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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 141 Galaxy Attack and Defense Battle

In addition to void shields, the imperial shield types also include ion shields and deflection fields.

The void shield is only used for large vehicles such as battleships, while the ion shield and deflection field are mainly used for personal protection and small vehicles.

Compared with the Void Shield, the latter two have higher energy consumption, shorter duration, and are not as cost-effective as the Void Shield, so large vehicles are generally not used.

But low cost performance does not mean that it cannot be used. When the void shield fails, the ion shield and deflection field become the only protection.

Therefore, when the second Nova Cannon fired at another battle moon, it was blocked by a layer of light film, and then the trajectory of the cannonball was deflected and landed dozens of miles away from the gravity generator.

Although the ion shield was overloaded, the subsequent deflection field successfully deflected the projectile from the target and protected the gravity generator. As long as the gravity generator was fine, the Battle Moon would be safe.

Said frowned, then quickly relaxed, muttering to himself: “Intercepting and deflecting cannonballs that reach the speed of light must not be easy on the shield!”

Just as Said guessed, after blocking the Nova Cannon, the Combat Moon’s ion shield was overloaded and could no longer be used for a short period of time. The deflection force field greatly consumed the power of the gravity generator, making it impossible to wrestle with the Imperial Moon.

If it weren’t for the support of the fighting planet, the Empire Moon would have crashed directly into the fighting planet.

Subsequently, Said controlled the Nova Cannons of the two battleships to fire a salvo. The deflection force field could no longer withstand it. The shells directly hit the force field generator and the moon collapsed and was destroyed.

He was excited, as if he had found the key to victory, and planned to use the Nova Cannon as the main output to destroy the fighting planets.

He manipulated the Imperial Moon to move forward bravely, consuming the power of the gravity generator of the combat planet, and then fired the Nova Cannon, the light-speed cannonball heading straight towards the combat planet.

But the battle planet is different from the battle moon. The ion shield and deflection field are more powerful and can withstand more output.

But Said had already expected it and specially asked five warships to fire the Nova Cannon.

The ion shield was overloaded again, but the deflection field was connected to the gravity generator and was extremely powerful. It successfully deflected all the missiles and saved the gravity generator.

Said did not believe in evil and once again deployed ten warships in an attempt to perform a miracle and destroy the gravity generator in one fell swoop.

At this time, the battle planet sensed the danger, and the remaining two battle moons carried a large group of battleships and charged towards the defending fleet.

As long as the defending fleet is dragged into a regular battle, there will be no time to use the Nova Cannon. At this time, if the battle planet is covered when entering the system, it can slaughter the Black Stone Array unparalleledly.

Although the rebel fleet was smaller than the defenders, it was blessed by the battle moon and had equal combat power. Under the interference of the gravitational field, Said could only give up the attempt to explode the battle planet and use all his strength to deal with the invading enemy ships.

The Nova Cannon fired another salvo, and the light-speed cannonballs easily blasted a mechanical ark. The battleship did not have an ion shield like the battle planet, and could only resist the light-speed cannonballs with its physical structure.

The Imperial Moon could not bear to show weakness, and took the initiative to face the rebels’ Battle Moon, opening its gravitational field to compete.

Although it was one against two, the Empire Moon was surrounded by a large number of Nova Cannon battleships, which consumed a lot of gravity generator power. In the end, the Battle Moon was successfully destroyed after two salvos.

At this point, all the rebel battle moons have been wiped out, and the remaining battleships are no match for the Nova Cannon. They are fired one by one and named one by one.

The few rebel fleets that finally entered the range of the Macrocannon’s light spear were surrounded and crushed by more Imperial warships.

After paying such a heavy price, the rebels’ remaining fighting planets and fleets finally entered the Alex system. The Chaos Demon Engine cheered, and began its best orbital airborne landing, and then carried out a killing spree.

There are massive supplies and countless humans on the surface of the planet, enough to complete unimaginable sacrilegious rituals and satisfy the needs of slaves.

A large number of Terror Claws hit the planet’s ground, and countless anti-aircraft guns formed a dense firepower network. Terror Claws were constantly being shot and exploded, but there were still more Terror Claws landing on the ground.

The Chaos Astartes roared and rushed out of the airdrop pod. The Khorne champion took the lead, picked up the chain axe, jumped and landed among the golems, killing them.

“Blood sacrifice to the blood god, head sacrifice to the skull throne! Kill——!!!”

The two giant axes were swung tightly like a meat grinder, turning the puppets within the killing radius into pieces. The war gang members on the side were greatly inspired, and they followed suit and killed the puppets.

