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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 148 Living Saint Basilius

During the Forging Age, the Empire created a large number of combat celestial bodies, successfully allowing each sector to have a combat moon, and some key areas also had combat planets.

Not to mention there are powerful mixed legions, each of which is larger than the Black Legion.

The Corona Sector is located between Terra and the Eye of Terror, at a key location. In addition to being equipped with battle planets, it also has four battle moons.

Regardless of whether it is conventional or high-end combat power, the Black Legion cannot compare to the sector defense force. Even if Demon Moon is strengthened, it will still only be killed instantly.

However, there are many inconveniences in communication between the physical universe and subspace, which leads to a lag in intelligence. According to Abaddon’s intelligence, there are only combat planets in the Corona sector and no combat moon.

In his calculations, the demon planet would be able to contain the empire planet for a long time. However, after the addition of the battle moon, the balance of combat power quickly tilted.

The Black Legion was quickly killed, and Kurland then reinforced the Inquisition Fortress.

Said laughed loudly and said: “Abaddon, the empire’s national power is beyond your imagination. Coupled with the golden sun of subspace, we are enough to crush the gods!”

“Surrender like a warrior and we will give you a decent death!”

At this moment, a large number of Imperial Fist Space Marines landed on the surface of the fortress, surrounded Abaddon, raised the shield wall, and set up bolters in the gap to aim at him.

If he resisted again, he would be fired upon by hundreds of bolters in an instant.

The Black Legion had all been killed, leaving Abaddon alone. He gritted his teeth and said: “Your Highness, you have won, but I will never surrender to the puppet emperor’s lackeys. I will die fighting like a warrior!”

After saying that, he raised Draconion and rushed towards the Imperial Fist warriors. Hundreds of Imperial Fist’s bolt guns fired a volley, beating Abaddon until he vomited blood, and the plasma beam sliced ​​off an arm.

If nothing unexpected happens, Abaddon will die here today.

However, an accident occurred at this time, and a fragment of the demon moon fell. Under the influence of mysterious energy, it accurately hit the energy core of the black stone array.

In an instant, the black stone obelisk lost its energy supply, and the forbidden magic field failed. Abaddon smiled ferociously, and there was a subspace fluctuation around him, and then he disappeared.

He left a very villainous sentence: “I will be back!”

Said gritted his teeth, beat his chest, and said angrily: “Damn, it was just a little bit close!”

At this time, the emperor comforted him: “Don’t be discouraged, Said. Tzeentch paid a lot for this. I burned the Crystal Maze again, and the demon army of Khorne took the opportunity to backstab…”

Said sighed: “When Tzeentch did this, he must have weighed the benefits of saving Abaddon to make up for the losses!”

The emperor said calmly: “But that will be in the future. Please pay attention recently. You have thwarted the offensive of the four gods. They are likely to retaliate in the near future.”

Said nodded seriously: “I understand, and I will definitely guard against it!”

The Second Black Crusade came to an end, and Abaddon’s army was once again wiped out. Unlike his previous life, Abaddon not only failed to achieve his goal, but was also found out about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Facing the rising empire and the heavily defended Black Stone Obelisk, how should Abaddon continue his eternal war?

In the void, Abaddon couldn’t help but feel tired. Facing such an enemy, did he have any chance of winning?

At this moment, the Lord of Change told him a prophecy. Abaddon’s eyes lit up and hope rekindled in his heart.

Just as Abaddon regained his strength, in the palace of Terra, Said was thinking about the revenge of the evil god, but after thinking about it, he still had no clue.

The density of troops in various places has increased to the maximum. No matter where Chaos attacks from, it will be hit head-on by superior forces.

Although the worlds of the empire are now isolated, thanks to their strong military strength and sufficient supplies, they have successfully resisted all kinds of monsters and monsters in the galaxy.

It can be said that although wars are raging in the empire now, they can be quickly extinguished. With the efforts of the theater commander and countless legions, the empire is as stable as Mount Tai.

“Hiss… Sisi, please be gentle…”

Said patted the mechanical prosthesis on his shoulder. He had a stiff neck last night, so he asked the Battle Sister to relax his neck muscles. I have to say, it was really powerful.

Sisi lost an arm and a leg in the battle. The newly attached prosthetic limb did not match the nerves and her agility could not meet the combat requirements. She had to retire and take charge of Said’s daily life.

Like other nuns, in her eyes, Said is the incarnation of the God-Emperor, and serving him is the only way to return to the Golden Throne.

But Sisi is slightly different. She does not obey Said’s words. Instead, she acts like a housekeeper and gives Said advice, such as now.

“Your Highness, you should exercise more. Although you are an immortal, exercise can help regulate muscles and relieve stiffness!”

“So starting from tomorrow, come for a morning run with me, and I will supervise you!”

