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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 153 For the Greater Good

Compared with the decadent, superstitious, and tyrannical Human Empire, the Tau Empire is more in line with people’s imagination of interstellar civilization.

Although the Tau are a dystopian society, they are the most enlightened force in the entire galaxy.

Their official government is a democratic system that advocates elite governance and nepotism. Officials at all levels are appointed by committees, and the top leader “Ether” is elected through elections, more like a president than an emperor.

From an institutional perspective, Tau is not an empire because it is not an imperial system at all.

Diplomatically, the Tau Empire serves as a breath of fresh air, injecting a glimmer of light into the dark galaxy.

A race full of Japanese mecha style. After knocking you down, it will bend down and ask you: “Did you learn anything today?”

In the Warhammer universe full of zero-sum games, the Tau Empire is undoubtedly a moral model, and the logic of all this comes from the concept they adhere to: the Greater Good!

The human empire’s racial hysteria, the green-skinned orcs’ war fanaticism, the eldar’s arrogance and xenophobia, and the undead’s hatred of living creatures, the Tau Empire shows surprising diversity.

In their eyes, any race that believes in the Greater Good can become a second-class citizen of the Tau Empire. Although they cannot participate in high-level decision-making, they have autonomy and respect.

There are no restrictions on any foreign religious customs. Humans can continue to believe in the Emperor, Greenskins can continue to believe in Gomao, and Eldar can continue to enjoy themselves.

Although it is no different from the Co-Prosperity Sphere in the 2K era, it is undoubtedly brighter in the burning galaxy, like a galactic lighthouse.

Thinking of this, Said couldn’t help but sneered a few times and asked softly: “Is this really the case?”

At this time, in order to prevent the Tau Empire from counterattack, Jaghatai Khan sent a mobile legion to head to the Hope Sector first to join the Piercing Sword Chapter there.

At the same time, in the Hope Galaxy, a star base was established, the district government was established, and the war committee also sent people to settle in.

The sector has not yet been developed and lacks a population. A large number of puppets form the official government and military agencies, and together with the Piercing Sword Chapter, maintain the work of the sector.

At this moment, the territory of the Hope Star Zone is only the Hope Galaxy, with the Taiping Theater Zone behind it and the vacuum isolation zone in front.

Chapter Commander Konvak asked Said: “Your Highness, do you think those aliens will come again? They should be scared away immediately when they see the current empire!”

Said shook his head: “No, the arrogance and childish ambition of the new empire will give them confidence, and they will overestimate their capabilities before being severely beaten!”

Konvak snorted coldly: “It’s only when the star torch shines that we call it a beating. If it were any closer, they would have been wiped out long ago!”

Said sighed in his heart. Even the exploration fleet did not dare to leave the light of the Star Torch for too long. Even if the puppet could provide positioning, it did not dare to cross the long isolation zone.

“It would be great if Macarius was here. He is one of the few humans who dares to reach beyond the light of the Star Torch. Apart from him, there are probably only puppets left.”

Said pondered in his heart, separated a part of his memory, and paid attention to the formation of the legion in the Hope Sector.

The theater corps is divided into garrison corps and mobile corps. The former garrison the sector and the latter mobile reinforcements, but there is no difference between the two in terms of organization and strength.

Out of fear that the aliens would strike preemptively before the army was formed, the Khan ordered Juba Khan to lead the mobile army to reinforce them until the garrison army was formed.

This decision was undoubtedly very correct. Shortly after the Mobile Corps arrived, a Tau Empire expedition fleet arrived in the Hope System.

The two sides started a confrontation outside the galaxy, and the Tau fleet sent a communication, saying sternly:

“This is a strange civilization. You guys destroyed our exploration ship for no reason. Please give us an explanation! Under the guidance of the Greater Good, I agree to negotiate with you!”

Juba Khan is a Mongolian-style man with a braided braid and two beards. When he heard the word negotiation, he couldn’t help but laugh:

“Negotiation? The Empire never negotiates with aliens. You will only die!”

Then without any explanation, he ordered the mobile army to start a battle. Then Said stopped him and ordered:

“Promise them, the supply personnel of the garrison have just been put in place and have not yet been trained. It is not safe to start the war with the mobile corps alone. Use negotiations to buy time!”

Juba Khan said disdainfully: “Your Highness, is this too conservative? I am confident that I will defeat them with the mobile fleet!”

Said shook his head and said: “What if we lose? The enemy’s fleet is not inferior to ours in size. If we lose, the girl’s world will fall into the enemy’s hands!”

Zhuba Khan nodded and said: “I understand, Your Highness, what do you need me to do?”

Said controlled the puppet and said calmly: “Come with me to negotiate, and the location will be New Hope Planet!”

