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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 15 (Signed for further reading) Chapter 15 Invasion of the Fog People

In the eastern part of the Holy Kingdom, a hundred thousand troops were divided into two groups and attacked the two military bases directly under Stark’s jurisdiction.

Each road has a brigade of big guys, equipped with armored vehicles, tanks, and powered mechas to maximize mobility and firepower.

In addition, there are 50,000 ordinary puppets responsible for the resistance line, and 300 aircraft in the sky are ready to reinforce. In Said’s eyes, they are enough to sweep away the enemies on the entire planet.

Soon, one of them arrived at the destination and launched an attack. The artillery roared and the aircraft launched missiles, easily destroying the wall.


Said gave an order, and 50,000 ordinary puppets launched a group charge, passed through the thick smoke at the gap, and entered the military base.

“Huh? Where are the enemies? Why don’t they fight back?”

In Rebirth Town, Said was confused, and then summoned Squirt to ask about the situation of the Fog Man.

Squirt said: “The leader must be careful. In the past, the Holy Kingdom focused on defense against the Fog People. They took the initiative to attack and lost more than they won.”

Said was curious: “Why? Can’t the Holy Kingdom defeat it?”

Squirt shook his head: “No, the Fog People have golden age technology and are powerful in combat, but emp is their fatal weakness. In the past, the Holy Kingdom relied on emp to successfully resist the Fog People’s invasion.

But when the Fog Man occupies a place, the area will be filled with a special thick fog, and emp is ineffective within the fog. The Fog Man can easily win by relying on golden age technology. “

At this moment, Said noticed that the smoke and dust generated by the bombing had not dissipated, and the vision of ordinary puppets was greatly affected, and he couldn’t help but feel vigilant.

But then he said disdainfully:

“Even if there is golden age technology, it is still unknown how much it will be usable after the catastrophe. With 50,000 troops now charging, how can we lose? Continue the assault!”

After that, let the ordinary puppets continue to rush in, search various barracks, and clear out the entire base bit by bit.

But just in case, he manipulated the puppets in Stark Fortress and rummaged through local warehouses, searching for EMP bombs.

The result made Said’s heart sink. Before he captured Stark, the defenders destroyed all emp weapons to attract the Fog Men to attack.

They will fight to the death to support them. If Stark Town cannot be defended, they will bring in Fog and the Golem to fight to the death.

Before Said could get angry, something happened on the front line. The 50,000 puppets who had invaded the base were suddenly unable to move. The ground seemed to have turned into a magnet, firmly attracting the puppets’ limbs, and they could not even fire their guns.

Not only inside the base, but also the big guys outside the base had the same experience, lying on the ground unable to move.

“Damn! It’s a gravity generator!”

Said gritted his teeth and recognized this as a weapon from the Golden Age – a gravity generator.

It can change the gravity of an area and affect the enemy’s movement speed, but it will not affect itself.

If used in space operations, it can restrict the movement of enemy ships and create a battlefield that is beneficial to one’s own side.

Said knew the principle, but could not replicate this technology. Artificial intelligence was an unavoidable obstacle. He did not have enough computing power to create a gravity field.

But the Rebel Iron Men don’t have this problem. They are AI themselves and can use Golden Age weapons without any obstacles!

At this moment, another group of troops suffered the same fate. Before they reached their destination, they were locked in place by the gravity generator and unable to move.

Facing the dimensionality reduction attack of super technology, Said’s 100,000-strong army is in danger of being completely wiped out.

Once the army is gone, Stark Town will definitely not be able to hold it. Once it is occupied by the fog people, the fog diffusion emp will be ineffective, and with high-tech weapons, Said will not be able to recapture Stark Town.

He racked his brains, and then the puppet heard footsteps, and lasers shot out from the thick smoke, hitting the puppet accurately.

When the thick fog dissipated, Said saw a large number of tattered robots with exposed wires and only a few steel bars on their limbs. They were covered in tattered human skin, looking like a group of refugees.

They are fog men, and there are only a few hundred in number, not too many.

Their appearance means that they lack factories to repair themselves and cannot increase their membership. Even if they have golden age weapons, they can’t conceal their decline.

At this moment, hundreds of fog men were holding laser guns and quickly harvesting the puppets. Some fog men thought the puppets were human beings and planned to skin them. When they got closer, they found that the puppets were wood, and they smashed them with their fists in anger.

“Oh? You’re still angry!”

Said became interested, and then asked Squirt: “How many emp are there in stock? Have they been counted?”

Squirt said respectfully: “The inventory has been completed. After you captured Rebirth Town, the production of EMP weapons stopped. There is not much in stock now, only a hundred EMP bombs.”

Stark’s emp is produced in Rebirth Town, transferred through the blister hills, and then transported to Stark Fortress.

Stark has no emp, and Rebirth Town and Bubble Hill still have stocks.

Said nodded and said: “That’s enough, I will restart the production line later!”

At this moment, fifty Orgus aircraft landed, the puppets were equipped with emp bombs, the aircraft took off, and the troops divided into two groups to reinforce the military base.

At this time, the fog inside the base is getting thicker. If left alone, the emp weapon will no longer be effective.

More than half of the 50,000 ordinary puppets have been slaughtered, and it has entered the garbage time of being shot one by one. The Fog Man seems to be feeling agitated and engages in many senseless acts of violence.

They smashed the puppets and uttered violent syllables. At this moment, the roar of aircraft came from the sky.

Fog Man looked up and didn’t pay much attention, because the air force was useless under the gravity field.

Then as expected, as soon as the aircraft approached, it fell to the ground and exploded violently, burning a large number of puppets.

“Quack quack~”

The Fog Man let out an unpleasant laugh, but in the next second the emp spread. They collectively smoked, fell to the ground, twitched continuously, and lost their fighting power.

In the era of the Iron Man Rebellion, EMP was a magic weapon for humans to fight against the rebellious AI. Without special protection, no artificial intelligence would be immune.

With the emp explosion, the invading fog people, the device that creates the anti-emp fog, and the gravity generator are all disabled.


The puppet regained its mobility and raised its laser gun to fight back. With more than 20,000 laser guns, it easily killed three hundred fog people.

Said regained two military bases, but the danger has not dissipated. His emp has been exhausted. If the Fog people attack at this time, he will be unable to withstand it.

With his current technical strength, there is no way he can resist the Fog Man technology.

But what are you afraid of? As soon as the main force of the big guy returned to defend Stark, the gravity field enveloped him again, and all the puppets in the fortress were unable to move.

Then, in the thick fog ahead, several steel giants walked out and slowly approached Stark Fortress.

Said lost his voice and said: “Damn it, it’s a Predator Titan!”

Then he gritted his teeth and said, “Damn it! Are you forcing me to use this trick?”

“Squirt, replace the aircraft with a tactical nuclear warhead, motherfucker!”

The technical difficulty of the atomic bomb lies in purifying and enriching uranium. In the warehouse of Shuipaoshan, Said discovered pure uranium-235, which directly eliminated the purification step.

Just use conventional gunpowder to detonate enriched uranium, and the nuclear bomb will explode. The emp after the nuclear explosion will become a nightmare for fog people.

Squirt hesitated: “Your Excellency, Chief, that will destroy Stark Fortress, which contains two brigades of heavy troops!”

Said said coldly: “So the target is not Stark, but the rear of Kirito, Kirishima!”

I didn’t come here for thirty thousand, so I planned to cut up the book. Unexpectedly, six o’clock in the afternoon came, and I quickly coded out a chapter.

Please read and support me!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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