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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 160 Abaddon wins without winning, the Empire loses without losing

Most Chaos Space Marines are veterans of the Great Crusade. Their hatred of aliens runs deep into their bones, and their elimination priority is higher than that of the Empire.

Except for the third-generation hybrids, all the chicken thieves can tell at a glance that they are not humanoid, but the most intuitive point is that they have no fear or awe when they see the Space Marines.

When the Chaos Space Marines stepped out of the subspace rift, the Chicken Thief immediately greeted him and said friendlyly:

“Warriors who have come from afar, this planet will be shared with you. Together we will destroy the heretic army and welcome the arrival of the sharp gear!”

The Chaos Space Marines looked at each other, then raised their bolters and shot the chicken thief in the head, and a melee broke out.

The chicken thieves faced the siege of the Chaos Space Marines and Skitarii, and were attacked from both sides. The Chaos Iron Warriors held giant shields and formed a city wall, slowly advancing.

From the gap in the city wall, countless bolt guns and plasma light groups were shot out, quickly killing a large number of chicken thieves and skitarii.

On the other side, the Titans of the Skitarii advanced slowly, constantly compressing the chicken thieves’ front, and the chicken thieves were retreating steadily.

The leader of the Chicken Thief’s Nest quickly cleared up the relationship and ordered the troops to shrink the front, allowing the Skitarii to come into contact with the Chaos Space Marines and engage in firefights to reduce the pressure.

Soon, the Chaos Space Marines were fighting against the Skitarii, creating a three-way melee on the world.

Scenes like this happened in the other two forging worlds. As the intensity of the war intensified, the terrain of the forging world was complex, and the fronts of all parties were fragmented and became intertwined.

There is me among you, and you among me. Each party regards the other two as enemies. The three parties are involved, and there is no winner or lose for a while.

However, as the Chaos Space Marines continued to advance, the situation soon changed

The Chaos Cult tortures the humans of the Forge World and performs various blasphemous rituals.

Khorne’s followers piled heads into towering pyramids;

Nurgle followers spread the mechanical plague, grow mortals and machines together, and create various engines of corruption;

Tzeentch followers arrange corpses in mysterious patterns to please the gods they believe in;

Followers of lust carry out a variety of killings that are full of sensory stimulation.

For a time, the mortals in the occupied area were in dire straits, and would rather fall into the hands of chicken thieves than be captured by Chaos.

Being infected and mutated at the hands of chicken thieves or seeking a quick death, you can return to the Golden Throne after death;

However, in the hands of Chaos, life is worse than death. Even if you want to die, you can’t die. After death, your soul becomes the plaything of the evil god and will never be reincarnated.

A large number of blasphemous rituals weakened the curtain between reality and subspace, created a strong subspace storm, and opened a larger rift. In an instant, 88.8 billion Khorne demonic armies entered the forge world.

The demonic army was larger than all the humans in the Forge World combined. The Chaos side gained an overwhelming advantage and slaughtered the chicken thieves and the Skitarii.

The chicken thieves perished quickly, and the protective army struggled to support them.

At this time, after Said’s coordination, two regiments of Space Marine reinforcements arrived. They quickly airborne to the surface in short warehouses to face the demonic army of Khorne.

The reinforcements came from the two war groups of the Iron Hands. Compared with the imperial factions, the Iron Hands and the Mechanicum cooperated the most. The soldiers’ bodies were mechanically modified to a large extent, and they pursued the concept of flesh and blood, weak and mechanical ascension.

In front of 88.8 billion Demonic Army and 10,000 Chaos Space Marines, the two regiments may not seem to have many Iron Hands, but they not only have more than 2,000 cans, but also a large number of vehicles including Titans, as well as a whole army of combat weapons. A fleet with cruisers as its core.

Different from the original history, the Astartes chapter in this time and space is more comprehensively equipped, equipped with various vehicles from tanks and chariots to Titan fleets, as well as a large number of auxiliary troops.

Except for the reduction in size, it is almost the same as the previous legion and has the ability to fight independently on any battlefield.

Although the two battle groups are not enough to compete with the 88.8 billion demon army, they can help the Skitarii stabilize the front and wait for the arrival of more reinforcements.

During this period, Said contacted the commander of the garrison. After many communications, he finally mobilized three billion Krieg puppets, one billion each to assist each forging world.

The communication process was not smooth. The commanders of each legion hated the Mechanicus and shied away from orders. The imperial army was a joint-stock system, and Said could only transfer the Krieg auxiliary army.

The location is different and the thinking pattern is different. The Imperial Army hates the Mechanicus, and Said hates it too. The Imperial Army can refuse to reinforce the Oil Man, but Said cannot.

Abaddon’s successful plunder of the Forge World will surely increase his strength and further threaten the Empire’s territory. He will send reinforcements not only to resist the Black Legion, but also to use the Order of Extermination to destroy the planet when he cannot hold it anymore.

