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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 157 To defeat the Titanium Lord Bean Sprout, do we need to continue the expedition?

Just when Said decided to overturn the table, the outcome was decided between the Juba Khan Legion and the Tau fleet.

The Imperial fleet took advantage of the Tau fleet’s weaknesses and used macro cannons to attack as close as possible. Often, a single salvo could destroy a Tau warship.

Life is like seeing you for the first time.

In the original history, the Tau only saw the Moon-class cruiser, thinking that the Moon-class cruiser was the largest battleship in the empire, but this time, they saw the entire series of battleships.

After being tortured by the Lunar-class cruisers, the former Tau regarded the Lunar-class cruisers as their lifelong enemies, completely unaware that the Empire had even larger warships.

But in this time and space, they encountered a battleship, and they went from complete abuse to bloody abuse.

The Tau fleet’s ion cannon was unable to break through the void shield of the battleship, and was easily closed to the battleship. The macro cannon was fired in the face, causing unparalleled slaughter.

Unlike the bitter battle on the ground, the Tau fleet was easily defeated, so they dispersed their assaults in an attempt to enter the system to cause destruction and support the ground forces in the world of New Hope.

However, Juba Khan defended tightly and did not give the Tau fleet a chance. However, the defensive battle also restrained a large number of fleets and was unable to support the ground battlefield.

However, it is still possible to cover the retreat and release the Extermination Order.

At this moment on the surface of New Hope, the human forces began to shrink their battle lines, leaving the battlefield to the Tau and Eldar, allowing them to compete with each other.

While pursuing humans, the Tau also did not forget to send envoys to the Eldar in an attempt to establish diplomatic relations:

“Hello, Eldar civilization, our Titanium civilization, under the watchful eye of the Supreme Being, hopes to have further contact with you.”

The Eldar answered directly: “Despicable race, you have destroyed our world, and you still want to establish diplomatic relations? What a dream!”

Then they started fighting without explanation. In the eyes of the Eldar, the Tau and humans were both invaders and targets to be eliminated.

The war spread across the planet. From the universe, the planet was burning. Humanity fought and retreated, constantly resisting the pursuit of the Eldar and Tau, and retreated to a desolate plain.

In the sky, a large number of giant transport cabins slowly landed, each the size of a city and able to accommodate millions of people.

At this time, the ground commander ordered: “Everyone throw away their equipment, board the transport ship, and then pray for the blessing of the God Emperor, and the transport capsule returns to the universe safely!”

The soldiers were puzzled: “Why retreat? We can still fight for the Emperor! We have not failed yet! We must continue to fight!”

“Yes, suffering and prayer, faith and protection. In battle, the God-Emperor will give us salvation. For the time-tested devout people, the God-Emperor sends angels to help. Long live the God-Emperor! Blood sacrifice to the God-Emperor, head to the golden throne! Kill them all. Alien!”

“Between the stars, in the dark place, the weak eat the strong, there is no faith and no salvation. The God Emperor cares for all living beings. We must move forward bravely, clean up the pollution, and eradicate the aliens. We are the sword of the God Emperor, slaying the enemies in anger!”

The officers immediately shouted angrily to suppress them. However, the soldiers were soaked in fanatical war emotions and their blood was boiling. They refused to retreat and demanded to continue fighting.

Many soldiers came to the puppet and shouted: “Your Highness, please speak for us! Is the empire going to abandon this place? Let this pure land be polluted by aliens?”

“Yes, Your Highness, the officers are cowards, shying away from the enemy and afraid of fighting, and disloyal to the Emperor. They should be shot!”

As soon as he finished speaking, many soldiers raised their laser guns and got into a confrontation with the officers. The commander had no choice but to look at the puppet beside him.

So the puppet took the phone and said: “Everyone, I promise you that all the aliens here will be purified, but it will not be by your hands!”

“Retreating is a key step in purification. Now execute the order. Anyone who disobeys will be treated as an adulterer and will be killed without mercy!”

