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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 162 Destroying Eidolon, a rant from Chaos

Before destroying Eidolon, Said must destroy the remaining Black Legion fleet.

The members of the Black Legion come from the believers of the Four Gods, and the fleet also comes from the Four Gods. This determines one more thing, they cannot fight together.

Khorne hates Slaanesh and Tzeentch, hates Slaanesh for being pompous and corrupt, hates Tzeentch for being capricious, and will beat up Tzeentch and Slaanesh whenever he feels he is being cheated but does not know who it is from.

Tzeentch plots against the other three gods, and especially likes to trick the reckless man Khorne. He extremely hates the discipline and courage that Khorne advocates, as well as his rough and arrogant character that can overcome everything.

Slaanesh and Khorne are sworn enemies of each other. They often clash due to differences in their ideals, and are often defeated and beaten.

Nurgle’s fat house is the most popular. Although he has been cheated a lot, it is all out of checks and balances and interests, and not many are really because of conflicts of ideas.

In addition to conflicts of ideas, due to interests and mutual checks and balances, whenever one god becomes big, he will be stabbed in the back by the other three gods.

The relationship between the four gods of Chaos is complicated, and fighting among each other is commonplace. The same is true for the believers of the four gods. Without Abaddon as the mediator, civil war would have started long ago.

However, Abaddon will not always be on Eidolon. He still has many things to do. If he leaves, the remaining Chaos fleet will fall into internal strife.

In order to prevent this from happening, Abaddon asked each of the four fleets to guard an area, and the defense areas did not come into contact with each other to avoid civil war.

However, this gave Said every opportunity to defeat him. He gave the order and the reconnaissance fleet headed towards Khorne.

The surface of the Khorne fleet is brass-colored, mixed with dark red divisions, and it seems that blood or lava is flowing. The protruding spikes on the surface of the battleship are stuck with countless heads, showing off the master’s military exploits.

The Khorne space warriors roared from the fleet channel: “Prince Said? I have been waiting for you for a long time! Maybe you won by luck last time, but this time I will definitely take your head!”

Said replied: “It’s me who should take your head off, you despicable traitor!”

The Khorne warrior laughed wildly: “We’ll see, hahaha, praise Khorne loudly, your skull will soon be owned by it!”

Said immediately ordered the Nova Cannon to fire, instantly destroying several Khorne light cruisers. The stationed Chaos fleet was not large in tonnage, only at the cruiser level, and was no match for Said’s battleships + cruisers.

The motherships of battleships and cruisers released carrier-based aircraft, their light spears were charging, and they were heading towards the Khorne fleet. However, the Khorne commander was very happy:

“Yoshi, Modo Modo, let the carnage sweep across the stars, break bones and flesh, turn steel into powder!”

Said mocked: “You are still so happy after the battleship was bombed, you must be one of those masochists from Slaanesh!”

The Khorne warrior was enraged: “Shut up, you ignorant idiot, you will learn a lesson soon!”

After saying that, a wave of psychic energy came out, and a group of Khorne warriors suddenly appeared on the ship, slashing everywhere and quickly slaughtering all the nearby puppets.

The Titan soldiers stationed on the battleship reacted quickly and quickly killed the Khorne warriors who jumped into the gang.

After understanding the situation, Said was not worried, because due to subspace interference, a large number of teleported Khorne warriors were stuck in the wall and died instantly.

In the end, not many survived to the battleship and could be easily suppressed by the Titan Soldiers.

Said continued to taunt: “You only believe in the evil pen of Khorne to join gangs in the subspace. You are just a brainless beast and will be killed like an animal!”

Commander Khorne loudly agreed: “Yoshi, I am a beast! I am a human slaughterer! I am a blasphemer! I am the scourge of kings! For Khorne, I sacrifice my blood to the Blood God and my head to the Skull Throne!”

What a Khorne!

Then, his warship was attacked by lances and missiles, and was completely blown up. The other Khorne warships tried to escape, but were entangled by carrier-based aircraft and bombed one after another. They could not escape the fate of being blown up.

After annihilating the Khorne fleet, the Prince’s fleet continued to advance. Under Abaddon’s deployment, the defense zones of the Black Legion fleet were nested layer by layer, like several concentric circles, wrapping the Eidolon system.

When Said arrived at the second outermost level, he encountered a fleet again. The fleet was painted in pink and decorated with huge heads.

Unlike Khorne who sells his heads to show off his martial arts, these heads are decorated, with their faces painted a disgusting pink color, like Peking Opera masks. The heads are not focused on quantity. They are extremely huge and fill the surface of the warship.

At a glance, it looks like raised pink pustules on the surface of a battleship.

Immediately afterwards, a lazy and slow voice came from the prince’s fleet:

“Unlike the legion fleet that covered the sky last time, why did it come so little this time? Are you shy? Your Highness the Prince!”

