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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 149 Basilius, traitor to the empire

The state religion advocates superhuman politics, and Astartes enjoy various privileges. The senior officials of the Ministry of Interior and the command of the Legion are all Astartes, and there is no mortal.

Of course, even without Superman’s monopoly, most mortals would not be able to achieve these positions in their lifetime, but this does not prevent the accumulation of class contradictions.

The lower class are naturally hostile to the upper class. The more unlucky the upper class is, the happier they are. No matter what the reason is for you to be unlucky, they will only take pleasure in your misfortune and do whatever they can to add fuel to the flames.

Incited by the Living Saint, the genetic mutation of the Space Marines spread throughout Terra, and people began to talk about it, citing the Emperor’s words, and demanding that the Space Marines be executed.

The Primarchs were extremely angry and wanted to go on a killing spree to restore the reputation of their heirs. However, this was maintaining genetic variation and was contrary to the state religion and the ideals of the Emperor.

At this moment, Said said: “Everyone, I also want to kill the old man and execute this mob, but I can’t now!”

Wolf King Leman Russ said angrily: “That living saint is obviously related to Chaos! Take him down quickly!”

Malcador shook his head: “Basius hasn’t expressed his position yet, you might as well listen to what he has to say first.”

Said sneered in his heart: “What should I say? Of course it is the Abyss Expedition, sending troops to Abaddon!”

Regardless of whether the old man was a Chaos spy or not, Said sentenced him to death, but the execution was not now.

Soon, public opinion was heated up, and Baslius expressed his position:

“Everyone, under the light of the God Emperor, we should look at the mutations in the children of God rationally. In the era of God’s War, they have made great achievements and should not be humiliated and obliterated!”

When people asked him what he believed, he said:

“If they are still loyal, they should launch an expedition to the Eye of Terror and prove their loyalty to the God-Emperor!”


When these words were spoken, the Superman Council became angry, and Basilius was taken away by the Inquisition and tortured in prison.

After being tortured one by one by the Night Lords, Basilius always insisted that he had received the Emperor’s revelation and that the Abyssal Expedition was the God-Emperor’s intention.

He looked like a follower of the God-Emperor, as if the Night Lords and the Empire were the heretics.

After Said learned about it, he asked in his heart: “Brother Huang, is this what you mean?”

This time the emperor immediately replied: “No, this man has some psychic talent and was deceived by the illusion of chaos.”

“That’s it…” Said understood, and then told the rest of the Superman Council about the God-Emperor’s attitude. At this time, Malcador said:

“Your Highness, how should we respond to the Abyss Expedition?”

The Lion King immediately sneered: “How else can I respond? Of course I refuse! Everyone knows this is the evil god’s conspiracy.”

In the original history, Basilius proposed the Abyss Expedition and successfully got the high lord to order that the mutant battle group would either enter the Eye of Terror or be eliminated on the spot.

All mutant war groups chose the former and encountered countless terrifying beings in the Eye of Terror. Most of them either died or became Chaos Space Marines after being tortured.

This really sent a wave of soldiers to Abaddon, and it was not until eight hundred years later that the few survivors returned to the physical universe and restored their reputation.

The first thing they did was to dig Basilius’s grave, throw the remains into the stars, declare him a traitor to the empire, and kill all his believers and followers.

The Superman Council is not a stupid high lord, and of course they will not agree to such a proposal, not to mention that the Space Marines are all their genetic descendants.

The Primarchs rarely reached an agreement and could never agree to the Abyss Expedition. Malcador smiled and said:

“Then we must come up with a better solution. After that, whether it is the rude mob or Basilius, we will punish them.”

The question goes back to the beginning, how should we deal with mutated genetic offspring? If left alone, the empire would be in danger if it mutated into an alien monster and was contaminated by Chaos.

If they were to be killed directly, one mishandling would lead to civil war, and some of the original bodies would not agree.

Everyone was lost in thought. At this time, Said smiled slightly and said: “Everyone, the Abyss Expedition is not without its merits. He at least provided an idea.”

Everyone looked at Said curiously, and the impatient Leman Russ said: “What does His Highness the Prince have in mind?”

Said smiled and said: “In the golden age, the territory of mankind was far beyond what it is now, and even once reached the edge of the galaxy, beyond the light of the star torch.”

“My opinion is that we might as well let them serve as an advance team to the edge of the galaxy to explore the technological relics of the golden age. They are not allowed to return to the holy territory of the empire within a certain period of time.”

The Superman Council fell into deep thought, and Foundry General Arkan Rand, who had been silent for a long time, loudly agreed:

“I agree, Your Highness, the Mechanicus is willing to provide all necessary support to these heroes!”

Compared to the dangerous Eye of Terror, the edge of the galaxy is much safer. Even if it is damaged inside, it will not send troops to Chaos.

