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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 154 The first battle with the Tau

The Tau Empire fleet generally uses a modular design, which can assemble various systems like building blocks. The ships are generally divided into two categories: merchant ships and warships.

As the name suggests, merchant ships focus on civilian use, while warships focus on military use.

But no matter which one, the weapons are the same, railguns are used for short range, ion cannons are used for long range, and a large number of missiles and carrier-based aircraft are used.

Among them, the short-range is based on the standards of the Tau. Even the short-range railgun has a range comparable to that of a human light spear.

It can be seen from the configuration that the Titanium King attaches great importance to long-range firepower, because their enemies are mainly greenskins and lack long-range firepower, so they can use their strengths to avoid their weaknesses.

But when facing the human empire, this method is not easy to use.

After Said’s reform, the empire’s shipbuilding speed has been continuously improved. From escort to battleship, each level of warship focuses on four functions: macro cannon, light lance, mothership, and comprehensive.

Four warships of the same class with different functions form a team, with close-combat macro cannons, long-range light spears and motherships, and are used for comprehensive reconnaissance missions.

Several squadrons followed higher-level battleships, and higher-level battleships formed a four-ship squad to follow higher-level battleships.

Such layers of nesting dolls form a fully functional battle group.

Compared with the green skins, the human navy’s combat power was more comprehensive and reliable, and its numbers were larger, allowing the Tau to suffer their first severe beating.

When the diplomat was killed and the Tau fleet was in a panic, the Juba Khan fleet ambushing outside the system took the lead in attacking.

Taking into account the advanced radar of the Tau Lord, Juba Khan’s fleet did not dare to get too close. Instead, it was almost a galaxy away and launched bombings with Nova Cannons.

The cannonballs were charged to the speed of light, rushed out of the muzzle, and headed straight for the Tau fleet. The Air Caste commander was caught off guard, and several cruiser-sized battleships were shot through.

Immediately afterwards, Juba Khan’s vast fleet started its engines and approached the Tau fleet.

The Tau fleet did not expect the humans to suddenly attack. Although there were frictions in the previous negotiations, they were generally smooth. The fleet commander thought that they would establish diplomatic relations and be assimilated to the Greater Good as before.

But they didn’t expect that humans were so despicable that they pretended to have peace talks and mobilized superior forces to surround and annihilate the Tau fleet.

In order to deter the Human Empire, whose strength was unknown, the Tau brought most of their fleet. If they were completely annihilated, the Tau Empire would be severely damaged.

Therefore, the fleet commander’s priority goal is to preserve his strength. It connected to Said and said angrily: “Commander of the Human Empire, do you want to be the enemy of the Greater Good?”

Said said calmly: “Your soldiers disguised themselves as a scientific expedition team and ambushed our special envoy. This move is regarded as a declaration of war on the human empire!”

The fleet commander immediately said: “There must be some misunderstanding, or it is your excuse for war. Our Water Clan companions are also missing!”

Said sneered: “Do you think the empire will give you a chance to breathe? You have just ascended to heaven, and you still don’t know that in the burning galaxy, once there is a firefight, the fight will last forever!”

After speaking, countless light spears and nova cannons fired in volleys. At this time, the Tau were prepared and placed small battleships on the outside to resist the nova cannon attacks, while the light spears were blocked by the shield.

Subsequently, the Tau fleet launched a counterattack, firing a large number of plasma cannons, and a large number of railguns accelerating the collision of projectiles, causing ripples on the void shield.

Based on the characteristics of the Tau fleet, Juba Khan developed a set of ruthless tactics using mobile warfare that he was familiar with.

The Imperial warship moved forward at full speed, accelerated to 0.9 times the speed of light, and crashed into the Tau fleet.

The Tau fleet commander did not expect that there were ships in space that could use ramming angles. Caught off guard, nearly ten capital ships were rammed through. The human warships fired torpedoes at close range, exploding the Tau ships.

The Tau made a decisive decision and released a large number of carrier-based aircraft to launch bombings on human ships. The bombing achieved certain results. The Tau Air Force’s combat skills were excellent, and they successfully evaded close-in defense artillery and delivered a large number of missiles to the Imperial warships.

However, the Empire immediately sent out numerous naval aviation units to contend with the Tau air force. The capital ships quickly charged forward, using guided torpedoes to damage each other while closing the distance.

Soon, Juba Khan’s fleet successfully embedded itself into the Tau fleet and fired macro cannons at close range, just like a battle fleet attack in ancient times.

The Fire Tribe commander’s jaw dropped in shock. After the collision, he had never seen such a backward style of play in an interstellar naval battle.

The warships faced the enemy side by side, forming a battle line and bombarding each other. The Tau warships were not prepared at all for this tactic. In their eyes, the enemy could never get close.

The macro cannon is so powerful that one shot can destroy an entire city. Thousands of Imperial warships fired a salvo of macro cannons, easily breaking through the energy shield of the Tau fleet and exploding a large number of ships.

