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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 142 Galaxy Intelligence Network, the end of the rebellion

After the foundry general left, Abaddon smiled coldly and said contemptuously: “You idiot who overestimates your capabilities! Going to fight Cadia with this small force? It’s just a dream!”

At this time, a casting sage came to him quietly and whispered: “Lord Warmaster, do you want to start blessing the battle planets?”

Abaddon said calmly: “Well, let’s get started! Try to transform the battle planet into a demon engine before entering the forbidden demon territory!”

The casting sage looked troubled and said: “But according to the current sailing speed, we will enter the forbidden magic area in one day, and there will be no time for the gods to complete the blessing!”

Abaddon was not worried at all and said with a smile: “I will take care of this. You just need to arrange the blessing work!”

Neither of them noticed that a faint red light flashed in the eyes of a cleaning machine servant next to them.

After Abaddon and the Forge Sage left, the servitor continued to complete the cleaning work, returned the cleaning equipment to the storage room, and then the surface of the body squirmed like liquid, turning into a set of synthetic skin.

It is the Callidus assassin of the Court of Assassins. It specializes in disguise and lurking. It is proficient in the culture of most species in the galaxy. It can be played by anyone from an elf girl to an orc brother with ease.

The servitor’s predecessor was a human, and it was even easier to disguise it.

It sat there, the red dot on the communication device flashing continuously, indicating that the signal was being sent, and was intercepted by the communications department of the nearby world, allowing the puppet to send Terra.

On every world in the Empire, there are puppet-controlled communications departments equipped with state-of-the-art signal receivers that receive radio communications and then send them back to Terra through Gestalt consciousness.

Together with the Star Language Choir, they form a communication network throughout the galaxy. The Puppet Communication Department can avoid subspace interference and allow information to be transmitted more accurately and quickly.

Therefore, the puppet Communications Department is widely used by the espionage department. As long as the spies are within the radio reception range, they can send information to the Communications Department and quickly deliver intelligence to Terra.

However, one disadvantage of puppet communication is that all information will be intercepted by Said and lacks concealment. In order to solve this problem, all information is encrypted.

At this time, the battle planet was one light day away from Cadia and was within the reception range of Cadia’s communications department. After Callidus’ intelligence was sent out, it was quickly reported to Terra.

The message was encrypted, and Said did not know the content. The Terra puppet reported the original text to the Assassin’s Court, and after reporting it to the Assassin’s Court, it was read by Malcador.

Malcador then contacted Said through the puppet, handed over the deciphered information, and said: “Your Highness, this is the latest information from the Assassin’s Court, it may be useful to you!”

The puppet took it and looked at it, nodded and said: “Thank you Ma Xiang, do you need anything in return?”

It is Said’s job to defend Qadia. Makado’s help is out of love, not his duty. According to political rules, Said must repay him.

Macado smiled and said: “I haven’t thought about it yet, let’s save it first!”

Not only Malcador and Said, intelligence cooperation exists throughout the Superman Parliament, so although the intelligence agencies of each faction operate independently, they can still cooperate with each other through the puppet communication network to serve the empire and humanity.

From the intelligence, Said learned that Abaddon didn’t want to fight Cadia at all, because he couldn’t win at all, so he retreated to the next best thing and focused on the Mechanicus and the battle planet.

Before entering the Forbidden Demon Realm, he plans to corrupt the battle planet into a demonic engine and turn all the oil guys into the Dark Mechanicus.

As long as they enter the subspace, nothing will be possible for them. At that time, Abaddon will have a super technical team and a battle planet Daemon Engine.

In Said’s eyes, the battle planet was much stronger than the later magic sword called Draconion. No matter how powerful the magic sword was, it was just a sword that could split a battleship with its head.

But the battle planet can destroy a bunch of battleships. After installing the demon engine, the combat power has been taken to a higher level, becoming a lingering nightmare for Cadia.

Therefore, Said decided not to wait and wait, but to take the initiative and destroy the combat planet.

At the same time, Abaddon is methodically wooing the Oil Man, corrupting the battle planet, and starting to frequently cause various malfunctions.

Facing the distortion of subspace psychic energy, the Foundry General was helpless and could only treat the headache and the pain, constantly troubleshooting various faults.

However, the speed of the battle planet has inevitably slowed down. It originally took one day to complete the voyage, but now it takes two days.

During this period, the machine oil guys who took refuge in Abaddon secretly performed various sacrilegious rituals to corrupt the machine souls of the fighting planets. Many Chaos Space Marines sneaked into the fighting planets, further accelerating the corruption.

