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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 145 The Age of Forging and the War of Subspace Gods

In the original time and space, after the Beast War, the Empire entered the Forging Age that lasted for thousands of years, and the Nova Terra Rebellion marked the end of the Forging Age.

But in this time and space, the Nova Terra Rebellion followed the Beast War and was quickly suppressed, so the Forging Age lasted longer, starting from the 33rd millennium, which lasted two millennia.

During this period, the empire’s industrial production capacity further expanded, and all kinds of materials were greatly abundant. As the warp storm subsided, cross-galactic trade flourished again.

Although they are still militaristic, the people still enjoy the dividends of development, and their living standards have been greatly improved. They have meat for every meal, everyone has warm clothes, and their wives and children have a warm bed.

In order for the army to create profits, the Imperial Legion launched many expeditions and successively brought more than a thousand worlds into its territory.

Most of these worlds were missed by the Great Crusade. After returning to the Empire, their resources and wealth increased further, and they were developed by the Internal Affairs Committee, creating huge profits.

The empire was booming, and Said in the Terra Palace was not happy. He begged in his heart: “Brother Emperor, can you please stop sending battle sisters to me? Time killing is really too uncomfortable!”

The Battle Sisters are mortals. Even if they are genetically enhanced, their lifespan is only a few hundred years. For the immortal Said, it is just a moment in the long river of life.

Over the past thousands of years, he has sent away batch after batch of nuns who took care of him. After experiencing life and death so many times, he was even afraid of seeing new nuns.

Just like the kittens and puppies I raised in my previous life, I raised them for many years without any love or affection. Once they died, I felt so painful that I decided not to raise them again.

However, under the emperor’s order, injured and discharged nuns were constantly sent to Said. After a long and pleasant relationship (their personal feelings), they left with satisfaction under Said’s compassionate gaze.

According to the nuns, Said at this moment was like a god-emperor possessing him, with the eyes that only a loving father has.

The nun was happy, the emperor was satisfied, and only Said was uncomfortable. For this reason, the emperor refused:

“No, grieving the death of someone close to you is a manifestation of human nature. Only by always remembering this feeling can you be kind to your empire and your people!”

Said said sadly: “Brother Huang, what’s wrong with divinity dominating the brain? You’re not even a god yourself!”

The emperor said calmly: “It is precisely because of my lack of humanity that I refuse to rule the empire directly. Otherwise, I can still give orders by relying on the oracle!”

Said sighed and said: “Okay, I understand. If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. I will take good care of these nuns and veterans!”

After saying that, he left the stasis field and went to meet the new batch of battle sisters.

At the same time, the founding general of the Mechanicus found Said’s puppet and said happily: “Your Highness, we have created a battle planet! It is even stronger than the orcs originally made it!”

The puppet nodded and encouraged: “Well done, Rand, this is an amazing achievement. How has the Mechanicus recovered in recent years?”

Akanland patted his chest and said: “I report to His Highness the Prince that the production capacity has recovered to close to 70%, so at the end of the thirty-fifth millennium, it will return to its historical peak level!”

The puppet nodded: “Well done, be sure to eliminate technical heretics and avoid any forbidden research. The Inquisition and the Supervisory Corps will help you!”

Since the Separatist rebellion, the integration of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Empire has further deepened, and the command authority of the Skitarii has been stripped away and integrated into the command sequence of the Imperial Army, becoming an independent branch.

There are legions of puppets stationed on Mars and every forge world to supervise and suppress the Mechanicus. In return, Said is deeply involved in Mechanicum scientific research and helps achieve many technological breakthroughs.

In addition to the Sisters of Battle, Goodwill further studied Fandral, engaged in secret service, and established a huge spy network on every imperial world.

These spy networks are led by puppets, leading a large number of humans to collect all kinds of information about the place, which brings Said’s control to a higher level.

Due to the investment regardless of the cost, many heretics, aliens, and demons infiltrated without waiting for the Inquisition to notice. They were first discovered by the Prince’s spies and then reported to the Inquisition for processing.

During the Forging Age, the galaxy was generally peaceful, with fewer large-scale battles, and most of the wars were internal security wars. As a result, each war zone expanded the size of the Inquisition’s legions and strengthened its internal strikes.

Groups of Death Watch are active in the hive pipes, killing mutants and aliens in droves; Gray Knights clean up all kinds of subspace pollution; Battle Sisters use bolt guns to emphasize loyalty.

The continuous attack reports always warned Said that the war has never really gone away. In order to make more people aware of the danger, these attack reports will be compiled into volumes and published in the Imperial Daily.

