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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 146 Abaddon attacks the east and west, pointing his sword at the black stone obelisk

The Belis Corona Sector is located between Holy Terra and the Eye of Terror. It is under the jurisdiction of the Sun Star Domain and serves as a buffer zone between Terra and the Eye of Terror.

As a second line of defense, when Cadia was breached, the Belis Corona Sector would become a battlefield, with the warp storms in the sector many times more violent when Abaddon decided to attack.

This phenomenon immediately aroused Said’s alarm. He clearly remembered that at the beginning of the Second Black Crusade, Abaddon released a curse into the Corona sector and created a strong subspace storm.

Immediately afterwards, a demonic sect riot broke out in a world called Yalant in the star sector. They were a chaos cult led and organized by the Black Legion himself.

Compared with other spontaneously formed cults, they are well-organized and covert, successfully hiding from the agents of the Inquisition.

Abaddon had been preparing for this attack for a long time. There was more than one such sect, but most of them were destroyed by the Inquisition and the Planetary Forces. Only a few survived.

They suddenly rebelled, catching the planet’s government off guard, and then took the opportunity to perform sacrilegious rituals that weakened the veil of reality and the warp.

In an instant, a large number of demons poured out. Battle planets and a large number of black army fleets appeared in the real world. The planet fleet tried desperately to block it, but was easily killed by the demon planet.

There were puppets in both the galaxy fleet and the planetary forces. When the riot occurred, Said immediately notified the Kurand Legion stationed in the sector.

Brand immediately mobilized the Inquisition Legion to suppress it. When the Demon Moon appeared, he personally led the main force of the Legion there.

Kurland was a veteran of the Primarch Rebellion era and had extensive combat experience.

When the demon planet appeared, he immediately paid great attention to it and sent the main fleet of the legion to attack it with a battle planet.

Due to the fierce subspace storm, the Kurand fleet had to sail with conventional power, and it would take at least several days to reach its destination.

However, he was confident in catching the Black Legion, because the violent warp storm was not only a restriction to the Empire, but also to the Black Legion.

Under the storm of the Sea of ​​Souls, even the Black Legion blessed by Chaos could not make a subspace jump, and had to perform more blasphemous rituals to continue to weaken the curtain between reality and subspace.

To hold a sacrilegious ceremony, one must burn, kill, loot, and commit all kinds of horrific atrocities, such as attacking the Tower of Human Heads, spreading plague, and all kinds of abuse and torture…

This also means that the Black Legion cannot destroy the entire world instantly like using the Extermination Order. In addition, the materials on the planet are also an important source of supplies for the Black Legion.

So, after destroying the galaxy fleet, the landing operation began. A large number of black legions rode the Dread Claws straight to the surface of the planet and fought with the defenders.

Under the attack of the main force of the Black Legion, the planetary forces retreated steadily, but they still persisted in resisting. They knew that losing would mean death, and no one dared to surrender.

According to combat regulations, as long as we persist for at most one week, reinforcements will arrive and then the invading enemy will be eliminated.

After the construction of the Forging Age, as the industrialization of the entire galaxy increased, the equipment of planetary forces in various places was comparable to that of the mortal auxiliary armies.

Although they were still defeated by the Chaos Space Marines, their strong will to fight broke out under the desire to protect their homeland and loved ones.

Vast numbers of Auxiliaries put on bomb vests and perished with the Chaos Space Marines, successfully delaying their advance until Kurand reinforcements arrived.

Even with the battle planet, the size of the Black Legion fleet is less than one-fifth of the Kurand Army. However, Abaddon stared at the approaching Kurand Army with a sneer on his face that had succeeded:

“Okay, my wizard, the enemy has successfully taken the bait, and I will leave it to your command here!”

Next to him, a humanoid creature wearing a burqa with mutated limbs hanging on its body, whose appearance was unclear, replied respectfully:

“Don’t worry, Lord Warmaster, we promise to complete the mission! The light of the gods protects you! If you are willing to convert to one of the gods, you will get more than you do now!”

Abaddon snorted: “I refuse, I just want to lead my brothers to destroy this decadent empire and let that disgusting sun go out!”

“Your god is using me, so why am I not using them? Everyone just gets what they need!”

After saying that, he led a light cruiser and a light chariot and left the main force of the legion.

At the same time, in front of the holographic projection, Said stared at the reddish Corona star map, memories flooding in his heart.

During the Second Black Crusade in original history, Abaddon destroyed a naval shipyard and burned dozens of ships under construction, causing extremely heavy losses.

At that time, the productivity of the empire was far less developed than it is now. Most parts of the ship were made by hand, and each part took decades to be blessed. The efficiency was extremely slow.

Now with the standardized production of puppets and the protection of the golden sun light of subspace, we can improve the construction efficiency and turn shipbuilding into a dumpling.

