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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 147 Abaddon is victorious in every battle

Relying on his super personal combat power, Abaddon is brave and invincible, killing gods when gods block him, and Buddha when he blocks Buddhas. He surges all the way and leads the Chaos army with overwhelming force.

Draconion has a special attack on the Empire and humans, cutting through the Empire’s creations like clay, whether it is a Titan soldier or a Leman Russ tank.

Relying on the magical weapons and Abaddon’s own martial arts, the Imperial Cans suffered heavy losses.

Even without Draconion, the Empire had little chance of winning, because Abaddon spent a thousand years beating up those warbands who refused to surrender before forming the current Black Legion.

Chaos warbands are like greenskins. The boss must be strong enough personally to gain the loyalty of his subordinates. Abaddon commands hundreds of thousands of Chaos Space Marines and faces countless challenges.

So in the one-on-one battle, Abaddon stands at the top of the galaxy, and with the bonuses of Horus’ Claw and Draconion, he is even more invincible.

So Said withdrew the can and used his best move: Krieg’s collective self-destruction!

Abaddon suddenly discovered that the imperial army in front of him had retreated. Not only the cans, but also the mortal auxiliary troops had retreated to the second line.

But instead of being happy, he was wary, but the men beside him didn’t think so much, especially the Khorne warband, who rushed forward with howling.

However, the next moment, they heard a thundering war cry:


Then, countless Krieg puppets wearing gas masks surged in, sweeping towards the Chaos Space Marines like a tsunami.

The Khorne warband laughed loudly: “A bunch of cowards, they can’t defeat us, they actually let mortals die, a bunch of cowards and losers!”

After speaking, he picked up his battle ax and prepared to fight. However, Abaddon noticed the clothes on Krieg’s puppet and immediately reminded him loudly:

“Everyone, be careful, they have bombs strapped to them!”

However, it was too late. The crowds came in huge numbers. When they reached the killing range, they jumped and then pulled off the bombs on their bodies.

In an instant, it turned into a huge plasma light group, engulfing the Black Legion soldiers.

Before the Black Legion could figure out the situation, more Krieg puppets swarmed in and launched self-destructions that would kill them all. On average, one self-destruction could seriously injure a Chaos Space Marine.

Space Marines continued to die, and the Black Legion was retreating steadily, being killed by a group of mortal soldiers. This made Abaddon feel particularly absurd.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers who dared to die launched a self-destructive charge. Abaddon had never seen such an army before, and a person could not help but emerge in his mind:

The Pope of the Nation, Chairman of the Superman Council, Prince of the Empire, and Puppet Master Said!

Only this person can organize such a foul offensive.

Abaddon didn’t know much about Said, he only remembered that Horus, the father of the gene, had great respect for this man, and after the rebellion, he was extremely afraid of him.

Horus tried many times to think of ways to deal with Said, but was guarded tightly by the false emperor and never succeeded.

The only time he met His Highness the Prince was during the military parade during the Great Expedition. He saw the mortal who was only half the height of the Emperor from a distance.

Compared with a series of giants, Said was like a bean sprout, extremely weak and could fall over when blown. However, when thinking of the terrifying puppet army, no one would judge a book by its appearance.

Abaddon wouldn’t do it anymore. Since his last failure, he had been paying special attention to collecting information about the prince of the empire. He was surprised to find that this frail mortal turned out to be the key cornerstone of maintaining the empire today.

The puppet sticks to Cadia, making it difficult for Abaddon to move forward; the puppet communicates with the Imperial world trapped in the subspace storm; the puppet knows the technology of the golden age to avoid technological regression; the puppet unites the entire Superman Council…

It can be said that Said supported the entire empire by himself. Facing such a person, Abaddon was particularly afraid. Faced with Krieg’s self-destruction charge, Abaddon immediately ordered:

“Retreat, form a line, and use long-range firepower to destroy the opponent!”

Abaddon roared, and the shocked Chaos warband immediately found the backbone, began to alternately cover the retreat, and established a front around the landing site.

Relying on the firepower of the bolt guns, the puppets who were charging suicidal were temporarily blocked. However, the defenders responded immediately and countless fireballs landed on the defenders’ positions, killing the black legions in batches.

At this moment, Krieger stood up and charged. One of them took out a loudspeaker and said loudly:

“Abaddon, surrender, you can’t win the Empire! The Empire has trillions of planets. The Infinite Legion, they are all well-disciplined, loyal to the king’s industry, and fight bloody battles under the protection of the golden sun!”

“As for you, Abaddon, who are the warbands under your command? Drug-taking lunatics? Perverts who like murder, cannibalism, and rape? Treasure maps of backstabbing superiors at any time if they don’t obey orders?”

