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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 166 The bloody battle with Menak, although life is humble, it can do more

The Menak Dynasty is one of the two most powerful Necron dynasties. Before falling into slumber, they were loyal servants of the Silent King, punishing opponents within the Necrons.

Therefore, Menak inevitably encountered the hostility of other undead. They even planned to jointly clean up Menak, but were stopped by the Silent King.

The Silent King still needed this executioner. In order to protect the loyal eagle dog, the Silent King decided to choose Menak’s resting place in the remote Orps.

There is another reason why Menak gods hate ghosts. When they killed the “Skinned” C’tan, they encountered the Curse of the Skinned One.

This curse makes the Necrons particularly thirsty for flesh and blood. Only by devouring the flesh and blood of living creatures and wearing their skins can they gain a moment of peace, otherwise they will be tortured by the desire to kill all the time.

During its slumber, the Curse of the Skinner did not dissipate. Instead, it became more severe and contagious with the awakening of the Menak dynasty.

The Necrons desire to obtain flesh and blood, possess souls, and transform into normal intelligent creatures. However, for Menak, even if their wishes come true, the Curse of the Skinned One will still haunt them.

So shortly after waking up, the Menak Dynasty suddenly fell into a nihilistic spiritual crisis and lost their goal. They had no choice but to instinctively wear skin, devour flesh and blood, and then watch the flesh and blood slip out of the metal skeleton body.

Until the Forgotten Mistress Xun Bakr woke up and pointed out a goal of survival to the confused undead, which was to continue the cause 60 million years ago and cleanse the territory of intelligent life.

Therefore, they set their sights on the humans in the neighboring Orps sector.

The battle barge of the Sentinel Chapter was destroyed, and the huge tomb ship rose from the ground of Crown World, like a huge green moon, exuding the majesty and domineering power of an ancient super civilization.

In other planets in the galaxy, more Necron warships appeared one after another, including about 80 Shroud-class light cruisers and 20 Scythe-class cruisers.

With the Tomb Class Tomb Ship as the core, they headed towards Orps.

Although their number was less than one percent of Orps, Said still did not dare to take it lightly. A light cruiser might contain the technology to destroy battleships.

As a result, Said gave up using the Extermination Order against the Crown World and instead withdrew the fleet to the border of the Orps sector. At the same time, he summoned all the main fleets and gathered border reinforcements.

In order to destroy the Necron, Said gathered an unprecedented fleet, six legions, including tens of thousands of battleships from light cruisers to battleships.

The most eye-catching thing among them is not the huge battleship, but the twenty battle planets and hundreds of battle moons.

The fleet arrived in the secondary star sector on the border, where there are hundreds of imperial planets, outposts and artificial celestial bodies.

These include a Mechanicum forge world, a Space Marine Chapter homeworld, and a series of important strongholds such as the Inquisition Fortress.

Said did not want the war to spread into the empire, so he gave an order and the huge fleet crossed the border and headed straight for the world of Menak Crown.

The fleet used short-distance subspace navigation, constantly jumping in and out, testing the boundaries of the Blackstone Forbidden Demon Realm.

In the original history, hundreds of worlds on the border fell in just a hundred days, and the trillions of creatures on them were slaughtered, and communications were blocked. Humanity still did not know the true identity of the attackers.

But it was different at this time. The empire was already familiar with the Necron from top to bottom, and had positioned the Crown World, so it was much easier to deal with it.

The Necron can travel at super-light speeds without traveling through the subspace. They can come and go without a trace. They can run away if they can’t be beaten, but the Empire cannot pursue them.

Even if the Imperial fleet repels the Necron fleet, they can still cause great harm to the Empire through guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare.

Therefore, Said decided to attack what the enemy must save, and the main force directly attacked the Menak main star, forcing them to have a decisive battle to buy time to evacuate the border sub-sector.

Said decided to abandon the vast strategic depth and place the second decisive battle in Amara, the capital of the sector, just like the original history. The only difference was that all humans in the remaining areas were evacuated.

The Empire had never fought against the Necrons, so Said decided to anticipate the enemy and be stricter, shrinking the sector’s forces into one area to gather the strongest strength.

The Necrons are not green-skinned chaos. They only want to purify life, not destroy the planet, let alone humanity’s backward machines. As long as they are defeated, the planet will return to the Empire unscathed.

If we lose, everything will be over like history.

But in order to buy time for the evacuation, the fleet expedition to the Crown World must persist long enough, Said thought to himself:

“More than 10,000 battleships, hundreds of battle moons, and 20 battle planets, how can they last for several months?”

With an anxious mood, the huge fleet continued to approach the main planet Menak, and was soon discovered by the undead detection device.