The crisis will further strengthen the legitimacy of the Superman Parliament, and the people will take the initiative to demand stricter governance methods. Although peace remains, the people are always nervous.

In this way, the empire went through more than two thousand years of golden years, and finally came to an end with a warning from the emperor.

“Sayed, there will be a subspace storm spreading across the galaxy in the near future. Be prepared!”

Said perked up, put down the tea made by the Battle Sister, and asked, “What’s going on? Did it come so suddenly?”

The emperor said calmly: “The subspace god war has begun. The four gods have accumulated enough strength and are ready to attack me!”

Said was startled and asked: “Brother Huang, are you sure of winning?”

The emperor said calmly: “Don’t worry, as long as humanity does not perish, I will not lose!”

Said gritted his teeth and said: “I will ask the people to increase their prayer times and use their faith to strengthen you!”

The emperor said a little hastily: “Because I am focusing on the battle of gods, I may not respond in time in the future. You must be careful!”

Said smiled confidently: “Don’t worry, brother Huang, I’m watching over you, and the empire will be strong forever!”

After ending the call, a white-haired battle nun behind her blinked and asked softly: “Is there another battle to be fought?”

Said stared at the sunset and said calmly: “Yes, the empire has been preparing for this battle for two thousand years, and suddenly there is some expectation!”

“Since those monsters and monsters want to fight, let’s start the fight!”

After saying that, Said convened the Superman Council. It had been a thousand years since the last meeting. During this period, as long as there were no major events, the empire would basically not hold a Superman meeting.

In normal times, communication generally goes through various functional committees, such as the internal affairs committee composed of Guilliman, Malcador, Darkcrow, etc.

Leon Jonson, Phaenus Manus and others formed the Military Industrial Development Committee.

These committees, coordinated by Said, promoted the development of the empire.

At this moment, the Emperor predicts an apocalyptic disaster, and Said must convene a meeting of supermen. At the beginning of the meeting, he said:

“Everyone, I have received a warning from the God-Emperor that the subspace war is imminent, and a subspace storm spreading across the galaxy is about to erupt. At that time, all kinds of suppressed demons, demons, and snake gods will counterattack! We must be prepared!”

The primarchs were shocked, and Guilliman asked: “Your Highness, is father sure of victory?”

Said nodded: “As long as humanity does not perish, the God-Emperor will not lose. What we have to do is to preserve the empire and preserve humanity. Therefore, according to Plan No. 1, the following personnel adjustments will be made!”

“Leon Jonson, you serve as the commander of the Hazy Theater! Ferus and Leman Russ, you serve as the deputy commanders!”

“Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”×3

As the number of legions increased and command pressure increased, Said deliberately added the position of deputy commander to be responsible for important tasks.

The Iron Hands, Space Wolves, and Dark Angels Legion homeworlds are all in the Obscure Star Territory. The three of them have worked together for many years, so they are suitable for guarding this place.

Rogal Dorn serves as the Commander of the Solar Theater, a position he has held in the past without any changes.

Later, Said arranged for Guilliman to serve as the commander of the extreme theater, and Vulkan, Korak, Chagatai Khan, and Sanguinius to serve as deputy commanders to coordinate the war in the theater.

The Extreme Theater was the largest in size, and Said arranged for six primarchs to take charge, while the Taiping Theater and Storm Theater headquarters had puppets taking over, and Said personally commanded them.

Everyone had no objections to the arrangement. Under the guidance of the empire’s superhuman politics, the commanders of theaters, heads of military departments, and the top leaders of various key departments were all monopolized by the superhuman council.

However, the Primarchs did not hold a certain position for a long time. In normal times, these positions were usually vacant, and the Astartes could not convince the public, so they were all filled by puppets.

When war came, the Imperium needed the commanding skills of the Primarchs, so the puppets stepped aside and allowed the Primarchs to take over key positions.

The galaxy is too big and the empire has a vast territory. No one can take the lead alone. The Superman Council must work together to get the empire through the crisis.

The Primarchs had deduced the current situation many times, and had already negotiated the distribution of powers and scope of responsibilities. When the meeting ended, they immediately rushed to various parts of the galaxy to deal with the crisis.

Just as the Emperor warned, at the beginning of the 35th Millennium, two years after the Primarch took office, a warp storm of apocalyptic proportions swept across the galaxy.

The subspace routes of the Milky Way were cut off, and the Empire was unable to conduct interstellar voyages across star regions, forcing various worlds into isolation.

