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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 150 Abaddon and the Demon Purple Palace

Chaos Space Marine gene-seed is tainted by the Warp and cannot be used to create new Space Marines. Gene-seed can only be obtained from the Imperium.

After capturing the Iron Argonians, Abaddon discovered that the warp was corrupting too slowly, so he executed the captives, dug up the gene-seed, and gave it to the Dark Mechanicus clones.

Both the Mechanicus and Terra have the ability to clone gene seeds, at the cost of gene seed mutation and degradation, but Abaddon cannot care so much.

The Black Legion is in urgent need of reinforcements. Even if mutations and madness occur, they cannot keep up with the rate of death in battle.

As long as you die in battle before mutation, it is not a mutation.

Even without cloning, Chaos Space Marines would mutate and go insane under the influence of Warp energy, so these flaws were insignificant to Abaddon.

After collecting the gene seeds, Abaddon rushed to the next ambush location without stopping to collect more gene seeds.

However, Said witnessed the entire tragedy of Iron Dragon through the puppet on the spacecraft, and synchronized the news to other exploration expeditions.

“Everyone, just now, the Iron Dragon Chapter was attacked by the Chaos Chapter. Please be careful, especially when jumping out of the subspace!”

Following the reminder from the Imperial Prince, the Chapter Leaders did not dare to neglect and immediately arranged defenses and were on high alert. Even during the jump, the weapon system was still charged and could counterattack at any time.

As a result, Abaddon’s good days were over. When he launched an attack, he found that his target had been prepared. When he jumped into the gang, he was directly hit by macro cannons and lost hundreds of Space Marines.

The black army was directly reduced by half, and he was particularly hurt, so he quickly retreated, gave up his plan to plunder, and thought of new methods.

At this moment, he received information from the subspace gods and was immediately overjoyed.

Just now, several expeditionary battle groups sailing in subspace mutated, their thinking was distorted, and chaos corruption took advantage of the situation.

They killed the Overwatch puppets and sailed deep into the subspace, preparing to become happy interstellar pirates.

They were then intercepted by Abaddon, who asked to join the Black Legion.

Of course, the renegade Chapter who yearned for freedom was not willing to do so. Abaddon immediately challenged the Chapter Leader to a duel, knocking him to the ground and immediately expressing his surrender.

Later, Abaddon used the same method to recover several mutant war groups, and the number of the legions swelled to thousands.

He then returned to the Eye of Terror and asked the Dark Mechanicum to clone the Iron Dragon’s gene seeds, successfully obtaining thousands of them.

If he could be transformed into Space Marines, Abaddon would have nearly 10,000 men at his disposal.

In addition to Abaddon, Nurgle also has a Death Guard army, led by First Captain Typhons, which can steadily produce gene seeds.

If he had brought them with him during the Black Crusade, Abaddon would have amassed a force of over ten thousand Space Marines.

At this point, the Third Black Crusade ended. Although it was not large in scale, Abaddon completed the strategic goals, expanded the number of legions, and replenished the strength of the legions.

Immediately afterwards, he intensively planned the fourth Black Crusade, targeting a punishment world in the Empire.

The Penal World is a huge prison that houses tens of billions of Imperial prisoners, brought here from all worlds for various unforgivable crimes.

Prisoners will receive military training, acquire basic military literacy, and then be incorporated into the legion auxiliary army to be used as a penal legion.

The Punishment Legion is cannon fodder with a higher priority than the puppets. They often take one step ahead of the puppets and use their lives to consume the enemy’s ammunition.

According to the Empire, they will use their lives to wash away their crimes and return to the Golden Throne with pure souls.

However, the prisoners in the Penal World don’t think so. They are full of hatred for the Empire and will not miss any opportunity to go against the Empire.

As a result, this became the target of Abaddon’s fourth expedition.

At the same time, Terra and Said looked a little ugly after learning that three battle groups mutated and rebelled, and one battle group was annihilated.

Through the puppet’s last perception, he saw a large number of Chaos Space Marines digging for gene seeds, and it was not difficult to guess Abaddon’s true purpose.

These war groups who broke away from the legion and rushed to the galactic frontier were the best targets, so it immediately notified the entire army to guard against them.

However, the mutation of the three war groups still gave Abaddon a chance. If they had been later and mutated after leaving the subspace, Abaddon would not have had a chance.

At this time, the emperor said calmly: “These mutations originated from subspace storms and can naturally be accelerated by subspace. Don’t be discouraged, you can’t change it.”

