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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 156 A melee among the three tribes, the extermination order overturns the table

While the Tau and the Savage Eldar were arguing, the Piercing Swords Chapter Leader seemed to be watching silently, but in fact he secretly sent coordinates to have the artillery fire the Webway Gate.

When the artillery fire was over, he used his jetpack to evacuate, and the Webway Gate was a sea of ​​fire under him.

In this way, the Eldar reinforcements could be prevented from being sent. The only enemy of mankind was the Tau. After defeating them, they could seize this world.

However, the Eldar paid the price of a Titan to block the artillery fire, save the Webway Gate, and allow the follow-up large forces to walk out of the Webway and enter the New Hope Planet.

At this moment, only Farsight was left in the Tau team. The transport plane he had contacted before arrived just in time and ran into the Nether Knight who walked out of the Webway.

The Nether Knight looked down at Farsight, then looked up at the transport plane, and then a large number of black dots shot out from the Nether Knight, dragging white light and crashing into the transport plane.

“No——!” Farsight wailed in pain, and the black dots crashed into the transport plane, causing a violent explosion.

The transport plane crashed, and along with it, Farsight’s hope for peace was destroyed.

This is really as the Savage Eldar said, only war lasts forever.

Farsight was angry, activated his jetpack, wielded his blade, and rushed towards the Savage Eldar, but was intercepted by a team that rushed over: “Farsight, the commander ordered us to retreat, immediately!”

Farsight said angrily: “Let me go, I want to kill it!”

The Titan team shouted: “Follow the order! Do you want Lord Qingxi to tell you in person!”

Qingxi is Farsight’s teacher and the most legendary military commander of the Titans. Farsight dared not disobey his order and had to retreat.

At the same time, the Nether Titans showed amazing flexibility. They trotted all the way and rushed towards the raging human Titans.

The human commander said: “Attention, the Eldar have joined the war, and their Titans are rushing towards our front. Send out the reserve! Let the Titan battle group go!”

In addition to Titans, the Titan battle group also has a large number of armored vehicles, and there are also aircraft escorts in the sky. Compared with the original historical Titan guards, the scale is even larger.

Originally, the Titan Order was a relatively independent faction with limited resources and a small Titan Guard. However, now that the Titans were affiliated with the Legion, they could incorporate more troops into the Titan Guard to form a battle group.

In other words, as long as the commander wanted, all ground troops could serve as Titan Guards. The Titan Legion had artillery and air reinforcements, and was surrounded by a large number of armored vehicles.

In this way, the Titans had systematic support, and the enemy was not just facing Titans, but a legion with a complete system.

When encountering the Nether Knight, the Warlord Titan took the lead, and the volcanic cannon and earthquake cannon roared, but the Nether Knight rolled over to avoid it.

Then the Nether Knight slid and easily cut off the Warlord Titan’s leg. The Warlord Titan lost his balance and fell heavily to the ground.

Other Warlord Titans launched a counterattack, and a series of lava rays and ion cannons focused on the Nether Knight, but were blocked by the scattering shield.

While the Phantom Knight evaded quickly, the Phantom Cannon and the Sun Cannon fired back, but were blocked by the Void Shield. At this time, more Phantom Knights joined in, and with their more agile bodies, they chopped down a large number of Warlord Titans.

Compared with the slow and clumsy Human Titans, the Phantom Knight Titans were more agile, like a martial arts master, moving around in the hail of bullets, using superb swordsmanship to eliminate one clumsy enemy after another.

However, the Human Titan Corps was not only composed of Titans. In an instant, a large number of petrified lizard missiles were fired, and under precise guidance, they quickly rushed towards the Phantom Knights.

No matter how agile the Eldar Titans were, they could not match the speed of the missiles. In an instant, they were enveloped by the explosion, the scattering shields were broken, the spirit bones were shattered, and they fell to the ground with a bang.

Then, the human artillery group showed its power again, and countless fireballs hit the altar. This time, there was no Titan to block the guns, the altar was shattered, and the webway transmission stopped.

Then the artillery fire extended, covering the road from the altar to the battlefield, preventing the Eldar Titans from reinforcing.

At the same time, the warlord Titans continued to gather and form a tight formation to launch a counterattack against the Hell Knights.

The warlord Titans supported each other and reinforced each other. If the Hell Titans attacked any one of them, they would be hit by fire from several directions.

Compared with human Titans, the Hell Knights and the Eldar have a sparse population and are difficult to manufacture. Even if it is a three-for-one or even a five-for-one exchange, humans will win.

Due to the airtight formation of humans, the Eldar Titans had to fight with humans at a distance and fell into the war mode expected by humans.

Large-scale attrition warfare is an area where humans are good at. The Eldar, like the Tau, have few people and few soldiers and cannot withstand attrition at all.