So when dozens of half-finished ships were destroyed, the Imperial Navy pursued them angrily, but fell into Abaddon’s trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

He personally led a small force to raid the Inquisition fortress and destroy the Blackstone Obelisk.

“Is Abaddon’s goal the same this time?” He set his sights on an Inquisition fortress called Trila near the planet being attacked.

After expansion during the Forge Age, the Fortress of the Inquisition has become extremely large, almost as large as a planet, with a large number of Stormtroopers and Krieg auxiliaries stationed on it, as well as several Death Watch or Gray Knights Chapters stationed there.

At this moment, in order to support the system under attack, the main force of the Canned Chapter went to reinforce, leaving only the auxiliary army and a small number of Astartes and Titan soldiers inside the fortress.

But even if the main force is transferred, ordinary Chaos Space Marines cannot quickly capture this fortress. The dense defensive firepower and large number of auxiliary troops above can hold on for a long time.

Said guessed in his mind: “Will Abaddon raid here and destroy the Black Stone Obelisk like history did?”

After the first Black Crusade, Abaddon knew that his own strength could not shake the defenses of the Cadian War Zone, and the Black Stone Obelisk was an obstacle that could not be bypassed.

Therefore, Said concluded that Abaddon’s real goal was to attack the Trila Fortress, just like history, so he took over the command of Trila and launched the deployment.

According to wartime regulations, the prince’s puppet can intervene at any time to take command, although Said rarely does this except at critical moments.

Killing Abaddon was such a critical moment, so he found the fortress commander and said:

“Abaddon will most likely lead his men to attack here. The target is the black stone obelisk in the fortress. I want to take over the command!”

The fortress commander stood solemnly and said: “Yes, Your Highness, we will obey your will!”

The commander of the Judgment Legion went to the front line in person. The commander who stayed behind was not of high rank and did not dare to disobey Said. He readily handed over command and suggested:

“Your Highness, we can activate the black stone obelisk and disable the demon engine. Without the fleet, Abaddon is a lamb to be slaughtered!”

Said shook his head and said: “The main force of the Black Legion is in a decisive battle with the main force of Kurand. Abaddon will personally lead a small team to attack. It is likely to use gang-hopping warfare and there will be no demon engine.”

“But you are right, we should activate the Black Stone Obelisk. Abaddon comes from subspace after all, and the Forbidden Demon Realm can weaken his combat power!”

“Yes! Your Highness the Prince! I will arrange it myself!” the fortress commander excitedly went to prepare.

Soon, the Fortress of the Inquisition became busy, and all the troops entered combat positions, ready to wait for the enemy to attack.

Said told Kurander about the situation, and Kurander said anxiously: “Your Highness, should I mobilize the Inquisition to return reinforcements?”

Said shook his head and said: “No, there are not many Abaddon people, compared to himself, this battle planet must be destroyed, no matter what the cost!”

“As for the siege of Abaddon, I will mobilize troops from areas where there is no war.”

Later, Said found Rogal Dorn and said, “Can you dispatch the Astartes from all over the Korola sector to reinforce the Tribunal fortress!”

Said killed Abaddon in one fell swoop, and without the Chaos Warmaster, the Chaos Warmaster once again fell into internal strife, and the Empire gained peace for a thousand years.

The Kurand Legion cannot be contained, so they can only dispatch the Astartes on standby elsewhere, trap Abaddon in the Forbidden Demon Realm, and then form an advantage with reinforcements to eliminate Abaddon.

However, Dorn shook his head: “No, attacking the Tribunal Fortress is just a guess. If Abaddon attacks other places, our troops will be empty. We cannot take risks!”

Said asked: “Is this okay? After Abaddon’s attack occurs, we can mobilize troops for reinforcements. We don’t need too many troops, just one battle group.”

Dorn still shook his head: “One battle group can guard five star systems. According to the current intensity of the war, if they are transferred, it will be difficult to defend the enemy with planetary troops alone.”

“The Space Marines are not Titan Soldiers, and they cannot pull out a large number at any time, so unless you remove me, Your Highness, I will not agree to your risky move.”

Changing commanders on the spot is taboo. Faced with Dorn’s stubbornness, Said had no choice but to compromise: “Okay, I will rely on the Inquisition Fortress to resist.”

At the same time, the Inquisition Fortress has been fortified, the Black Stone Obelisk has been activated, and the Forbidden Demon Realm has spread, making Abaddon, who was sneaking closer, feel uncomfortable.

He was confused in his mind. The imperial black stone obelisk could only maintain the ban on demons for seven days, and then it would cool down for a long period of time.

In other words, the Black Stone Obelisk will be activated only when the Chaos Demon is sure to attack. Otherwise, the Demon will attack after cooling down, which will be self-defeating.

At this moment, the main forces of the Corona Sector Legion are gathered elsewhere to fight the Black Legion’s battle planet. Facing the superior strength of the empire, defeat is only a matter of time, and they will definitely not last seven days.