Said asked: “Brother Emperor, you have a demonic army in subspace. Why didn’t you let the Cursed Legion destroy Abaddon and raise the Eye of Terror?”

The Emperor calmly replied: “The Warp also has territories. Abaddon is hiding in hostile lands, beyond the reach of the Cursed Legion.”

Said was curious: “Is it the Eye of Terror too? But my puppet army can enter at any time?”

Although Said is the master of the puppets, he is still a mortal. If it were not for the protection of the Emperor, he would have been corrupted by Chaos. To be cautious, he has never allowed the puppets to take the initiative to penetrate into the subspace.

The emperor calmly explained: “The territory is only for the gods, you mortals are not included in this. In addition, if you want the puppet to go on an expedition into the abyss, I can protect your soul!”


Said was pleasantly surprised. If the Emperor could grant protection, he would be able to look directly at the evil creation of the Warp and avoid the contamination of his soul.

Then the puppet army can launch an expedition against the Eye of Terror, changing the situation of being passively beaten.

Although the Eye of Terror is barren, it is the base camp of the Chaos Rebels. Countless demon planets inhabit countless Chaos warbands.

If the Demon Planet can be destroyed, it will undoubtedly be a heavy blow to Chaos, and unlike the Space Marines, the puppets will not rebel as long as Said is loyal.

Even if the entire puppet army was damaged inside, it would be insignificant compared to the results achieved. Said won’t feel any pain at all.

The more Said thought about it, the more feasible the idea became, and he decided to try it some other time.

But before he could think deeply, he received news of Abaddon’s new expedition.

A rebellion broke out on a punishment world called Safra, and a large number of Chaos cults performed blasphemous sacrificial rituals, tearing open rifts in the warp before the defenders could react.

A large number of black legions and countless demons poured in, and together with the Chaos rebels, they fought fiercely with the garrison.

The Penal World imprisons various Imperial scum, some of whom believe in Chaos, so it is home to five Chapters of Space Marines, as well as an Inquisition Citadel nearby.

But the Black Legion came out in full force, with more than 10,000 Chaos Cans and a large number of Demonic Engines, easily suppressing the defenders.

The defenders immediately called for help from the Inquisition Legion, but the Black Legion relied on more blasphemous rituals to summon violent warp storms and block the warp channels.

As a result, the Judgment Legion can only use conventional power, and reinforcements will arrive in a few days at the earliest.

However, the defenders are confident that they can rely on their current strength and hold on until reinforcements arrive. By then, Abaddon will be blooming from the center and completely annihilated.

After Said learned about the situation of the battle, he had a bad feeling in his heart. In his eyes, Abaddon never fought at a loss, and he would definitely plan everything well.

And he wanted to find out one thing, so he found Malcador and asked:

“Why are there so many Chaos traitors in the Punishment World? Shouldn’t they be eliminated on the spot? Are you planning to put them in jail?”

Malcador took out the intelligence sent back by the Assassin’s Court and said: “These are the first batch of rebels, and the crimes they committed have nothing to do with subspace.”

Said flipped through it and found out that it was indeed a serious criminal offense and was sent to the world of punishment by the Ministry of Justice.

This means that this is a premeditated action by Chaos to make the Chaos sects in each world commit crimes and transfer them to the punishment world to take the opportunity to cause trouble.

The Penal World imprisons a large number of imperial opponents. Once faced with an invasion, they will definitely be regarded as the hope of freedom and then join the invaders.

Therefore, Abaddon’s purpose is very clear, to plunder the population and increase the number of soldiers!

However, a new question arises: “Does Abaddon have enough gene-seed?”

Different from the original history, at this time, the empire’s execution power is unprecedentedly powerful. Every gene seed will be strictly traced, and any loss will be taken seriously.

Each Primarch also attaches great importance to genetic blood, and often personally supervises the transportation of gene seeds. The loss of gene seeds is not unheard of, but it rarely happens.

It is not mortals who limit the number of Black Legion, but gene seeds. Now Abaddon does not plunder gene seeds, but plunders mortals, which is abnormal no matter how you look at it.

On Safra, the defenders had established a firm foothold, resisted tenaciously, and were in a stalemate with the Black Legion and the demons. The commander confidently assured the puppet:

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, our chemical dog troops are invincible in the world! We are confident that we will hold on until reinforcements arrive, and together we will annihilate the invading enemies!”

The Safra Chemical Dogs are a well-known auxiliary army that specializes in fighting in various toxic environments, using flamethrowers and heavy bolters to eliminate enemies.

The characteristic is that he uses nitro chemical inhalants to maintain morale and is as brave as a puppet and is not afraid of death.