Those ghosts and monsters that were suppressed in the past reappeared, the greenskins set off waves of waaaagh, the Eldar pirates plundered everywhere, and various cults began to take action.

In addition to these common aliens, various aliens that were exterminated during the Great Crusade also emerged from every corner to take revenge on the human empire.

This is not the worst. In many world hives, many aliens have been reported that have never been seen before, including the gene stealers that Said is most afraid of.

Gene stealers, also known as chicken thieves, sneak into the human world as the vanguard of the Tyranids, infect and parasitize humans, and expand the population. When there are enough, they will become beacons and beacons, pointing out the target for the main force of the insect fleet.

In an instant, the war was like a prairie fire, sweeping across the entire galaxy, and the entire empire was plunged into fierce fighting.

In Terra, the Ministry of Justice and the Sun Legion mobilized in large numbers, and under the instructions of microscopic scanning, quickly raided various cult and alien strongholds.

Chaos sects were wiped out one by one, chicken bandit strongholds were uprooted one after another, and groups of Dark Eldar pirates were wiped out. Even the Harlequin Troupe regarded Terra as a forbidden land.

But in other worlds in the galaxy, the situation is much more difficult. They do not have microscopic scanning satellites and can only rely on primitive screening methods to detect chaos and aliens.

This gave the three evils time to grow stronger, and eventually the planet fell into a fierce civil war.

At this time, thanks to the foresight of the Superman Council, through years of military expansion, it was ensured that mixed legions were stationed in every sector, there was an Inquisition in every sector, and there were Krieg auxiliaries in every world.

Such a huge troop density allows the empire to deliver troops to the area where the incident occurred without relying on subspace and relying solely on conventional navigation.

After several years of fighting, the flames of war were constantly ignited and extinguished by the army. Under the excellent command of the Primarch, the three evils were effectively contained.

However, the war in the subspace is still fierce, the storm is still raging, and the continuous war seems to be far away. With the exposure of the Great Devourer’s hive fleet, the entire empire has fallen into an atmosphere of despair.

But humans will never give in, because they believe in the God-Emperor, and the golden sun of the subspace will protect humans.

Under the propaganda of the state religion, this spreading galactic storm is called the aftermath of the God War. In order to protect mankind, the golden sun is fighting fiercely with the evil god. As a people, we should fight with the emperor in the real world.

“Burn the infidels, kill the mutants, and purge the unclean.”

“Rational thinking leads to doubt, and doubt leads to heresy.”

“It is better to be physically disabled than to be mentally corrupted.”

Carrying the Emperor’s will like a torch, guiding us through the darkness to the other side of truth. “

Trillions of people in the empire chanted prayers, and the invading enemies fought bravely, becoming a spiritual weapon to support the darkest moments.

Eventually, this faith converged in the Warp, strengthening the Golden Sun and even temporarily weakening the veil between reality and the Warp, allowing the Light of the Emperor to descend upon the world.

Reports of the appearance of the Cursed Legion continue to come from various places. When the war situation is unfavorable, a group of flaming armies will appear in some devout worlds to kill the invading enemies.

Among them are two particularly tall and strong warriors, one of whom has a face engraved with runes, a heavy hammer in his left hand, and a book of holy words in his right hand. Although silent, his movements can inspire fanaticism among believers.

The other holds a giant scythe and turns into the shadow of the god of death. He often kills hundreds of millions of enemy troops with one person. His strong body can withstand any devastating attack.

When demons come, angels with white wings will appear, easily tearing the demons apart and banishing them back to the subspace.

Someone recognized her as the missing Battle Sister Celestine!

With the help of the Puppet Communication Network, news of the Emperor’s Angels and the Legion of the Damned spread throughout the galaxy, encouraging the hearts and minds of soldiers and civilians everywhere to resist the Three Evils.

Just as the empire was working together to stabilize the situation in the galaxy, the Chaos Warmaster Abaddon, who was still in the Eye of Terror, was unwilling to be lonely and led his black legion to launch an expedition.

After the First Black Crusade, Abaddon kidnapped a large number of Mechanicus rebels, including Forge-General Kalborhar.

Both of them possess the technology to create battle planets. After being captured by Abaddon, they degenerated into the Dark Mechanicum and created battle planets for Abaddon.

After thousands of years of hard work, Abaddon finally created the first battle planet and transformed it into a demonic engine, making it more powerful than ordinary battle planets.

After preparations were made, Abaddon launched the Second Black Crusade, targeting the Belis Corona Sector.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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