“Each of them is thinking about the heads of their comrades, even the heads of You; there is no stable command system, and there is no unified belief. The blessing of the evil god can turn them into fools, amnesia, sexual changes at any time, and they are full of conspiracy and backstabbing. , strife…”

“In the whole galaxy, probably only the barbaric greenskins are like this. Trying to rely on such a ragtag group of people to fight against the empire that stretches across the star sea? Don’t be kidding me!”

Abaddon sneered: “How will you know if you don’t try? You are just the lackeys of the God-Emperor and the False-Emperor, while we are the eagles of freedom!”

“We will eventually kick your ridiculous empire to pieces and crown you on the corpse of the golden sun!”

Said laughed loudly, and while controlling the artillery bombardment, he taunted: “Silly Que, what your father can’t do, how can you do it with whatever virtue you have!”

“Oh, by the way, your father’s blasphemous head was cut off by the Emperor and is still on display in the museum on Terra. A certain Necromancer figure king has stolen it several times… What do you think, I will reunite you and your son?”


Not only Sayid, but also the defenders were amused. The display of Horus’ head was a great shame for Abaddon, the son of Horus.

Sayid said contemptuously: “If you surrender, how about I return Horus’ head to you?”

Abaddon lowered his head, as if reminiscing about the years of the Great Crusade, and said calmly:

“Weak Horus, stupid Horus, he had the opportunity to hold the galaxy in his hands, but let it slip through his fingers.”

“Sayid, you don’t have to humiliate me by humiliating your father. I am not Horus, I am Ezekiel Abaddon, the warmaster of the Black Legion! What Horus can’t do, I will do for him!”

Sayid said calmly:

“Foolish man, you know Consequences? Whether you hide in the world or in heaven, the Empire will knock you down from the rotating stars and moons, tear you apart like a lion, kill your legions, blow up your planet, and burn your land. If you still want to live, please think carefully about my proposal and surrender to me! “

Abaddon shook his head coldly and said, “Never, the Sons of Horus will never surrender! Having said so much, it’s time to decide the winner, Your Highness!”

At this moment, only one tenth of the attacking Black Legion survived, and Abaddon was almost a bare commander. Sayid couldn’t help but wonder what tricks Abaddon had left.

Just as Sayid was wondering, the subspace storm around the fortress suddenly subsided, and a crack suddenly appeared outside the forbidden magic area, and a battle moon appeared.

Sayid was stunned, but there was no panic on his face. Instead, he laughed and said, “Is this it? This is the forbidden magic area. What can your demon engine do?” Abaddon said calmly, “The battle moon was originally used for escape. If I can’t beat it, I will run away directly, but… in response to your humiliation, I decided not to run away!” “Sayid, I will return your threats to me intact. One day, I will kill Terra, pull you out of the palace, cut off your head, and stick it on the flagpole!” After that, with an order, the battle moon suddenly accelerated and rushed straight to the Judgment Fortress. Sayid was shocked and immediately ordered, “Quick, focus on the battle moon!” In an instant, countless artillery fire bombarded the demon moon. The demon engine could still be blocked by the void shield at the beginning. When it entered the forbidden magic area, the void shield failed and was bombarded by the artillery fire. The macro cannon kept bombarding the surface, and blood and flesh splashed for a while. The surface of the demon moon was covered with flesh and tentacles, fused with steel, and coexisted with machines. However, this requires the power of the subspace to maintain. When the forbidden magic field isolates the subspace, these flesh and blood machines begin to fall off and disintegrate, returning to the rules of the physical universe.

It can be said that the demon engine has failed and turned into a pile of scrap iron and flesh and blood polymers. However, even if it is garbage, it still has a huge mass.

Through the previous acceleration, the demon moon is rushing towards the Judgment Fortress at a very high speed, allowing the sky full of artillery to hit it.

Abaddon laughed loudly: “Your Highness, you are happy to humiliate me, right? You are even happier to humiliate me with my father, right?”

“It is true that the Black Legion is not even one tenth as strong as the Empire, and there are all kinds of problems inside, but so what? Countless Empire worlds are still trembling under the ravages of the Black Legion! You are still blocked by the warp storm and can only fight on your own!”

“The Empire is always facing countless enemies, who are always emptying the blood of the Empire. Under the protection of the gods of the warp, we can lose a thousand times or ten thousand times, but the Empire and Cadia can’t afford to lose even once!”

At this moment, the nova cannon fired a salvo, smashing the battle moon, and the battle moon began to disintegrate, turning into countless fragments and smashing into the Inquisition Fortress.

Each fragment carries huge kinetic energy, not inferior to a thermonuclear level attack.

