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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 152: The Era of Holy War, the emergence of the Tau Empire

The gene seeds are escorted by the war zone. Not only are there strong guards, but the Primarch is also personally tracking them to ensure nothing goes wrong.

But no matter how many defenders there are, they can’t compare to the 10,000 Chaos Astartes. In the early stages of the war, they were caught off guard by gang warfare.

However, thanks to the puppet communication network, the main force of the sector army responded quickly to reinforce the gene seed fleet that was attacked.

After the initial chaos, the defenders stood firm and waited for reinforcements, resisting step by step, delaying the advance of the Black Army.

During the resistance, Said activated the puppets on the ship and shouted to the Black Legion:

“Heretics of the Black Legion, I am Prince Said of the Empire. Just now, the expedition fleet has purified three hundred planets in the Eye of Terror. If you don’t go back, you will all be gone!”

The Black Legion was collectively stunned, with expressions of disbelief. In tens of thousands of years, no human ship had ever dared to penetrate the Eye of Terror. Said must be bluffing.

Abaddon even laughed loudly: “Impossible, absolutely impossible, there are countless demons in the Eye of Terror, whoever comes in will die!”

Said smiled and said: “Believe it or not, the energy of subspace will burn your brain. If Geller can travel through subspace, he can also travel through the Eye of Terror!”

“Oh, by the way, there is a planet covered with disgusting human-head-shaped plants that spit and cough. I used a cyclone torpedo to blow it up!”

One of the Death Guards screamed: “Oh no! That is my father’s Anthrax Star, the beautiful Anthrax Star, the vibrant Anthrax Star, and you are treating it like this!”

Said continued: “There is a planet that is a big fat man who curls up. He bites people when he is attacked. After swallowing a cyclone torpedo, he was blown to pieces.”

A lusty noise warrior screamed: “My Orensis, the lovely giant baby, it is still a child, and you treat it like this, you devil!”

Said continued: “There is also a world where magma flows…”

“A forge world filled with demonic engines…”

Said described the world he saw during the Abyss Expedition, the home planets where many members of the Black Legion were born, and the favorite planets of the gods.

Said can describe it clearly, which means that the expedition does exist, and the demon world is likely to be destroyed by his hands. Some members of the Black Legion couldn’t help but leave the battlefield, shouting “I want to go home! I want to go home!”

Then he was knocked down by Abaddon’s punch.

Chaos Space Marines have fragments of a daemon’s personality within them, and if a daemon likes a certain daemon world, so will the hybrid can.

When the demon world is destroyed, they will also feel the pain of having their cherished things taken away. Coupled with their already crazy nature, they will immediately leave the battlefield without authorization.

Abaddon had to maintain discipline with an iron fist. He was calm on the surface, but his heart was also bleeding.

Among the forge worlds Said destroyed, several took thousands of years to build, only to be burned down in minutes.

It also includes the world where the Demon Purple Palace is stored. Although the technology is still there, reconstruction is not a problem, but it will take a lot of time.

The longer the strength is accumulated, the greater the gap with the empire will be, and the greater the strategic disadvantage will be. This is a situation that Abaddon never wants to see.

He looked around at the warriors around him and found that many had lost their will to fight and wished they could return to the Eye of Terror immediately to defend their homeland.

His morale collapsed and he could no longer fight. Abaddon sighed in his heart and then ordered:


The fifth Black Crusade ended in an anticlimactic manner. The Black Legion and the Empire suffered little losses. It was like a New Year salute, and the Empire ushered in a new era.

The subspace storm that spread across the galaxy faded, the era of divine war ended, and mankind entered the era of holy war.

In the Age of Gods, aliens, heretics, and demons emerge one after another. People live in intense panic and fully realize the horror of the three evils.

During the Forging Era and the Beast Wars, wars only occurred on the borders and some war zones. Most of the empire’s territories were peaceful and the people had no idea about the three evils.

Even if there is, it only stays in books and has no personal experience, leading to ideological struggles such as Nova Terra.

However, during the Era of God’s War, the three evils spread throughout the empire. Orcs were raging, elves were enslaved, heretics were causing chaos, and demons were killing people.

As a result, the people went to the other extreme, and hatred against the Three Pests spread across the empire. Anti-Three Pests demonstrations and civil society groups that spontaneously hunted mutants appeared in various places.

Within the state religion, an extreme faction such as the Purists was born, advocating that the empire should launch a holy war against the galaxy to eliminate all three evils!

Based on this goal, the empire should carry out a more extreme Songunzhengzhi, requiring cannons instead of butter!

This idea is no different from the Juche ideology of the state religion, but it is more extreme. It completely abandons farming and wants to support war with war, which makes Guilliman and other internal affairs committees very unhappy.

It was in such an environment that Said convened the first superhuman council since the era of Jihad.