However, their formation was chaotic and they only knew how to charge and fight wildly without any tactical coordination. They had completely forgotten the combat drills from the Great Expedition era.

After falling into chaos, most of them succumbed to the amplified desire to kill. The few remaining sanity was unable to complete complex tactical coordination, leaving only primitive blood bravery.

So Said manipulated the puppets to move and easily led them into a huge crater. The next moment, the four-gun heavy artillery roared and countless fireballs fell into the crater, blowing the Khorne warriors into pieces.

Scenes like this happened all over the battlefield. With a few sacrifices, Said successfully led a large number of Chaos Space Marines into the ambush area, and then concentrated fire to kill them.

Not only did Said feel contempt, but if this continued, it would be questionable whether he could hold the landing site, let alone attack the Black Stone Array.

In space, the fighting planets are contained by the Imperial fleet, the gravitational field wrestles with the Imperial moon, the shield blocks the Nova Cannon, and the ground battlefield is left to the marines of both sides.

Said estimated in his mind that if the rebels performed like this, they would probably be wiped out by the ground defenders before the space battle was decided.

However, as a group of giants with sky-high braids and power claws landed on the surface, the Chaos warband cheered, the giants roared, and the Chaos warband quickly gathered and became orderly.

Covering each other, supporting each other, advancing and retreating in a well-founded manner, the manic instincts were suppressed, as if they were back to the time of loyalty.

There was more than one of these giants. They were airborne on various planets and began to command a scattered chaos warband.

Searching through his memories, Said guessed that they were all leaders of various warbands, members of Abaddon’s Dark Council, and the backbone of the Chaos Space Marines.

Just like the Greenskin Boss, as long as they are around, the Chaos warband can stop fighting among themselves and become a true army.

In other words, as long as they behead them, the Chaos war gang can return to chaos and be easily eliminated.

So with a thought in his mind, Said took off a large number of Valkyrie fighter planes, launched death-strike missiles, and bombed the position of the war gang leader.

Missiles fell one after another, blasting the Chaos rebels to the point where they couldn’t even lift their heads. The Space Marines could still find cover, but the mutants and mortal Imperial rebels were scattered.

The leader of the warband roared and instantly summoned a large number of Hellblade interceptors to engage in a dogfight with the Imperial fighter planes.

More Dreadclaw airdrop pods landed, and out came a large number of Rhino personnel carriers, Land Raiders and other vehicles, and finally hundreds of Warlord Titans.

With the help of the Mechanicus rebels, the Chaos Space Marines not only replaced their guns with cannons, but also had many heavy equipment that had never been seen before.

In order to enhance the combat power of the Chaos War Gang, they specifically used half of Mechanical Ark’s production capacity to consume raw materials plundered from the Hazy Star World to create a large amount of equipment.

With the investment of the Mechanicus rebels regardless of cost, the equipment level of this parachuted Chaos Legion is comparable to that of the Empire’s mixed army.

However, this is the world of soldiers and trees. How can the defenders be measured by ordinary imperial legions.

There are more Titans stored underground in a hive pair than there are Imperial Legion tanks;

There are more tanks and planes in the vehicle depot than there are mortal auxiliaries in the Imperial Legion;

Not to mention the hundreds of billions of worker puppets who look like Krieg in military uniforms.

When the Chaos warband is confident and confident in their equipment, they are ready to attack the Blackstone Array in one go.

They saw countless Titans in rows and columns, charging towards the Chaos army in waves, as if they could not see the end.

Among the Titans, countless tanks and armored vehicles followed the charge, more numerous than the Chaos warbands.

Looking around, there is not a single walking soldier in the Hōmu Legion. Above the army, there are as many aircraft as ground vehicles, simply blocking out the sky, no matter how many suns there are in the sky.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the planet’s military strength. There are more offensives of the same scale being organized. Upon seeing this, the Chaos Warband couldn’t help but feel desperate.

Even the most reckless Khorne warband stayed calmly for a while, and then thought about whether there was any point in fighting.

The army line was overwhelming, advancing slowly and slowly. With every step forward, the pressure on the Chaos War Gang increased.

At this moment, the warband space warrior asked: “Boss, shall we fight? Anyway, we can’t fight, how about we withdraw?”

The warband leader gritted his teeth and said angrily: “Where to retreat? If we just go back like this, Abaddon won’t kill us!”

“Let’s pretend to fight, and let the auxiliary troops rush forward. When all the auxiliary troops are dead, we will use up all the ammunition, and then we will retreat!”

After giving the order, the Chaos Auxiliary Army rushed towards the overwhelming puppet army. As soon as the Chaos Titan fired a cannon, overwhelming shells fell.