Said personally saw a chemical dog with half his body crawling hard and using grenades to kill the enemy.

Although drugs must be used to maintain the morale, only Krieger and the puppets can match this morale. Said nodded and said:

“I have full confidence in defending this place, but the enemy is not here to defeat you, nor are they here to capture this place and save these scum of the Empire!”

“You have been stationed here for many years. Do you have a response plan? Even if you blow up the cell and kill all the prisoners, you cannot leave it to Chaos!”

“In fact, every prison is equipped with poison gas devices. Once there is a riot, extermination will be started. However, when the war started, it was destroyed by the prisoners!”

The garrison commander looked embarrassed. Said snorted coldly and asked, “This is your dereliction of duty. Do you have any remedy?”

The commander nodded quickly: “Yes, we have a large number of biological and chemical bombs. The prisoners generally do not have protective equipment and can be easily killed!”

The puppet nodded: “Then go and do your great job! If you can’t do it, go and serve as a soldier on the front line!”

The commander quickly stood up and replied: “Your Highness, don’t worry, I promise to complete the mission!”

After saying that, he immediately went to make arrangements. Although Said didn’t know what Abaddon planned, he knew that he would not be allowed to succeed.

One after another, basilisk missiles flew to all parts of the planet, and biological and chemical warfare agents were sprinkled from the sky, covering the prisoners who escaped into the Eye of Terror.

The planet Safra is shrouded in chemical poisonous fog all year round. The prisoners lack protective equipment and can only survive in prison.

Now they have to brave the poisonous gas erosion, rush into the subspace cracks, and usher in true liberation.

However, when yellow rain fell from the sky, it easily corroded a large number of prisoners into skeletons. Only the Chaos Space Marines wearing power armor were spared.

But the Warmaster’s mission was to protect the prisoners and allow them to evacuate safely. Abaddon asked: “How many have been evacuated?”

The Black Legion subordinate replied: “It’s already half done, boss!”

Abaddon pondered: “Half…that’s a few billion, that’s enough. You can withdraw too!”

After saying that, the Black Legion ran away through the subspace rift, leaving a large number of prisoners to be eroded by chemical weapons.

In the palace, Said looked up at the sky and murmured to himself: “What does Abaddon want to do? Plunder slave cannon fodder? Why not plunder elsewhere instead of punishing the world?”

Beside him, the Battle Sister brought a pot of tea and said with a smile: “Is there anything that His Highness the Prince doesn’t know?”

Said smiled bitterly: “There are so many things that I don’t know. Even the Lord of Changes in Subspace cannot know everything and be omnipotent!”

The nun poured a cup of tea and suggested, “You can ask someone who knows!”

Said sighed: “Subspace is not a physical universe, there are no people like us in it!”

Until now, no one in the Empire has been able to establish an intelligence network in the subspace. All Said’s information comes from the Emperor, but the Emperor may not know everything.

For example, he didn’t know what little tricks Abaddon was doing, he only knew that he was replenishing the Black Army’s troops.

“Is it for Nurgle’s Death Guard? They may have enough gene seeds…”

Said guessed, but when Abaddon was so kind, his own legions fought hard to replenish Nurgle’s troops.

At the moment of doubt, somewhere in the galaxy, an Alpha traitor found the puppet and said straight to the point:

“We know Abaddon’s purpose of plundering the Punishment World. This information is definitely useful to the Empire!”

Said resisted the urge to kill Alpha and asked, “What do you want?”

Alpha said: “A strike cruiser is intact and equipped with all kinds of weapons and supplies. Just give it to us and we will tell you the information!”

The puppet did not agree immediately, but asked: “Can you reveal half of the answer first?”

Alpha nodded: “Yes, Abaddon has a new technology that can use gene seeds more efficiently to expand Space Marines.”

“More efficient?” The puppet tilted his head, and Alpha replied: “If you want to know more, give us a battleship!”

Imperial warships are all equipped with self-destruction systems and would rather blow up than leave them to the enemy. The rebel legions are not having an easy time, and many are still using armed civilian ships.

Said nodded: “No problem.”

However, there were a lot of strike cruisers in the Prince’s Legion, so one would not be in the way. Compared with Abaddon’s conspiracy, it was nothing worth mentioning.

Then, Alpha said: “Abaddon has a Space Marine named Honso who invented a device called the Demon Womb.”

“You only need gene seed fragments mixed with nutrient solution to create space warriors. Although there is a certain chance of failure, one gene seed can support no less than ten transformations!”

The Demon Purple Palace is really disgusting!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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