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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 159 The chicken thief colluded with the cult and was stabbed in the back

The hive city represents the heritage of a world, with the world’s accumulation over the past ten thousand years. It may be dirty and may have a harsh environment, but without exception it has strong industrial production capacity.

If it is demolished, it will mean that the development achievements over the past ten thousand years will be burned, and all previous construction will be in vain.

This is a result that neither Said nor Guilliman wants to see. For this reason, except for a very small number of worthless hives, the auxiliary army wants to eat down the hives one by one.

Guilliman frowned and said: “Your Highness, if we continue fighting like this, the casualties will be huge. Even though the auxiliary army puppets account for half, there are still nearly 10 billion humans!”

Said asked: “So what do you mean, give up those industrial equipment?”

Guilliman nodded: “Actually, there are only thirteen worlds. The Extermination Order will not do much harm to the Empire, let alone the hive cities. The hive cities are very precious, but their production capacity is a drop in the bucket compared to the Empire.”

Said shook his head: “Do you think the war will only last this one time? In the future, the chicken thieves will be like the greenskins. They can’t be killed no matter what. Are they going to use the extermination order again and again?”

Guilliman was surprised that Said actually compared the chicken thieves to the green skins. In his eyes, although the chicken thieves were hidden and infected quickly, they only had a climate of thirteen planets and were completely incomparable to the green skins.

Said Youyou said: “As long as the Hive Fleet is still advancing towards the galaxy, the chicken thieves will not stop, so we must find a sustainable elimination model.”

Guilliman finally understood Said’s intention and said: “His Royal Highness plans to fight with the chicken thieves in the streets and experiment with cleaning strategies.”

“That’s right!” Said nodded, and then said: “In the meeting just now, I spoke a little too harshly, don’t take it seriously, just discuss the matter, the Internal Affairs Committee also wants to ask you!”

Guilliman waved his hand quickly: “No, no, His Royal Highness the Prince taught you right. We were indeed negligent. Vulkan and Sanguinius also accepted the criticism and are not dissatisfied with you.”

Said said: “But one thing is that we have done a good job in the internal affairs of the Extreme Star Territory, and our industrial production capacity has increased several times. It is really biased to negate all our efforts by just relying on the chicken thieves.”

“Let’s do this. I will increase the authority of the Internal Affairs Committee and be responsible for the economic construction of the entire empire, including the military industry. Lane’s group of militants will be in charge of the army.”

Guilliman was overjoyed. He had always had political disagreements with the military-industrial complex represented by Ryan.

The military-industrial complex does not want butter for the cannon, giving priority to the development of heavy industry, and advocates supporting war with war; while the Internal Affairs Committee advocates focusing on economic construction and insisting on the balanced development of light and heavy industries.

If the military-industrial complex controls a planet, it will ignore consumer goods such as light industry, but in the eyes of the Home Affairs Committee, light industry also belongs to the military industry.

Soldiers need to wear clothes, eat canned butter, and use toothbrushes, towels and soap… These are all light industries. If they don’t develop, will they be snatched from the hands of aliens?

Said’s move was to make the Internal Affairs Committee, as the highest authority of the empire’s economy, coordinate the economic construction of the entire empire.

In exchange, the original body of the Internal Affairs Committee withdrew from combat command and only participated in logistics work. All battlefield command was handed over to the main combatants.

Guilliman thought for a moment and had no objection to this decision, and immediately promised: “If Ryan is willing, I will support this decision on behalf of the Internal Affairs Committee!”

Said nodded and said: “Don’t worry, Ryan is willing. This is what he suggested to me.”

At the same time, street fighting broke out across the galaxy. Under the scanning of scientific research ships, the empire opened the entire map. It was clear where there were chicken bandit positions and chicken bandit ambush ahead.

The chicken thieves are not weak either. They have psychic communication to form a gestalt consciousness. They know exactly where their companions encounter enemies, but their efficiency is never as good as microscopic scanning of the entire map.

As a result, a large number of chicken thieves were attacked precisely by the imperial army. In order to increase the efficiency of killing enemies, the ground armies were reorganized.

With the Space Marine squad as the core, they cooperated with a large number of auxiliary soldiers to form small battle groups, traveling through the streets of the hive city.

The targets infected by the chicken thieves are all mortals. Except for some aberrations, the strongest combat power is at the level of the auxiliary army. In front of the interstellar warriors, they can only be completely tortured.

The aberrant body does not refer to intelligence, but only knows that instinct drives killing, and is easily killed by the space warriors with flexible tactics.

Coupled with the accurate information from the microscopic scanner, the chicken thieves turned from complete abuse to bloody abuse. The chicken thieves leader’s plan to drain the empire of blood through street fighting failed.

