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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 139 Decisive Battlefield Cadia

Chapter 139 The Decisive Battlefield—Cardia

After killing all the beasts, the orcs in the galaxy dispersed and fell into endless internal fighting again, and were easily wiped out by the superior force of the empire.

However, before the empire could take a breath, new challenges followed.

In the previous life, there was not much information about the Era of the Two Emperors. It was said that it was sealed by the First Legion and the Inquisition. From only a few words, it was known that this rebellion lasted for more than nine hundred years and ravaged the entire Taiping Star Territory.

Who are the rebels? What are the reasons and demands? Said was clueless and unprepared to face the rebellion.

It wasn’t until I experienced it myself that I realized that this was not an ordinary rebellion, but an ideological crisis in the empire.

Since the White Terror set off by the National Religion, facing the powerful military power of the Superman Council, the secularists who believe in the truth of the Empire have no power to resist, and they have left Terra and gathered in the Taiping Star Territory.

There, Imperial truth believers, secularists who opposed the state religion, mortal elites who opposed superhuman politics, and various opportunists joined together to form an anti-state religion alliance and establish Nova Terra.

They then issued a statement declaring that Terra had strayed from the Emperor’s path, that power had been stolen by deceitful masters and aliens with supernatural powers, and called upon the galaxy to bring order to the chaos.

They call the Council of Supermen the Council of Aliens, claiming that only mortals are considered human and that all supermen are aliens.

Mars was also engulfed in a fierce ideological struggle, with the Separatists and Independence factions locked in a civil war that spread to all Forge Worlds.

According to intelligence, the Martian Separatists have mastered teleportation technology and plan to teleport Mars out of the solar system after winning the civil war and completely get rid of the threat of Terra.

For a time, war broke out in the empire. After Said came back to his senses, he did not show panic.

Because the great leader once said: When there are multiple contradictions in a thing, one must play the main and decisive role.

Holy Terra holds the entire galaxy in its hands. Despite the Beast Wars, it is still far from reaching its mobilization limit. The money in each temple world is piled up like a mountain. As long as it is spilled, it can be exchanged for massive supplies and troops in an instant.

The rebels only control a few planets or sectors, and their size cannot be compared with that of the Empire. As long as the Empire’s war machine is fully operational, they can be eliminated in a snap.

The rebels also understand this. Even if the Mechanicus rebels join forces with Nova Terra, they will not be able to resist the current Empire, let alone the Beast War is over.

So, they introduced a new variable—chaos!

At this moment, Chaos Warmaster Abaddon has unified the Chaos Warbands in the Eye of Terror and is gearing up to plan the first Black Crusade.

However, Cadia is like a steel line of defense, becoming an insurmountable divine punishment. Under the Forbidden Demon Realm and the Black Stone Fortress, any Chaos will be attacked head-on.

If you don’t go to Cadia, you can only carry out a small attack through the unstable subspace rift, and grab a handful before the empire can react.

It went smoothly at first, but the Empire quickly formed the Inquisition Legion. Under the rapid attack of its subordinate Gray Knights, a large number of the Chaos rebels who attacked by surprise were defeated and fell into the sand.

After all, fighting in a small way is not the answer. The main force can only use the Eye of Terror, which is blocked by Cardia.

Just when Abaddon was at a loss what to do, the Imperial Heretics came to the door and proposed a win-win cooperation.

When both the Empire and the Beast were defeated, the Heretics seized the battle planet and joined forces with Chaos to attack Cadia.

As long as Cadia falls and subspace power spreads, it will inevitably tie up a lot of resources in the empire and give Nova Terra and the Mechanicus rebels time to develop.

Therefore, the key to the decisive victory between the empire and the rebels lies in Cadia. As long as Cadia is preserved, the imperial army can crush the rebels.

Said immediately convened the Superman Council and said: “Everyone, the rebels are now limited to Nova Terra and some forging worlds, and there is no sign of taking the initiative. They are waiting for the outcome of the Cadia battle!”

Fenus, the commander of the Hazy Theater, expressed concern: “Your Highness, I wonder if Cadia has enough troops? The battle planet is very powerful!”

