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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 163 Defeat the Black Legion Fleet

The flow of time in the Eye of Terror is different from reality. Within a few days of cleaning up the green skins, decades have passed in the Eye of Terror.

During this period, Abaddon used the looted materials to build a powerful demon fleet.

They are all equipped with demon engines and receive blessings from evil gods. They are stronger, faster, and more powerful than battleships of the same class!

However, the fleet comes from plunder and is always unsustainable. No matter in terms of quantity or logistics, it cannot compare with the legion fleet, so it must be defeated quickly.

After using genetic radiation bombs to eliminate the greenskins, Said quickly assembled a legion fleet, merged with the reconnaissance fleet, and entered the Eye of Terror.

Before the Legion fleet could encounter Abaddon, an accident occurred. A plague broke out in the reconnaissance fleet, and the puppets oozed sores and rotted away.

Said recalled the previous battle with the Nurgle fleet, where Nurgle flies covered the sky like clouds and surrounded the fleet.

However, they had no combat power and did not cause any damage. Said once thought there was no threat.

Little did they know that they had already quietly brought the plague to the warship and infected the puppets.

Commander Nurgle said proudly before his death: “None of us can refuse the blessing of our loving father!”

Only then did Said realize that puppets are also living beings. Soldier trees grow from the ground, gather human forms, connect to the gestalt, and obtain souls.

Since it is life, it has corruption and death, and there will be destruction and rebirth. This is the domain controlled by the loving father Nurgle.

Said recalled the Warhammer story. If the empire lost the battle with Nurgle, everyone would die, and if it won, at least half of them would die.

After every battle, the empire had to carry out a purge and kill many outstanding warriors.

Fortunately, Said does not have this problem. The puppet is part of the Gestalt, and destroying the infected individual is like scraping dead skin from the body.

He quickly isolated the infected warship, and in order not to delay the warship, he directly used the lance warship to detonate the energy system internally to completely eliminate the source of the infection.

Subsequently, the Legion fleet entered the Eye of Terror in a mighty manner and headed straight for Eidolon, where the Black Legion fleet was already waiting.

Out of range, Abaddon connected to Said’s communication and said:

“Sayed, I didn’t expect you to come anyway. This is the realm of the gods. You mortals do not belong here. Since you are here, be prepared to die!”

Said calmly said: “Maybe, but so what? Before that, I will achieve enough fruitful results and burn down the demons’ thousand stars!”

The Eye of Terror is the home of the evil god, and there are countless demons floating around. If Geller hadn’t been on the right side, they would have swarmed onto the ship and tore the Legion fleet into pieces.

As for the Geller force field… its reliability is really not that great. It is as dangerous as the passengers hanging on the Asan train. It is common for a few demons to escape occasionally.

In the fleet, all puppets are equipped with guns at all times to guard against the appearance of demons. No matter where they are, they will become a battlefield at any time.

Therefore, if any fleet enters the Eye of Terror, Said is prepared to be completely destroyed. The only thing he has to consider is to achieve greater results.

Abaddon laughed loudly: “Then you are really pessimistic. I admire your sobriety. I will quickly defeat your fleet and start the seventh Black Crusade!”

“As a sober report, before your fleet is destroyed, I will let the disguise of the false emperor fade in front of you, and then you will be able to understand the truth of the universe!”

Said chuckled and said: “Me too, I will annihilate your fleet, and then start an expedition into the abyss to let you understand how far those blasphemous things can protect you!”

While the two were bickering, the distance between the fleets quickly shortened. Like Eidolon, Abaddon’s fleet came from the four gods, each with its own characteristics.

The brass red of Khorne, the pink head of Slaanesh, the sci-fi blue of Tzeentch, and the green of Nurgle’s tentacles are all distinctive, and you can tell your camp at a glance.

Said couldn’t help but ridicule: “Abaddon, it must be very hard to maintain such an army. If they don’t just have a civil war, they will be exhausted.”

Abaddon laughed and said: “Actually, it’s not bad. Compared with the corrupt empire, only fists are recognized here. As long as you are good enough and your fists are big enough, someone will listen to you!”

“If these people have a civil war, just kill a few leaders. It’s very simple. There are no red tapes of the empire, no political games played by Terra’s top officials, and the rules are efficient and primitive!”

Said chuckled and said: “However, in front of the empire, your black army is nothing! Just die!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the Nova Cannon was fired, all focusing on the Nurgle warships. This kind of enemy that killed a thousand enemies and lost half of itself was really disgusting and was not conducive to the subsequent advancement of the abyss expedition.

The legion fleet has two thousand capital ships, more than half of which are equipped with nova cannons. On the other hand, the Black Legion’s Nurgle warships only have a few hundred. Facing the concentrated fire of thousands of nova cannons, they are all destroyed in an instant.

On average, every two Nova Cannons focus fire on a Nurgle warship. One shot hits the shield, and the other hits the hull, achieving a good strike effect.

