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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 158 Encirclement and suppression of chicken thieves

Gene stealers, also known as chicken thieves, are the vanguard of the Tyranids. They will interbreed with humans to create new hybrids and lurk in human society.

When there are enough, a lighthouse will be formed in the subspace to provide coordinates for the Hive’s main fleet.

Therefore, as long as the gene stealers are eliminated within the galaxy, the Hive Fleet will not be able to find restaurants and truly solve the crisis.

The Emperor saw many strange psychic beacons in the warp, located within the borders of the Empire, indicating that the number of chicken thieves here had exceeded the critical point.

Said immediately convened a meeting of supermen, reported the information about the God Emperor, and said solemnly:

“Everyone, I am very curious about one thing. There are Tribunal legions in each war zone. Their agents are scattered in various worlds in the war zone to attack the three evils!”

“But why are there still so many chicken thieves and why does the God-Emperor need to tell us crisis information? If we can’t protect the empire for the God-Emperor and have to remind him of everything, then what use does the God-Emperor need from us?”

The distribution of chicken thief beacons on the Primarch Gaze Star Map has the most in the Extreme Star Region, and relatively few in the Pacific Star Region and the Tempest Star Region.

One of the commanders of the Taiping and Storm Theaters is White Scar and the other is a puppet, while the commander of the Extreme Theater is Guilliman, and his deputy commanders are Sanguinius and Vulkan.

The Triplet of the Extreme Star Territory is also a member of the Internal Affairs Committee, in charge of the economic construction of the entire Extreme Star Territory, and is basically the military and political leader.

If there is a thief here, the three of them are to blame.

Guilliman decisively admitted his mistake. He said: “It was my negligence. Your Highness, in order to resume the war, I limited the size and number of the Inquisition Legion and reduced the cleaning intensity!”

But Sanguinius had a different opinion: “Your Highness, the Extreme Star Territory has the largest area and the most complicated situation. It is inevitable that chicken thieves will appear!”

Said said coldly: “Each gene stealer beacon represents a world instigated by gene stealers to rebel, and they will also want to infiltrate the surrounding world!”

“When a beacon appears, it means that there are also chicken thieves in the surrounding world. This is not just a beacon, but an occupied area!”

“As the commander of the war zone, don’t you realize it? Your brains are all over the place! Are you asking the God Emperor to remind us? Are we worthy of the power given to us by the God Emperor!”

Said’s voice became increasingly severe, and all the Primarchs did not dare to speak out. A wave of coercion enveloped the sky. This was the first time that His Highness the Prince was angry in the Superman Council.

“The Extreme Star Territory accounts for more than 60% of the empire’s territory, but ten of the thirteen psychic beacons are in the Extreme Star Territory, which is close to 80%!”

“So the Extreme War Zone is to blame for this oversight!”

The three of Guilliman lowered their heads, but Vulkan hesitated to speak and mustered up the courage to say:

“Your Highness, the Inquisition… is too inconsiderate of civilian casualties in the execution of its mission, so it should not expand its power too much.”

Said’s eyes turned cold and he asked: “So you were the first to propose limiting the expansion of the Tribunal’s army?”

Vulkan resisted the pressure and admitted: “Yes!”

Without saying a word, Said immediately made a decision: “Remove the positions of commander and deputy commander of the Extreme Star Territory! Let the puppets serve concurrently!”

The Primarchs had no objection, and Said continued: “I didn’t expect you to be so naive. After thousands of years of changes, you still don’t know the truth in this galaxy!”

“Xianjun Zhengzhi was not a decision made on the head, but forced by the bad Milky Way! Tell me, you guys, what kind of Milky Way is this? Vulkan, tell me!”

Vulkan was like a pupil who made a mistake, lowered his head and said: “Keep burning, there is only war!”

Said said angrily: “Since you know why the scale of the Tribunal is limited, and in your eyes the elimination of tens of billions of humans is a crime, don’t you know that we don’t have the power to keep them alive?”

“Look at the evil consequences you have caused. For the sake of kindness, chicken thieves have spread. More people have died because of your stupidity. You are all murderers!”

“Especially you, Vulcan, there is a term in Gutera that is particularly suitable for you, Holy Mother Table!”

Vulkan’s dark face showed no emotion, but from his trembling body, he could feel his overwhelming shame. Sanguinius on the side couldn’t stand it any longer and persuaded him:

“Your Highness, you don’t have to say it so harshly. Vulcan is indeed responsible, but considering the circumstances at the time, the decision is reasonable.”

Guilliman said with a gloomy expression: “Stop talking, Sanguinius, this is not only our failure, but also a setback for the concept of the Internal Affairs Council. We must re-discuss our proposition.”

Sanguinius said nothing, and Said continued: “After the accountability is over, let’s discuss solutions!”

Lion King Ryan said: “The scale of the trial court must be expanded to curb the expansion of the chicken thieves again.”