The invitation for negotiation was sent out, and a reply came quickly from the other side: “You made a wise choice, and may the Greater Good bless you!”

The Eldar girl’s world is covered in forests and has a fresh and pleasant climate. It is one of the few habitable planets that does not require modification.

On a grassland, the Titan Soldier, Juba Khan, and Konvak waited quietly. After a while, a manta ray transport plane passed through the atmosphere, arrived in front of the three people, and dropped off the Water Tribe diplomat.

Next to the diplomat, there is a fighter wasp floating, facing the servo skull in the distance.

Thanks to the inheritance of the Gardenar people, the Water clan spoke fluent Gothic and said: “Hello, humans, may the greater good bless your civilization!”

Said controlled the giant god soldiers and replied: “Human beings do not need a higher good, the immortal God Emperor will continue the empire for ten thousand years!”

The Water Tribe said: “Forget about being polite, you once destroyed a Tau civilization exploration ship here. I need an explanation!”

Said calmly replied: “There is nothing to explain. The alien ships have invaded the holy territory of the empire and will naturally be destroyed!”

The Water Clan continued: “But we have made our identity known to you and have no ill intentions. Why are we still being treated like this? Are we looking down on the Tau Empire?”

Said shook his head: “It’s not that we look down on you, but we hate all aliens. For humans, all invading aliens must be eliminated!”

“Take your fleet and leave quickly, or I’ll kill you all!”

The Water Clan said calmly: “I think you don’t know us well enough, and we don’t know much about humans either. If possible, we can exchange more information.”

“We will continue negotiations after we understand each other well enough.”

Said negotiated, but in order to delay the negotiation, he readily agreed, and the two parties agreed to continue negotiations one month later.

After returning to the fleet, the puppet flipped through a pamphlet called “The Greater Good”, then threw it aside and sighed:

“These blue-skinned men are very much like the humans of the past, who touched the stars with innocent ideals. After experiencing painful lessons, they will understand that they will eventually be let down by their lofty ideals. In the burning galaxy, they will fight for eternity!”

Zhuba Khan scratched his head, somewhat confused, and asked: “Then, Your Highness, shall we fight or not?”

Said shrugged: “Of course we have to fight. We must beat these guys back, save this planet, and then use it as a base to expedition against the Tau Empire.”

Zhuba Khan picked up the pamphlet about the Greater Good and asked curiously: “Your Highness, is what is said here true?”

Said smiled and said: “The Empire Daily advocates freedom, equality and fraternity in the empire every day. What is the real situation?”

“It’s not that the empire doesn’t want to do these things, but reality doesn’t allow it. The survival of civilization must sacrifice individual happiness. Thousands of years of experience have taught us that humans have no choice.”

The Tau Empire is very deceptive. Before encountering a new race, it will give priority to diplomacy rather than direct elimination. This is indeed rare in the Warhammer universe.

Coupled with the inclusive concept of the Greater Good, in the original time and space, many low-level civilians living in poverty in the hive city could not resist the temptation, and many planets joined the Tau Empire.

Then after joining, I discovered that the Tau Alliance was not as well-publicized as it was. In one sentence, the Tau Empire is a suture monster of the “Utopia” class + Asan caste + “Star Trek” federal system.

The scary thing is that every class and every caste is deprived of the right to choose

If you are a loser of the Tau Empire and have no value at all. Living is a waste of air. Don’t worry, you will not be executed, let alone be made into corpse starch. That is too far from the Greater Good.

Instead, you get a one-bedroom apartment, universal health care, a job cleaning, but that’s where it ends.

You cannot engage in other jobs, cannot take exams for further studies, cannot fall in love freely, strictly follow eugenics, any love is heresy, and must match the caste.

In short, one cannot create value beyond caste.

If you dare to cross and want to paint a model, I’m sorry, that is the job of the Earth clan. The Tau will not execute you, but send you to education. If you cross again, you will be educated again until you don’t cross.

After listening to Said’s explanation, Juba Khan cursed loudly: “What a bastard alien. If we follow the system inside, I will have to raise horses on the grasslands of Chogoris for the rest of my life. It is simply heresy!”

“They even invited us to join, which is so bullying!”

“Ha ha ha ha!”

At this time, Said suddenly laughed and said: “According to the data, the population of the Tau tribe is less than 100 billion, and they can’t even fill a nest!”

“You said that if humans join in, the main race will soon become humans. They also emphasize unconditional sharing of technology, so aren’t they afraid that humans will grow stronger and kill them?”

Juba Khan scratched his head and laughed in agreement, but he didn’t really understand the prince’s laughter.

While Said was studying the Tau, the Tau were also studying the empire. When they turned the first page and saw an empire that spanned the galaxy, the entire Water caste was dumbfounded.