In an instant, a large number of fortifications were destroyed, leaving only huge god pits in the original place. Countless auxiliary soldiers did not die under the enemy’s guns, but died in the fall of meteorites.

Abaddon and the remnants of his legion huddled in a safe place to avoid the impact of the meteorite. When the planet-sized fortress fell to pieces, he showed a satisfied grin on his face.

The meteorite ended the bombing, and the Judgment Fortress was a sea of ​​fire. The defenders were killed and wounded in large numbers, and the organization was in chaos. Abaddon led the remnants to attack again.

With the meteorite paving the way, the resistance they encountered this time was particularly slight. The defenders could not form an organized resistance and were easily broken through by the well-prepared Black Legion.

There were Krieg puppets that wanted to self-destruct to block, but they were blown up by long-range firepower. The Black Legion did not want to fight. After breaking through the front line, they went straight to the Black Stone Obelisk.

So, Sayid ordered the remaining Space Marines and Giant Gods to attack in an attempt to curb Abaddon’s desperate offensive.

However, Abaddon had Draconian, who easily opened the Imperial Can. The battle was extremely tragic. The Imperial front was retreating step by step, and the Black Legion was advancing step by step.

Soon, they will arrive at the Blackstone Obelisk, and then, as in history, install the melta bomb to destroy the obelisk.

Sayid looked normal, manipulating the puppet and saying:

“Abaddon, you hope to weaken the forbidden magic field by destroying the Blackstone Obelisks in various places, and create conditions for the Scarlet Road, right?”

Abaddon was shocked and immediately said angrily: “How do you know?”

The Scarlet Road is to destroy the forbidden magic field from the Eye of Terror to Terra, activate the subspace energy through burning, killing and looting, and let the subspace energy burst out from the Eye of Terror.

Since the Chaos Space Marines could withstand the storms of the Warp, Abaddon and his companions would be able to ride on this current, unimpeded, and reach Terra before the Imperium could react.

The first step was to destroy the black stone obelisks along the way. In the original history, Abaddon spent twelve “failed” expeditions to achieve this condition.

Twelve expeditions seemed to have failed and failed to destroy the key fortress of Cadia. In fact, Abaddon achieved his goal, so he has the title of invincible in every battle.

At this time, the Black Crusade was only the second time, and Abaddon’s plan was understood. You must know that using Cadia as a guise to hide the true purpose is Abaddon’s greatest source of confidence.

If the true intentions were discovered, the empire’s endless resources would surely strengthen the defenses of these areas, and Abaddon’s plan would come to nothing.

Saeed’s many humiliations before did not allow Abaddon to break his defense, but now, with just these words, Abaddon was stunned in place and was shot by an Imperial Fist warrior.

Said laughed and said: “Not only do I know, but His Majesty the Great God-Emperor also knows that all your plans are under the Eyes of the God-Emperor. You have no chance of winning, Abaddon!”

“The empire already has the technology to build a black stone obelisk. Even if you destroy the black stone here, it can be rebuilt again within a year!”

“Finally, I would like to advise you, surrender! There is no future in following the subspace!”

Abaddon was surprised: “You are lying, the empire does not have the ability to create black stones! This is a creation of an ancient super civilization. How can the corrupt empire have it?”

Said chuckled: “Believe it or not, it’s up to you. Do you know why I waste so much time talking to you? I can totally blow up this fortress and use it as a coffin for you!”

Abaddon chopped down a giant god soldier, shook his head and replied: “You can’t, there are still your people here!”

Said chuckled and said: “But it’s worth being buried with you! As long as we kill you, the empire’s frontier will be safe for thousands of years. The reason why we have delayed it until now is to ensure that we can kill you 100%!”

Abaddon’s expression changed, and he had a bad premonition in his heart. Then he received a radio report: “Warmaster, the battle planet has been destroyed! A group of fleets are heading to Trila Fortress for reinforcements!”

The wizard stayed behind to command the fleet. Abaddon did not take the wizard with him and could not communicate psychically, but instead used the radio of the physical universe.

Radio light propagates at the speed of light, and it takes three light days from Yalant to Trela ​​Fortress. In other words, the Black Legion fleet was destroyed three days ago.

The regular speed of the Imperial fleet is three light days. Doesn’t this mean… Abaddon suddenly turned his head, stared into the void, and then saw five strike cruisers approaching the sky, dropping airdrop pods one by one.

Said sneered: “Do you think that only the Black Legion has a battle moon, but not the empire? What the demon planet encountered was a celestial fleet composed of a battle planet and several battle moons!

“Surrender, Abaddon, you can’t run away!”

Will Abaddon be killed?

If not, how should the eternal war be fought?



Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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