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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 155: The Eldar intervene and the Tau are beaten again

The Tau expeditionary fleet received a video of the Water Clan diplomat before his death, which clearly showed the identity of the attackers – the Savage Eldar.

In order to save the diplomatic achievements with humans, Ether decided to organize an elite team to go to the planet’s surface and capture the real Eldar culprit.

This elite Fire Clan infiltration team was ordered to go to the planet’s surface with the reinforcements.

In the Manta transport, the Fire Clan commander said to his subordinates:

“Everyone, the Water Clan sent intelligence that the Eldar seem to be activating the planetary defense system. If we can stop them, we can use this as a bargaining chip to jointly develop this planet with humans!”

A subordinate asked: “What is the planetary defense system? There are only stones and trees on it, and there is no visible creation!”

Another companion joked: “There are all kinds of wonders in the universe, but the Greater Good will help us understand everything.”

At this time, the Manta airship entered the airdrop distance, the hatch slowly opened, and the Tau jumped through the clouds, and what came into view was a burning land.

The flames were like interlaced spider webs, crisscrossing the charred ground, and new combustion was born from explosions from time to time. The Tau felt familiar with this scene.

It was like looking down at the brightly lit territory from the space station, the lights symbolizing prosperity and abundance, and the grace of the Greater Good spread all over the land.

At this moment, it was just like that moment, except that the brilliant lights turned into flames, and the grace of the Greater Good turned into roaring explosions and wailing deaths.

Even the battle-hardened Fire Clan warriors could not help but remain silent at this moment.

Several people landed on the surface, and the Titans in the distance slowly advanced with heavy steps. A large number of warriors in flight combat uniforms rushed towards the Titans like fireflies.

They fired countless ion light balls, which exploded on the Titan void shields one after another, but could not hurt them at all. Then the lava rays swept over, and the fireflies were shot one by one.

On the ground, the Krieg puppets wearing skull masks exchanged fierce fire with the Tau infantry, and laser guns and ion pulses intertwined with each other.

Soldiers from both sides fell every moment, and life became extremely humble at this moment. The soldiers of the squad were silent, and suddenly doubted the meaning of war.

The squad commander encouraged: “They died gloriously. It is the honor of every soldier to sacrifice their lives for the Greater Good!”

“What I have to do is to end this war quickly and practice the Greater Good with actions!”

Afterwards, several people activated the stealth mode of their combat suits and headed towards the first destination. According to the intelligence analysis of the Water Clan, the Savage Eldar will activate the planetary defense system there.

At the same time, on Terra, Sayid frowned, and Yoda tied up his puppet somewhere in the galaxy again, saying:

“Sayid, let your troops withdraw from the New Hope Planet, otherwise they will encounter a catastrophe!”

Sayid sneered: “Oh? Why do you think so?”

Yoda said: “Iyanden Ark World has decided to reinforce there. They are equipped with a large number of Hades Knights. Are you sure you want to fight them?”

Sayid said indifferently: “Whether you or that new race, the Empire will eradicate it, no exception!”

Yoda was not surprised by this answer. She had long been accustomed to Sayid’s bellicosity and arrogance, and said: “What if a clown from a troupe is added?”

Sayid shrugged and said: “I said, the Empire will not attack anyone. He will not compromise with the aliens, and will not be afraid of any war! “

Yoda sighed: “Our strength should be used to deal with the warp, not to hurt each other and consume each other!”

Said sneered: “You are as arrogant and naive as that new race. You don’t understand one truth. Once the war starts, the only war is eternal!”

“Eldar pirates, various conspiracies against Terra and humans, and even supporting the rebellion of the original body are enough to make you the enemy of mankind! Now you are shamelessly seeking cooperation? It’s just a dream!”

Yoda said calmly: “But we have a common enemy…”

Said replied: “But we can’t trust!”

The conversation ended unhappily again, and the wheel of fate rolled forward, advancing towards the predetermined tragedy, all the way to the end.

