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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 165: The Primarchs are united in preparing for the battle against Orpheus

Since Said placed the military industry under the jurisdiction of the Interior Committee, the original Military Industry Development Committee became the Science and Technology Development Committee.

The Science and Technology Development Committee aims to improve the level of military science and technology in the empire and strive to gain an advantage in the three-pest war.

The main members are Leon Jonson, Faenus Manus, Forge General of the Adeptus Mechanicus, Rogal Dorn, and Corax.

Their daily work, in addition to promoting the application of technology in the military, is to dig up graves to teach mechanics, learn alien technology, and strive to strengthen themselves.

Among them, the various improved versions of the battle moon and the battle planet are one of the achievements of the Science and Technology Committee.

But until now, they have only made minor repairs in application technology and have not made any breakthrough discoveries, so the Science and Technology Development Committee has put its hope in the grave of the Necron.

As the pinnacle of physical technology, there is no doubt that the technology of the Necrons is powerful. The Science and Technology Development Committee knows that the Necrons are terrifying, but compared with human technological breakthroughs, this risk is worth taking.

Therefore, the Science and Development Committee firmly opposed preemptive strikes and the destruction of unawakened Necron tombs. The Founding General of the Mechanicum said:

“Everyone, in the eternal night of technology, Necron technology is the only beacon and the only breakthrough for human beings to ascend.”

“If these tomb worlds are destroyed, humanity will fall into eternal technological stagnation! There is no way to escape the eternal technological night!”

After years of development, humans have gradually come to know the concept of “technological eternal night”, that is, the existence of subspace, which prevents humans from making breakthroughs in any basic technology.

In the golden age, humankind’s basic technology was artificial intelligence. However, the Iron Man rebellion made artificial intelligence unusable. If you want to break through, you must find another way.

The Science and Technology Development Committee once thought about developing quantum technology, building an ion collider, and conducting microscopic particle collision experiments. However, subspace distorted all physical laws, science became metaphysics, and no useful experimental results could be obtained.

Humanity has been locked up in technology and has fallen into an eternal technological night from which it cannot escape.

Therefore, crossing the river by touching the Necrons has become the only consensus of the Science and Technology Development Committee. Only by learning these aliens can we escape the eternal night of technology.

But the Home Affairs Committee had a different view, Guilliman said:

“It is important to get rid of the eternal night of technology, but we must first consider survival. Everyone understands that the awakened Necrons cannot fight against it, and the cyclone torpedo is the only effective weapon!”

“Humanity has only one chance to eliminate them, and that is to preemptively use the extermination order before they wake up.”

Leon Jonson said: “Guilliman, the anomaly comes from the Orpheus sector, not Mandegra, let alone Garmanor!”

“If you can find the tomb world of the Menak Dynasty, I agree to use the extermination order, but for those worlds that show no signs of awakening, I object to sweeping cleansing!”

Sanguinius said: “So…can we find Menak’s Crown World?”

Said shook his head: “Not yet, but it can be excluded from the main territory. During the previous purification expedition, all the worlds in the Orps sector were purified to exclude the existence of undead tombs.”

At this time, Corax asked: “Your Highness, the purification is mainly aimed at planets with humans, but what about planets without humans?”

Said’s expression was shocked, and he immediately discovered a blind spot in his thinking. The purification expedition only wanted habitable celestial bodies, but had no action on uninhabited planets.

For example, Terra, scientific research ships scanned Terra and Mars, but ignored other uninhabitable planets and only checked the database.

Because the goal of the purification expedition is the Three Harms, which will only harm mankind and will not go to uninhabitable celestial bodies. Moreover, before the purification, the star base will block the space lanes and prohibit any spacecraft from leaving the habitable celestial bodies.

Therefore, in order to speed up the purification efficiency, the Empire spared uninhabitable celestial bodies.

But the Necrons are different. They are probably sleeping in uninhabitable celestial bodies. If they can be found, they can preemptively strike and nip the crisis in the cradle.

Therefore, Said decided to launch a second purification of the Orps sector. The proposal was unanimously approved by the Superman Council. Afterwards, Said said:

“Everyone, this is likely to turn into a hard battle, and you will be required to personally take command as the commander-in-chief!”

The Primarchs were solemn, and Jaghatai Khan was the first to say: “The White Scars will not hesitate because of the long distance. As long as they go, they will reach it!”

Leman Russ took a sip of wine and said excitedly: “Finally, I have an arm-wrestling partner. I can implode the spine of Iron Spare Bones!”

The other Primarchs expressed support for the war, and Said ordered:

“Now the Orps Special War Zone is established, and I personally serve as the commander of the war zone. We know that you all have direct legions, so be ready to rush to help!”