Finally, while making a warp out of the warp, the fleet was ambushed by a Necron ambush.

The ship is at its most vulnerable during the jump. The void shield is not deployed, the weapon array is not charged, and there is basically no way to fight back.

Said also considered being ambushed, so he had a light cruiser take the forward position every time he made a jump. Only after using the auspicious device to scan for no abnormalities, did the large force jump into the real universe.

However, the Necrons interfered with the Imperial ship’s auspex and laid an ambush around the jump point. When the large force jumped out, they opened fire instantly.

Arc arrays, Gaussian particle whips, etc. were like green lightning, shrouding the Imperial fleet.

In an instant, three battleships, five battlecruisers, ten cruisers and countless light cruisers were destroyed, and even the battle planet suffered heavy damage.

The imperial fleet is in a passive state of being beaten. Even if the void shield is raised, it can only delay its demise for a few breaths.

In front of the Necron weapons, the void shield was as fragile as paper, breaking at the first touch. Said couldn’t help but feel the fear of humans being dominated by water droplets.

Human beings simply cannot resist the dimension-reduction attacks from higher dimensions and more advanced technologies.

In the palace, Said gritted his teeth. Although the losses were heavy, they were still insignificant compared to the huge fleet. He sacrificed to buy time for the friendly forces to counterattack.

At this moment, the light lance has been charged, the macro cannon is loaded, the torpedoes are in place, and the carrier-based aircraft are waiting to be launched. At Said’s order, nearly 10,000 imperial ships are firing on all cylinders.

Spears of light are like forests, cannons are like rain, torpedoes are like swarms of bees, and carrier-based aircraft are like clouds, shrouding the undead.

The undead fleet has a slow speed, but has the ability to sail with zero inertia, which is equivalent to teleportation. They seem not to care about the overwhelming attacks from the empire.

They remained motionless on the spot, neither raising their shields nor activating the teleportation of zero-inertia navigation. Only the Sickle cruiser released its carrier-based aircraft and fought with the Imperial carrier-based aircraft group, allowing other attacks to fall on the ship.

The light spear arrived first and bombarded the Necromancer warship heavily. Said was surprised to find that the Necromancer warship had no shield and was replaced by a self-repairing living metal.

Like void shields, living metal has special resistance to energy and radiation, protecting ships from solar flares.

It is not difficult to imagine that if fighting in a solar flare environment, the Necron’s advantage will be even greater.

Although there was special resistance to light spear energy, there were too few Necron warships. Nearly a hundred warships were focused on by tens of thousands of warships, and they still suffered a lot of damage.

The living metal hull immediately repaired itself, but Said was not depressed, because subsequent torpedoes and macro cannons would expand the damage and eventually destroy the Necron warship.

The macro cannon then arrived, and the Necromancer battleship was suddenly enveloped in green haloes. Many shells instantly lost kinetic energy and even detonated early. The torpedoes that followed also suffered the same fate.

After a round of fighting, the Necron warship fleet was almost unscathed, while the human fleet lost nearly a thousand warships.

However, Said already roughly knows the characteristics of the Necron warship: it is powerful in the medium and long range, has a small number of carrier-based aircraft, is slow, has no shield, and relies on starlight pulse generators and living metal for protection, so it cannot defend against gang jumpers.

According to the memory of the past life, it seems that it is caused by zero inertia and has a teleportation effect to make up for the shortcomings of speed and agility.

After the test was over, Said also took out his trump card and sneered in his heart: “You have teleportation, and so does the empire!”

After saying this, the battle planet and the battle moon disappeared instantly and appeared in the undead fleet array. Some of them collided with the undead fleet and exploded violently.

In front of the huge mass of the celestial body, the Necromancer warship was easily hit and exploded. The gravity generator was activated, instantly restricting the movement of the Necromancer warship, and the firepower on the surface of the celestial body was fully activated.

Countless light spears and macro cannons were fired at the Necron warships, and the battle planet released a large number of carrier-based aircraft, swarming towards the Necron fleet.

Battle Moon comes from Orc technology, and Orc technology comes from the Ancient Saints, who are a civilization of great gods that are even more awesome than the Necrons.

When the battle began, Said kept the battle moon hidden in the subspace. Until the end of the test, he suddenly used subspace teleportation and smashed into the enemy’s formation.

The Pai Gus were caught off guard by the sudden attack. The Starlight Pulse Force Field had no time to activate and was hit by a massive amount of light spear missiles and macro cannons. The battleship suffered casualties for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of carrier-based aircraft wreaked havoc, covering the entire fleet like a cloud. Massive missiles and aerial bombs concentrated fire, destroying several warships in an instant.

Said sneered on his face and thought to himself: “That’s it? You still have civilization? A group of fighting celestial beings tortured you! What a waste!”