The tens of billions of auxiliary troops are cleaning up the nest city bit by bit, constantly compressing the territory of the chicken thieves. According to the current trend, the empire’s victory is only a matter of time.

In the palace of Terra, Said sipped soy milk. He discovered soybeans in an agricultural world, so he brought them back to Terra and built a flower bed with the nuns to plant them.

Then Prince Sai had soy milk to drink. While savoring the nostalgic taste, he controlled the victory of the battle remotely and felt happy.

But as some chicken thieves sprayed out white liquid to cover the puppet, he suddenly felt that the soy milk was a bit disgusting, so he couldn’t help but put down the soy milk, planning to drink it later.

The nun on the side had just drank a large bowl, and asked doubtfully: “Your Highness, doesn’t it taste good? If you don’t drink, I will drink your share!”

Said stared into the distance of the palace and said, “Drink, someone has contacted me.”

The nun took Said’s soy milk and drank it while saying in her heart: “I just don’t want to waste food, I don’t want to waste food!”

At this moment, the white liquid surrounding the puppet solidified, and the puppet could not move. The chicken thief monster did not destroy the puppet, but carried it on its back and walked through the complex pipelines.

This method is very similar to Yoda, and Said guesses that the leader of the chicken thieves has something to do with him.

Then, just as it expected, the puppet was brought to a monster with a bloated body and a ferocious face.

The monster sat on a chair, like a big fat man with four hands, and a short hybrid whispered to him beside him.

This is a chicken thief clan leader!

When Said arrived, the leader of the chicken thieves asked: “We are all the people of the God Emperor and believe in the Lord of the Stars. Why are you attacking us!”

The puppet replied: “You are aliens, and the doctrine you believe in is heresy and must be eliminated.”

The leader of the chicken thief clan was angry and replied: “I am not an alien because my parents are human. I have recorded their genes and I am also a human!”

“We humans are not heretics. Human beings always look to the stars for salvation. The stars finally responded, so why should we ruin this opportunity!”

Said was confused: “What did you say? Did the response you mentioned come from the emperor?”

The leader of the Chicken Thief clan nodded and said: “Of course, this is exactly the revelation of the God Emperor, but you turn a blind eye. You are the real heretics!”

“You are the Prince of the Empire, the person who was once closest to the God-Emperor. You should not misinterpret his will. You should sing with me that the Lord of the Stars will redeem us!”

Said couldn’t help laughing: “You look like this, who gives you the courage to call yourself a human being?”

The leader of the chicken thief clan confidently said: “I inherited the genes of my human parents!”

Said sneered: “Your parents’ genes have been contaminated, that’s why you look like this.”

The first generation of chicken thieves needs to inject seeds into humans, infect humans and then crossbreed with other humans to produce the first generation of hybrids that can then infect other humans.

The infected then interbreed with other humans to produce a second generation of hybrids, and the process repeats itself.

The hybridization lasts for five generations. The first generation looks like a monster, and then becomes more and more human-like. It is most like the third generation, and then gradually returns to its ancestors, producing the first generation of hybrids.

The first generation of hybrids leave the family and repeat the work of their ancestors.

Therefore, the leader of the chicken thieves said that his parents were human beings, which was correct to a certain extent. Said immediately pointed out the flaw in his words, saying that they were genetically contaminated humans.

Then the leader of the chicken thief clan burst into rage. With a wave of his hand, spiritual light flashed through and the puppet was easily blown to pieces.

However, his position has been exposed. In low-Earth orbit, a luminous spear passed through the hive and went straight to the room of the chicken thief clan leader, vaporizing all life inside.

Without the leadership of the patriarch, the members of the Chicken Thief family began to fall into chaos and were killed one by one by the auxiliary army. However, they were just the tip of the iceberg.

There are many chicken thieves families in the nest capital. They are led by the more senior nest master. In a hidden room, the nest master said in a faint voice:

“Have the negotiations failed? Humanity wants to kill us! But why? We have paid so many taxes and contributed so much materials to the empire, why are they doing this to us!”

The nest master roared angrily, then calmed down after a moment, and said to himself: “Did they discover our origin? And how did the empire know the deployment of the heirs!”

When the chicken thieves fight, they will form a gestalt consciousness through the nest master. The nest master uses a psychic network to connect the minds of the chicken thieves members and perform various micro-operations.

So the chicken thief has opened the whole map to a certain extent, but now humans are like the one who has opened the whole map.

No matter how the deployment is adjusted, human beings will make targeted changes immediately. It seems that they have no secrets at all.

It looked up at the sky. If humans could really monitor every move of the sect, then the sect would have no chance of winning.

what can we do about it?

