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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 151 Abyss Expedition


As soon as he heard the words “Demon Purple Palace”, Said blurted out a vulgar word. As one of the few sick gadgets in Warhammer, its usage was simply unscrupulous.

Just find a woman, stuff a human into her stomach, and then inject gene seed fragments and a nutrient solution mixed with subspace energy into her stomach. After that, the transformed person will experience the birth process.

That is the size of an adult, and both the modified object and the host body will suffer extremely painful torture.

The pregnant woman will be like a queen ant, with her belly distended to a huge extent, which is horrifying to think about.

The only advantage of this technology is that one gene seed can produce many nutrient solutions and undergo multiple transformations.

The third expedition obtained the Iron Dragon gene seeds and three warbands; the fourth expedition obtained billions of prisoners in the Punishment World.

Coupled with the Demonic Purple Palace technology, Abaddon will have a relatively stable source of troops to prepare for subsequent expeditions.

Said could never sit idly by and watch this happen, so the idea of ​​an expedition into the abyss came up again, sending legions deep into the Eye of Terror to launch a defensive counterattack.

Said informed the Superman Council of his idea, and no one had any objections. Qadia is Said’s territory, and the troops inside are Said’s private army. They have no right to interfere in any use.

It was only because of the seriousness of the Eye of Terror that Said informed them, letting them know for sure.

Later, Said selected the legion and combined it with the fleet, organizing a total of 100,000 giant soldiers, 500 battleships, 2,000 battle cruisers, and a larger number of cruisers and destroyers.

The scale is comparable to the Empire’s mixed army. The only difference is that there are fewer auxiliary troops and no Titans.

In Said’s estimation, the expeditionary force will not occupy the Demon Planet, so there is no need for airborne troops. If it encounters a void shield, the Titan Soldiers will be enough to destroy it.

He originally planned to bring the Blackstone Fortress and use the demon-forbidden stance to kill everyone in the subspace, but after weighing it, he gave up this tempting plan.

The forbidden magic field of Blackstone Fortress has a limited duration, and will cool down for a long time after that. The most important thing is that this is the first abyss expedition, and it is a defensive expedition.

Said did not understand the situation inside the Eye of Terror. He was prepared for the annihilation of his entire army. If the Blackstone Fortress were to break inside, the gain would not be worth the loss.

Finally, at the beginning of the 36th millennium, the subspace storm spreading across the galaxy completely dissipated, and the Abyss Expeditionary Force was formed, leaving Cadia and entering the subspace.

Staring at the huge fleet, Said said heroically to himself: “My fleet covers the sky and covers the sun, no matter how many suns there are, it sweeps across thousands of stars!”

Compared with the original abyss expedition in history, Said’s expeditionary force was larger in scale, with more personnel and stronger combat power.

Despite all the disadvantages, the expeditionary force in the original space and time still purified more than 400 demon worlds, and Said was determined to achieve greater results.

As thoughts swirled, the fleet entered a purple space, surrounded by scarlet energy, as red as blood, blocking the light of the star torch.

The fleet continued to move forward, and Said soon discovered the starlight in the distance. It was the star in the Eye of Terror, emitting a colorful halo.

The stars are surrounded by demon worlds. They are the targets of Said’s purification. They are like the eyes of demons, blinking at the expedition fleet.

For thousands of years, thanks to Cadia’s strict defense, few fleets entered the Eye of Terror. When the fleet entered, it was immediately surrounded by stars in the sky.

Far away in Terra, Said had a feeling of being stared at, which made his hair stand on end and made him feel particularly uncomfortable. He couldn’t help but chat with the nuns to distract himself.

Said did not have a star map in the Eye of Terror, so he randomly selected a star that emitted green light and steered the huge fleet away.

Reality and subspace overlapped in the Eye of Terror, and the space and time of the three-dimensional world were distorted. The fleet arrived at its destination not long after leaving.

If placed in a three-dimensional universe, it would take at least thousands of years to travel such a distance using conventional power. However, in the Eye of Fear, it only takes a few hours.

The planet is covered by huge spherical fungi, and the land is covered with living plants shaped like human heads. The mouth and eyes of the human face are swollen and deformed, and coughing sounds are occasionally made.

When coughing, the human head plant will spit out white and yellow thick phlegm and mucus from its mouth, and when it falls on the ground, it will squirm like an amoeba.

Everything is so corrupt and yet so full of life.

There is no doubt that this is a Nurgle planet. With a thought in Said’s mind, the cyclone torpedo entered the launch orbit, preparing to purify the desecrated planet.