Said shook his head: “It’s not enough. Treating the head for a headache and the foot for a sore foot will only treat the symptoms but not the root cause! I plan to launch an expedition to completely purify all the planets within the territory!”

Comprehensive cleansing?

All the participants were stunned, and Machado asked: “Your Highness, how can I purify it?”

“Each world has a population of hundreds of billions. There are all kinds of monsters underground in the hives. Mutants and aliens are lurking among the people. There are also secret activities of heretics.”

Said smiled and said: “Have you forgotten the microscanner? How pure Terra is now! No one of the three evils dares to move around Terra!”

Everyone was shocked. The microscanner can scan the entire planet from a microscopic level. Every corner of the hive, every piece of people’s genes, and every molecule on the planet has no secrets in front of the scanner.

Malcador was surprised and said, “Your Highness, I wonder if the objects of purification are just chicken thieves?”

Sayed shook his head: “No, it includes all three evils, aliens, heretics, and demons. The microscopic scanner will find them and then be eliminated by the expeditionary force!”

Guilliman took a breath and persuaded: “Your Highness, this kind of thing can be done secretly a few times. If it is done publicly, the whole territory will rebel in an instant!”

When the water is too clear, there will be no fish. At this moment, the centralization of the empire is unprecedentedly strengthened.

Although there are planetary governors on non-directly governed planets like in the previous life, and their power is extremely great, they are restricted by the agencies stationed by Terra.

On the star bases in each star system, the Ministry of the Interior has stationed puppet inspectors to control the star fleet, the Ministry of Justice and the state religion, and even part of the planetary defense forces.

The inspectors are independent of the planetary governors. If a rebellion occurs, the inspectors will become the last bastion of loyalty.

But this can only prevent rebellion. Although the inspectors can mobilize Sayed’s intelligence network, they still cannot monitor all aspects of the hive city.

In the bottom nest of biodiversity, the lower nest of gangs, and the corrupt planetary nobles, intelligence forces are still difficult to penetrate.

Sayid has no idea how many dirty crimes there are. If microscopic scanning is used, these crimes will be exposed to the world.

It is really hard to predict how the planetary authorities will react at that time, and it may lead to a national rebellion.

This is the limit of mortals. To unite mortals, you must unite these authorities, and you must turn a blind eye to heresy.

It is for this reason that Sayid did not set up microscopic scanning satellites on local planets, and even did not send scientific research ships for microscopic scanning.

But now the chicken thieves are making trouble, he must change this decision and do a quick cleansing.

In response to Malcador’s concerns, he said: “Purification is divided into three stages. First, purify the world where the psychic beacon is located, then spread to the surrounding world, and finally spread throughout the territory!”

We claim to cleanse the gene stealers, but the actual goal is to cleanse all three evils!

However, Malcador said worriedly: “Your Highness, the other people in the area are not fools either. It is easy to see that some of them have connections.”

Sayed shrugged: “So we must be quick and do a good job of information blockade. Before the three evils react, we must complete the purge.”

“Whether to do it or not is one thing, and how to do it is another. The current situation requires us to do so. We can’t give up because of difficulties!”

Guilliman said seriously: “Your Highness is right. How to do it is a technical problem. With the current strength of the Empire, we are fully capable of solving these problems!”

The meeting reached a consensus and the purification expedition kicked off. Under the order of the War Council, the garrison corps of the star zone where the beacon world is located was deployed to the periphery of the galaxy, announced military exercises, and blocked the surrounding space.

Above the planetary governor, there is also a star base, which is controlled by the inspector appointed by Terra and commands the galaxy fleet and galaxy defense force.

The armed forces of the star base come from various planets, and the galaxy defense force and fleet are likely to be infiltrated by the thieves.

Therefore, the star base must be purged before the scientific research ship scans.

So, the Inquisition secretly entered the star base and joined hands with the inspector to purge the galaxy fleet.

The galaxy fleet is not large, usually only a few light cruisers, and cannot sail in the warp. With the support of the legion fleet, the star fleet cannot resist.

Death Watch and Grey Knights launched a boarding, and the light cruiser fleet surrendered immediately, like a lamb to be slaughtered, and was investigated to find out the lurking gene stealers.

At this point, the Inquisition has obtained the right to control the galaxy, and the scientific research ship entered the star system and scanned each planet.

Everything is just as Said expected. All the stars in the galaxy are controlled by gene stealers, and their governors are either gene stealers or human puppets.

Seventy percent of the humans on the planet have been infected and become gene stealers. Monsters sometimes walk openly on the streets, but people turn a blind eye.

The spies of the Inquisition here have long rebelled, and the intelligence agencies of various Primarchs, the assassins’ court of Malcador, and the offline organizations of Said’s puppets have all been instigated to pass on wrong information.