The Death Guard spread the pus on their armor everywhere, and the battle planet became dirty everywhere. No matter how clean they were, they could never get rid of it.

General Forge was unaware of this. His attention was completely attracted to Cadia, and he had only one obsession in his heart: “As long as we attack Cadia, everything will be fine!”

Just as the battle planet fell into the abyss, the Cadian legions rushed out, leaving only a small garrison.

This is a risky move. If another group of enemies steals the house, destroys the black stone array on Cadia, and attacks the demons in the Eye of Terror, Cadia will fall.

Fortunately, half a day later, the reinforcements from the Great Rift War Zone will arrive, which will fill the defensive void, and the local garrison is enough to last for half a day.

At this moment, Abaddon didn’t know about Cardia’s situation, nor did he know that Said had learned of his plans. He was concentrating on the corrupted planet.

During the Battle of Alex, almost all of Abaddon’s Chaos Space Marines were destroyed, and like the Adeptus Mechanicus, they were unable to attack Cadia.

After feeling that Cadia’s defense was strong, he completely gave up his thoughts on capturing Cadia, and instead thought about how to enhance his strength and accumulate advantages.

He began to realize that capturing Cadia was a long process and could be regarded as a milestone victory in an eternal war, so there was no rush.

The burning, killing and looting in the Obscure Star Territory has already pleased the four gods. The first Black Crusade has been successful. Cadia is at most an addition and has little meaning.

The corrupted fighting planet is preparing for the second black expedition. If successful, the chances of winning the second expedition will be greatly increased.

Said also understood this, so the fleet rushed out in an effort to destroy the battle planet.

The Cadian fleet was assembled and entered a conventional powered voyage at twice the speed of light. Said stared at the star map to find the location of the fighting planet.

Before it was completely corrupted, the battle planet was still in the hands of the Forge General, and despite the treachery of his men, he still moved towards Cadia.

Cadia is surrounded by a forbidden magic zone, and only conventional power navigation can be carried out. In order to reach Cadia quickly, the subspace jump point should be at the closest three-dimensional distance to Cadia.

Soon, Said drew a rough range, but the void was still vast, and it was still not enough to accurately locate it.

He thought of the spy again, but the location of the fleet was confidential, and the lurking Callidus assassin was just a cleaner and had no chance of contacting him.

It has to be cleaned day after day in a huge building, and there is no chance to go outside to look up at the stars, and it cannot judge its position through star coordinates.

Therefore, the intelligence sent back by Kalidus did not contain the location information of the battle planet. Said was not discouraged. He found Malcador and said:

“Ma Xiang, do you still have someone on the battle planet? Can you help me locate the battle planet? Or you can go outside and look up at the stars and take a photo.”

Ma Xiang laughed and said:

“We have instigated some Mechanicus personnel who can provide help, but can the rewards promised by His Highness the Prince be increased?”

Said nodded: “You tell me, I will definitely help you if it can be done!”

Malcador smiled and shook his head: “Don’t worry for now, let’s wait until after the war is over!”

After speaking, Malcador called an old man and introduced with a smile:

“Your Highness, his name is Drakan Wangerich. You can ask him for any information about the battle planet!”

Said was stunned, looked at this inconspicuous old man carefully, and then asked: “Are you Wangerich?”

Wangerich lowered his head and asked doubtfully: “Does His Highness the Prince know me?”

Originally, after the Beast War, this guy killed the High Lords Council and ruled as a dictatorship for a century.

It has to be said that he did a good job in the first eighty years, but the human body has its limits after all. In the next twenty years, he was driven crazy by the complicated government affairs, and the dictatorship became increasingly bloody and crazy, and he was eventually killed in a Space Marine coup.

Wangerich’s story fully proves the limitations of mortal politics. Only when Superman is in power can he rule the vast galaxy.

But now that the empire has established a superhuman politics, Wangerich probably has no chance to become a dictator. It is a good ending to continue his work in the Assassin Court peacefully.

Thinking of this, Said smiled and said: “No, tell me the location of the battle planet!”

Wangerich nodded: “I instigated some members of the Mechanicus to rebel. Three hours ago, the enemy had jumped out of the subspace and was advancing towards Cadia. The jumping position is…”

The Court of Assassins has more than one cleaner on the battle planet. They move around and instigate a large number of oil guys to rebel. Now that the war is not going well, even more oil guys have surrendered.

After getting the coordinates, Said asked: “Do you need me to save the lives of these surrenderers?”

Wangerich sneered and replied: “Letting them return to the embrace of the God Emperor is already a great gift. How can we spare their lives! Traitors should be executed!”