Said replied: “With just this, I can destroy you!”

Commander Slaanesh shook his head and said: “This is just an excuse, Prince. You were tempted by me. Only with me can you get pleasure! Only with me can you satisfy your deepest desires!”

In response, Said fired a nova cannon, overloading a cruiser’s void shield, and said:

“Don’t think too much. In the first abyss expedition, it only took two battleships and one cyclone torpedo to destroy the fat planet. Now this fleet is enough to defeat you!”

After saying that, the Nova Cannon fired a salvo, destroying several battleships, including the largest cruiser. This successfully angered Commander Slaanesh, who screamed:

“Oh, my beautiful battleship, a battleship like a work of art, you destroyed it like this! I’m so angry, it’s so delicious!”

“I am fulfilling your deepest wish, but you repay me like this. You ungrateful child, I must let you sing “Conquer” under me!”

Said wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and thought to himself: “Is Fallen Chaos so disgusting? It’s just a complete lunatic!”

At this time, the Slaanesh fleet entered the range of the light spear. Said decided to ignore this thing and immediately used all his strength to destroy the Slaanesh fleet.

“Disgusting stuff!”

Recalling the voice of the Slaanesh warrior, Said felt a chill. He quickly looked at the nun who was praying holyly at the side before calming down a little.

At this time, the reconnaissance fleet continued to go deeper and finally saw a slightly normal battleship, even though it was a battleship of the Thousand Sons Legion.

Compared with the Imperial warship, the Thousand Sons Legion warship has a more sci-fi feel. It is made up of several triangular structures with a flat surface and a faint blue light.

Said then discovered that they were chasing a Lunar-class cruiser. When they saw Said’s fleet, the Moon-class cruiser quickly rejoined the friendly forces.

“Oh, praise the Emperor! I am Captain Abledor, and I have finally encountered friendly forces!”

Said replied: “Abledo? You should have been killed during the Great Crusade, right?”

Abledor said: “Oh praise the Emperor, this voice…could it be that you are His Highness the Prince! That’s right, the Horus Rebellion, I was about to rush to aid Terra, but I didn’t expect to encounter a subspace storm and be swept here!”

Said nodded and said: “I know you, but what about the puppets on the ship? Why didn’t I feel it?”

Abledo replied: “Your Highness, have you forgotten? At that time, the demons joined forces, and in order to protect the human crew, all your puppets were sacrificed!”

“Your Highness, it’s an honor to fight alongside you. Let’s fight back Chaos together!”

Said nodded: “Your answers are all correct, but unfortunately, you are not Abledo, go to hell!”

After speaking, the light spear was launched and hit the void shield of the moon-class cruiser. Abledo screamed:

“Your Highness, please cease the fire. I am Abledo, and I am a loyal citizen of the empire. Your Majesty is the Emperor. Please stop killing each other!”

Said said angrily: “Shut up, I watched Abledo die back then, you are not Abledo, you are the Thousand Sons!”

More light spears and nova cannons were fired, and Abledo said angrily:

“I bled for the empire, I sacrificed for the empire, I killed enemies for the empire, and this is the result! Said, you can’t do this to me!”

Said said: “I can, because the Abledo I know will not be like this, go to hell!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Moon-class cruiser suddenly changed, and it turned out to be a Thousand Sons battleship. A leisurely voice came from the channel:

“Oh, you guessed it right, Your Highness, this is indeed an illusion. However, whether the sound and the ship are real or fake, or both are real, or both are fake, it really tortures the sanity!”

Said said calmly: “I’m not afraid to tell you that I’m not familiar with this person. If I kill him, I won’t feel any fluctuation in my heart!”

Commander Thousand Sons chuckled: “There is no need to hide it, Your Highness, just like the golden sun, every loyal subject is your child, and their lives are currency and should be cherished!”

“When you decided to kill your child, did you feel that your sanity was losing? Your consciousness was swallowed up by endless changes!”

Said replied coldly: “No, Abledo is a hero. During the Great Crusade, he destroyed countless aliens and liberated hundreds of billions of human beings!”

“Your heads are a tribute to him! Full firepower!”

After saying that, the Nova Cannon, Light Spear, Macro Cannon, and carrier-based aircraft were all outputted. The Thousand Sons battleship was engulfed, half of it was destroyed in an instant, and the remaining half was blocked by the energy shield.

The remaining Thousand Sons battleships immediately counterattacked, summoning psychic lightning and waves to bombard the Prince’s fleet, but were blocked by the void shield.

During this period, Thousand Sons was still connoting Said, and it asked: “You didn’t watch Abledo die, right? What would you do if the man just now was really Abledo?”