Without the Nurgle fleet, non-combat attrition can be avoided. At the cost, the remaining Chaos fleets are well organized and the light spears can be recharged smoothly.

Compared with the Imperial ships, the Chaos Fleet has a longer range of its light spears, faster battleships, and a hard hull structure, but its shields are not good enough.

Among them, the hull structure can be ignored, because no matter how hard the ship is, it cannot withstand light spears and macro cannons. Therefore, like the ancient nomads, the chaos warship specializes in long range and speed, but has weak armor and brittle skin.

Before Said could launch his light spear, he had already entered the range of the Black Army’s light spear and was attacked by the first wave.

The Black Legion fleet fired a volley of light spears, and hundreds of light beams focused on the Fire Legion fleet. They did not fire freely, but concentrated fire on the battleship at the front.

The battleship raised its void shield, causing ripples in the light spear fire. The generator overload index continued to increase. If no action was taken, the void shield would fail within three minutes.

By then, the battleship would be attacked by hundreds of luminous spears. Said did not dare to gamble on whether it could be penetrated, so he ordered to speed up.

Soon, the distance between the two sides shortened, and the Black Legion entered the range of the light spears of the Prince’s fleet. Two thousand battleships fired light spears. Unlike the Black Legion, they did not focus their fire.

The number of the Prince’s fleet is three times that of the Black Legion. Through its powerful calculation power, the Prince’s fleet allocates attack targets to ensure that three ships focus on one to ensure maximum damage.

In an instant, there were continuous explosions in the Black Legion fleet, and a large number of battleships overloaded their shields and were shot by light spears.

At the same time, the Imperial battleship that was on fire also had its shield overloaded and exploded. However, Said didn’t care. There were hundreds of such battleships.

Immediately afterwards, the two sides further closed the distance and continued to shoot light spears at each other. The empire’s void shield was powerful and blocked countless attacks.

On the other hand, the shields of the Black Legion fleet were fragile and unreliable and could not function as they should. They were hit by light spears one after another and exploded, further widening the numerical gap.

Abaddon looked solemn. The strength of the Imperial warships was beyond his expectation. Before the war, he thought that warships relying on the blessing of Chaos could defeat the Imperial warships with more than a dozen.

Facts have proved that the Chaos Battleship is stronger in some aspects, but its strength is limited. In terms of shields, it is extremely unreliable.

The void shield is the empire’s cutting-edge technology, which is extremely demanding on production equipment and environment. Even if the black machine oil man has the relevant technology, he cannot fully reproduce it in the Eye of Fear.

Therefore, the rebel battleships lacked high-quality shields and fell into a disadvantage in close-range firefights. Except for the first battleship, they achieved almost nothing.

Therefore, Abaddon decisively adjusted his tactics and ordered: “Break up the formation, disperse the guerrillas, increase the distance from the puppet emperor’s fleet, and use the light spear to attack on an expedition!”

The black army dispersed immediately. With the blessing of the evil god, their warships were more agile and faster, often completing turns faster than the imperial fleet.

With his keen sense of battlefield, Abaddon discovered that they were naturally suitable for dog fighting and kite flying tactics, and decisively adjusted his tactics, abandoning the battle lines advocated by the empire.

Sai Yi soon discovered that the battle was in a stalemate. The Black Legion took advantage of its range and speed and used kite flying tactics to besiege the imperial warships.

However, the imperial warships have void shields, and the light spears have natural restraints against the void shields. Relying on the hard turtle shell, the Black Legion cannot break through in a short time.

The outcome depends on the next move of both sides. In order to achieve a breakthrough, Said sent a large number of carrier-based aircraft to launch an indiscriminate bombing of the Black Legion fleet.

In terms of carrier-based aircraft, the Empire has an overwhelming advantage. From light cruisers to battle formations, there is a battleship specialized in carrier-based aircraft.

Of the two thousand legion battleships, at least a quarter are aircraft carriers, capable of releasing over 10,000 carrier-based aircraft at a time.

Vast numbers of carrier-based aircraft swarmed towards the Black Legion. No matter in terms of speed or agility, it was impossible for the warships to match the carrier-based aircraft. They would either send out more carrier-based aircraft or use powerful close-in defense artillery arrays.

However, in front of nearly 10,000 missiles, any close-in defense artillery was of no use. It was instantly focused by numerous missiles and exploded one after another.

The Black Legion battleship relied on the structure enhanced by the evil god to hold on tightly, so Said adjusted the focus of the attack and focused fire on the engine of the Chaos battleship to slow down its speed.

Without a speed advantage, the Imperial fleet quickly approached and used light spears to focus fire to destroy the Chaos warship.

Relying on this hand, the Imperial fleet broke the deadlock and destroyed a large number of Chaos fleets.

At this moment, the Black Legion fleet has been reduced by half, and the gap with the empire has further widened. If nothing unexpected happens, they will be defeated.

However, Abaddon also took action at this moment. He launched a gang-hopping attack on the Imperial warship. Due to Abaddon’s power, the gang-hopping gang was blessed by the evil god of subspace, and most of them arrived safely inside the Imperial fleet.