Whether it is the state religion or the Ministry of Justice, those who are infected will be infected, and those who cannot be infected will be confused to let you see the peaceful side of the years.

If there is a real threat, use various means to physically destroy it.

Looking through the records of the Ministry of the Interior, the Chicken Planet is one of the few worlds that overpays taxes, and even has many merits in fighting against demons and orcs, and has been rewarded by Terra many times.

Paying a lot of taxes and being loyal, the performance of the Chicken Planet is far better than most uninfected planets. It has been rated as a model planet many times and received economic assistance from Terra.

With the help of economic assistance, the economy of the Chicken World has taken off, and factories have been built like mushrooms after rain. Some of the production capacity is even not inferior to that of the Forge World.

Sayid couldn’t help laughing and thought: “What kind of loyalty is this? If all humans are like this, why worry about the revival of the empire!”

Through microscopic scanning, Sayid also found a pattern, that is, the Chicken Planets that produce beacons all form sects, and the objects of faith are varied.

There are four-armed emperors, poor princes, sharp blade gears… but without exception, they all think that this is the incarnation of the emperor.

In daily life, the performance of the Chicken Planet is no different from that of the state religion believers, and they are even more fanatical and loyal, extremely confusing, and have escaped many attacks from the state religion.

In the lower nest and the bottom nest where the glory of the state religion cannot reach, the Chicken Thief Sect is rampant, and countless gangs and mutants have joined and become part of the Chicken Thief.

Countless information flooded into his mind. Sayid was shocked and mixed with emotions. He couldn’t help but sigh: “The Empire still lacks control over the bottom!”

After saying that, he thought about it, and the garrison corps in the thirteen beacon areas acted simultaneously, launching orbital airdrops to the infected world.

Countless airdrop pods fell on the planet’s equator, and a large number of Astartes walked out of the airdrop pods and stood guard silently.

The thief governor and officials didn’t know why, and immediately came out to greet them, smiling and saying: “Thank you for the Emperor Angel coming here. I wonder if there is anything we need to cooperate with?”

They behaved normally, just like the planetary governors that Canned encountered in the past.

At this time, an Imperial Fist warrior nodded, led the way with a bolt gun, and instantly shot the governor in the head. The rest of the Imperial Fist warriors raised their guns and fired, easily slaughtering officials and nobles.

Afterwards, they organized the battle line on the spot. Above their heads, a huge transport cabin slowly landed, and countless auxiliary troops and Titan vehicles walked out.

At least 70% of the population on the planet was infected. The War Committee assumed from the beginning that the planet had fallen into the hands of the enemy and needed to be repaired through a corps battle.

Therefore, the airborne Astartes did not immediately break into the hive city to fight street battles, but instead consolidated the landing site on the spot, supported the auxiliary army to land on the equator, and formed a battle line.

Soon, a large number of puppets and mortal auxiliary armies were scattered all over the equator, and those hives on the equator were destroyed by macro cannons, making the battle line connected to the city.

At this time, the chicken thieves who were hiding in the hive city still didn’t understand. In their eyes, they believed in the God-Emperor just like the imperial troops, were loyal and tax-paying, and were model citizens. How could they be wiped out?

However, some of the governors and nobles who greeted them were shot without reason, which made the chicken thieves extremely angry, so the chicken thieves cult leader regarded the troops outside the city as rebels and launched an attack.

The planetary defense forces were mobilized, a large number of tanks and armored vehicles drove out of the hive city, and the Valkyrie fighters roared in the sky, forming several assault groups to kill the auxiliary army.

However, before they saw the enemy, they were hit hard by the orbital ship-borne firepower, and the light spears pierced the ground, and each shot caused a huge deep pit.

When they arrived at the auxiliary army’s front, only one in ten planetary troops had survived, and they were easily killed by the quick-reacting Astartes.

At the same time, the main force of the auxiliary army was deployed, and the Titans and armored vehicles were in place. The Valkyries and lightning fighters circled in the sky, competing with the rebels for air supremacy.

Then, with Sayid’s order, the auxiliary army’s front slowly advanced.

The chicken-thief leader panicked, and he mobilized the aberration masters in the hive city to rush to the auxiliary army’s front, but they were hit head-on by the auxiliary army’s magnificent firepower.

Tens of billions of laser guns fired at the same time, heavy weapons spewed explosive bombs to form a barrage, various missiles and flames fell like raindrops, and ion cannons and hot melt torrents burned gaps in the enemy’s formation.

There was a sea of ​​fire in front of the front line, and the explosion threw the corpses high, which was enough to eliminate the most stubborn enemies, even the aberrations without IQ, and they showed fear.

This scene happened all over the galaxy, and the counterattack was quickly defeated. The main force of the legion cleared the wilderness, isolated and separated each hive, and launched a siege.

Long live the Four-Armed Divine Emperor~≧▽≦


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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