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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 161 Purification Expedition

“I plan to order a military army stationed in Cadia to launch an abyssal expedition to the Eye of Terror to weaken Abaddon’s war potential as much as possible!”

Said stared at the star map and said in a deep voice. Next to him, a nun acted as a loyal listener. She asked:

“But the purification expedition has just completed the first phase now, and there will be second and third phases after that. Wouldn’t it be too risky to open another front at this time?”

As he became familiar with the nuns, Said sometimes couldn’t help but express his thoughts when he was thinking, while the nuns acted as listeners.

Human beings have the desire to express themselves, and Said does the same. However, he was previously suppressed by Gestalt’s ultra-high computing power. Even if he had something to say, he would go directly to the emperor to chat.

However, the emperor’s replies were always late lately, so Said had no choice but to change the person he confided in to a nun.

The battle nuns have extremely strong religious fanaticism and can often give views from novel perspectives, which makes Said feel fresh and new. For example, now, the nun suggested:

“There is a way to speed up the purification. When encountering a world with three hazards, just use the Extermination Order, then immigrate and rebuild from elsewhere, and the purification will be completed!”

Said wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: “It’s just an extermination order in case of trouble, right?”

The nun looked matter-of-fact and nodded: “All humans have the responsibility to take care of the God-Emperor’s world, just like gardeners in a garden. If pests appear, they have failed in their duties and should atone for their sins with their lives!”

“So His Royal Highness is absolutely right to use the Extermination Order. It can improve the purification efficiency and quickly mobilize power to launch an abyss expedition against the Eye of Terror!”

Said sighed softly. In Murphy’s history, why was Fandral so crazy? Is there any reason why the nun was so instigated?

He couldn’t help but feel lucky that he had super computing power and was not overwhelmed by the heavy government affairs and became crazy.

But he didn’t intend to correct it. The reason why the combat cultivators were combat nuns was because of their fanatical loyalty. The “Determination Order in case of trouble” was exactly the way to be loyal.

Loyalty is the reward of the loyal, and fanatical loyalty is the highest reward.

Thinking breeds doubt, and doubt breeds heresy.

The nuns had served the empire well, and Said could not bear to destroy the rewards of loyalty.

Their fervent loyalty should last until the end of their lives, and they should die contented without question, heading into the arms of the God-Emperor.

Therefore, Said avoided this topic and explained: “In fact, they can be carried out at the same time. The troops carrying out the purification expedition are the Imperial Mixed Legion, and the Abyss Expedition is the Soldiers and Woods Legion, which is not in the order of the Imperial Army.”

The Eye of Terror is the prince’s territory, and the Bingmu Legion is the prince’s private army and will not participate in the purification expedition launched by the imperial army.

The extra-staff troops attack the Eye of Terror and have no impact on the Purification Crusade.

The nun suddenly realized: “So that’s the case, but since Your Highness the Prince is fighting for the empire, why don’t you use the imperial army? Instead, use your private army.”

Another nun agreed: “Yes, His Royal Highness alone blocked the enemy of the empire, but got nothing in return…”

Before she could finish her words, Said seriously interrupted: “Shut up, don’t say anything that is not conducive to unity! Loyalty does not need to be rewarded, loyalty itself is the reward!”

“The empire is the empire of the God-Emperor, and humans are the humans of the God-Emperor. In order to protect the empire and protect humanity, we can even give up our lives, let alone a little private army!”

“The subspace will corrupt intelligent creatures. There are humans and Astartes in the mixed legion. I don’t trust it if I leave it to them. I might as well let it be completely guarded by puppets!”

The reprimanded nun was so ashamed that she took out the whip with tears in her eyes and said: “Your Highness, Teresa was disloyal just now. Please whip me to atone for my sin!”

Said’s head was full of black lines: “You just did it on purpose!”

A hint of cunning flashed in the nun’s eyes, and she said pitifully: “Since the prince refuses, I will go back to the Sisters of Atonement to atone for the God Emperor!”

Many of the Battle Sisters come from fanatical Sisters of Atonement. They often charge into enemy positions with very little clothing for various trivial reasons. Everyone who survives is a fierce person.

And whipping itself is the daily routine of the Atonement Sisters. Even if they become Battle Sisters, they still retain their past habits.

What’s more, Said is the incarnation of the God-Emperor, the God-Emperor’s biological brother in the human body. Being punished by him is like being punished by the God-Emperor, which is the supreme enjoyment of the Atonement Sister.

Therefore, many atonement nuns will deliberately make mistakes, even a little to anger Said, and then ask for something. After Said was attacked twice, he resolutely resisted this evil trend, and it was the same this time.

He said coldly: “If you want to leave, you can go by yourself. The door is there, no one will stop you!”