Every loss of the Hell Knight is bad news for the Eldar, so as long as the Eldar are dragged into a war of attrition, humans will win.

While the Titans were consuming each other, the other troops of the Titan battle group fought a decisive battle with the regular Eldar troops. The vast number of human tanks and air forces formed a front line and slowly advanced, covering with firepower when encountering any resistance.

The tactics of the Eldar are similar to those of the Tau, both of which avoid wars of attrition and strive to kill the enemy accurately and efficiently, but the Eldar do not rely on long-range attacks, and rely more on ambushes and close combat in battle.

However, in the face of the huge human army, these tactics of the Eldar are ineffective. Due to the decapitation strikes of the Tau, a large number of puppets take over the grassroots commanders.

Under the Gestalt consciousness, decapitation puppets are useless, and the chain of command can be connected at any time.

The battlefield often has such a picture, the Eldar troops go deep into the enemy’s rear, easily open the unparalleled in the auxiliary army, and even decapitate the commander.

However, the auxiliary army did not panic, persisted in resistance, and finally successfully eliminated the unparalleled Eldar through consumption or self-destruction.

The artillery bombardment is non-stop, and air reinforcements are on call. In the face of the stubborn battle in Jie Hard Stronghold, the tactics of the Eldar are useless.

During this period, the Astartes Chapter was split into elite squads, which also went deep behind the Eldar lines to carry out various sabotage and assassinations.

In the face of the powerful Astartes, the regular Eldar army had no resistance, and was slaughtered in large numbers by the Astartes.

It can be said that if there are no accidents, humans will completely annihilate the Eldar with only the reserve team.

But Said did not relax at all. He didn’t care about the main force of the Eldar. The Great Crusade proved how fragile these bean sprouts were. He was worried about the Harlequin Troupe.

From the beginning of the war to now, they have not appeared once, quietly dormant in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

Said knew that once the Harlequin took action, it would definitely turn the tide of the war, so he reminded frontline commanders many times to stay vigilant.

But other than that, there was nothing he could do.

As the Eldar offensive was thwarted, Harlequin took action. At the same time, explosions occurred in various artillery positions. Harlequin easily broke through the guards and intercepted, entered the artillery group, and planted explosives.

According to battlefield regulations, ammunition is stored separately, and ammunition for 100,000 artillery pieces is stored in thousands of warehouses. Except for extremely important places that are guarded by Astartes, other places are only guarded by auxiliary troops.

In front of the buffoons of the Peerless Custodes, the Astartes were a bit underwhelmed, let alone the Auxiliary Army.

In an instant, half of the thousands of ammunition depots were destroyed by the Harlequins, and the human fire support was instantly halved. Both the Eldar and the Tau felt that the pressure was lightened.

Without artillery shells, humans lost the fire coverage they were proud of, and the battlefield situation took a turn for the worse.

The Eldar and Tau took advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack. The Tau relied on more powerful precision firepower, and the Eldar relied on agile roundabouts and advanced spiritual bone equipment to defeat the humans step by step.

Without support from the rear, the Nether Knight once again relied on his agility to kill without parallel. Titans were cut down one after another, and countless battle groups were annihilated.

Far away in Terra, Said frowned, felt cruel, and ordered the puppet to control the Titan and launch a suicide attack on the Nether Knight.

When the Ghost Knight slashed with his sword, the Warlord Titan pounced on the Ghost Knight, hugged it tightly, then detonated the void shield generator and energy device, and died together with the Ghost Knight.

The heroic feat of the puppet inspired a large number of Titans driven by mortals. They shouted long live the God-Emperor, drove their Titans towards the enemy in front of them, and perished together.

In the end, the reserve Titan Legion was completely wiped out, and they used their own sacrifices to eliminate all the Ghost Knights.

Without the Nether Knight as a breakthrough, the Eldar advance slowed down again. Within the encirclement, the auxiliary army, which had lost artillery reinforcements, quickly stabilized its position after experiencing the initial chaos.

There are no artillery reinforcements, they still have air reinforcements, a large number of armored vehicles on the ground, and Titan legions.

Relying on them, humans successfully held the line after making huge sacrifices, shocking the Tau once again.

They discovered that humans had more tanks than battle suits. When enough laser guns were fired at them, even the strongest battle suits would not dare to resist.

The auxiliary army seems to be endless. According to Tau statistics, the number of auxiliary soldiers in the human front opposite them has reached 5 billion!

This is almost the total population of the Tau planet, but among humans, they are just soldiers on a battlefield.

This endless human resources frightened the Tau, especially the soldiers wearing skull masks. Their overwhelming suicide attacks shocked the Tau for ten thousand years.

You know, hundreds of thousands of people are brave enough to die with you. The scene is enough to make weak-willed soldiers collapse.

