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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 140 Subspace Golden Sun, Nova Cannon

There are seven galaxies in the Cadia war zone. Except for the fortress galaxy Cadia, the rest are all the Bingmu galaxy.

Between the galaxies, a large number of interstellar fortresses and airports have become eternal beacons, and countless warships patrol day and night.

There were originally five standing legions in the Cadian war zone. When the war came, the war zone carried out extreme mobilization. They psychically strengthened the worker puppets, manufactured giant god soldiers, installed stock warships, and raised two more legions.

Seven legions correspond to seven galaxies, with one deployed in each galaxy. The density of troops is unprecedented.

In other war zones, one legion is usually responsible for the war in one star zone and hundreds of galaxies. Only Said’s puppet can control one legion in each galaxy.

The strong troop density is where Said’s confidence lies in rejecting reinforcements from other war zones, not to mention that other war zones in the Great Rift are rapidly forming more legions.

The Forbidden Demon Realm lasts for a week, but Said does not need a week, only six days, and ten legions will arrive in Cadia.

On the other hand, the enemies only have two combat planets, the Mechanicum rebel fleet, the renegade Deathwatch Chapter, and the Chaos Space Marines.

They are incomparable to the five battle planets of the Beast. When the Beast was first encircled and suppressed, Said invested less than ten legions. Once he encountered 17 legions, he would only be destroyed by them.

In order to further strengthen the defense, Said transferred ten battle moons from elsewhere, four of which were in Cadia and six distributed in the remaining seven galaxies.

The Qadian war zone is armed to the teeth, and Said is confident and looking forward to the emergence of rebels.

However, to his surprise, the war began not in Cadia, but in the Hazy War Zone. Said soon received a request for help from the commander of the war zone, Fenus:

“Your Highness, the Misty Star Territory encountered the main force of the rebels. Instead of going to Cadia, they attacked the Gothic Star Territory!”

Said asked: “Can it be blocked? I remember that there are ten legions in the Hazy Star Territory!”

Feinus said truthfully: “We can’t stop it. The enemy not only has fighting planets, but also a large number of Mechanicus fleets, Mechanical Ark, and even a fighting moon!”

Said was surprised: “What did you say? Fighting the moon?”

The Mechanicus has secretly cracked the technology of fighting the moon, just to give Sai Yi a surprise during the Cartier War.

Feinus nodded: “That’s right, Your Highness, the battle moon can be used to teleport nodes, and the battle planets can be teleported at any time. We can’t pack a legion into each galaxy, and we can only run exhausted.”

Said was silent for a while and asked, “You mean, we need reinforcements, right?”

Feinus nodded and said: “If possible, it is best to have one. No galaxy can block the fighting planets. Only by constantly destroying the fighting moon and limiting the mobility of the fighting planets can we bite them!”

“But before that, countless worlds will fall, so I hope to send more legions to speed up the destruction of the Battle Moon!”

Said knew that what Fainus said was true. There were puppets in every imperial world. He watched with his own eyes as battle planets towered over the skies of the imperial world. Chaos rebels airborne, burned, killed and looted, committing countless horrific atrocities.

In an agricultural world, Chaos rebels created labyrinth gardens filled with thorns and murderous plants, driving civilians to flee inside.

In an industrial world, the Chaos rebels built a huge levitation device, connected to tens of millions of nooses, and suspended tens of millions of civilians.

Looking up, the secret numbness is like the dense tentacles of a banyan tree, and ordinary people see numbness on the scalp.

Seeing this scene, Said could not wait for the Cartier Army to attack and liberate these troubled worlds.

However, he couldn’t and calmly refused: “Fainus, I believe you can see that this is a trick of the enemy. The defenders of Cadia cannot be transferred!”

“Once transferred, Cartier will be empty of troops, and chaos will take advantage of it. In the final analysis, as the commander of the Hazy Theater, you failed to foresee this situation. It is your dereliction of duty!”

Fenus decisively admitted with shame: “His Royal Highness is right, I did underestimate the enemy, but I want to make up for my mistake!”

Said said calmly: “The only thing you can do now is to destroy more battle moons. I have mobilized the defenders in each sector to try to delay the enemy and wait for reinforcements to arrive!”

“In addition, you can also pray to the God Emperor, it may be effective!”

Faenus was surprised: “Praying to father? Is it useful?”

Said shrugged: “You might as well give it a try, what if it works! The enemy will stay at your place for a few days at most, and their real target is Cardia!”

Finally, he sneered: “Once Cardia remains standing after seven days, they will lose!”

Feinus nodded and said: “I understand, Your Highness!”

Following Said’s advice, Faenus attempted to pray to the God-Emperor while allowing the Legion to continue destroying the Battle Moon.