Of course the nun would not leave. The palace was the closest place to the God-Emperor. Said ignored her and continued to stare at the star map, suddenly his expression was shocked.

Just now, Cadia encountered a green-skin invasion. A large number of green-skin garbage mountains poured out of Cadia’s Mandeville Point and launched a wave of waaaagh towards Cadia.

Then, the Forbidden Demon Realm was activated, the garbage mountain disintegrated, and the green-skinned garbage mountain collectively disintegrated. Countless green-skinned people floated across the universe and were slaughtered one side at a time.

The Abyss Expedition was about to come, but when Cardia appeared like this, Said felt a conspiracy coming towards him.

Although the greenskins were quickly eliminated, a large number of greenskins scattered in the void, and subsequent cleanup required fleets and time.

Greenskins do not need to breathe and can survive in the vacuum, relying on photosynthesis to replenish energy. At this moment, the fleet is disintegrated, and there are still tens of billions of living greenskins floating in the void.

There are metal hulks floating around them. Once the forbidden magic field fails, the green-skinned tech master can reorganize the hulks into a mountain of garbage and launch an attack on Cadia.

Even if the metal scrap ship is cleared, if a fleet passes by in the future and is contaminated with green spores, causing the warships to become green, thinking about that scene, Said will be extremely disgusted.

He gritted his teeth and said: “This must be Abaddon’s fault, because no one has benefited more than him!”

The Cadian Legion was restrained by the greenskins, and Abaddon had just a window of development to digest the fruits of victory of the sixth expedition, transform them into strength, and launch a new expedition.

This is a conspiracy. Said hated it with itch, but he could do nothing. Then he snorted coldly: “Huh, I can’t leave the big army, and I can’t let you grow in peace!”

After finishing speaking, he quickly organized a fleet consisting of one fleet of battleships and two fleets of cruisers, entered the Eye of Terror, and carried out harassment operations.

At the same time, the chicken thieves from all over the place have been eliminated, and the only scattered hybrids have hidden deep in the nest city as one of the targets for the next stage of cleaning.

Said summoned the commanders of all theaters and said: “Everyone, although there are twists and turns, the goal of the first phase of the purification expedition has been exceeded!”

“The empire not only cleaned up the genestealer beacons, but also suppressed the chicken thieves riots in various places, providing a reasonable entry point for in-depth purification.”

The participants looked solemn. The second step of the purification expedition is to send scientific research ships to scan all the worlds of the empire to find heretics, aliens, and demons for the army to eliminate.

They all know that many planetary governors and officials are colluding with the Three Evils, such as raising Eldar slaves, hiding Eldar books, and growing green skins out of personal hobbies.

If it were not exposed, these things would be nothing, but if it were exposed, it would be a big deal.

Therefore, the biggest enemy of the second stage of purification is not the three evils, but the empire itself. Everyone knows that although there are chicken thieves as entry points, the people below are not fools, and they will discover problems after a long time.

So, the old bureaucrat Makado said: “Your Highness, if you want to achieve your goal, speed is the key!”

“Scientific research ships must investigate secretly and clean quickly to avoid the three evils being discovered in advance and jumping over the wall in a hurry.”

Guilliman agreed: “The worst-case scenario is a rebellion of the level of the gene stealers. Although it is quickly suppressed, it will cause considerable damage to the empire’s economy!”

Lion King Leon said that we should be cautious: “There have been examples in the Forging World before. If the aliens collude with the Chaos Cult, the conquest will become difficult.”

Said agreed: “Yes, so armed forces at all levels should be prepared to suppress the rebellion as soon as it occurs!”

“So, I decided to make the following arrangements…”

With Said’s deployment, the purification expedition began, which became an unprecedented purge in the era of jihad.

Terra, in the joint command established by the war committee, the commanders of each theater reported to Said Hui: “Reporting to His Highness the Prince, the first round of cleaning area has been sealed off!”

Said ordered in a deep voice: “Confirm that the star base is under control and start the first round of investigation!”

As soon as he finished speaking, thousands of scientific research ships sailed into the target galaxy, conducting microscopic scans of planets inhabited by humans. Massive information hit Said’s mind, and was analyzed and filtered by powerful computing power.

Soon, heretics lurking in the crowd, aliens in the hive, and demon cultists were locked by Said, and the information was synchronized to the theater headquarters and the sector army.

Subsequently, according to the size of the threat, the galaxy troops, the Tribunal Legion, the garrison legion, and the mobile legion were dispatched to eliminate them.

In an instant, aliens such as greenskins, chicken thieves, Eldar pirates and even worm-man Shloth were wiped out. Many of them were thought to have been wiped out during the Great Crusade, but they were not expected to infiltrate among humans.