Said’s thoughts were interrupted and he sighed: “If you don’t think about it, don’t think about it. The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth. Anyway, the material universe empire is the strongest!”

But now, he must correct Ceci and not let her take care of others like a mother.

He straightened his face and said seriously to Sisi: “Sisi, you can’t order me. Your duty is to take care of my daily life, not to manage my daily life!”

Sisi narrowed her eyes. There were a few scars on her delicate face, and a red iris was painted on the middle of her forehead where her white hair stuck close to her. She smiled and said:

“Our mission is to take care of His Royal Highness the Prince’s daily life, including managing your physical health. We are responsible for your health, so we have the right to arrange your life schedule!”

Said said seriously: “I refuse the arrangement. No one can order me except the God Emperor! I am the incarnation of the God Emperor, you should obey my orders!”

Sisi said: “Rejection is invalid. When I was performing the binding ceremony, I received the authorization from the God Emperor and have the right to arrange your life in reality!”

Said’s face changed drastically, and he asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, is it true?”

However, the emperor did not reply, and Said suddenly remembered that the emperor had said that the reply would not be timely, but he did not expect that it was now.

However, Said is the prince of the empire and the top leader of the empire. No one can order it. Now that he was suddenly restrained, he felt extremely unhappy and said angrily:

“I refuse to exercise. What can you do to me? I want to go back to the stasis field!”

Sisi was not angry. The steel prosthetic limb found the muscles stiffened by the stiff neck and squeezed hard. Said let out a sour cry of pain.


Sisi said in a soft voice: “Your Highness, you must stay in reality for six hours, and there are still ten minutes left!”

Said argued: “It takes ten minutes to walk back to the throne room!”

Sisi shook her head and said, “No, the time spent walking back doesn’t count! I said so!”

After saying that, he continued to knead his stiff muscles without giving Said a chance to speak.

At this moment, Said’s eternally stable mood began to ripple. Through interacting with the nun, he experienced richer emotions.

He established an emotional connection with Ceci, and when he thought about time killing, he couldn’t help but feel sad.

The days flew by quickly, and decades passed in the blink of an eye. The subspace storm that spread across the galaxy was coming to an end, and more and more worlds’ subspace channels were restored to smooth flow, establishing contact with Terra.

Under the outstanding command of the Superman Council, countless worlds have experienced arduous battles, repelled the invasion of the three evils, and stood firm in the galaxy.

During this period, the God-Emperor’s cursed armies appeared in various places, inspiring the will of soldiers and civilians everywhere to resist. After the crisis was over, their faith in the God-Emperor became even stronger.

This period, which originated from the melee between gods and gave birth to countless heroes, is called the Era of God’s War.

In the original history, due to the emergence of a talent like Fandral, this period was called the Age of Apostasy.

At that time, humans were busy fighting among themselves and carrying out various political persecutions against each other. Fandral spent a lot of resources on consolidating his personal authority, and imposed extermination orders on worlds that did not obey his rule.

The Age of Apostasy consumed all the national power accumulated in the Forging Era. Countless worlds fell under the claws of the Three Evils and were forced to launch expeditions and holy wars one after another.

It can be said that mankind’s biggest enemy has always been himself.

Said changed history and allowed mankind to unite to fight against the three evils. Despite the war, mankind established confidence and the belief in the God-Emperor was unprecedentedly strengthened.

Heretics can be eliminated, aliens can be killed, and demons can be defeated, because humans are protected by the God-Emperor.

After the end of the God-Emperor Era, after deliberation by the Internal Affairs Committee, a series of policies such as reducing the tithe tax and providing economic assistance were adopted to help the disaster-stricken areas recover and rebuild.

Wave after wave of Interior Ministry officials and puppets traveled to the restored world to direct reconstruction and implement aid.

Under Superman’s masterful micromanagement, the empire is back on track and is about to enter a new golden age.

This was definitely not what the Evil God of Chaos wanted to see, so at the end of the Era of God War, Said ushered in the revenge of the Evil God.

A subspace storm accurately covered the home planets of each Space Marine Chapter. Under the raging energy of the abundant subspace, the gene seeds stored in many Chapters mutated.

In the storm-prone Era of the God-Emperor, these subspace storms went unnoticed until Terra detected a large number of gene-seed mutations. It was too late.

Tracing back to the source, many batches of mutated gene seeds have been used to build armies many times, creating a large number of Astartes, who made great contributions in the Age of Gods.

How to deal with these space warriors has become a thorny problem for Terra.

Said immediately convened the Superman Council and reported the news. All the original bodies looked solemn, and Malcador was thoughtful. The Mechanicus had nothing to do with him.

Said said: “Everyone, just as a plant takes root in the soil and thoughts take root in the body, when the body mutates, the life conceived will also mutate!”

“According to convention, these mutated lives will be purged, and the souls will be returned to the Golden Throne before their loyalty deteriorates. However, it is the Space Marines who have mutated now!”