At this moment, several spaceships with tentacles appeared on the horizon of the planet. They were no larger than light cruisers in terms of tonnage, but they charged towards hundreds of battleships.

You don’t need to think about it to know that they must be the Death Guard Legion. Even if it is a Chaos Legion that retains its organizational structure, warships are still a scarce resource.

Compared with the dumpling Imperial Navy, the Chaos fleet was patchwork, most of which were converted civilian ships, with one less ship to bomb.

Against the battleship force of the Imperial Navy, they were undoubtedly trying to hit an egg with an egg.

These Death Guard warships were no exception. One luminous spear destroyed the shield, the second luminous spear burned through the hull, and the third luminous spear exploded in the air.

At the same time, the cyclone torpedo hit the surface of the planet Nurgle, penetrated into the ground, and exploded in the core of the earth.

In an instant, the planet was covered with cracks, and scarlet magma spewed from the ground and flowed onto the fungus-covered surface.

Life is passing quickly, and corruption is burning.

Said felt a little relieved, as if the messy room was a little cleaner, and he realized in his heart:

“This is purification! Clear away the filth and reshape it with the will of the God Emperor. During this period, I myself will also gain pleasure!”

Said did not know that the world he purified was called Anthrax, one of Nurgle’s favorite demonic planets. At this moment, it was burned to the ground, and an angry roar sounded in the warp.

In the original history, the Iron Dragon Chapter fought bloody battles with the Plague Space Marines here for more than a century, enduring the corruption and devouring of the planet’s plants, unwilling to be tortured and surrendering to Chaos.

At this moment, the fleet slowly moved away, heading towards a red star. The distant distance was instantly spanned, and the expedition fleet arrived at its destination.

From the sky above the planet, Said saw the surface of the sea of ​​lava flowing. On the surface, there stood rocky islands, on which mortals who worshiped Khorne lived.

Mortals built tall and magnificent arenas and held gladiatorial competitions day after day. The blood they spilled gathered into rivers and merged into the sea of ​​magma.

The originally golden magma was dyed red by blood and turned red. Individual islands became battlefields. Endless battles were carried out day and night to collect skulls and build thrones.

These actions would occasionally please Khorne, who would then grant blessings and spur his followers to more intense fighting.

Said calmly launched the cyclone torpedo, freeing these humans and purifying the world.

The fleet continued its expedition, purifying world after world, without using a single ground force, and destroying them all with orders of extermination.

Not only were the inhabitants of the planet challenged by the three concepts, but even the celestial body itself was beyond Said’s understanding.

During this time, he discovered a demonic world called Orensis, which itself was an extremely large, morbidly obese, and curled-up humanoid.

Said discovered the lustful Noise Warriors above. After destroying their spaceship, the ground and the planet were swallowed up by cyclone torpedoes.

Before dying, the huge fat object let out a loud roar, opened countless huge mouths on its body, and swallowed matter instinctively.

Several light cruisers were caught off guard and swallowed into a huge mouth. Said immediately fired a cyclone torpedo before blowing up the lump of meat.

This was the first time the expedition fleet encountered casualties. After purifying a large number of demon planets, the expedition fleet encountered several chaos fleets.

In the face of the huge army, the Chaos fleet immediately fled. Said was not in a hurry and controlled several light cruisers to pursue them, hoping to find their lair.

Said then discovered a forge world of the Dark Mechanicus, filled with daemon engines and profane factories where countless rows of mortal slaves labored endlessly.

A large number of humans are dying all the time, and a large number of humans are brought here to build batches of demon engines for the dimensional blacksmith Radrak.

Said was greatly encouraged. The purpose of the Abyss Expedition was to weaken the rebels’ war potential. If the Demon Forge World could be conquered, it would undoubtedly affect the rebels’ logistical supplies.

As a result, the main force of the fleet turned to Tambolian, and the Dark Mechanicus discovered the vanguard of the expeditionary force and immediately mobilized.

In low-Earth orbit, the Demon Engine Fleet was activated and headed towards the vanguard of the expeditionary force.

The Demon Fleet consists of a battle cruiser, several cruisers, and a large number of destroyers, which is enough to crush the vanguard, which is mainly light cruisers.

Of course, the light cruiser fleet would not choose a head-on collision. Instead, they would maneuver skillfully, maintain contact, and wait for the arrival of the main force.