“This… this is a bluff!” It said in disbelief: “The Milky Way actually has such a terrifying force!”

Read on, with a trembling heart, while reading, whispering softly: “Immortal God Emperor… Imperial Prince… Superman Council… Racial Purity… Resolutely eliminate the Three Pests…”

As the reading progressed, the faces of the Shui clan became more and more ugly, and evaluations arose in their hearts: “Authority, superstition, ignorance, tyranny, cruelty, xenophobia, warlike…”

Such an empire is completely incompatible with the Tau. The Fire Caste commander on the side read it and immediately decided:

“These races are just like the greenskins. There is no possibility of negotiation, only war!”

Among the Tau castes, the Fire caste is responsible for fighting and the Water caste is responsible for diplomacy, so the Fire caste is warlike and the Water caste is peaceful.

However, the Shui clan shook their heads and said, “If the territory above is real, how are you going to fight against it?”

The Fire Caste was silent. The other side had more soldiers than the Tau Empire had bullets, and one city had more people than the entire Tau Empire.

Even the legions stationed in the system, the empire has tens of thousands, and the Tau tribe is almost the strength of the whole country.

Such an enemy cannot be defeated militarily and can only be left to the diplomats of the Water Clan.

The Water Clan said: “In the final analysis, our team still knows too little about humans. The safest way at present is to sign a non-aggression treaty first, open up commodity trade, and collect intelligence.”

“Compared to those greenskins, humans can at least communicate. Under the superiority of the Supreme Good, we can win without fighting!”

A month later, with the super efficiency of the puppets, the new legion was formed and was on its way to a new hope. At the same time, a new round of negotiations also kicked off.

Juba Khan is getting familiar with the new legion, Konvak is inspecting the planet’s defense, and on the human side, the only negotiating members are the Titan Soldiers.

Compared with last time, the attitude of the Water Caste diplomat was obviously much more respectful. It said: “Humanity is a powerful civilization, and the Tau have no ill intentions towards you.”

Said controlled the Titan Soldier and said: “As long as your fleet leaves human territory, we will forgive the Tau’s offense.”

The Water Tribe said: “This planet was discovered by humans and the Tau Empire. It should be jointly developed by us as a bridge of friendship and bring benefits to both of us!”

Said thought to himself: “Nima, you are indeed a diplomat, you really know how to talk!”

Then, Said shook his head and said: “Impossible, the empire’s territory is the property of the God-Emperor, and aliens will not be allowed to contaminate it. Take your fleet and leave, otherwise we will use lethal force!”

The Water Clan sighed, no longer persisted, and then said:

“Aether agrees to give this planet to you, but in exchange, I hope to sign a non-aggression treaty and a trade agreement.”

Said did not give an affirmative answer, but asked: “Then will the Greater Good be preached?”

The Shui clan said calmly: “If the power of the God-Emperor is boundless, why should we be afraid of the Greater Good? Just as the Greater Good embraces the worship of the God-Emperor, the worship of the God-Emperor should also embrace the Greater Good!”

Said found that he could not defeat the Shui clan. Under the discourse system of peaceful diplomacy, the Shui clan used one word after another. Said had no intention of peace at all, and he could not find the words to reply for a while.

So he said: “Give us a week, I need to report to Terra!”

One week is enough to form the legion, and then start the battle with superior strength.

The Water Clan immediately agreed, and then asked: “Can we send a scientific expedition team to explore this planet and make sure not to touch any vegetation here? You can send people to monitor us.”

Said thought for a moment and nodded: “No problem!”

There is no more than a scientific expedition team at the left and right, and it does not pose a threat at all.

A week later, Juba Khan reported to Said: “Your Highness, my legion has jumped out of the subspace and is waiting outside the galaxy!”

Said nodded: “Okay, keep a safe distance, wait for my command, and launch a sneak attack!”

At this moment, the Water Clan diplomat asked doubtfully: “Your Excellency, Special Envoy, you seem to be absent-minded today? How should Terra reply?”

Said replied casually: “Really? The empire’s reply is…”

Before he finished speaking, several gunshots were fired, and the puppet and the envoy fell to the ground. The Water Clan guards tried to fight back, but were quickly eliminated.

The nearby Piercing Sword Chapter arrived, but found that only one puppet was left at the scene. After reporting to Said, he said:

“Your Highness, this is a Tau weapon. The scientific expedition team disappeared a few days ago, and the people we were monitoring were also killed. Could they be Tau people?”

Said asked, “What do you think?”

Konvak replied: “I don’t think it’s like it, it’s more likely to be the Savage Spirit Clan.”

Said laughed and said: “No matter who they are, we have an excuse to start a war. Juba Khan, kill these blue-skinned people, waaaagh!!!”

The English name for the higher good is the great good.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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