

There, the green-skinned God Emperor, the beast, had been waiting for a long time. Just like Said’s memory, it was more than ten meters tall and bigger than any orc. At first glance, he thought it was a furry King Kong.

The beasts launched a final charge against the puppet army, while the Titan soldiers who had exhausted their ammunition raised their chainswords high and stood ready. Behind them, a large number of Kriegs held laser guns and wore bomb vests, ready to attack.

The beast knew that even if these puppets were eliminated and more puppets would flow in, he would eventually die today, but he was not afraid and collided with the puppets amidst the sound of waaaagh.

Chainswords screamed, laser guns fired, bomb vests roared, and the beasts were like meat grinders, crushing all the puppets of the incoming criminals. However, more puppets rushed in one after another, rushing in without fear of sacrifice, just to dull the reamer a little.

After countless sacrifices, the beast gradually succumbed, its injuries continued to increase, and finally collapsed to the ground.

At this time, there were no puppets left on the battle planet, the fleet outside was almost completely destroyed, and the empire got two intact battle planets.

Just as Said breathed a sigh of relief, something unexpected happened. The Judgment Legion fleet suddenly left its designated position and rushed towards the Battle Moon.

Due to Said’s order, they had not participated in the war before, and their strength was well preserved at this moment. On the other hand, the prince’s fleet was not one in ten and could not be stopped at all.

Said immediately asked: “Stop quickly, Judgment Legion! I didn’t allow you to move, do you want to disobey?”

However, the Judgment Fleet did not respond at all, and directly launched a gang attack on the battle planet. Just as Said was about to control the Prince’s Fleet to attack, a large number of Mechanicus fleets rushed in from outside the system, and joined the Judgment Fleet to attack the Prince’s Fleet.

Said vaguely saw the figure of Mechanical Ark.

At the same time, something happened to the Blackstone Array.

The Death Watch Chapter and the Mechanicus Skitarii who were staying in a remote location suddenly left the defense zone and launched an attack on the Blackstone Array.

The defenders of the Blackstone Array were already outnumbered in order to resist the greenskins. They were helpless against the energetic and ammunition-rich backstabs, and were quickly broken through the line.

The rebels installed a bomb on the black stone, detonated it quickly, and the forbidden magic field disappeared. At the same time, they joined the Judgment Legion to seize the battle planet, launched teleportation and quickly disappeared in place.

Afterwards, the mutinous fleet quickly evacuated, leaving the prince’s fleet confused. Said was surprised and said: “You rebelled just for two fighting planets?”

Before he could recover, he was stunned by a series of bad news:

Civil war breaks out on Mars, with loyalists and separatists fighting fiercely.

Multiple worlds in the Taiping Star Territory rebelled at the same time. The rebels established the Nova Terra Council and openly opposed the rule of the state religion. The empire entered the era of two emperors.

Chaos Warmaster Abaddon launched the first Black Crusade and took Cadia Fortress directly. This was nothing, but what was worse was that the missing battle planet also appeared in Cadia.

Sorry for being late, I got distracted by Shenhe


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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