What was even more surprising was that after taking the masks apart, they found that the puppets in these skull masks were all wooden figures. They had hands and feet and moved like humans.

There are as many wooden men as ordinary humans. Even when a human commander is beheaded, the wooden men will quickly take over the command and keep the chain of command open.

Normally, the commander and the troops need to get along, but the wooden man does not need to. After taking over the troops, he can immediately command them like an arm.

Through the captured soldiers, the Tau finally learned the origins of these wooden men. They came from the Imperial Prince, the Master of Puppetry, the head of the Empire appointed by the God-Emperor, and the master of the God-Emperor’s real kingdom.

The puppets follow the Gestalt consciousness, which means that if you talk to any puppet in the galaxy, you are talking to the leader of the empire.

The Tau commander was overjoyed and immediately set out to capture the puppet. When the counterattack was launched, he successfully captured a Krieg using a stasis field rosary, brought it to the commander, and said:

“Your Excellency, Prince of the Empire, this war is completely unnecessary. Under the watchful eye of the Greater Good, we should stop the war!”

Said said calmly: “If you really want peace, let your troops evacuate this galaxy. This is human territory!”

The Tau commander thought for a while and replied: “Yes, but we also have conditions. We must sign a non-aggression agreement and a trade agreement!”

Said sneered and said: “Yes, as long as you are not afraid, the empire can sign an agreement with you!”

Said had no intention of abiding by the agreement, and once the Empire gained a foothold in New Hope, he immediately launched an expedition to the Tau homeworld.

With the truce with the Tau at this moment, they could concentrate their forces to destroy the Eldar and seize the planet.

The Tau commander nodded: “Under the protection of the Greater Good, we have nothing to fear, and we hope that the Greater Good will protect you, Your Excellency the Prince!”

At this time, the Tau command post was attacked. The steel wire shot by Harlequin’s Kiss tore the puppet and the Tau commander into pieces. No one survived on the scene.

Immediately afterwards, Harlequin creates an explosion and fakes the scene where the puppet explodes and kills the Tau commander.

Far away in Terra, Said smiled bitterly and said, “These are troublesome!”

The Battle Sister peeled a piece of fruit, handed it to Said, and asked with a smile: “What trouble did the Pope encounter? Under the protection of the light of the God Emperor, are there any enemies that cannot be dealt with?”

“Of course, the power of the God Emperor also has limitations, and humans need to make up for the gap with their goals!”

Said sighed and reached out to take the fruit, but the nun retracted her hand. Just when he was confused, the nun put the fruit to his mouth and said with a smile:

“Your Highness, please accept the feeding of the loyal nuns!”

Said: “…”

“You are too young. I am a prince, not a baby! I can eat by myself!”

The nun shook her head and said: “According to the decree of the God Emperor, His Highness the Prince has to be taken care of by us. How can he eat by himself? Just accept our feeding!”

Said had no choice but to open his mouth. He found that the nuns were becoming more rebellious from generation to generation. From being obedient at the beginning, to housekeepers, to now…

Under the time killing, shouldn’t the nuns be frightened at first? It wasn’t until they got to know each other after decades of getting along that they started to rub noses with each other.

However, looking at the young and delicate white-haired nun, who is only in her early twenties, it is impossible to be familiar with her appearance for a long time.

If the palace’s void shield hadn’t blocked the microscopic scan, Said would have discovered that there were pamphlets circulating among the nuns, recording their predecessor’s work experience.

The obedience of the incarnation of the God-Emperor is the source of happiness for the nuns. The successors “educate” Said’s habits based on the experience of their predecessors.

Only then did they realize that the God-Emperor was not far away, not aloof, but having emotions like a child.

Although Said rarely showed any emotion other than belligerence, he secretly thought something was wrong when Harlequin beheaded the Tau.

Harlequin beheaded the Tau commander. The Tau troops believed that the murderer was a Krieg puppet who blew himself up, so the crowd became excited and launched a desperate charge from the inside out.

At this time, another webway gate was activated, and a large number of Titans walked out. The Eldar regained their strength and launched a new round of offensive against the encirclement from the outside inward.

Tau and Eldar attacked the same area of ​​the encirclement in tacit agreement.

Titans wreak havoc on the human lines as the last of the manta rays and hammerheads ravage the human lines.

In the previous series of battles, not even a single human Titan was left alive. The remaining Titans were annihilated under a powerful offensive. The encirclement was broken. The Tau and Eldar joined forces, and then the two sides exchanged fire.

The three races were in a melee, and the war spread across the entire planet. During the fighting, the Tau used a large number of thermonuclear weapons, making the planet less habitable and unable to be colonized.

Said sighed and said, “That’s all, retreat, use the Extermination Order, and blow up the entire planet!”

“What we can’t get, the aliens can’t even imagine!”


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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