At the end of the meeting, with an order from Said, Orpheus entered a state of war, and the people were completely mobilized to form a mortal auxiliary army.

At the same time, Said transferred more supplies and puppets from Terra, and together with the new mortal auxiliary army, established three mixed legions.

At this point, Orps has a total of six imperial legions, tens of thousands of battleships, and countless reserves.

Immediately afterwards, under Said’s order, the mixed army took the scientific research ship as the leader and launched a second purification of the uninhabitable planet, but still found nothing.

Said couldn’t help but wonder, where did the Menak dynasty come from?

Historically, their territory has always been unclear. After repelling the undead attack, the empire abandoned the Orpsian sector and had no chance to pursue the victory and clear out the holes.

In the Palace of Terra, Said was lost in thought: “I remember that the Menak Skinner came from the morgue plane. Is it possible that its crown world is also in an alien plane?”

Said shook his head and thought: “I hope not. Apart from going to subspace, the empire does not have the technology to go to other planes!”

Then he thought of a more likely guess: “Is it possible that it is outside the scope of the star torch? If it is true, the exploration expedition fleet should have discovered something!”

Then, with a thought in his mind, Said immediately contacted the Sentinels operating locally and asked, “Are there any abnormalities in the recently explored galaxies?”

The Sentinel Chapter Commander replied: “Your Majesty, I am reporting that these planets are all uninhabitable and there is no life on them. We only observe the surface of the planet and do not have the conditions to conduct in-depth exploration!”

Said nodded and said: “Stop opening the map first and keep an eye on the discovered world. If there is any abnormality, report it immediately!”

The Sentinels immediately stood upright and agreed: “I promise to complete the mission. Your Highness, can you tell me what I need to guard against?”

Said took out the paper, drew several pictures of Necrons and pyramids, and said:

“This is a new kind of alien. Once you find it, report it immediately and then run away. Don’t think about being tough, you can’t beat it! As long as you find the report and come back alive, you will have done a great job and return to the Imperial Legion!”

The Sentinels immediately agreed excitedly: “No problem, Your Highness, I promise to complete the mission!”

Orpheus is located on the edge of the Milky Way and has always been called the Dark Far Frontier. Several exploratory expedition groups are active all year round. Said turned them into sentinels to provide early warning for attacks.

If the Spare Ribs invaded from outside the light of the Star Torch, the Exploration Expedition Chapter would be able to provide early warning.

Just when the empire’s top officials turned their attention to Orpheus, Abaddon started causing trouble again.

He and Drekas formed a coalition and launched a direct frontal attack on Cadia. Then, as expected, they were beaten to pieces and fled back to the Eye of Terror.

With the help of their familiarity with subspace and subspace storms, the coalition forces got rid of the pursuing fleet.

At this time, they ushered in a supporting force from Abaddon, and Drekas cursed angrily: “Abaddon, why do you still have troops? You couldn’t have deliberately caused this failure!”

Abadon smiled ferociously and said: “Of course, during the expedition, I have been raising troops. Now there are more people than you. Surrender! Drekas, I allow you to continue to command the troops!”

Drekasi gritted his teeth and lowered his head, intending to surrender, but Abaddon gave him no chance. The magic sword Draconion flashed with arc, and Drekasi’s head fell to the ground.

After the death of the boss, the Sons of the Eye warband immediately changed factions and became loyal to Abaddon. Since Said did not pursue him, the warband’s strength was well preserved and became Abaddon’s wedding dress.

At the end of the Eighth Black Crusade, Abaddon backstabbed and recruited allies, his strength increased dramatically, and he became the only champion of the Four Gods.

The Chaos rebels, like the Greenskins, have never-ending internal fighting, and no one of the followers of the Four Gods will obey anyone else. Only Abaddon can conquer them all if he receives the blessings of the Four Gods.

Therefore, if you want the Black Legion to continue their expedition, the Four Gods must bless the champion, and now the only champion is Abaddon.

In desperation, the Four Gods blessed Abaddon again and became the Chosen One again.

So, as the empire prepared for the war against Orpheus, Abaddon began farming and developing.

At the same time, somewhere in the galaxy, Said’s puppet was suddenly kidnapped. Said had no choice but to get used to this diplomatic method, so he asked: “Who are you?”

“Nice to see you again, Imperial Prince Said!”

In front of the puppet, the figure king was leaning on a cane and wearing a tuxedo, greeting him politely.

Said asked: “What do you want?”

The figure king made a smiling expression: “I’m not here to ask for anything, I’m here to give you a gift~”

Said complained: “The devil wants your gift! If you fart, hurry up! Oh, by the way, you can’t fart!”

