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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 144 The Loyalty of the Battle Sister!

“Maintaining humanity? Brother Huang, what do you mean?” Said was confused, and then asked: “Is it because I authorized Leon Johnson to launch the purge?”

But he rejected this speculation in his heart, because he believed that the emperor would make the same decision, so he didn’t know why the emperor was dissatisfied with him.

The God Emperor calmly consoled him: “You did nothing wrong, my brother. He is even better than I imagined. You are worthy of your responsibilities.”

Said couldn’t help asking: “Then why…”

The emperor answered: “I am worried about your future. How long has it been since you came out of the stasis field?”

Said was stunned and replied without thinking: “It seems to have been several years, but does this have any impact?”

Said has been in power for nearly a thousand years, and his body has been trapped in the palace for nearly a thousand years. Although the palace is large, being trapped for a thousand years is enough to complete the exploration, leaving only boredom.

But Said had hundreds of millions of puppets spread across the galaxy, controlling every aspect of the empire, and had super computing power to process massive amounts of information, so it didn’t matter for a while.

Whether it is meetings, inspections, or guidance, the puppet comes forward. In the eyes of the empire, the puppet is the prince, and many people have forgotten Said’s true identity.

Under the huge torrent of information, even Said himself gradually forgot that he still had an identity, and even gradually became tired of it.

The human body needs to eat, sleep, brush teeth and wash, deal with various emotions, and occupy thinking resources. Said is very annoyed.

The result of all this is that the main body enters the stasis field, and Said focuses on throwing down thousands of puppets.

In the eyes of the emperor, this was trying to win the heart of one person out of thousands of hearts, so he said:

“The impact is great. The person in charge of the human empire must be a human being. I can tolerate supermen being in power, but I cannot tolerate aliens being in power!”

Said was shocked: “Brother Huang, I’m not…”

“You are not now! But what about in the future?” The emperor said sternly:

“Material determines consciousness. The reason why human beings are human is because of pure and unpolluted genes. Genes constitute the body and determine human society and culture today.”

“When you throw your body into the stasis field, you give up your human body and embrace the powerful alien power. This is very dangerous, my brother!”

Said opened his mouth, speechless for a moment, and said in a hoarse voice: “Is it so serious?”

The emperor’s voice returned to calmness: “It doesn’t matter to others, but when you are in charge of the empire, any small change on your part will cause a violent storm.”

“Do you remember your intolerance and entanglement when you massacred 30 million people in the Inuit? But when you authorized Leon Jonson to exterminate tens of billions of people, you no longer had any fluctuations in your heart.”

Said argued: “But innocent does not mean innocent, I have no right to let them live!”

The Emperor immediately explained: “I didn’t say you did anything wrong, my brother. The point is your changes. Humanity is leaving you. You are gradually abandoning the human body and embracing the power of aliens. This is very dangerous!”

Said knew that the emperor was right. He was now the prince of the empire, the chairman of the Superman Council, the master of trillions of puppets, and in charge of the empire’s most powerful armed force-the Prince’s Legion.

If his mind is corrupted by the xenos, he will become an enemy of the Imperium, an enemy of Mankind, and an enemy of the Emperor.

Throwing the body into the stasis force field means abandoning the human identity, and the soul becomes close to thousands of puppets, becoming a perfect gestalt of soldiers and wood.

Thinking of this, he quickly asked the puppet to contact the Forbidden Army and ask them to close the stasis field and release the main body.

Said looked at the golden palace in front of him, let out a long breath, and asked: “But why is it a battle sister? Isn’t it enough to let the forbidden army chat with me regularly?”

The emperor still said calmly: “Just as plants take root in the soil and thoughts take root in the body, when the body mutates, the thoughts nurtured are different!”

“The Custodes are born superhumans. Like the Astartes, although they retain their personality, their human nature has long since changed.

Battle Sisters are mortals and women. Contact with them allows you to establish a different emotional connection and keep your humanity in reality. “

Said argued: “But what if they are corrupted by Slaanesh, or other subspace demons, and the Battle Sisters are a combat force against heretics, and you let them be trapped in the palace for a long time?”

Emperor Youyou said: “With the gathering of loyalty and faith, my power has become stronger, enough to display more protection and blessings.”

“The palace will slay evil spirits and retreat. The battle nuns will dedicate their souls to me. No evil god can take away their souls. There is no room for pollution!”

Speaking of this, Said sighed and agreed:

“Okay, since you have arranged everything, Brother Huang, I must obey it, but I must ensure my purity. My body is weak and I cannot withstand subspace pollution!”