“They have made military exploits and contributed to mankind. They are huge in number and have extraordinary combat power. If not handled properly, it will lead to civil war in the empire.”

Guilliman was the first to ask: “Your Highness, how many battle groups are currently mutated?”

Said said: “30 groups have been screened out, and there may be more. There are genetic descendants of everyone here. How do you think we should deal with them?”

At least 30,000 Astartes, maybe more, which was comparable to a legion during the Great Crusade.

Purging one legion at a time was the only time since the founding of the Empire that Magnus had done so.

The original bodies looked at each other, and the Lion King was the first to express his stance: “Block the news and launch a secret purge!”

Guilliman said: “I propose isolation and observation. If a mutation occurs, it will not be too late to execute!”

Sanguinius, Leman Russ, and Corax agreed with Guilliman’s proposition. Their subgroups were more or less mutated and advocated more prudent measures.

However, Rogal Dorn, Jaghatai Khan, and Fernus agreed with the Lion King. Because the Emperor had killed all the aliens, they should implement the will of the God-Emperor and decisively remove the pollution.

Vulkan was the only one who believed that the mutated battle group should be admitted, because the illustrious military exploits were enough to prove loyalty, and if the mutation was harmful, it would have been reflected long ago.

The original bodies were divided into three factions, arguing endlessly. This is when Malcador coughed:

“Everyone, I think we should not discuss how to deal with the original body now, but block the news! There is a conspiracy of Chaos in this. Genetic mutation is just the beginning. Chaos must have a back-up plan!”

“So the top priority is to block the news and then discuss how to deal with the mutation!”

Said admired in his heart: “As expected of an old man seeking a country!”

He agreed: “Ma Xiang is right. The subspace storm accurately covers the home planet of the chapter, which shows that Chaos has already planned it, either to provoke a civil war or to alienate us. No matter what, we must block the news!”

The Lion King said with a serious face: “The first thing to do is to secretly isolate the mutant sub-groups and block information from them.”

Guilliman looked embarrassed: “I don’t think it can be done. If Chaos has a premeditated plan, it will definitely be ready to let the news spread. The sub-groups can’t hide it, so they will simply make it public!”

Corax gritted his teeth and said: “We must seal it even if we can’t, and activate our intelligence agencies. Anyone who dares to spread rumors will be executed on the spot!”

Macado sneered and said: “I think it can be stopped. The factor that determines the effectiveness of rumors is the identity of the rumor maker. I just need to keep an eye on those respected dignitaries to prevent them from talking nonsense!”

“As for the lower-class civilians who dare to slander the angels who have served the country, they will be killed without mercy!”

Everyone nodded and agreed to this strategy, and then discussed Ryan’s secret transfer plan. However, at this time, Said’s expression changed and he smiled bitterly:

“No need to discuss it, everyone, the news has spread. Just now, the Living Saint Basilius organized a petition in the Government Office Square just for this matter!”

Everyone’s expressions changed, and Lion King Ryan said angrily: “Absurd! He, a mortal, dares to gather illegally! Suppress it quickly!”

Rogal Dorn glared at Malcador: “Why didn’t the Assassin’s Court notice it? And Your Highness, where did the micro-scanning satellite go?”

Said explained: “Basilius made significant contributions during the Era of Divine War. He was featured in the Imperial Daily News many times. He was named a living saint and enjoyed great prestige among the people.”

“After the end of the God War Era, he visited various places on behalf of the state religion to appease the people in the disaster areas. As soon as he stepped off the Terra spaceport, he led a whole ship of believers to do this.”

Leman Russ gritted his teeth and said, “Are we going to kill him?”

Because of the Wolf Spiral mutation, the Space Wolves are the most sensitive to the issue of mutation. It would be particularly detrimental to them if it were discussed openly.

His murderous intention was strongest towards Basilius.

Malcador shook his head: “Don’t be anxious yet. Basilius advocated handling this matter carefully and did not say what to do to the empire. If he is killed rashly or something unexpected happens, it will shake the legitimacy of our rule!”

The legitimacy of Superman’s power is to eliminate the three evils and ensure the survival of mankind. If the top officials are all aliens who are one of the three evils, how can they win the trust of the people.

Malcador also said: “Many mortals are jealous of the privileges possessed by the Space Marines and especially want to see them suffer misfortune, so they will definitely dig into the Imperial Code and advocate launching a purge!”

Basilius was the initiator of the Abyss Expedition. When he discovered that 30 war groups had genetic mutations, he asked them to go on an expedition to the Eye of Terror. As a result, most of them were corrupted into Chaos Space Marines and sent troops to Abaddon… …

When the survivors returned from the expedition, they rubbed the guy’s bones and threw them into ashes and declared him a traitor. But the guy had been dead for many years. It was so annoying!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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