The Krieg puppets boarded the whale transport ship and slowly landed on the surface. Groups of Titans and Leman Russ sailed out, and the endless Krieg killed the Chaos coalition amidst the sound of waaaagh.

Heavy artillery shells fell like raindrops, laser guns fired airtight barrages, and soaring fighter planes blocked the sky and dropped dense heavy aerial bombs.

Outside the atmosphere, light spears were shot out from the bottom of the fleets in swarms, piercing the ground and forming ripple-like explosions that spread around, clearing the occupied areas in swaths.

The empire’s two battle groups and one billion auxiliary troops do not only refer to the number of people, but the number of people is just a platform. Together with various vehicles, they form a multi-dimensional strike system that can amplify the combat effectiveness ten thousand times.

On the other hand, the Khorne demon army has no numbers, but they can only rely on their bodies and instincts to fight. The Chaos Space Marines are unorganized and undisciplined. After their initial victory, they immediately indulged in looting all kinds of supplies.

Therefore, even if humans are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, their combat power is enough to compete with the 88.8 billion Khorne demon army.

This scene happened in various forging worlds. After human beings suffered an initial blow, they gradually gained a firm foothold and began to push the battle line outward.

But the warp demons are endless. As more sacrilegious rituals are carried out, the planet is gradually dragged into the warp, and more warp demons emerge. The scene is just like the Webway War.

Back then, the Emperor assembled nine legions, tens of billions of auxiliary troops, and his own powerful combat power to conquer the Webway. Now the power of the Forged World is obviously insufficient.

After a brief initial victory, the Imperial Army’s counterattack momentum was curbed, and they had to retreat to where they started, watching helplessly as the planet was gradually dragged into subspace.

Said was about to raise more reinforcements when the Forge World was suddenly enveloped by a subspace storm, cutting off the subspace channels and making it impossible to send in any reinforcements.

Far away in Terra, Said looked gloomy. The fall of three forge worlds will bring industrial production capacity to Abaddon. Some forge worlds may also have gene seeds to provide soldiers for Chaos.

To make matters worse, there is a shipyard on one of the forge worlds, where many half-finished warships are parked, which if taken away, may very well become Abaddon’s fleet.

Seeing that there was no hope of retaking it, Said decided to use the Extermination Order to destroy the fortress world before it fell into enemy hands.

At this moment, the emperor sent a message: “Stop using the extermination order for now, mobilize the people to pray, and form a position in the subspace!”

Said’s eyes lit up and he said in surprise: “Brother Huang, do you have any idea?”

The emperor said calmly: “Prayer will form a projection in the subspace and help me locate it!”

Said quickly agreed, and then with a thought, under the organization of Krieg’s puppet, the civilians of the Forge World began to pray silently:

“Immortal God Emperor, you are the savior of mankind!”

“Follow your holy word and guide us in the direction we are going!”

“Remember your wisdom and help us defeat evil!”

“Recite your Holy Word and save our souls from darkness!”

“Humankind offers you unbreakable loyalty and walks in your immortal shadow!”

“The truth of the God-Emperor resides in my heart, and the emperor’s light bursts from my eyes! Burn heretics, kill aliens, and eliminate demons!”

“My lord the Emperor!”

“You are the master of mankind! You are the master of the empire! You are the embodiment of order!”

“My lord the Emperor!”

“You are the protector of mankind! You are the incarnation of Omnisiah! You are the overlord of the galaxy!”

“My lord the Emperor!”

“Your name will become sacred among mankind, you will lead mankind out of the old night, and you will return mankind to justice and order!”

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“Your servant is in crisis and needs your rescue!”

“My Lord the Emperor!”

“Please send out your angel of death! Killing will make you stronger, and the death of your enemies will spread your glory! We will follow behind you!”

“Your kingdom protects human souls! When death comes to me, your servant will obtain eternal life in your kingdom!”

Under the guidance of the puppet, the survivors of the Forge World silently recited prayers over and over again. Although they were from the Mechanicus, the prayers were different from those they usually recited, but the feelings were the same.

Whether it is the Omnissiah or the Immortal God-Emperor, their beliefs are filled with the three evils of worship, admiration, and hatred. These common emotions converge and set off waves in the subspace.

A new psychic beacon rises slowly, and the cold golden sun casts a ray of light, piercing the curtain of the sea of ​​souls and covering the heads of believers.

The followers of the God Emperor raised their heads with hope and saw a large number of legions burning with flames walking out of the golden holy light.

They were silent, led by two giants, one holding a book in his hand. When they saw him, the silent holy words resounded in their hearts, and the believers’ eyes instantly filled with tears, and their bodies emitted the exorcism holy light.

The other one was holding a scythe, and seemed to despise the former’s preaching. He silently attacked the demonic army of Khorne. Countless attacks fell on him, but he was not hurt at all. He was extremely tough.