After saying that, the Krieg puppets all raised their hell guns and aimed at the excited soldiers. With the assurance of the Imperial Prince, the soldiers could safely carry out the order.

They dropped their equipment, lined up into the transport bay, and took off.

On the grassland, laser guns are piled up like mountains, and countless Liman Rus tanks, Rhino personnel carriers, and Land Raiders are abandoned on the roadside.

In order to speed up the rush and free up space, many soldiers took almost nothing with them except their personal clothing.

At the same time, this situation was seen by the other two parties, and they both guessed that humans were about to retreat, but they came to completely opposite conclusions.

The Tau are delighted and believe that if humans want to abandon this planet, as long as they defeat the Eldar, the Tau will be able to create an additional colony.

However, the Eldar, who have fought against humans for many years, know that humans regard everything in the galaxy as the property of the God-Emperor and will not allow it to be tainted by aliens.

It’s okay if they can’t beat them. The main force of the human race is still there, stronger than the Tau. They still have the strength to fight but suddenly retreat. There must be a conspiracy.

Somewhere on the planet, Yoda stared at the liftoff transport ship and said: “We must prevent humans from retreating. With their extreme character, they will definitely not watch the planet fall into the enemy’s hands!”

The companion said: “But Iyanden Ark insisted on killing the blue-skinned fishermen and let the humans leave.”

Yoda yelled angrily: “These idiots! They have been fighting against humans for thousands of years, and they still don’t know the nature of this race!”

At this moment, the Nether Knights were fighting against the Tau battle suits. Due to being overly consumed by the human Titans, there were not many Nether Knights. They fought back and forth with the Tau mechas for a while.

The Harlequin companion said: “Don’t be harsh, Yoda, Iyanden’s Ark has completed its mission, to take back this Eldar world.”

Yoda shook his head: “I’m worried that humans won’t let us achieve our goal.”

The companion shrugged and said indifferently: “So what, we have fulfilled my Lord’s wish and let the compatriots here accept my Lord’s gift and become one of us!”

“As for this world… it is destined to be destroyed in the prophecy, not today, but also tomorrow!”

Yoda gritted his teeth and said angrily: “I won’t allow it. There are not many girls in the world left. The Eldar can’t afford the loss. Even if they want to be destroyed, they must try to stop it!”

After saying that, he turned to leave and his companion asked: “Where are you going!”

Yoda said without looking back: “Go and protect this world!”

After saying that, on the human battlefield, a patrol puppet suddenly disappeared and was quickly taken to a secluded place. Yoda asked:

“Saeed, what are you planning?”

Said replied through the puppet: “If the empire stops fighting, this world will be returned to you!”

“Lie!” Yoda yelled angrily: “You, in ancient Terran language, mean to harm others without benefiting yourself. You will never let it go like this! You will destroy this planet!”

The puppet chuckled and said, “If it were true, would I tell you? Silly!”

“Bastard!” Yoda blasted the puppet with a punch, and then teleported away before the cannon fire fell.

A moment later, the Tau base, Farsight Cell.

Because the arrest mission failed and he provoked a powerful enemy, Yuan Yuan was under investigation. At this time, Yoda appeared. Yuan Yuan was about to call someone, but Yoda said first:

“This planet is going to be destroyed. Neither you nor us can escape. However, the generals outside only want to monopolize this planet.”

Yuan Yuan was stunned, remembering the teachings of his teacher Qing Xi: “Don’t let your opponent get what you can’t get.”

Yoda said: “If humans plan to abandon this planet, it will probably be completely destroyed after retreating. This is not alarmist. They have done this many times in the past.”

Vision looks serious. If it is true, then he will die here, and a large number of warriors loyal to the Greater Good will be buried with this planet.

He immediately asked: “What are you going to do?”

Yoda said: “I plan to gather a group of people to attack the retreating soldiers and prevent them from retreating!”

Yuan Yuan shook his head: “How many people can you summon? Dozens or hundreds? There are billions of humans! How do you organize them?”