At the beginning of the meeting, he said: “Everyone, thanks to the blessing of the God-Emperor, the subspace storm spreading across the galaxy is over, and the empire and humanity are about to enter a new historical period.”

“Today, we need to discuss the implementation of the next phase of the policy agenda. Do you have any ideas?”

Leon Jonson said: “Your Highness, during the human warp space storm, the orcs and elves took advantage of the isolation of the empire’s worlds to launch attacks and plunder!”

“Now that the subspace storm has subsided, we must retaliate, launch a holy war, and destroy their base!”

Said said calmly: “In the Forging Age, it has always been the national policy of the empire to destroy the three evils upon discovery. If an alien world is found, of course we must launch an expedition!”

“But can you find it?”

Lion King Ryan nodded and said: “I can find it. By summarizing the information on alien attacks and the reports of Rogue Traders, I have locked two Eldar Ark Worlds, four Green Skin Worlds, and thirteen heretical planets!”

“They took advantage of the situation in the Era of God’s War. Now the empire must respond and use holy wars and expeditions to fight back!”

Guilliman asked: “Do these expeditions require the formation of new legions? I worry about squeezing productivity and delaying the rebuilding of the empire.”

Leon Johnson shook his head: “No need, the existing legion is enough, it can be digested by the theater commander!”

Guilliman breathed a sigh of relief and expressed that he had no objection. He advocated rebuilding and restoring productivity before launching an expedition. He was particularly opposed to the Purists who relied on war to support war.

Since Ryan is confident that the existing army can absorb it, it is not a bad idea to support the expedition.

Thus, the Era of Holy War began. Like the Era of Atonement at the same time in history, the Empire launched one holy war and expedition after another.

Incited by the hatred of the Purists, the empire fell into a terrifying war frenzy. Countless people who lost their loved ones in the Age of Gods actively joined the army to seek revenge against the aliens who harmed them.

Alien worlds have been wiped out one after another, and the order of extermination has shrouded every heretical world. Hatred and revenge are the main trends of this era.

However, unlike the Era of Atonement at the same time in history, mankind did not devote all its productive forces to military expansion. The Internal Affairs Committee transformed hatred into cohesion and organized production and reconstruction.

Thanks to the efforts of the Internal Affairs Committee, the empire’s production capacity quickly returned to its historical peak, and humanity once again ushered in a revival after experiencing hardships.

The crusade of revenge continues. After completing its initial goal, it gradually spreads to other alien worlds and pirates in various regions.

The Empire Daily reports the news of victory every day, which world will be exterminated today, how many aliens will be annihilated tomorrow, and how many heretics will be burned to death the day after tomorrow.

This further awakens the violence in people’s hearts, prompting more killings. The hatred of hundreds of millions of people gathers in the supreme sky, always strengthening the power of the golden sun.

The emperor’s divine power gradually expanded, causing panic among the four gods. However, the era of divine war had just ended, and Said’s Abyss Expedition was unable to start a new round of war.

As the golden sun grew stronger, the alien gods couldn’t stand it anymore. During a chat one day, the empire said that there were a lot less waaaagh sounds coming from the Mao realm.

Somewhere in the galaxy, Yoda found Said’s puppet and persuaded him:

“Sayed, the Eldar who robbed you in the past were pirates, not the Ark Eldar. You want to take revenge on the pirates. Why did you also eliminate the Ark Eldar!”

Said replied: “Because hatred needs to be vented. It’s hard to find the Eldar pirates, but it’s easy to find the Ark Eldar. They are all Eldar anyway. Let’s just destroy them together!”

Yoda was stunned, unable to refute this barbaric logic for a moment. Her breath was blocked in her chest and she was speechless. Finally, she said calmly:

“How long will this revenge last?”

Said shook his head: “I don’t know, you should understand the truth. In the burning galaxy, there is only war!”

Yoda sighed and said sincerely: “Our real enemy is in subspace, not in the real universe. Now your so-called holy war expedition is actually a waste of military power.”

Said shook his head and said: “However, the empire is in the real universe, subspace is the battlefield of the gods, and humans have no right to interfere!”

“The Age of Gods and the Abyss Expedition have severely damaged the vitality of the subspace. Now it is time to eliminate the aliens.”

Yoda was so angry that he smashed the puppet with a punch, and the two parties broke up unhappy. Said did not take Douya’s anger to heart, and he still remembered the account of the last raid on the palace.

The God Emperor forgives, but the Imperial Prince does not. The Eldar must pay the price with blood!

At this moment, a report came from the Exploration Expeditionary Force. They discovered a world of Eldar girls on the edge of the Taiping Starfield, which was called New Hope.

As the Chapter who discovered this world, the Piercing Swords Chapter explored the world, where they encountered attacks from the Savage Eldar.