Moreover, if mutations occur outside the galaxy, it will not have any impact on the empire. If a discovery is made that benefits the country and the people, a lot of benefits can be obtained.

With the unanimous consent of the Superman Council, the exploratory expedition kicked off. Nearly forty genetically mutated battle groups separated from the legion and led the fleet to the frontier of the empire.

Except for the supply depots on the border, they are not allowed to return to the empire within a thousand years.

These Chapters silently accepted their fate. They knew the horror of flesh and blood mutation, and the Empire had done its best to give them a way out.

As long as the treasure is found, the reputation can be restored in advance. Even if you don’t want to go too far, you can lie down outside the border and live a lazy life. If you don’t mutate when the deadline comes, you can still return to the Empire.

The lifespan of Space Marines is close to infinite. There has never been a Space Marine who died of old age. As long as you work hard to explore or wait patiently, you will be able to return to the embrace of the Empire one day and continue to fight for mankind.

As the last fleet went to the border, the Empire breathed a sigh of relief. Then, the Superman Council sharpened its knives and aimed at those heretics who led the rhythm.

At this time, with the arrest of Basilius, Terra was excited and accused the Terra authorities of sheltering aliens, violating the teachings of the God-Emperor, and having double standards.

Many mortal relatives were arrested and executed by the Ministry of Justice for various reasons due to genetic mutations, and they were full of resentment towards the upper class.

Okay, for the sake of humanity, we endured it!

But if the Space Marines mutate, should they be treated equally and shot quickly? Why are you so hesitant now?

Do you superhumans only swing their blades at civilians, but dare not cut off your own tumors?

Even if the tumor harms the Empire, you have to let it go?

With the Chaos hidden among them, countless versions of conspiracy theories were born on Terra.

Some say that the Terra Superman Council does not want to eradicate the Three Evils at all, but only wants to use the crisis to maintain its own rule, so it will let the mutant space marines go.

Others say that there are different degrees of mutations among the top leaders of Terra, and if the mutant space marines are executed, their secrets will be exposed.

These endless and unfalsifiable rumors continue to erode the legitimacy of the Terran authorities.

Power comes from belief. People believe that the Superman Council should be in power because they can eradicate the Three Evils and protect the people.

Now that the Superman Council is sheltering the mutated aliens, it means that the Superman Council and the Three Evils are in cahoots and are not worthy of loyalty.

However, with the exploration expedition, the crisis of trust was resolved, and these gossiping rumor-mongers all stopped and went dormant again.

Little did they know that their every move was under the watchful eyes of the microscopic scanning satellite. If the Superman Council cleansed this group of people before solving the mutant war group, it would only make things worse.

As the mutant warbands were dealt with, the Superman Council began to retaliate frantically, and people once again recalled the fear of being dominated by the Great Purge.

First, the believers who followed Basilius back to Terra were arrested. Under the microscopic scan, they had already been marked and located.

At Sayid’s order, the Ministry of Justice, the Inquisition, the Assassin’s Court, the Puppets and the Mortal Auxiliary Army acted simultaneously to arrest all the believers of Basilius.

There were hundreds of thousands of people added to the Terra prison. They were all tortured and interrogated, and many Chaos heretics lurking in them were found during the period.

In the end, these hundreds of thousands of believers and Basilius were publicly tried, declared as traitors of the Empire and then executed, and the remains were thrown into the stars.

Next, there was a great purge of the rhythm mob trolls. They were arrested on the charge of heresy and shot on the spot after a rough trial.

A large number of trolls were convicted for their words, and the smell of blood enveloped Terra. A large number of people were shot every day. They either slandered Astartes or supported the proposition of the Abyss Expedition.

According to incomplete statistics, tens of millions of people died from inappropriate speech, and the Terran authorities did not cover it up at all. The newspapers reported their deaths on charges of heresy and defamation of heroes.

People gradually realized that this was not only a blow to heresy, but also a response from Superman to the challenge of mortals. Anyone who dared to challenge Superman’s rule would be ruthlessly purged.

The purge lasted for decades and was later called the Basilius Purge. It not only thwarted Chaos’ conspiracy, but also used it as an excuse for Superman’s authority to bloodily suppress mortal opposition.

After this incident, the people of the Empire realized that the angels of the Emperor of God were both kind and strict. Once a certain bottom line was touched, they would be severely hit.

Chaos’ conspiracy was completely bankrupt, and Abaddon’s long-awaited military reinforcement did not arrive. He could only rely on the only military forces in his hands to plan the third Black Crusade.

Before that, he had to clarify the goal of the expedition. In the past, every expedition was aimed at the Black Stone Obelisk, but the Empire could mass-produce this thing and destroy it and rebuild it immediately.