Gestalt consciousness gives the nest owner powerful wisdom. The more members of the spiritual network, the richer the information received, and the higher the nest owner’s wisdom and intelligence.

He quickly thought of a way. Although it would ruin years of hard work, if the speculation was true, these efforts were meaningless, so it was better to use the last remaining heat.

After saying this, an encrypted psychic communication was sent out and spread to other planets where gene stealers existed.

In the galaxy, in addition to these thirteen worlds that produce beacons, there are many worlds that do not have enough chicken thieves to produce psychic beacons.

The control of these planets is in the hands of humans. Although the chicken thieves have certain power, they can still only operate in the shadows.

It is worth mentioning that the ancestors of these chicken thieves come from the thirteen beacon planets. They are the descendants of the nest owners of the beacon planets. They have a spiritual link with the nest owners and are controlled by them.

Therefore, under the orders of the nest master of the beacon planet, these chicken thieves planets broke out in rebellion one after another. Some were quickly suppressed by the planetary defense forces, some successfully rebelled and occupied the planet, and many more were in a stalemate with PDF.

A chicken thief rebellion spread throughout the empire. In an instant, three-quarters of the empire’s world was plunged into war, and even Mars was caught in a tug-of-war.

Said’s face was solemn. The chicken thieves spread faster than he expected. Except for Terra, there are chicken thieves in almost all imperial worlds. The only difference is how many.

After a brief surprise, Said regained his composure. Some of the rebel chicken thieves were easily suppressed, and a few attacked the astrological planets, but most of them were in a stalemate with the planetary forces.

In other words, most of the chicken thieves do not have the ability to seize the planet. Their rebellion is more to help the beacon planet share the pressure.

Thinking of this, Said was determined and immediately ordered the fleets of supervisors and directly affiliated troops of each system to participate in the suppression, and the Tribunal and the garrison regiments were reinforced.

Compared with the Chaos Cult, the chicken thieves at this time are simply harmless to humans and animals.

The reason why Chaos cults are terrifying is not because of themselves, but because they can blur the barriers of real subspace through blasphemous rituals and summon large numbers of demons into the real world.

If it were just the cult itself, no matter how many empires came, it would not be afraid.

The chicken thieves cannot immediately summon the main Tyran fleet to the Milky Way. At this time, they are still floating outside the Milky Way, thousands of years away from arrival.

Therefore, chicken thieves are equivalent to a cult that cannot summon demons and can be easily suppressed by galactic troops alone.

Each system has one or several light cruisers, especially Enforcer warships, which can provide reinforcements to the loyalists on the surface of the system.

Under the steady stream of orbital strikes, the offensive of the rebel chicken thieves was easily disrupted, and the loyal planetary forces launched a counterattack.

Some galaxy fleets were infiltrated by chicken thieves, but under the suppression of the Titan Soldiers, they were easily eliminated and then led the team to suppress them.

It can be said that the owner of the Chicken Thief’s Nest in Beacon World made a wrong calculation. Instead of alleviating the positive pressure, it actually hindered its operation for many years.

Shortly after Said calmed down, an accident happened again, making him unable to sit still again.

Some chicken thieves found that they could not defeat them, so they cooperated with the Chaos cult, allowing the cult to join the rebellion, helping them perform sacrilegious rituals and summoning reinforcements from the warp.

Said immediately issued an order of extermination on these worlds. However, some forge worlds were controlled by the Adeptus Mechanicus, and the fleets in the system were not under Said’s command.

He could only watch helplessly as the Chaos cult tortured civilians, held various rituals that destroyed the world’s three concepts, and blurred the curtain between reality and the warp.

Finally, the crack opened, and a large number of black legions walked out of the crack.

Abaddon’s Sixth Black Crusade begins!

Said immediately mobilized the garrison troops to suppress them, but found that they were deeply involved in fighting in various places and had no resources to draw out their troops.

Many legions are unwilling to rescue the Mechanicus. The Mechanicus is an independent political entity with its own skitarii and forging worlds. It should solve problems by itself.

The Forge World is very impressive, but the imperial equipment does not only come from the Mechanicus. The Soldier Wood World in Prince Ridge can also produce it. The Mechanicus is not irreplaceable.

Since the rebellion on Nova Terra, the Empire has not had a good impression of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

Therefore, in the face of Said’s transfer order, each legion pushed back if they could. If they couldn’t push back, they only sent a small fleet to show their intention, and even used cyclone torpedoes to attack the Forge World.

As a result, Said could only watch the black army appear in the forge world. However, the first target was not the Skitarii, but the chicken thieves who summoned them.

Many Chaos Space Marines hate the xenos and take precedence over the Imperium


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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