When the main fleet appeared, a Nova Cannon destroyed the battle cruiser, and the distance continued to close. The battleship’s light spear hit the chaos cruiser hard, causing ripples in the void shield.

During this period, the Chaos Fleet launched a counterattack, but no matter the fleet size or firepower, it could not match the Imperial Fleet. Under the concentrated fire of thousands of warships, dozens of Chaos Fleet’s void shields were overloaded and exploded by the Macrocannon’s light spear.

Immediately afterwards, a bipolar cyclone torpedo was fired, and the demon forged world turned into a sea of ​​fire. The mortals above were freed, and the untainted souls would return to the Golden Throne.

The destruction of Tambolian seemed to shock the entire Eye of Terror. Said could clearly feel that the spiritual energy around him was becoming more and more turbulent, and a warp storm was brewing.

As if to stop the expedition fleet from advancing, a warp storm swept through the Eye of Terror after cleansing a daemon world.

Said’s fleet had to temporarily dock in the galaxy and wait for the storm to pass. He was not worried about time, because the most important thing he lacked was time.

He has purified no less than five hundred demon worlds, and has seen all kinds of bizarre and ruined scenes, many of which are a hundred times more disgusting than the demon Purple Palace.

There are also many mortal planets. Most of them are descendants of traitors to the empire. They hide in the Eye of Terror. Under the distortion of subspace energy, their limbs gradually mutate and become the targets of cleaning.

Cleaning one planet after another, as long as the planets are blown up, these traitors will not be able to gain a foothold, greatly reducing the threat of the Eye of Terror.

However, just as the subspace storm ended, something unexpected happened. The fleet warships were suddenly infected with electronic demons, and many logic engines were confused or even paralyzed.

If it were a Mechanicus fleet, the machine souls would definitely rebel and then kill each other.

However, the expedition fleet only experienced a brief period of chaos before returning to normal. The damaged logic engine was replaced with new wet parts, and the fleet returned to its original state.

Said came from the golden age of materialism. At that time, there was no such thing as a machine soul. Under the influence of the waaaagh force field, he successfully obliterated the machine soul.

The full name of Electronic Demon is “Chaos Machine Soul Virus Code”, which is only useful for machine souls. Said’s battleship does not have a machine soul. Under my Xunsi force field, even the wetware is materialistic.

Didn’t you see that the machine souls of the green-skinned fleet in the subspace have never been infected by the machine soul virus, and the same is true for the soldiers and wooden puppets.

The powerful energy of belief born from the birth of billions of puppets successfully defeated the psychic energy that maintained the machine soul virus and restored the fleet to its original state.

Subsequently, the expedition fleet continued to purify and destroy demon planets one after another. For a time, it was like entering a deserted land, and it became the overlord of the subspace.

The resistance the expeditionary force encountered became increasingly fierce. Chaos fleets were constantly harassing and intercepting them. The weak warships were defeated by the huge fleets.

There were some chaotic cans who took the risk to join gangs, but in the face of the powerful giant god soldiers, they all came back defeated.

They were not without success. A very few succeeded in destroying the Geller force field. A steady stream of demons swarmed the battleships, easily crushing the defenders in an attempt to corrupt and seize them.

In the end, Said had to detonate the battleship to avoid falling into enemy hands.

After purifying eight hundred planets, one battle cruiser, twenty search cruisers, and three hundred light cruisers were forced to self-destruct.

However, this loss is far from crippling the expedition fleet, and the purification is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

The four gods of Chaos were furious. They united and set off an unprecedented subspace storm in the Eye of Terror, covering the expedition fleet.

Nearly half of the expedition fleet was destroyed, the Geller force field of the survivors was damaged in various ways, and countless demons in the subspace swarmed the fleet.

In an instant, the entire expedition fleet was wiped out, either torn to pieces by subspace storms, or forced to self-destruct by endless demonic gangs.

The Four Gods of Chaos killed with one strike, ending Said’s expedition. However, if this move was easy to use, they would have used it long ago and would not have waited until now.

The subspace storm covered the Eye of Terror indiscriminately, including various demon planets. At least five hundred demon worlds were destroyed, accounting for half of the results of Said’s expedition.

After this expedition, Said purified more than 1,500 demon worlds in total, including the home planets of a large number of Chaos warbands, which was a remarkable achievement.

The only regret for Said was that he did not meet Abaddon and the main force of his Black Legion, because they went to the real world and were besieging a fleet transporting gene seeds.

Said was very much looking forward to seeing what Abaddon’s face looked like when he learned that his home had been stolen.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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