This means that it is no longer possible to achieve the great vision of the Scarlet Road by destroying the Black Stone, and another way must be used to achieve the goal.

Abaddon has no answer for the time being, but no matter what the plot is, he must strengthen the forces in his hands.

After two failed Black Crusades, Abaddon’s Chaos Space Marines are only over 700, less than a regiment.

However, this is all the Chaos Space Marines in the Eye of Terror. After the rebellion of Nova Terra, the Empire strictly guarded against the rebellion and tried its best to publicize the bad things about Chaos.

Even if there is a rebellion, it is just defection to become a pirate. If there is a choice, they will not be willing to join the chaos.

The Chaos Space Marine gene seed is contaminated, and the only way to replenish the members is to turn against them. If no one comes to join, Abaddon’s men will die one less.

So he set his sights on the regiments that are conducting exploratory expeditions, aiming at an Astartes regiment called Iron Dragon.

Although he has only 700 troops, which is not as good as the regiment with a thousand troops, Abaddon is still full of confidence because the target is traveling in the warp.

The warp is Abaddon’s home court.

Thus, a warp storm enveloped the Iron Dragon fleet without warning.

Inside the chapter flagship strike cruiser, the chapter leader looked at the navigator beside him and asked in confusion: “Didn’t you predict that there would be no storm? What’s going on?”

The navigator covered his eyes and said anxiously: “Oh, God Emperor, I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t see the light of the star torch!”

The Chapter Leader snorted coldly: “Huh, useless thing!”

Then he respectfully said to the puppet on the side: “Your Highness, have we deviated from the course?”

The chapter leader looked respectful, as if he had changed his face. The puppet was not surprised at all, and calmly replied: “In the three-dimensional universe, it has deviated from here…°, and the course needs to be corrected!”

The Chapter Leader got the coordinates and threw them to the navigator: “Hurry up and calculate the course!”

The navigator gritted his teeth and started working. Once upon a time, navigators were a respectable profession. Without them, humans would not be able to navigate the stars.

However, with the emergence of puppets, they are more accurate and more reliable than them, and there is no need to worry about subspace storms covering the star torch’s light.

The Navigator’s status has plummeted, and even if it has not been eliminated, some sarcastic comments are inevitable.

In the past, he offended the chapter leader because of a navigation error, which resulted in him being frequently targeted and the relationship extremely tense.

He attributed all this to the appearance of puppets. If there were no puppets, how would the Chapter Leader dare to treat him like this?

The fleet quickly corrected its course and continued towards its destination. However, the subspace storm became more and more fierce. Soon, the chapter leader had a bad feeling.

He ordered: “Get ready to fight immediately!”

The next moment, there was an explosion, the Geller force field failed, and instantly numerous demons swarmed onto the ship, instantly turning the ship into a battlefield.

Bolters and chainswords screamed alternately, and Space Marines were constantly being knocked down by demons and fighting each other.

At this moment, the Chapter Leader ordered: “Leave the subspace and return to the real universe!”

There were so many demons, and in just an instant, more than a hundred warriors died, and countless mortal servants died. As the ship left the subspace, everything returned to silence.

The crisis seems to have been resolved.

However, before the chapter leader could breathe a sigh of relief, another roar sounded, and the strike cruiser seemed to be hit by a heavy hammer. Before the chapter leader could figure out what was going on, the auspicious device showed that the enemy ship was incoming.

At this moment, the battleship’s void shield is not online, the weapons are not charged, and when integrity is at its weakest, the enemy ship is waiting for work and launches an attack at the moment of the jump.

A big hole was blown into the battleship. The enemy ship did not continue the attack. Instead, they took advantage of the chaos and launched a gang-hopping attack, apparently intending to capture the Iron Dragon battleship.

But when the chapter leader found out, he roared angrily: “Sacrifice your blood to the God Emperor, and sacrifice your head to the golden throne! The enemy is coming. For the glory of the Yalong, kill me!”

The Iron Dragon warriors are eager to prove their loyalty to the empire. In the original time and space, they fought on the Plague Planet of Nurgle for a century, which is enough to prove their loyalty.

However, their enemy was Ezekiel Abaddon, the strongest man in the galaxy in single combat. With just one encounter, the Chapter Master was killed.

Abaddon then ordered the Black Legion to resist the line. He detoured around the Zhutu and easily removed the weapons and power packs of more than 500 loyal warriors, captured them, and brought them back to the subspace.

There, the power of the evil god will corrupt them and become members of the Black Legion.

After tasting the sweetness, Abaddon set his sights on the second war group.

In the original history, the Iron Dragon Chapter participated in the Abyss Expedition, was ambushed by the Death Guard, forced to land on the planet Nurgle, and was surrounded and killed by various disgusting humanoid plants. They suffered from disease and corruption. After a bloody battle for a century, they surrendered to Chaos.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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