The next day, in the palace square, Said was dressed in a gilt white robe, a white crown on his head, and a ruby ​​on his chest.

He stood on the reviewing stand and said calmly:

“Everyone, you are the daughters of the God Emperor, and you should cleanse him of evil and eliminate heresy!”

“Loyalty, loyalty, endless loyalty!”

Below him, the battle sisters formed a phalanx and chanted in unison.

They were wearing power armor, and their faces were generally in their twenties, which is when a girl is most beautiful. However, the scars from training and their fanatical expressions completely tore apart their charm and gentleness.

But this does not detract from their beauty. In Said’s eyes, no matter what they look like, they are the most lovable people who devote themselves to the God-Emperor and the Empire.

So he clenched his fist and beat his chest, and replied loudly: “Glory, glory, endless glory! The empire that rules over the world gave us life, the immortal God-Emperor gave us the object of loyalty, and being born as a human being gave us endless glory!”

“You must give what you get. The empire, the God-Emperor, and mankind have given us too many favors, and they also give us the obligation to protect it. Beautiful things are always fragile and fragile, so we can’t bear to put them in a dangerous environment!”

“The world is unpredictable, and the road ahead is full of dangers. The three evils are constantly gnawing at the foundation of the empire and mankind, shaking the throne of the God-Emperor! Only danger can solve danger, and only terror can end terror!”

“So we must bleed, we must bleed, and spread endless blood under the throne to protect the honor and loyalty we have!”

As Sayid spoke, the girls became increasingly enthusiastic, and their hands holding the grenade launchers trembled slightly. If it weren’t for the strict discipline, they would raise their guns and shoot at the sky in the next second.

Some of them are devout believers from remote agricultural worlds, some are fanatical expiatory nuns on the battlefield, and some are excellent in burning heretics to death.

When the Imperial Pope, the Emperor’s brother, the closest human to the Emperor, appeared, they felt one step closer to the Emperor, and their burning gazes seemed to be through Sayid, staring at the golden sun in the void.

Sayid noticed the increasingly burning gaze, as if the golden sun was right beside him, as if it was about to set him on fire, but he didn’t know that in the eyes of the battle sisters, Sayid’s body was emitting golden light.

In an instant, the huge phantom of the Emperor stood up from Sayid, and in an instant, Sayid briefly lost consciousness.

Since there were no puppets in the palace, he had no way of knowing what the Emperor said to the nuns after he possessed the body, but he only knew that their gazes became even more burning afterwards.

Wherever Sayid went, every move would be magnified and analyzed, interpreted as God’s will, like a magnifying glass focusing the sun, burning him all the time.

This feeling was not pleasant. Although the guards protecting him would stare at him all the time, their eyes were emotionless, like a wooden sculpture, and Sayid could always ignore their existence.

When women get crazy, men have nothing to do. Sayid didn’t want to stay with these crazy women for long, so he nodded to the Imperial Guards and returned to the inner palace.

According to the Emperor’s arrangement, the battle sisters will go to the palace for training and receive the Emperor’s soul binding ceremony to avoid the erosion of the warp.

At the same time, the palace has a purification force field and a large number of silent sisters. Any existence contaminated by the warp will be purified instantly.

Fandral has been executed. The training of the nuns is the responsibility of the Imperial Guards and the silent sisters. Sayid only needs to show up and he doesn’t need to worry about anything else.

Everything seems to be unchanged, but after a day, the stasis force field is forcibly opened, and what comes into view are several white-haired and beautiful faces, and the several scars on their faces have a dangerous beauty.

The owner of the face smiled and said, “Your Highness, the time in reality has come. From now on, you must stay in reality for six hours!”

“If you need anything, you can tell us!”

According to the agreement with the Emperor, Sayid left the stasis field for at least six hours every day, and then stayed with several two-meter-tall girls wearing full power armor.

During this period, Sayid could do anything, chatting, reading, eating, washing, doing human activities, including the entertainment activities of the Dark Prince.

But they are the daughters of the Emperor, Sayid’s nieces, and his inner loyalty does not allow him to do blasphemous things.

So he sighed, left the stasis field box, took a look at the golden palace, and ordered: “Get me something to eat!”

The white-haired nun nodded and said, “Yes, Your Highness!”

Several nuns pushed the dining cart and placed the sumptuous dishes. Sayid recognized a large number of species from the ancient Terra era, such as beef and sea fish, which have long been extinct.

It is not difficult to imagine that this meal is not only delicious, but also very expensive. Sayid complained in his heart: “Wouldn’t I become Fandral?”

He waved his hand and said: “This is too luxurious. According to the standard of Terra civil servants’ canteen, three dishes and one soup are enough, starting from tomorrow, but forget it this time!”