“My Lord, the Emperor, you are the master of mankind, you are the master of the empire, you are the embodiment of order…”

As Feinus’s prayer was recited, under the call of the puppet, every world, every legion in the Obscure Star Territory, and all the people who had suffered wars or were about to encounter wars, lowered their heads one after another, crossed their fingers, and bowed to humanity. Lord pray.

“My Lord, the Emperor, you are the protector of mankind, you are the pioneer in exploring the truth, and you are the overlord of the galaxy!”

“My Lord, the Emperor, your name is sacred among mankind. You lead mankind to fight against chaos and grant mankind stability and order!”

Countless weak thoughts gathered in the subspace, turned into powerful power, and merged into the golden sun of the subspace. In an instant, the sun shone brightly, and the golden holy light enveloped the entire subspace.

Golden light scattered in the decaying green garden, seed pods and zombies turned to ashes in the wail, and a giant green shadow twisted its huge body in an attempt to hide deeper.

Golden light scattered in the brass fortress, the magma and brass dissipated, and the skull and blood gods looked up to the sky and roared unwillingly;

The golden light is scattered in the palace of desire, making the twisted beauty and indulgence look extremely ugly. The entangled desires disperse one after another, and the God of love and beauty disappears.

The golden light spreads in the endless maze, directly penetrates the winding palace walls, and reaches the core well of truth. It seems to understand all the truths of the past, present, and future. The maze is crumbling, and the Lord of Changes screams angrily.

“My lord, the Emperor, killing will make you stronger, and the death of Chaos will spread your glory! Your kingdom protects our souls!”

As the prayer progresses, the power of the golden sun reaches its peak, all evils in the subspace recede, and the unyielding glory of mankind briefly rules the sea of ​​souls.

“My lord the Emperor, you will exalt your kingdom and turn it into the golden sun of the highest heaven!”

At the end of the prayer, a strong subspace storm swept across the entire Hazy Star Field, and the rebels who were teleporting in the subspace were thrown back to the real world.

Around them, several Obscure Star Territory legions are coming. If they are caught successfully, the fierce battle will be far away from the Cadia Star Sector, and Said will win without a fight.

However, how could the Four Evil Gods of the Supreme Heaven give up easily? Even though they were caught off guard by the Golden Sun, they immediately mobilized their powerful powers to fight back when they recovered.

Vast energy radiates from the Brass Fortress, the Garden of Nurgle, the Paradise of Desire, and the Ever-Changing Labyrinth, competing with the rays of the Golden Sun.

Soon, the subspace storm was weakened, and the rebel fleet started teleportation to escape just before the fleet was encircled.

At this moment, in the rebel fleet, Abaddon said to the Foundry General:

“I received instructions from the gods to seize Cardia as soon as possible. The false gods have counterattacked, and we can no longer maneuver as quickly as before!”

The Foundry General looked at the growing Chaos Titan and fleet with some reluctance. If he continued to grab them, relying on the production capacity of Mechanical Ark, he could explode more fleets and increase his chances of winning.

The subspace was once their home field. As the Golden Sun showed its power, they lost their home field advantage and were unable to engage in guerrilla warfare, forcing them to engage in a decisive battle.

So he had no choice but to give the order: “The fleet changes course and targets Cardia!”

A serious atmosphere spread within the fleet. Cadia was heavily guarded and the density of troops was by no means comparable to that of the Hazy Star Territory. They did not want to take advantage of this problem before accumulating sufficient strength.

At the same time, Said smiled and said: “Brother Huang, is collective prayer so effective?”

The emperor said calmly: “Humanity is spread all over the galaxy. Except for the green skins, no race has more numbers than humans. No matter how weak the spiritual power is, gathering sand into a tower can still provide a massive amount of faith.”

Said’s eyes lit up and he said: “Then in the future, whenever there is a war, call on all citizens to pray, won’t you be able to make you invincible in subspace!”

The emperor said faintly: “It’s not that simple. The Four Gods have a rich background. I can’t beat them. When they get serious, we don’t know who will win!”

Said was not discouraged at all and said with satisfaction: “That’s pretty good, at least we can’t cause a storm at will, let alone send out demonic armies at will!”

On the outskirts of Arax, the world of soldiers and trees, a huge fleet jumped out of the void. With Mechanical Ark, Battle Moon, and Battle Planet as its core, they surrounded a large number of Mechanicus fleets and demon engines.

Although its size cannot be compared with that of the garrison, the existence of combat celestial bodies makes it a force that cannot be ignored.

In front of the fleet is the Bingmu world Arax. On the plane star map, it is located to the north of the world of Cadia, only a few light-months apart. It can be said to be quite close.

Every world in the Great Rift War Zone has built a black stone obelisk. In addition to the black stone obelisk, the Cadia War Zone also has a black stone fortress, which superimposes the forbidden magic field to the maximum.

Cadia’s forbidden magic domain can cover part of Arax, and the two forbidden magic domains are seamlessly connected to form a larger forbidden magic domain.