After several rounds of macro cannons, more than half of the thousands of Tau warships were destroyed. The Fire Caste saw human tactics for the first time, and quickly rushed in and killed the enemy with macro cannons.

This was Said’s advice to Juba Khan based on the characteristics of the Tau warships. At the same time, the auxiliary army of the Juba Khan Legion entered the system and took over the mobile legion position.

At this moment, a huge green-skinned waaaagh appeared in the Taiping Star Territory, and the garrison was barely able to support it.

In order to completely eliminate this group of greenskins, Chagatai Khan was allowed to transfer the mobile corps to return reinforcements after consulting Said.

At this time, half of the Tau fleet was lost, space control was lost, and it was unable to threaten the New Hope Galaxy. The Juba Khan Army had the upper hand, and the Mobile Corps had sufficient strength.

Compared to the massive Greenskins, the Tau are insignificant and not worth two legions to deal with.

However, as if God had blessed the Tau, not long after the Mobile Corps left, the Juba Khan fleet went out of the galaxy to pursue the Tau fleet, and a second Tau fleet appeared on the other side of the galaxy.

The fleet of the Mobile Corps was transferred away, and the fleet was empty. The Tau Legion took advantage of the situation and easily entered the galaxy.

The fleet was not large in size, and many of them were landing ships, intending to land inside the galaxy.

The galaxy was occupied not long ago, and the fortifications were not perfect, resulting in the Tau transport ships being unstoppable and reaching the sky above the New Hope World.

In the Girls World, the anti-aircraft firepower of the human army set the sky on fire, and the Tau Manta landing craft and a large number of airdrops faced the sky full of firepower and rushed straight to the surface of the planet.

During this period, vehicles were constantly shot and exploded, and in the end only half of the blue-skinned people arrived on the surface of the planet world.

They didn’t know yet that they were facing the first army in the galaxy.

The Tau Army wore various combat uniforms (mechas), surrounded by fighter bees, and crashed directly into the human positions, with ion guns and fusion jets at full firepower, instantly clearing a large area.

Compared with the human auxiliary army, the Tau King had fewer people, but the individual equipment was better. Even the grassroots troops were generally equipped with xv8 crisis combat uniforms.

These combat suits are equipped with powerful firepower, various pulse cannons and fusion bombs, and there are fighter bee artificial intelligence assistance beside them. Often, one can fight against a large number of auxiliary troops.

However, the strength of the Imperial Auxiliary Army has never been a single soldier, but the scale and firepower under the system.

When the Tau people consolidated the landing site, the Imperial Auxiliary Army was building an encirclement, and the two sides confronted each other on a plain of thousands of square kilometers.

Just as Sayid was sharpening his sword and preparing to slaughter these fish people on land, the Jubahan fleet that came back to support was bitten by the Tau people.

For some reason, the Ether sent reinforcements before the war started, and when half of the Tau fleet was lost, the reinforcements appeared.

The Jubahan fleet was bitten tightly and could not return to defend, resulting in the ground forces only having the two sides’ army duel.

The auxiliary army position was quickly built, various vehicles and Titans were in place, and the Astartes were ready.

In the Tau position, a modular base was built, and the troops wearing format combat suits entered the designated position, and the air force in the atmosphere was ready to go.

Finally, at the command of the auxiliary army commander, the Empire took the lead in launching an attack.

100,000 quadruple heavy artillery fired at the same time, and fireballs hit the Tau positions. In the sky, Lightning fighters and Valkyrie bombers launched overwhelming missiles.

The artillery volleys smashed the fortifications, and the petrified lizard missiles continued to bombard. After three hours of fire preparation, the Imperial Army began to slowly advance the front line.

Wherever the shells hit, the Tau could not be seen. Everything went smoothly on the front line, and the Empire successfully took over the Tau positions.

The auxiliary army commander was complacent and felt that this wave was a sure win, because according to the reconnaissance report, the Tau troops were less than one-third of the Imperial Auxiliary Army.

It was undoubtedly a death wish to capture the Imperial world with such a small number of troops.

But at this moment, the puppet beside the commander reminded: “Don’t be careless, the Tau Empire has its own unique tactics.”

The prince reminded, and the commander said solemnly: “Yes, Your Highness, I will advance step by step, steadily and steadily, slowly push the front line, and eliminate the aliens!”

Sayed sighed. The tactics of the Tau tribe could not be explained in a few words, so the commander could only experience and understand it himself.

He wanted to take over the command, but Jubahan was the commander of the legion, and micro-manipulation beyond the level was a taboo on the battlefield, so he did not intervene in the specific command.

As a result, the Imperial Auxiliary Army was soon hit head-on by the Tau tribe. Countless missiles flew out from the Tau positions, accurately hitting key facilities such as command hubs, troop assembly points, and material warehouses.

Even if there were fish that slipped through the net, they were hit again by the infiltration troops.

These infiltration troops wore invisible combat uniforms, could fly at low altitudes, easily sneak into the rear of the imperial front, and guide missiles to accurately strike.