Said pondered in his heart. Through the conversation just now, he learned that the Eldar would intervene in the New Hope War, and the way of intervention was likely to be the Webway.

Therefore, as long as the exit of the Webway is destroyed, the reinforcement of the large forces of the Ark World can be prevented. The remaining Harlequin Troupe is insignificant in front of tens of billions of troops.

So, Sayid found the Piercing Swords and asked the commander, Conwark:

“Are there places like altars on New Hope? There are floating psychic energy, or huge artificial sculptures, stone statues.”

Conwark nodded and said, “There are many, Your Highness. After all, it is an Eldar planet, but most of them have been destroyed. Only a small part of them is considered worthy of research by the Mechanicus, so they have not been destroyed.”

After that, he took out the Thinker Array and called up the picture. There were six bowl-shaped stone sculptures with psychic light spots floating and flickering on them, which were magnificent.

Sayid nodded and said, “Do you have a mission now?”

Conwark shook his head: “We are not part of the Legion sequence. Juba Khan cannot command us. We are voluntarily helping the regular army to fight.”

Sayid nodded: “Okay, I will give you a mission, destroy these altars as quickly as possible!”

Conwark nodded and said, “No problem, Your Highness, I will complete the mission!”

Conwark took the order and left. Sayid fell into deep thought, hesitating whether he should send more troops to carry out this mission.

After thinking it over again and again, he gave up this plan. An altar, or a blade of grass, or a stone could all become a portal.

Since he doesn’t know the principle of webway teleportation, unless Said blows up the entire planet, there is no way to prevent the Eldar teleportation 100%.

He sent out the Piercing Sword Chapter to try his luck. What if those altar sculptures were really the exit of the webway?

Moreover, the Piercing Sword was very lucky. As one of the few survivors of the Abyss Expedition, they purified more than 400 demon worlds in total.

But luck is luck after all. After arranging the piercing sword, Said immediately informed the ground commanders of New Hope of the situation so that they could be prepared.

The commander patted his chest and promised to destroy all enemies. The huge ground troops gave him sufficient confidence.

Tens of billions of auxiliary troops, dozens of Chapters of Astartes, and countless vehicles and Titans are enough to destroy all enemies on the ground.

Under the encirclement and suppression of the Titan Legion, the Tau ground troops were retreating steadily, and the control area was gradually compressed, but there were no reinforcements.

It is not difficult to imagine that if nothing unexpected happens, the Tau ground forces will be wiped out.

The Tau commander was also aware of this fact, so he followed Ether’s instructions and sent more troops to capture the Eldar commander, striving for a truce with humanity and a good outcome.

However, in the altar area, the Tau capture team encountered the Piercing Sword Chapter, and a fierce exchange of fire broke out between the two sides.

Bolters and pulse cannons exchanged fire, and Asta was at a disadvantage in terms of individual firepower. He was suppressed by the powerful firepower of the Tau, and his ceramite armor was pierced.

However, what makes the Astartes powerful is not their firepower or physical condition, but their flexible use of various tactics.

The Piercing Sword easily discovered the Tau’s weakness in relying on long-range and melee combat, and launched a suicidal charge to shorten the distance and draw the enemy into close combat.

The chainsword easily tore the Tau in half, and the Astartes easily outmatched the infiltration team.

However, the Tau knew that they were prone to close combat, and they were well prepared. After a brief command, a group of Kroot aliens swooped down and fought with the Astartes.

The remaining infiltration teams quickly distanced themselves and took advantage of their expeditionary firepower.

Subsequently, more naturalized aliens of the Tau appeared, including the Kroot with bird-like bodies and the Hu Feng, who focused on agile reconnaissance.

These Tau Alliance forces fought side by side with the Tau and cooperated with each other to enter a stalemate with the Astartes.

However, the Astartes are not just cans, but include an entire fleet and various vehicles.