The tanks, armored vehicles, Titans, etc. obtained from the Adeptus Mechanicus were instantly reduced to a pile of scrap metal. The mortal rebels were about to flee, but were shot to death by Chaos Space Marines.

“Keep charging, don’t take a step back! The Blood God is watching you!”

Under severe supervision, the remaining mortal rebels launched a desperate charge, and then were covered by overwhelming firepower and completely disappeared from the physical universe.

From the time they launched the attack to the end, they were completely wiped out within less than an hour.

The Chaos rebels drooled and suggested: “Boss, let’s run away. Abaddon is scary, but these wooden men are even scarier!”

Looking at the scene in front of him, the rebel leader breathed rapidly, and his thoughts returned to the time of the original body’s rebellion.

Is that the false emperor or a human being? He commands such an overwhelming army and fights with as many demons.

In a battlefield that destroys heaven and earth, personal bravery is meaningless. Even a powerful space warrior is just a small boat in the huge waves and will be easily torn apart.

At that time, they were only responsible for holding on to the gap. After the influx of demons, the battle had nothing to do with them. The feeling of being insignificant in front of the huge army came back.

So, the leader of the war gang made a decision, waved his hand and said: “The war has nothing to do with us anymore, we withdraw!”

After saying that, he walked towards the Dreadclaw airdrop warehouse, preparing to give up the mission and leave the planet.

However, before he could take two steps, there was a sudden violent vibration on the ground. Looking up, he saw a huge battle planet approaching the sky above the planet.

Next to the fighting planet, Nova Cannons hit the surface of the planet one after another, and were deflected to distort the trajectory and protect the gravity generator.

However, everyone knows that the ion shield does not work, the escort battleships crash one after another, and this fighting planet has reached the end of its strength.

The leader of the warband changed his face and shouted: “Retract the Terror Claw quickly!”

The sky has discovered that the ground is defeated, so it simply exerts the final value of the battle planet, collides with the Black Stone Array planet, and destroys the Black Stone Array.

The Chaos troops on the ground have been defeated, and they are already dead in the Warmaster’s heart, so there is no need to cherish them.

In the end, not a single Chaos warband was able to leave the planet, and they were all annihilated in the collision of the two planets.

The planet is a key node of the Black Stone Array. When the planet is destroyed, the Forbidden Demon Realm is greatly weakened and the scope is drastically reduced. In the outer reaches of the galaxy, void shields can already be used on combat planets.

When the Nova Cannon hits the void shield, it can only cause ripples, but cannot damage the surface of the planet, let alone the gravity generator.

However, the remaining forbidden demon territory is still in the hands of the imperial army, and it can no longer be conquered with the strength of the rebels.

But they don’t need to fight, because the rebels’ ultimate goal is not here, but Cadia.

The Forbidden Demon Realm has shrunk enough to allow Cardia and Alex to break away from the Forbidden Demon Realm, allowing them to make subspace jumps.

As a result, the rebel fleet ignored the garrison fleet and passed directly through the liberated Mandeville Point and entered the subspace.

Said immediately asked the garrison fleet to follow up to support Cadia, but encountered a subspace storm and the fleet was completely annihilated.

However, he did not feel the slightest regret in his heart, because the rebel forces were severely depleted, leaving only one fighting planet and a small number of Mechanicus fleets.

On the other hand, Cadia has an entire army, four battle moons, and the Blackstone Fortress, a powerful weapon that can crush the rebels to the ground.

“What will the enemy do?” Said couldn’t help but ponder.

At the same time, a debate broke out within the rebels. Abaddon, the sky-braided man, said:

“Your Majesty General, with our current military strength, we can no longer defeat Cadia. Let’s withdraw!”

The foundry general said tiredly: “Retreat? Where can we retreat to? If we can’t defeat Cadia, Nova Terra will be finished!”

Abaddon smiled and said: “New Star Terra is not worthy of allegiance, you can be loyal to me! Compared with the insignificant pocket empire, the subspace is a broader stage!”

“I have many technical sages like you under my command. Under the protection of the gods, their research is not subject to any restrictions!”

Abaddon has seen the power of battle planets. These oil guys can build battle moons. They are undoubtedly talented people. If he can take them under his command, they will definitely become a big help.

For General Forge, as long as they maintain the independence of the Mechanicum and break away from the shackles of the Empire, Nova Terra is just one of the options, and it is not necessary for them.

If Nova Terra has a chance of winning, it will naturally help Nova Terra and stay in the material universe. If there is no chance of winning, it is not a bad idea to go to the subspace.

But he was still very unwilling and said: “I want to fight Cardia once. If I can’t win, I will follow you!”

Abaddon smiled, nodded and said: “Deal!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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