In other words, the main army will reinforce the Judgment Fortress in seven days, and Abaddon will have no choice but to run away by then, so Said decisively opens the forbidden demon realm.

But in Abadon’s eyes, this meant that the defenders knew the information about the incoming attack. With the Ark, Abaddon was hesitant as to whether he should attack.

After thinking for a moment, he still decided to attack, because the main force had been transferred away, and the nearby star systems would not transfer the defenders after seeing the tragic situation in the battle zone.

Therefore, the Inquisition Fortress is now isolated and helpless, with only mortal auxiliaries and a small number of Space Marines and Titan Soldiers. Even with defenses, it cannot stop Abaddon.

He glanced at the demon sword Draconion in his hand, and even though he was in the forbidden demon realm, he could still feel the surging power inside.

He pleased the Four Gods during the First Black Crusade, telling him the location of Draconion. With the help of the Claw of Horus, Dummy’s combat power exploded.

He waved his hand and ordered: “Start the attack! Die to the false emperor!”

After saying that, a large number of Chaos warbands rode Terror Claws and rushed towards the Inquisition Fortress. Behind them, the warships launched light spear attacks, instantly destroying a turret in the fortress.

In the Forbidden Demon Realm, the void shield could not be maintained, and the light spears could only be resisted structurally. However, the fortress did not panic at all. Rows of macro cannons fired volleys under the instructions of the augurs, easily blowing up the light patrols.

Immediately afterwards, the advancing Terror Claws encountered a large amount of intercepting firepower, and were shot and exploded one after another. However, Said could not be happy and turned around to question the commander:

“The enemy is so close, why didn’t the auspicious device notice it?”

The commander replied: “Report to His Highness the Prince that the auspicious operator has rebelled. He is an Alpha spy and has been killed!”

Said looked gloomy and snorted coldly: “It seems that Abaddon has been planning for a long time and is determined to destroy the Black Stone Obelisk!”

As he spoke, the Dreadclaw plunged into the surface of the Judgment Fortress, and a large number of Chaos Space Marines walked out of the drop pod and slaughtered the auxiliaries.

“Blood sacrifice to the blood god, skull sacrifice to the skull throne!”

The giant in scarlet armor jumped up and landed among the stormtroopers operating close-in defense cannons. The huge chain ax was swung, and the flesh and blood limbs were flying around.

The tragic scene stimulated the Butcher’s Nail, making the Khorne warriors more brutal. Not far away from him, the Death Guard was much silent.

They slaughtered quietly, without saying a word. As the battle line advanced, pus flowed out from under their feet. The pus contained the corrosive power of Nurgle, constantly eroding the steel fortress.

The Black Legion quickly secured the landing point. Abaddon personally arrived in an assault boat, then drew the magic sword Draconion and took the lead in charging deep into the fortress.

There, a large number of Stormtroopers and Krieg stood ready, waiting for the Chaos Space Marines to appear, and immediately fired laser volleys and bombarded them with heavy artillery.

The heavy armor of the Black Legion soldiers blocked the laser, jumped quickly to dodge the artillery shells, and kept closing the distance with the defenders. When they approached the position, hundreds of giant soldiers jumped out and killed the Black Legion.

Their number is twice that of the Black Legion. Even if the main force is transferred away, the remaining troops will still far exceed the Black Legion. This is where Said’s confidence lies.

However, Abaddon had anticipated this. He still came to attack, and he must have someone to rely on. He pulled out the magic sword Draconion and shouted: “The empire will be destroyed!”

Then a sudden burst into the interior of the Titan Soldiers and Astartes, an arc flashed, and a large number of canned defenders were cut in half.

After cutting down a large number of cans, the explosive bombs on the Horus Claw in his right hand were fully fired, easily suppressing other cans. Encouraged by him, the Black Legion massacred them and rushed into the fortress.

Said was stunned and asked in his mind: “Drakonian is a demon, right? Can’t the Forbidden Demon Realm suppress it?”

This time the Emperor’s recovery was rare and there was no delay. He said: “Drakonian, also known as the End of the Empire, even in a purely physical form, has a considerable bonus to the Empire’s attacks.”

“For example, facing any creation of the empire, cut it in two, cutting iron like clay!”

Said couldn’t help but think: “How powerful would the Demonic Sword be if there was no Forbidden Demon Realm!”

But he did not panic, and ordered: “Let the cans withdraw, Krieger put on the bomb vest, the Empire special attack, right? I don’t believe Draconian can stop billions of self-destruction!”

In the original history, the first twelve black expeditions of Abba Egg seemed to have failed, but in fact they achieved their goals. There were three goals, one was to eliminate dissidents, the other was to destroy the black stone obelisks everywhere, and the third was to enhance their own combat power.

In short, except for the last time, the target has never been Cartier


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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