Thunderhawk gunboats, Rand Raiders, and Rhino tanks appeared one after another, and the intensity of the firefight further expanded, but no one could do anything to anyone.

But both sides kept their missions in mind. The Tau team was to capture the Savage Eldar, and the Piercing Sword was to destroy the target altar.

So after a brief exchange of fire, the Piercing Sword used melta bombs to destroy the altar. The Tau team confirmed that there were no Wild Eldar here, and the two sides broke away from contact.

But then at other altars, the two sides met again, and a firefight broke out again. At this time, the commander of the capture team said:

“Humans, our target is the Savage Eldar, not you! They are the real culprits who attacked the diplomats. For the sake of the greater good, we should find them and stop this meaningless war!”

The Piercing Sword also said: “Get away! Our mission is to destroy the altar, and anyone who stands in our way will die!”

“no problem!”

The capture team decisively moved out of the way and stood aside, allowing the Astartes to install the melta bombs, while the cans held up their bolters and were silently on guard without firing.

The capture team searched around and found nothing, and then said to Astartes:

“You must also be planning to go to other altars, right? So are we. We happen to be on the way. We might as well temporarily cease fire and cooperate with each other! For the sake of the Greater Good!”

But the Piercing Sword coldly refused: “The Empire will not cooperate with any aliens, get out now, the next time we meet, it will be war!”

Then, at this moment, a shot hit a Fire Warrior from nowhere. The warrior responded to the call, and the team members prepared to raise their guns to fight back at the Space Marine.

The Space Marines didn’t know why, but when they saw that the other side was preparing to fire, they were not polite. Bolters were loaded and chainswords screamed.

At this time, the team commander immediately ordered: “Everyone put down their guns! The Greater Good is proof that the attack is not from humans!”

Then he came to the sacrificed soldier, closed his eyes, and said calmly: “May the greater good bless you!”

At this time, the company commander of the battle group came to it, looked at the wounds of the dead soldiers, and said: “The poison crystal rifle is an Eldar weapon! It should come from the person you captured.”

The Fire Clan warrior gritted his teeth and said: “For the sake of the Greater Good, we will definitely catch him. If you can help us, you can speed up this process.”

“You know, the target just wanted to provoke us into a fight. If he succeeds, it will definitely affect your plans!”

Piercing Sword thought for a moment, took out the battlefield radio, and said: “Your Highness, this is Piercing Sword, can you hear me?”

Said’s voice came from the intercom: “If you can hear me, please speak!”

The leader of the Piercing Sword Chapter described the situation at the scene and said:

“We are now facing a group of aliens. We cannot eliminate them for a while, but they will not hinder the mission goal. Do you allow us to suspend the war temporarily?”

Said thought for a moment and then said: “You can cease the war, but refuse to cooperate. Complete your mission. If you encounter their capture target, shoot to death!”

The Chapter Leader stood solemnly: “Understood, Your Highness, I promise to complete the mission!”

Then he said to the Tau team: “I won’t attack you, don’t hinder us!”

Although they did not agree to cooperate, the truce was already a great progress, and both sides began to move towards the third altar.

In the distant forest, in an inconspicuous bush, a pair of eyes stared at the backs of the Titanium and the Piercing Sword, and whispered:

“The wheel of fate keeps spinning, the cycle of suffering and revelation never stops, and the past shows us the direction of the future, only bitter embers and shattered dreams.”

“We try to hide our nature, to control it, to avoid it, but in the end, fate still cannot be changed.”

Lasers and pulses kept flying, and the Piercing Sword and the capture team passed through them, carefully avoiding the dense barrage.

The warriors of the regiment cursed: “Damn it, those blue-skinned people can be invisible, but we have to risk our lives here, it’s so abominable!”

The commander punched him on the head: “In this level of exchange, invisibility may not be very good, bullets fill every corner of the space.”

“While speaking, a Tau warrior fell in front of everyone. It got up with difficulty, revealing its damaged armor.”

The companion landed beside it and said: “Can the cloaking device still be maintained?”