Soon, the first wave of cleansing was a complete success, and hundreds of billions of human and non-human life disappeared. According to the standards of the state religion’s teachings, these planets were suddenly pure.

The command headquarters cheered and immediately started the second and third waves of cleaning. Said secretly regretted that it would be better if there were more scientific research ships, and one could be sent to each world to complete the cleaning at once.

However, maintaining a scientific research ship requires psychic energy, and even after years of fighting, Said’s psychic energy is still insufficient.

Thousands of scientific research ships are now at their limit, and he can only maintain them for a month at most before he has to launch a new war to obtain psychic energy.

The purification expedition went smoothly. When the investigation reached 198 rounds, countless worlds had been purified. Said’s heart gradually dropped. At this moment, something unexpected happened.

The emperor sent a message: “Sayed, Chaos is preparing to cause trouble, please be careful.”

Said was relieved and mentioned again that on many planets, many uncertified psychics suddenly went crazy, saying that they had seen the future, and wailed:

“The golden sun will completely purify all uncleanness, and our world will burn in flames!”

Based on the information from the Chaos Gods, many Chaos cultists hiding in the crowd spread rumors of the expedition, reaching the ears of the powerful.

It was a matter of wealth and life, so the planet’s nobles and governors naturally did not dare to neglect, and immediately used their connections to gather information from the Rogue Traders, the Imperial Navy and the Merchant Marines.

Soon, they learned of various unusual movements of the Imperial Army elsewhere, including star sector blockades, canned assaults, Inquisition purges, and legion suppression. The Empire was conducting precise and rapid secret purges.

It is as precise and efficient as a surgery, and can quickly remove tumors one by one without harming healthy tissue.

However, when those in power in the local world see this, they will worry about whether they will become tumors.

As the scope of the purge becomes larger and larger, the number of worlds increases, and the process becomes more and more detailed, many worlds know that this purge will spread to the entire empire.

The panic among the world’s powerful people began to intensify, and some even prepared “just in case”, and the number gradually increased. Finally, a piece of information intensified the conflict.

In an inconspicuous hive world, a certain state priest kidnapped a beautiful woman and killed her. He embalmed the body and sewed her body into a mattress. When the incident was revealed, he was shot.

This was originally a normal criminal case. If you dig deeper, you would be labeled as a heretic. However, when it spread to the ears of nobles from other planets, it was believed that the empire treated criminal violations as one of the three evils.

Who in power has not broken the law? According to the standards of criminal cases, all nobles in the empire are three evils!

Under the exaggeration of the Chaos Cult, the rumor that “criminal crimes are the three evils” spread rapidly, further exacerbating the concerns of the planet’s nobles.

The emotions of worry, fear, and anxiety gathered in the subspace, were captured by the evil god of Chaos, and then with a little influence, these powerful people became believers of Chaos.

In an instant, rebellion broke out in these worlds, and the uprising spread across the empire like a spark of fire. However, the empire was well prepared.

The rebellious world first encountered a strong suppression by the galaxy forces. The star base controlled the only fleet in the galaxy. Although it was only at the light cruiser level, it was enough to control the galaxy.

Subsequently, the galaxy fleet launched an orbital bombardment against the rebel world, blowing the planetary defense forces to pieces. Finally, the Titan Soldiers and direct PDFs were sent to support the loyalists and quickly won the civil war.

If the rebel force is strong and there is a stalemate with the planetary forces, the Inquisition will be dispatched. Death Watch, Battle Sisters, and Gray Knights will parachute onto the planet’s surface to behead the traitors.

If the galaxy fleet is instigated to rebel and control of the galaxy is lost, the garrison army will be dispatched. Under the battleship formation, the galaxy light cruiser fleet will be unable to resist.

Through the three-step countermeasure, the fire of rebellion was quickly extinguished the moment it was ignited. The remaining party could only wait in despair for the arrival of the scientific research ship.

Soon, the purification expedition was successfully completed and the three evils in the empire were eliminated. Said decided on the spot to normalize the purification expedition and conduct it once every hundred years.

He emphasized at the summary meeting: “Heresies continue to grow, and purifications set fire to the prairie fire! Everyone, this is an endless war, and purification is always on the way!”

Meanwhile, in response to Abaddon’s release of the greenskins, a reconnaissance fleet entered the Eye of Terror, heading for a system called Eidolon.

There are four empires above, each believing in four evil gods, and fighting a protracted war. However, the humans above do not know that their so-called war is just a trivial game among the gods.

And Eidolon is also the source of troops for the Black Legion, the bridgehead for attacking the real universe.

The reconnaissance fleet is ready to destroy this place!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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