Upon hearing this, Said immediately ordered the Cadia Army to advance at full speed. After half a day of sailing, they finally found the fighting planet in the void.

“Nova Cannon, fire!”

The fleet swarmed forward, and from a very long distance, dozens of Nova Cannons fired in unison, and dozens of projectiles shot straight towards the battle planet at the speed of light.

Before the battle planet had time to react, the light speed cannonballs had already arrived. Since they had not yet entered the forbidden demon territory, the cannonballs hit the void shield, causing ripples.

Then, the battle planet’s alarm bell sounded loudly, and the oil man immediately entered the fighting position and activated the gravity generator and various energy shields.

In their eyes, the Empire will continue to use Nova Cannon and Battle Moon attacks, overload shields and gravity generators as before.

But unlike before, the battle planet is not within the forbidden demon territory at this time, and the use of the void shield is not affected in any way. Even if it cannot be defeated, it can still escape through the subspace.

However, Battle Moon did not notice that in the short time it took for the Nova Cannon to fire, the Blackstone Fortress had already moved out of the killing range and opened the forbidden magic area.

The next moment, the void shield dissipated, and the battle planets were in a panic. The Foundry General panicked and ordered: “Activate the ion shield! Turn on the deflector power to the maximum!”

“Where’s Abaddon? Call him over quickly!”

Before he finished speaking, he was knocked unconscious by a punch.

At this time, the Blackstone Fortress vortex cannon began to accumulate energy, and finally, amid the exclamations of a large number of oil guys, the energy beam rushed towards the battle planet.

Blackstone Fortress can mobilize the infinite energy of the subspace to launch attacks, and a vortex cannon is enough to shatter a planet.

The ion shield and deflection force field were unable to withstand the star-destroying level attack. The vortex cannon hit the surface of the planet solidly. In an instant, the mountains collapsed and the earth began to collapse, and the planet began to disintegrate.

To ensure nothing went wrong, Said ordered the Nova Cannon to continue firing, accelerating the collapse of the battle planet. When it completely collapsed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

From the planet fragments, he could vaguely see wriggling tentacles and steel machinery mixed with flesh and blood, all of which proved that the battle planet was being corrupted.

Once the corruption is successful, the fighting power of the planet will be strengthened and the difficulty of elimination will be doubled. However, thanks to Said’s decisive attack, this tragedy was avoided.

At this moment, all fighting planets in the galaxy were wiped out, and the Mechanicus rebel fleet dispersed. Two hours later, reinforcements from the Great Rift Theater arrived, marking the end of the crisis in Cadia.

The news quickly spread across the galaxy, like toppling dominoes, causing a chain reaction, with scores of rebel worlds surrendering to the Empire and Nova Terra falling apart.

At this point, the ideological struggle that spread across the empire came to an end, followed by a decisive and ruthless purge campaign.

Surrendered worlds were not spared and were exterminated en masse by Lion Lion’s Order of Extermination under Said’s authority, while at the same time, in Caliban’s monastery of the Dark Angels, penances and executions never ceased.

Said did not know how many fallen angel traitors the Lion King had captured. He was very grateful for the opportunity provided by Said to avenge his shame, and his loyalty to Said reached a new level.

In return, the Lion King worked particularly hard when executing the purge order, and almost all the worlds that had a little bit of contact with the rebels were ruthlessly destroyed.

Many of the Primarchs couldn’t stand it anymore and went to Said and said: “Your Highness, those worlds no longer pose a threat, why kill three thousand by mistake and not let one go?”

Said calmly said: “Because this is not an ordinary rebellion, but an ideological struggle. Although the truth of the empire has been proven to be wrong, ideas are like viruses, there will always be people who believe it!”

“In order to destroy the soil of heretical thoughts, we must intensify cleaning efforts. Only after blood washes away the filth can we be reborn in purity!”

Great undertakings always come with sacrifices. The Primarchs were speechless and could only cooperate in the cleansing.

While the Pacific Sector was being purged, the Adeptus Mechanicus Loyalists took power, using Terra as their backing to purge the interior.

The purge lasted for more than a hundred years. As the end of the Era of the Two Emperors, through mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the state religion established its undisputed dominance.

After everything returned to calm, the empire entered a new era – the Forging Era!

At the beginning of the Forging Era, Malcador found Said, followed by a gloomy-looking middle-aged man, and introduced:

“His Royal Highness, his name is Gao Zhi Fandal, one of the cardinals of the state religion. He hopes to separate the Fighting Sisters of the Sisters and form a new force – the Fighting Sisters!”

The Age of Apostasy…emmm, think about how to write it, the inspiration of the spy network came from Gao Zhifandal


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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