Said replied coldly: “Then I will help him get out. A hero knows the importance, and I have a clear conscience!”

Qianzi clicked his tongue and said, “It’s so boring. The followers of the false emperor all believe in the same ideas. It’s so boring!”

Said sneered: “Go to hell, devil!”

At this moment, the main fleet of the Thousand Sons entered the range of the macro artillery. Said gave an order, and the carrier-based aircraft and the macro artillery light spear jointly output, easily destroying the Thousand Sons psychic shield.

The rest of the Thousand Sons troops dispersed, and the Prince’s fleet continued to advance forward. In the Terra Palace, Said sighed:

“The last one is Nurgle’s fleet, right? It’s like a fat house, hiding in the deepest part!”

Not long after advancing, Said saw a group of warships covered with tentacles and surrounded by flies. Without saying a word, Said immediately charged the light spear.

At this time, a vague voice came from the communication channel, which reminded people of the thick phlegm in their throats and difficulty in speaking:

“I’ve finally waited for you, His Royal Highness. My loving father has graciously forgiven you for destroying the Anthrax Star, and allowed you to enter his arms and share his blessings with us!”

Said snorted coldly: “I will not only destroy the Anthrax planet, but also destroy more plague planets and completely wipe out the dirty plagues and disasters!”

The Nurgle Space Marine smiled and said: “You are an arrogant guy, just like me before, but even so, my loving father still loves you!”

“You will definitely surrender. We will all surrender. You can’t kill me, because the Father of Plague has blessed me and resides in me, and the Father of Plague burns my flesh with his glory! Accept the love of a loving father with me!”

Said responded with a fierce volley of light spears, and a large number of carrier-based aircraft bombed indiscriminately, leaving the Nurgle Flies and the fleet flying with flesh and blood.

Said felt a chill. The steel battleship turned out to be a living thing and was leaking dirty pus. It was extremely disgusting.

After a fierce battle, Said successfully annihilated the Nurgle fleet and gained control of Eidolon, but he was not happy at all.

He didn’t understand the brain circuit of Chaos. Even though the empire was strong and they were weak, they chose to fight hard instead of running away, and they even talked trash to get into trouble.

He was disgusted to the extreme. Although he still hated Chaos and was still loyal to the God-Emperor, the heretic’s words were firmly engraved in his mind.

These memories will suddenly appear in my mind, just like seeing poop on the road suddenly, which is quite disturbing. Said asked in his heart:

“Brother Huang, does this count as mental pollution?”

The emperor gave a negative answer: “No, it’s just an ordinary disgusting memory. You can get used to it after being exposed to it a few times.”

Said nodded: “Oh, okay, then I’m relieved!”

After saying that, with a thought in his mind, the fleet released a double-hit cyclone torpedo, which passed through the surface of Eidolon, reached the core of the earth, and exploded.

In an instant, the huge planet was torn apart, and the four empires on it were fighting endlessly. Suddenly, it felt like the earth was shaking, the earth was torn apart, and magma was spewing out.

The war between the gods that lasted for thousands of years is over, and the humans above are freed from the games of the gods. When the souls go to the kingdom of the gods, they should be able to understand the truth of the war.

The destruction of Eidolon seemed to anger the four gods of chaos, and a strong subspace storm swept across again. With the lesson learned last time, Said immediately ordered the fleet to retreat.

However, at this time, a huge Chaos fleet appeared behind the Prince’s fleet. Said easily recognized the Vengeful Spirit and the planet killer with multiple gun barrels.

The Planet Killer is in a long strip, and its main structure is six parallel barrels. It can accelerate the cannonball multiple times, impart powerful kinetic energy, and explode a planet.

As soon as the planet killer appeared, he immediately aimed at the battleship and fired a shot, killing one of Said’s battleships in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Abaddon’s voice came from the fleet communication: “Sayed, your arrogance makes your flesh and blood spasm. Who gave you the courage to attack here with this small fleet!”

Said replied: “They have created value that far exceeds their own. Even if they are wiped out by you, they will die without regrets!”

“What about you? Abaddon, how many fleets have you built with so many resources? Is it worth a legion?”

Said believed that his attack was interrupting Abaddon’s farming, so he deliberately took a dig at him.

Abaddon’s voice paused, and then he laughed and said: “Of course it’s done, I’ll start the seventh Black Crusade immediately to advance Cadia!”

At this moment, the fleet was out of attack range, and Said responded:

“I’ll wait for you Abaddon. Maybe you don’t have to wait. I’ll come back soon to burn more planets!”

At this moment, a large number of genetic radiation bombs exploded in the Cadia galaxy, clearing green spores in patches, liberating more fleets, and gathering in front of the Eye of Fear.

The chaotic brain circuit is quite interesting. Like the greenskins, they both belong to the chaotic camp.


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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