However, the Wild Eldar were few in number and had backward equipment. They were easily defeated by the Piercing Sword and most of them were massacred. Only a few elite champions hid deep in the jungle and harassed them as guerrillas.

Just as the Chapter was preparing for a new round of exploration, an unfamiliar fleet appeared outside the orbit of the star of New Hope. Judging from the style, it was not an Imperial warship.

The expedition fleet consists of two strike cruisers, ten battle barges, and sixteen light cruisers; the unfamiliar fleet only has a few ships of light cruise tonnage.

So, Piercing Sword was about to forcefully board the ship, capture the other party’s crew, and demand information, but then a communication request came from the other party:

“Hello, strange civilization, this is the Fourth Exploration Fleet of the Tau Empire. I am a diplomat of the Water Tribe. Welcome to the Greater Good!”

Immediately afterwards, the strike cruiser received a message, which briefly introduced the new civilization called Tau and their Greater Good.

The Piercing Sword Chapter sneered and replied: “This is the Human Empire’s exploration expedition fleet. In order to purify the galaxy and spread the glory of the God Emperor, go to hell! Aliens!”

After saying that, the Macrocannon light spear fired a volley, blasting away the Tau Empire’s exploration fleet.

The ship’s intelligence was reported to Said. The empire named Titanium caught his attention and he immediately checked the information sent by the other party.

“Damn it, what’s going on? The Tau star cluster has been wiped out, how can it appear on the other side of the galaxy again?”

The Tau people recorded in the data are roughly similar to the original history. They are all humanoid, blue-skinned, and have fish characteristics. However, compared with the original history, they have more human characteristics.

Said briefly reviewed its ideological propositions: xenophilia (the higher good), materialism, caste system, and the leadership of the philosopher king (ether), which is no different from the original history.

Immediately afterwards, Said collected the wreckage of the spacecraft and found a lot of familiar technologies. He suddenly remembered that the spacecraft inherited the spaceship technology of the Gardenar Empire.

During the Great Crusade, Gardenar was a powerful pocket empire. Except for space technology, the technology and combat power of its ground forces were almost the same as those of the empire.

At the end of the war, the oligarchic council of Gardenar escaped through teleportation technology. For this reason, they also detonated the Pharos Lighthouse, leading to the Tyran Crisis ten thousand years later.

According to the historical brief in the information, the Tau encountered a natural disaster that wiped out civilization thousands of years ago. Then they experienced a technological explosion and successfully survived the crisis.

Seeing this, Said couldn’t help but guess that the explosion of Tau technology came from the oligarchs of Gardenar. Originally, this group of Tau did not appear in history because the oligarchs of Gardenar did not appear and the Tau were exterminated by natural disasters.

During this period of time and space, the Tau tribe on the edge of the Extreme Star Region was wiped out, but the Tau tribe on the edge of the Pacific Star Region rose. This further shows that the Taijun Paramecium once spread throughout the galaxy, but not many survived.

Said shook his head and dispelled the complicated thoughts. No matter what the truth was, this alien must be destroyed!

As for diplomacy? The empire’s diplomacy means no diplomacy!

The information gives the location and territory of the Tau Empire, which is right on the southwest border of the Taiping Star Territory. The light of the Star Torch shrouds the edge, and there is a vacuum isolation zone from New Hope.

Therefore, Said contacted Chagatai Khan, commander of the Taiping Theater, and ordered:

“Jaghatai Khan, immediately send troops to seize the Eldar Maiden World’s New Hope and support the Piercing Sword Chapter fighting there!”

“And using the center of New Hope and the two hundred light-years nearby as its jurisdiction, a new star sector will be established and a new legion will be formed. The War Council will give full support!”

Chagatai Khan immediately accepted the order: “Yes, Your Highness, but may I ask… why are you so aggressive in the barren borderland?”

Said said: “An alien pocket empire was discovered within the New Hope sector, which may become a threat to the empire in the future. The mission of the new legion is to destroy them!”

Chagatai Khan looked serious and agreed: “Understood, I will let Juba Khan serve as the commander of the legion, and then launch an expedition!”

Immediately afterwards, Said instructed the Piercing Sword Chapter: “Be sure to garrison New Hope and wait for reinforcements. Any alien is an enemy and must be killed on sight!”

“If the Empire can successfully regain this world, you will pass the test of loyalty and return to the Imperial Legion.”

Konvak Lann, the leader of the Piercing Sword Chapter, said excitedly: “Understood, Your Highness, the Piercing Sword guarantees to complete the mission! Praise the God Emperor!”

ps: Taitole is out again! Titanium is tenacious!

The Extreme Star Territory and the Pacific Star Territory are one to the east and one to the west. They are both the edge of the Milky Way. The east is not bright and the west is bright. Due to the butterfly effect of the protagonist, Titanium Lord is revived~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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