The fallen Tau shook his head: “No, let me stay here and buy time for you!”

The combat uniforms of the capture team focus on stealth and invisibility, which are not as tough as the Space Marines. Without invisibility, they can’t pass through the battlefield at all.

So he decided to use his life to buy time for his companions and return to the path of the best.

At this time, the Piercing Sword Chapter Master said: “If you don’t mind, you can come with us.”

The other members looked at the Chapter Master in surprise, and the Chapter Master added: “But I can’t guarantee anything else. You deserve to be hit!”

The Space Marines have thick armor and can provide cover for the Tau and send them to their destination safely. Although they can’t guarantee anything, it is already a goodwill.

The team commander said solemnly: “May the Greater Good protect you, proud warrior! My name is Farsight, can you tell me your name?”

The Chapter Master left a back view and a sentence: “Konwak-Lann!”

Soon, both sides arrived at the last altar, where in addition to the bowl-shaped sculpture, there is also an arch-shaped stone creation, which is the most likely place to be the Webway teleportation point.

There, they saw an Eldar with a hood on his head and a gun-shaped object on his back. Farsight reported in a low voice: “This is Farsight. I have located the Eldar and request support!” Just then, the Eldar said: “Welcome, Farsight! Welcome, demigod warrior!” Farsight was surprised: “Do you understand our language?” The Savage Eldar replied: “Your language is as simple as your belief system.” Farsight said calmly: “The way is simple!” Eldar: “A way that can only survive in flames?” Farsight replied: “Flames are not only about destruction, but also pave the way for new life! I will end this war!” Eldar was surprised: “End? What you have done here is just the latest manifestation of the eternal cycle of suffering, sorrow and death!” Then he glanced at the piercing sword and said: “The warriors beside you will not have such stupid ideas!” Farsight said: “This war was caused by you. You killed our ambassador to humans. Why, what did you get from it?” The Eldar said: “This universe “Zhou doesn’t care what you think. When my race was falling apart, I avoided the horrors you couldn’t imagine.”

“But because of you, those horrors finally came to us!”

At this time, Farsight continued: “We fight for the greater good, not out of hatred, conspiracy or cruelty! Your race has the ability to create a beautiful universe, but it was wasted!”

“Hahahaha!” The Eldar laughed: “Haven’t you discovered it yet? Just like you, we were once arrogant, full of selfishness and obsession!”

Then he pointed to the Piercing Sword: “Humans are the same. They also had opportunities, but they turned a blind eye to the lessons! Your race is embarking on the same path!”

“So this cycle will repeat…”

Farsight said: “It’s not naive to have hope or believe in lofty ideals!”

The Eldar pointed to the Piercing Sword again: “Learn from them. Although they have all kinds of problems, at least they accept the inevitable truth!”

“What truth?” Farsight asked.

The Eldar said: “That is, one day, the Greater Good will fail you. When the armor of faith is worn out, you will act cruelly according to the requirements of the universe! You are no different from humans!”

“No, you are wrong!” Farsight shook his head: “I will end this war, and you need to go with us!”

The Eldar shook his head: “No, that is not the road paved for us by fate!”

As soon as the voice fell, a warrior lifted the invisibility and appeared beside the Eldar, twisting its hands behind its back, and then Farsight threw out the static force field rosary.

Just when it was about to succeed, Conwark, who had been watching the show without saying a word, whispered: “The coordinates have been sent, requesting fire coverage!”

After that, he started the jet backpack and took off. Above his head, rockets covered the sky and focused on the altar. If nothing unexpected happened, all the living things there would be wiped out.

Conwark thought of the warrior named Farsight and silently said sorry in his heart.

A hundred thousand heavy artillery pieces bombarded the area, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky. When the light faded, the altar remained intact, protected by a broken giant.

Behind it, more giants walked out of the archway. They were the Eldar Titans – the Nether Knights.

Come on, Titanium-kun~ It’s been another day of being beaten~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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