In an instant, hundreds of command posts were blown up, thousands of logistics material bases became ruins, key roads and bridges were destroyed, and communication centers were interfered with.

The mortal auxiliary army fell into chaos. The Tau tribe dispatched a large number of hammerhead shark gunboats and led the Manta armored personnel carriers to launch a lightning attack on the human front.

With the cooperation of the infiltration troops, they quickly cut the human front in a roundabout way. A large number of mortal auxiliary troops collapsed and began to flee.

The auxiliary army commander had never seen such a way of fighting, but relying on his rich experience, he decisively said to the puppet beside him: “Your Highness, please!”

Sayid said slowly: “I know why it happened, reflect on it yourself!”

After saying that, he thought about it, and behind the imperial front, the Krieg puppet passed the fleeing mortals and launched an overwhelming attack on the Tau assault troops.

Rocket launchers and heavy artillery passed the Krieg puppets from behind and smashed heavily into the front of the front, plunging the attacking Tau army and the retreating auxiliary into a sea of ​​fire.

Although they killed 1,000 enemies and lost 800 of their own, they blocked the momentum of the Tau army’s attack. Before the blue man could react, Krieg’s hell gun hit his face.

The laser gun could not penetrate the XV8 combat suit immediately, and continuous shooting was required to achieve the penetration effect. However, Krieg felt that this was too slow, so he rushed to the enemy and detonated the bomb vest.

Now it was the turn of the Tau commander to be shocked. They had never seen such a desperate fighting style, with thousands of soldiers throwing self-destructs at will.

After the face-to-face self-destruction, a large number of Leman Russ armored clusters followed, and fought a decisive battle with the Tau Hammerhead gunships. The battle loss ratio of both sides reached 1:5.

Tau 1, Empire 5, but considering the production of Leman Russ, Tau lost.

With their huge numbers, the Leman Russ tanks overwhelmed the Tau’s Hammerheads, and under the cover of massive infantry, they pushed back towards the Tau’s positions.

At this moment, the Tau commander truly saw the strength of mankind. Although the equipment and technology were slightly backward, with their huge manpower and numbers, they could easily overwhelm any enemy.

But the Tau Empire is different. The small size affects the way of combat. Although the Empire emphasizes firepower superiority like the Empire, but unlike the Empire’s long-term consumption + intermittent pig bursts, the Tau emphasize strike accuracy, mobility and reconnaissance.

The Tau will not engage in World War II-style large-scale decisive battles like the Empire, but will use more modern-looking tactics.

For example, infiltration troops are sent to cut supply lines in roundabout ways, and night attacks, ambushes, air strikes, and beheadings are used to destroy the command level, leaving the enemy without a leader, lacking food and clothing, and collapsing on their own.

Therefore, when seeing the empire’s simple and crude tactics, the Tau commanders were particularly disdainful. This was not only due to the Tau culture, but also because the small size could not support long-term consumption.

The Tau can no longer fight a war of attrition while maintaining a high-welfare life in the country. Perhaps the latter is more important, because high welfare is used to sell the Greater Good.

Therefore, the Tau commander asked for additional reinforcements from low-Earth orbit, while also sending out his killer weapon.

In a ruins, a Tau soldier in xv8 combat uniform was crawling hard. Behind him, a tank with a double-headed eagle logo moved forward slowly, trying to crush the Tau soldiers.

Finally, in front of a fountain, the Tau soldiers were unable to retreat, firing small pistols at the tanks in vain to resist the approaching death.

Just before the crushing, a burst of light speed exploded Leman Russ, and a large number of manta ray fighters passed overhead, tilting powerful firepower towards the ground ahead.

The Imperial air superiority fighter planned to intercept, but was hindered by the fear of the Tau. They could only watch as the Manta Ray tilted its firepower.

The Manta is the largest unit of the Tau Empire Army. It has two heavy rail guns, six long-barreled ion cannons, two sets of missile pods, ten seeker missiles and sixteen long-barreled rapid-fire cannons. It has powerful support firepower. Enough to destroy an entire army.

What’s even more awesome is that this thing is a transport plane that can hit 200 small units and more than 100 vehicles.

Dozens of fully loaded Manta rays formed a formation, enough to form a powerful assault group. The Krieg vanguard force was completely wiped out and the offensive came to a standstill.

However, Said was so calm that he chuckled and said, “Ti-jun is working hard, let’s use our wealth as well!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a lava ray swept across and exploded the wings of a manta ray. Through the burning smoke, countless huge figures could be vaguely seen.

That’s the empire’s god machine—the Titan Legion!

The Titan easily defeated the Manta Fighter, and the Titan Soldiers and Space Marines were dispatched to launch an infiltration operation against the Tau, using the Tau’s way to return the Tau themselves.

The Tau commander gasped and was helpless for a moment. Fortunately, reinforcements from orbit arrived, allowing him to temporarily stabilize the front.

At the same time, reinforcements brought etheric instructions: “Capture the wild spirit tribe, explain the truth of the attack, and seek an truce with humanity!”

If Said hears this, he will only complain: “Titanium is so naive~”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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