Subspace navigation in the Forbidden Kingdom was impossible, and the rebel fleet had to attack Arax in order to reach Cadia.

General Casting looked at the detection image and caught up with the planet covered by steel. He sighed and said: “Your Excellency, Warmaster, start the attack!”

Beside him, Abaddon smiled ferociously, his eyes flashing with crazy fighting spirit. When the order was given, the Chaos Space Marines, Mutant Standing Gang and Imperial Rebels screamed, looking fiercely fighting.

Most of their minds have been eroded by Chaos, leaving only endless hatred and anger towards the material world, and the desire to perform sacrilegious rituals to please the four gods.

When they ravaged the Obscure Star Territory, the various atrocities committed by the Chaos Rebels greatly pleased the warp gods, and they all blessed him with blessings, making him stronger and more responsive.

They grow bone blades and sharp claws, and some even grow directly with the weapons. Although the equipment is slightly older, they are individually stronger and more ferocious than the Imperial Space Marines.

It is worth mentioning that the blessing of subspace will be completely digested by the Chaos Rebels, can persist in the physical universe, and will not be offset by the Forbidden Demon Realm.

In the eyes of these Chaos warriors, there was no difference between the galaxy in front of them and the Hazy Star Field, and Abaddon had no intention of telling them the truth.

They boarded the battleship amidst cheers, and under the cover of the Mechanicus fleet, they headed towards the Arax system.

The galaxy defenders had already discovered them, and their huge legion fleet, with a battle moon as its core, took the initiative to attack the invading enemies.

The rebel battle planet showed no sign of weakness, carrying two battle planets, four battle moons and a large number of Mechanicus fleets to attack the Arax fleet.

In terms of fighting celestial bodies, the empire is at an absolute disadvantage, but the size of the fleet is several times that of the enemy. In order to maximize its strengths and avoid its weaknesses, Said has made plans.

He gave the order, and the Battle Moon took the lead and rushed straight to the battle planet, preparing to use the Battle Moon to offset the gravitational field and destroy the battle planet with the fleet just as it did when encircling and suppressing the orcs.

Not to be outdone, the rebels quickly dispatched two battle moons to intercept. At the same time, the battle planet activated its gravitational field to tightly control the empire moon.

The rebel fleet is not an isolated orc fighting planet, but an entire battle group, not only covered by the battle moon, but also a large number of conventional fleets.

Even though the scale is not comparable to that of the defending fleet, under the cover of the battle planet, it is enough to fight an even match.

Said then ordered the fleet to attack the battle moon. They were equipped with ultra-long-range Nova Cannons and could launch attacks outside the moon’s gravitational field.

The Nova Cannon was beyond the rebels’ expectations, but even if they expected it, they could not cope with the technical advantages. Several battleships fired a salvo, and the shells carried strong kinetic energy and hit the Battle Moon hard.

When the gravitational field is activated, the battle moon void shield is weakened, let alone being located in the forbidden magic area, and it is basically unshielded.

The Nova Cannon easily penetrated the surface of the battle moon and reached the gravity generator, causing a violent explosion and causing a battle moon to collapse and disintegrate!

The foundry general was stunned and said angrily: “What is this! When did the Imperial Macro Cannon have such a long range!”

Based on kinetic energy distance calculations, the Nova Cannon has a range that spans the entire galaxy. As the pinnacle of empire technology, the Mechanicus has never had such a weapon.

When I thought about how many secret weapons that prince from the golden age had hidden, I couldn’t help but take a breath and said, “Sayed is so terrifying!”

The Nova Cannon can increase the speed of cannonballs to the speed of light, using turbocharging technology that can be used in the golden age. After Bean Sprout failed to attack the palace, Said further blackmailed the Eldar and perfected the Nova Cannon technology.

In the original history, the Nova Cannon did not appear until at least the 35th millennium. With Said’s intervention, it was already installed in the Prince’s Legion in the 31st millennium.

However, the empire did not have the spirit bone material of the Eldar, and the adamantine gun barrel could not withstand the strong muzzle velocity. Therefore, it could only fire one gun, and it had to go back to the dock to replace the gun barrel. Each warship could only be equipped with one.

But Said’s ships can’t stand up to the large number of ships. All they need is cruisers. At this moment, Arax has nearly a thousand cruisers and hundreds of battlecruisers and battleships, enough to shoot thousands of times.

Having learned the lessons of the tragic victory in the Beast War, on the eve of the Cartier War, the Nova Cannon was urgently installed in the Cadian theater and became a powerful weapon against fighting planets.

However, after the Mechanicus obtained the battle planet, they also learned from the lessons of the beasts and carried out shield modifications, including the installation of ion shields and radiant shields in order to cope with the forbidden magic field.

Today’s double update of restoring loyalty, each update costs 4,000~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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