Rog Dorn, commander of the Sun Theater, responded: “If it’s not enough, the Sun Theater can dispatch a legion to reinforce the Eye of Terror.”

The Inquisition Legion rebelled and took away the battle planet. The Primarchs felt a little guilty. Although they were not their sub-legion, the rebels were from their legion after all, and they had the responsibility of knowing others but not knowing them.

However, Said knew that the conflict between the two sides was irreconcilable and that the rebellion had been prepared for a long time. Even without the negligence of the original body, it would have happened at another time.

Therefore, he did not blame the original body, but shook his head and said:

“No, Cadia deploys five fully-equipped legions all year round just to fight today’s battle. Even if it cannot destroy the enemy, it is enough to protect itself.”

“If there are not enough troops, the Great Rift War Zone can instantly pull out a large number of legions to reinforce the Cadia War Zone, so there is no need to worry about me!”

Seeing that Said was confident and the Primarchs stopped trying to persuade him, Rogdorn said: “Please give the order, Your Highness the Prince!”

Said calmly said to the Lion King: “Ryan, I hope you will take over as the commander of the Taiping Theater. It is said that there are fallen angel rebels among the top leaders of Nova Terra!”

Lion King Ryan was stunned, his face turned ferocious for a moment, and he gritted his teeth and said: “Understood, Your Highness, I will destroy them quickly!

Said nodded and continued: “While the other war zones are clearing out the remaining green skins, we will intervene in the civil wars of the Mechanicus in various forging worlds and help the loyalists clear out the Separatists!”

Fernus asked: “What happens after the mission is completed? Will the freed legion want to reinforce Cadia or Nova Terra?”

Said calmly said: “Wait for my order, if reinforcements are needed, we will not be polite!”

After the meeting, Said had a thought in his mind. The Cadia war zone was like an awakening giant beast. The silent factories began to operate, the number of patrol fleets increased, the black stone array began to charge, and the forbidden magic realm stretched across the void.

The Eye of Terror stands in front of Cardia, and purple energy is like a turbulent wave, constantly pouring into the real universe.

When the Forbidden Demon Realm is opened, it is like a black sharp blade cutting through the turbulent purple waves. The black curtain spreads to both sides, eventually sealing most of the Eye of Fear.

The Forbidden Demon Realm will last for a week. During this period, the Chaos Rebels will never get out of the Eye of Terror. The defenders’ only enemy is the rebels’ fighting planet.

As long as the fighting planets are eliminated, the remaining military strength will be enough to resist the Black Legion’s attack. In this way, the rebels and Chaos’ plan to attack Cadia failed.

However, when a piece of news came, Said found that he wanted to be simple.

The commander of the Hazy Theater urgently reported that there were a large number of uncertified psykers on the planet Sanctuary. They used unknown means to avoid being hunted by the Sisters of Silence and have been hiding until now.

In the Warhammer universe, uncertified psykers are extremely dangerous. They will be seized by demons, spread cults and perform blasphemous rituals, spread to star sector planets, and drag the entire area into the warp.

Or it can become a portal, transporting demons to reality to burn, kill and loot. For this reason, the daily task of the Sisters of Silence is to hunt down psykers.

Said immediately found Sister Silence and asked: “The empire has given you no shortage of reinforcements, why can’t you limit the number of psykers on the planet of refuge?”

Sister Silence was stunned and took out a report: “This is the local killing and arrest record, which is well-documented. According to the intensity of the crackdown, it is impossible for so many fish to slip through the net!”

Then there is only one possibility, someone hides them and sends them all to the shelter star before the war.

Sanctuary is an industrial planet, close to the Cadia war zone, and its purpose is obvious!

Teleport the Chaos Rebels and use the passage to attack Cartier!

While Said’s thoughts were churning, uncertified psykers on the Sanctuary Star hugged each other and screamed, emitting out-of-control psychic energy around them, turning into portals.

A large number of Chaos rebels and Nurgle demons came out and attacked the unsuspecting defenders and puppets. The entire Sanctuary star was dragged into the compressed space and became a Nurgle planet.

A large number of battleships and spacecraft parked in orbit were corrupted into demon engines. As the vehicles of the Black Legion, their swords pointed at Cadia.

The second update will be a little later


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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