The figure king spread his hands and pretended to be helpless and said:

“Then I won’t tell you that the Menak Dynasty is awakening, nor will I tell you that its Crown World is the first world discovered by the Sentinel Chapter, nor will I tell you that Menak is about to launch a purge against humanity! “

Said asked: “Are you betraying your countrymen?”

Trazin waved his hand and said: “You misunderstood, Menak is not my compatriot, and my compatriots will not admit that they are compatriots!”

Said tilted his head and asked, “Is it because of the Curse of the Skinner?”

Trazin said helplessly: “That’s not entirely true. Before the Great Sleep, Menak was a group of madmen and executioners. They were the knives in the hands of the Silent King, knives aimed at his compatriots! So you know how annoying they are, right?”

Said nodded: “I understand, Son of Heaven, Eagle Dog! It’s normal to do dirty work for the King of Silence, bear the infamy, and be ostracized!”

Trazin argued: “Don’t use human beings’ despicable political routines to program us. Under the obedience agreement, the undead cannot betray, so why do we need hawks and dogs!”

Said shrugged and said calmly: “Really? Anyway, thank you for the information!”

Trazin gradually disappeared into the darkness, and said in a frivolous tone: “If you really want to thank me, how about giving me something?”

“what do you want?”

Trazin touched his chin: “If you don’t want to give me something that’s too precious, just ask for something that’s not so precious…the unwashed ones from the first-generation Battle Sisters! What about this one? It has to taste authentic!”

Said had crosses on his head and said angrily: “How can something from thousands of years ago still be preserved?”

Trazin shook his head: “That’s a pity. The group of nuns who are taking care of His Royal Highness now can always get it!”


After finishing the conversation with Trazin, Said regained his composure. Not only did he smile, he said to himself: “Tarazin is so interesting!”

Then he immediately contacted the Sentinel Chapter and asked: “Do you have bipolar cyclone torpedoes there?”

The Sentinel Chapter said: “Sorry, Your Highness, we don’t have any. We used them all in the previous battle.”

Said nodded and said: “You all go to World No. 1 and wait for the reception fleet. Remember, just keep monitoring and don’t act rashly!”

Sensing Said’s nervousness, the leader of the Sentinel Chapter nodded and said: “Yes, Your Highness, you will never attack without authorization!”

Subsequently, Said ordered a battleship formation to carry 80 capital ships, including four heavy cruisers, to Sentinel World No. 1.

This fleet is loaded with cyclone torpedoes and will launch a devastating blow to the world of Menak Crown.

In the palace, Said paced back and forth nervously. It only took three days of warp navigation to bring destruction to the sleeping enemy.

If successful, the Empire will avoid a major war and reduce the loss of countless resources.

However, if nothing else happens, the accident will happen at this moment.

A violent subspace storm accurately covered the strike fleet. In an instant, half of the ships’ Geller force fields were damaged, and countless demons swarmed onto the ships and were forced to self-destruct.

At this time, the Empire was at its peak, and the Four Gods of Chaos hoped that the Empire would be drained of blood by the Necrons, so naturally they would not allow the Extermination Order to be released smoothly.

At the same time, Said began to pray, and the golden sun of the Warp shed a ray of light, calming the waves of the Sea of ​​Souls.

The conspiracy of the Four Evil Gods failed, and the strike fleet continued to advance. Although only half of it was left, it was still enough to destroy the Crown World.

However, when arriving at the Mandeville Point of the target galaxy, Said was surprised to find that the fleet could not jump out of the subspace and return to the real universe.

Said was surprised, as if remembering something, he blurted out: “This is… the Black Stone Forbidden Demon Realm!”

It was the same situation when the Emperor was studying the black stone to ban demons. Said’s ship did not carry the black stone, and the source of the forbidden demon field was obvious – Necrons!

Said hurriedly asked the Sentinel Chapter: “When was the last time you warped into subspace?”

The Sentinel Chapter Commander replied: “What happened three hours ago, Your Highness the Prince!”

Said was shocked and immediately reminded: “Leave quickly, Iron Pai Gu is about to wake up!”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a strong earthquake on the surface of the planet below, and countless green pyramids slowly rose, with strange green lights shining on them.

Under the pyramid, there is a giant crescent-shaped structure that leaves the ground and slowly rises into the sky.

This is a tomb-class tomb ship, larger than the Empire’s battleships and filled with dazzling technology.

The Sentinel Chapter’s strike cruiser immediately ran away at full speed. Due to the existence of the Forbidden Demon Realm, it was unable to enter the subspace and could only escape with conventional power.

However, the next moment, the Tsuka-class tomb ship shot out a green light, instantly exploding the strike cruiser.

At this moment, the Orpsian War begins!

Hammer the undead!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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