In an instant, the interior of the Imperial battleship became a battlefield. Nearly 10,000 Chaos Space Marines successfully joined the gang and started massacre inside the battleship.

Many of the labor puppets could not even fire their lasguns before they were slaughtered by the Chaos Space Marines, who planted explosives everywhere and advanced on the bridge.

Most of the Black Legion had experienced the Great Expedition and were familiar with avoiding the structure of battleships. They knew that as long as they occupied the bridge, they could control the entire battleship.

However, they were immediately met with a powerful blockade. The Titan Soldiers wore power armor, had bolt guns in their left hands, and jumped shields in their right hands to form a steel defense line, which stubbornly blocked the Chaos Space Marines.

The battle between the gangs fell into a stalemate. The Titan Soldiers relied on their numerical advantage to continuously kill Chaos Space Marines and slowly advance the front line.

But as the preset explosives exploded, many Imperial warships fell into chaos. To make matters worse, the explosion damaged the Geller force field, and countless demons swarmed onto the warships.

The battleship force is simply unable to withstand the trillions of demons, so it has no choice but to initiate self-destruction.

As a result, the Chaos Space Marines and the Titan Soldiers fought around the Geller force field.

At this moment, both sides are changing their positions. Will Said’s carrier-based aircraft destroy the Black Legion fleet, or the Black Legion that jumped into the gang will destroy the Imperial fleet first.

Both sides are gritting their teeth and trying to hold on until victory comes.

However, the decisive factor came from outside the field. A subspace storm appeared without warning and accurately covered the Black Legion’s fleet.

In an instant, the Black Legion fleet was torn and rolled by the storm, like a small boat in the huge waves. On the Imperial Fleet, a large number of Cursed Legions with flames all over their bodies emerged.

The God Emperor’s Legion appeared!

Sayid stood up excitedly and said excitedly: “Long live the Emperor! Long live the Emperor! Waaaagh!!!”

Then he asked in confusion: “But Emperor, you said that you can’t cast a spell in the Eye of Terror, why is it okay now?”

The Emperor said calmly: “Because the power of the evil god has been weakened, they have all been damaged in the God War Era, and the demon world of the Eye of Terror can help them recover their strength.”

“You destroyed more than 1,500 demon worlds before, preventing the evil god from recovering his strength, allowing me to break the barrier of the domain and project power into the Eye of Terror.”

After the Emperor’s explanation, Sayid learned that the domain is like a house, and humans are like mosquitoes and flies, who can enter the house at will through the cracks.

But just because insects can enter doesn’t mean that other humans can enter. Only by smashing a wall or tampering with the property rights can you enter the house.

The last time Sayid burned planets in the Abyss Expedition, it was like punching a hole in the wall of a house so that the Emperor could throw firecrackers into the house.

Sayid’s eyes lit up and asked, “Brother Emperor, if I continue to burn planets, can’t I turn the Eye of Terror into your domain?”

The Emperor nodded, “Theoretically, it’s possible, but new demon planets are added here every day, and the evil gods were careless last time, but not this time.”

Sayid was stunned and asked, “What will happen if you are not careless?”

The Emperor said leisurely, “You will know if you continue to fight.”

At this moment, the Cursed Legion cleared the rampant demons and repelled the Chaos Cans, the Imperial Fleet repaired the Void, the Black Legion Fleet was torn apart by the storm, and Abaddon himself was missing.

The Empire crushed the seventh Black Crusade!

Sayid started the second Abyss Expedition!

Without the Black Legion blocking him, Sayid felt that he could catch the planets one by one and burn them like the first time.

However, he still thought it was simple. Just as he was sharpening his sword and preparing to sweep across thousands of stars, small subspace storms appeared in the Eye of Terror one after another.

Soon, in Sayid’s observation, all star systems changed their positions and moved away from the Imperial Fleet.

The subspace distorts three-dimensional time and space. The Eye of Terror, as the intersection of the real universe and the subspace, will also be affected.

The first Abyss Expedition has a very high cleaning efficiency, which uses this feature to quickly shorten the voyage.

At that time, it was the era of the God War. The gods were busy fighting and had no time to take care of the Eye of Terror, which allowed Sayid to succeed.

Now that the evil god has noticed this, it is almost impossible for Sayid to achieve the first victory.

However, Sayid refused to believe in evil and ordered the fleet to start the subspace engine and conventional power engine, chasing at full speed, trying to destroy the demon world before it changes its position.

The subspace engine increased the speed and limited the reaction time of the evil god, but the effect was still limited. After a month of fierce fighting, Sayid only purified 300 demon planets.

It is not as good as the original Abyss Expedition in history. Just when he was depressed, the emperor comforted him:

“Don’t be discouraged, you have done a good job! If the quality is not good, win by quantity. If there are more expeditions like this, the evil gods will be restless again!”

Abadan failed again~ But like Xiaoqiang, he will never die completely~

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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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