As the Burning Legion gathered and joined the giant battlefield, the Khorne demons retreated one after another as their bodies were burned by the flames.

Said gave an order, and the Krieg puppets, Iron Hands, and Skitarii shouted “Long live the God-Emperor!” “Praise to Omnisiah!” and launched a counterattack against the demon.

In an instant, countless demons were banished, a large number of Chaos Space Marines were killed, and the Chaos Legion was defeated and retreated towards the rift in the subspace.

On one of the planets, Abaddon looked at this scene with no surprise on his face and asked calmly:

“Is the same situation true for the other two planets?”

The men of the Black Legion replied: “Yes, Lord Warmaster, the demons were defeated by the offensive of the Pseudo-Emperor Demon Army! Our soldiers also retreated.”

Abaddon nodded: “Summon Kabanha and Skarbrand, preferably Kahn too!”

The three of them are all great demons of Khorne, who are more powerful than ordinary demons and require higher summoning requirements.

After a long period of previous corruption, the three forge worlds almost became demonic worlds, meeting the requirements for summoning the Great Daemon of Khorne.

As a result, the three Khorne demons appeared and fought with Lorgar and Mortarion. The rest of the Khorne demon army instantly had a backbone and turned back to reverse the curse.

The two sides once again reached a stalemate and fell into a tug-of-war. However, as the entire galaxy prayed, the Emperor’s power continued to increase, and he also sent a human angel-Celestine!

Celestine was once a Sister of Penance among the Sisters of Battle. Relying on her firm belief in the God-Emperor, she charged on the battlefield wearing only underwear and no armor, but she remained unscathed and became a battlefield legend.

Until she disappeared in a battle, and when she appeared again, she had become an angel wearing golden armor and waving white wings.

In the Age of Gods, she appeared on various battlefields, appearing when human soldiers and civilians were in despair, boosting their fighting spirit, and even single-handedly killing big demons, tearing apart orc warlords, and blaster ghost knights.

When she appeared in the forge world, the people instantly burst into cheers, and the soldiers and civilians shouted Celestine’s name, even more than the Curse Legion.

Compared to the curse of burning silence, Celestine is more humane and more beautiful. She can talk to loyal warriors with gentle holy words.

Therefore, Celestine became a galactic idol. When she blasted Kabanha, the cheers reached a climax, even more enthusiastic than when Lorgar preached.

In the distance of the battlefield, Abaddon stared at the Valkyrie soaring in the sky, feeling that the golden light on her body was so dazzling. The golden light enveloped the fighting humans, clearing away the corruption of chaos as the battle line advanced.

At this moment, Abaddon couldn’t help but wonder: “Would I look like this during the Great Crusade!”

As soon as this idea came up, he immediately felt a huge hatred for the false emperor, which washed away the little shame. He gritted his teeth and said:

“No, this is the illusion of the false emperor. Die to the false emperor!”

Now that the demon is gone, Abaddon turns to ask his men: “Have you finished collecting the supplies?”

A Dark Mechanic next to him said: “Back to War Commander, the list of supplies has been collected. We are now dismantling the production lines and equipment. Bring back as much as possible.”

Abaddon said calmly: “Don’t demolish it, let’s evacuate. How long will it take to demolish such a huge forge world!”

After saying that, he recalled the plundering black legions from various places and retreated to the subspace rift. When the retreat was complete, he directly closed the rift, ignoring the devils who were fighting fiercely.

Without the supply of subspace energy, the demons became weaker and weaker, and were soon annihilated by humans.

At this point, Abaddon’s Sixth Black Crusade ended, the thirteen Chicken Thief sect planets were cleared, the psychic beacons disappeared, and the rebellious Chicken Thief worlds were successively suppressed.

The empire achieved its strategic goal, but he was not happy at all. In his eyes, the price of victory was too high.

The three forge worlds were in ruins and it would take hundreds of years to fully recover, which was okay, what was worse was that the Black Legion was greatly strengthened.

The half-finished fleet on the Forge World was plundered and became the spoils of war for the Chaos rebels. A large number of gene seeds secretly stored in the Forge World were lost, and they must have suffered the same fate as the battleships.

If the Chaos Rebels build a semi-finished fleet, they will be able to get a fleet, and by using the gene seeds, they will be able to get a large number of recruits, not to mention the large amount of industrial equipment that was taken away, and they will build several forge worlds.

In this battle, Abaddon’s goal was very clear. After summoning the demon army, he forced the Black Legion to plunder equipment and supplies and hand over the frontal battlefield to the demon army.

When the demon army was defeated, they left without any hesitation in fighting, gaining huge benefits at a very small cost.

It can be said that in this black expedition, Abaddon was born without victory, and Said was defeated without defeat.

For this reason, he gritted his teeth and said: “No, we must conduct a second abyss expedition to weaken Abaddon’s power and prevent him from making a comeback!”

The braided braid finally won once ()


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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