Yoda said: “In order to retreat, most humans abandoned their baggage and even weapons, leaving them unarmed or even bare-handed.”

Yuan Yuan’s eyes lit up, and he thought of several plans in an instant. Yoda continued:

“We can try to sneak into the transport ship and blow it up. Then they won’t be able to retreat and they won’t be able to use the extermination order!”

Yuan Yuan was confused: “We look different from humans, how can we get in?”

Yoda said confidently: “I have a way. I need your people to help me contain the outer garrison.”

Yuan Yuan nodded: “No problem, I have a better way!”

Not long after, Yuan Yuan escaped from the cell, triggered the alarm, and stole confidential data. The Tau immediately sent heavy troops to pursue him.

Then the Tau ran to the human area, and the pursuit force immediately exchanged fire with the garrison. Immediately afterwards, Yoda also attracted a group of Eldar, and it soon evolved into a three-way melee.

Later, Yuan Yuan and Yoda used various means to attract the pursuers to arrive, like a whirlpool, inducing both sides to continuously increase their troops, and the exchange of fire gradually became fierce.

The troops defending here are all Krieg puppets. They will not participate in the evacuation, but will cover the retreat of the human soldiers and fight until the last moment.

However, in the fierce battlefield, Krieger did not notice the two sneaking figures. Vision, wearing a stealth battle suit, blended into the retreating crowd with Yoda.

The stealth battle suit has a stealth function, and Yoda has unique Eldar technology. He can sneak in without anyone noticing, and then enters space with the transport capsule.

Then, they saw a huge whale transport ship. Countless transport cabins were stacked on the transport ship like containers.

Often a whale can transport a legion of ground troops. In other words, as long as the whale transport ship is destroyed, human beings can be prevented from retreating.

So, Farsight and Yoda immediately took action, using subspace teleportation, sneaking into the ship’s engines, and planting bombs.

Through a series of thrilling and complicated operations, the operation went smoothly. They successfully paralyzed the whale transport ship’s power and made it unable to leave.

However, before they could breathe a sigh of relief, more whale transport ships arrived, and there were more than one such transport ship for humans.

The whale transport ship has an engine skeleton, which can be used to replace the transport cabin with another transport ship.

In the face of the powerful productivity of human beings, any penetration and destruction are not worth mentioning.

At the same time, the sabotage operation was discovered, and the fleet sent a large number of Thunderhawk gunships to patrol around, with Astartes and Titan soldiers stationed in key parts.

They can’t blow up a second one.

Just as they were evading pursuit, a Moon-class cruiser arrived and launched an atmospheric incineration torpedo towards the girl’s world, New Hope.

“No–!” they both wailed in unison.

Yoda mourned the destruction of the Eldar world, and Farsight mourned the death of a large number of warriors who fought for the Greater Good, almost all of the elite of the Tau.

At this point, the Empire occupied the New Hope galaxy.

At the same time, far away in Terra, Said said excitedly: “Brother Huang, next, I will send out an expedition fleet to conquer the Tau home planet. The name is… How about the Hope Expedition?”

Although the girl’s world was destroyed, he was not depressed. There were no habitable planets, but the galaxy was still there, and the star base was still in the hands of the empire.

The Empire has secured the New Hope Galaxy, and it’s time to use it as a springboard to launch an expedition against the Tau.

The emperor said: “Before that, I suggest you first figure out a situation. In many imperial worlds, strange psychic beacons have appeared!”

Said was stunned and said in confusion: “That’s not right. Sister Silence is constantly catching psykers. According to the current cleaning efforts, it is impossible for a psionic beacon to appear.”


Then a guess came to mind: “It’s a gene stealer!”

The Eldar Empire, the Human Empire, and the Tau Empire respectively represent the three stages of civilization:

The Eldar are the fallen power; the Empire is the existing power, following in the footsteps of the Eldar; the Tau Empire is the rising power, they will eventually rise (if they live that long), but they will end up like their predecessors decline.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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