Sayid secretly made up his mind that he would never become Fandral.

Since the first batch of battle sisters came out, everything has been on the right track. Fandral was executed by the Assassin Court, and the training of battle sisters was taken over by the Emperor’s Claw.

Most of the battle sisters in the palace are recruits who have just finished training, or veterans who return to the palace regularly to strengthen the binding ceremony and purify their hearts.

Originally, the palace was extremely quiet. Neither the imperial guards nor the sisters of silence made any sound, which caused Sayid to often ignore their existence.

However, today, I can always hear the “click” and “click” footsteps, as well as the sound of heavy armor colliding. That is the battle sisters on armed patrol.

Their fighting power was nothing in front of the Emperor’s claws, and they were almost easily killed in seconds, but their duty was not to protect, but to attract Sayid’s attention and keep a trace of his thoughts in the main body.

Under the Gestalt consciousness, the trillions of puppets in the entire galaxy almost squeezed out all his thoughts, and the main body only accounted for a negligible part of the computing power.

Economic construction in various worlds, military mobilization, armed patrols, presiding over meetings, maintaining contacts…

There is always a huge amount of information pouring in, which is analyzed and processed by the Gestalt consciousness, and then the puppets are manipulated to respond to maintain the operation of the Galactic Empire.

In the galaxy, Sayid is everywhere, except in the palace and the main body. He belongs to the empire, to all mankind, to the God-Emperor, not to himself.

As divinity gradually accumulates and humanity gradually decreases, it is necessary for the nun to involve a little bit of Said’s consciousness and stay in his true body.

“Um…can you stop staring at me and go on patrol with your sisters!”

It must be said that their effect was good, and Said discovered an attribute he had never had before – social fear!

Being stared at all the time by scorching eyes, Said felt uncomfortable. They were not emotionless forbidden soldiers, nor the elusive Sisters of Silence, but fanatical believers.

That emotion-filled gaze made Said realize a sentence: “Hell is other people!”

When humans are stared at by others, they are like clowns on the stage. They will involuntarily live according to the expectations of others, be restrained, and no longer free.

Said hated this feeling of restraint, so he started to chase people away. However, the battle sister shook her head and said:

“No, the God Emperor has an order. We are your resident nuns. We must protect and take care of you at all times. If you feel uncomfortable, just ignore us!”

Said slammed the table angrily: “Fart, you are battle nuns. You should be killing heretics on the front lines and be loyal to the God-Emperor, instead of staying in the deep palace and wasting the cultivation the empire has given you!”

“Hurry up and go on patrol with your sisters. Leave the palace when the time is up and return to the battlefield!”

The nun looked back at Said and said calmly: “First of all, taking care of His Highness is the order of the God-Emperor, and secondly…”

At this time, she lifted up her skirt and took off her power armor. Instead of the non-sexy scene she had expected, she saw a mechanical prosthetic leg that was half her body.

“We are no longer able to fight! Unlike the recruits outside, we are veterans who became disabled in combat. Our mechanical prostheses cannot meet the needs of combat. We can only serve the empire in another way!”

The mechanical prosthetic limb cannot fight, but can be used to take care of people. It can serve as a companion for Said to prevent him from being completely possessed by divinity.

“Does this mean…asking me to take care of these wounded soldiers…” After thinking about this, Said felt much better and nodded: “What is your name? Sister, what position do you hold now?”

The nun saluted respectfully: “My name is Alicia Dominica, leader of the Ebony Holy Grail Order!”

Then he pointed at another nun: “She is Lucia, the leader of the Order of the Fearless Heart!”

“Her name is Catherine, leader of the Order of the Fiery Heart!”

“Her name is Silvana, leader of the Silver Shroud Order!”

“Her name is Arabella, leader of the Order of the Holy Rose!”

“Her name is Mina, leader of the Order of the Bloody Rose!”

“While we take turns taking care of His Highness the Prince, we are affiliated with the War Council and are responsible for helping the Imperial Army train the Battle Sisters.”

Said was silent for a long time, put down his knife and fork, and saluted respectfully: “Thank you for your contribution to the empire. I will trouble you later!”

At this moment, Said accepted the veteran nuns. The nuns were affirmed and cheered: “Praise the emperor, loyalty, loyalty, endless loyalty!”

They are all wounded soldiers. Out of respect for the veterans, please don’t think about Slaanesh~ Said will not think about it either~

After all, he accepted the care of the nuns out of respect for the veterans and satisfied their desire to continue to be loyal~

Feelings are extremely noble, don’t even think about Slaanesh Club~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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