However, before he could be proud for a few seconds, the forbidden magic field spread, the void shield disappeared, and countless Tesla arcs were fired, accurately hitting the shield generator in an instant.

The ion shield could not withstand it at all, and the green arc penetrated easily and hit the gravity generator. In an instant, all the combat celestial bodies collapsed.

The combat celestial body was completely wiped out. Immediately afterwards, starlight pulses were launched, and the swarm of carrier-based aircraft exploded in large areas as if they were encountering pesticides.

At this moment, the Necrons sent a communication, and a cold mechanical voice said

“Although the combat celestial body is simple, its use is exceptionally good…”

“I am Marklan Kutrach, the commander of the Menak Army. Your heroic resistance has earned my respect. Now follow the ancient battle etiquette. You will have two weeks to welcome death…”

“I will stop attacking during this period. After two weeks, I will clear the space ahead and remove the pollution from all living things!”

Said snorted coldly and replied: “In less than two weeks, the empire can destroy you now!”

After speaking, he roared: “Nova Cannon! Volley!”

The Nova Cannon is the second killing move prepared by Said for Menak. The Battle Moon comes from the Orcs, and the Nova Cannon comes from the Eldar. They are also unique skills of the Ancient Saint.

In an instant, two thousand Nova Cannons were charged, accelerating the projectiles to the speed of light, and focused their fire on less than seventy battleships.

At this time, the Necromancer fleet finally couldn’t sit still, and immediately started the inertia-free engine and disappeared in an instant, avoiding the Nova Cannon.

However, there were still some ships that were half a beat too slow to react and had no time to activate. They were hit by light-speed cannonballs, shot through them instantly, and exploded.

The Menak fleet seemed to be enraged and immediately fought back. Countless Tesla arcs and Gauss particle whips swept across the Imperial fleet, instantly breaking through the void shield and exploding the Imperial warship.

However, there was no anger on Said’s face. Instead, he was very happy: “Great, this is enough to prove that the Spare Rib Fleet can also be killed and defeated!”

But he quickly received the report and said: “Your Royal Highness, the fleet is being slaughtered, the soldiers are demoralized and require retreat! They think their death is meaningless!”

Said was stunned. At this moment, the Meinak fleet was relying on zero-inertia maneuvers to quickly flash everywhere to avoid the nova cannon’s aim, and with full firepower, it unparalleledly slaughtered the imperial fleet.

But despite this, Said still doubted that the morale of the Imperial Navy should not be so low. They had experienced worse situations than this.

But then the captains’ reports cleared up the confusion: “Your Highness, we and the mortal soldiers are all experiencing hallucinations, which has a great impact on morale!”

Said instantly remembered the spiritual weapon of the Necromancer: Ancestral Fear! He said coldly:

“Isn’t loyalty to the Emperor enough to outweigh the fear of the xenos? Any act of defeatism and cowardice will be severely punished! Bring on the commissars!”

“Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”

At this time, the war came to its most difficult moment. The Necromancer fleet was reduced by more than half, the Imperial fleet was slaughtered by Wushuang, the Necromancers’ three axes were thrown away, and the Empire’s killing moves were exhausted. What was left was a competition of will and endurance.

So, Said ordered: “Initiate the jumping gang immediately! Launch the jumping gang torpedoes and assault boats!”

The Necron fleet has no shields, which is perfect for gang jumping. In an instant, a large number of Astartes and Titan soldiers rushed towards the Necron warship, and countless light spears and macro cannons provided cover.

Behind the Astartes, there are countless puppets and marines, numbering in the millions.

Said controlled the puppet, the microphone intervened in the public channel, and the voice rang in the ears of everyone in the fleet:

“I am Prince Said of the Empire! I am speaking to all the soldiers of the Imperial Expeditionary Force!”

“After calculation, we are likely to lose this battle, and the great victory of the God Emperor will not appear in your lives!”

“However, the enemy’s resources are far more important than your lives. Every second you resist enemy fire, you are consuming the opponent’s resources and weakening their strength!”

“Your life is worthless, but you can do more! At this moment, the only meaning of your life is to die, die decisively!”

“Today, you will suffer failure and pay a meager life. However, your humble sacrifice will pave the way for a great triumph in the future! Praise the God Emperor!”

As Said’s words echoed, sadness enveloped the entire fleet. All the mortal soldiers silently wiped away their tears, and then their eyes became extremely firm.

Said continued: “We will fight in the world of the dead, we will fight on enemy ships, we will fight in the void, we will become braver as we fight, and we will defend our homeland at all costs!”

“We will fight on the deck, we will fight at the enemy’s jumping points, we will fight in front of the gun emplacements, and we will fight inside the carrier-based aircraft!”

“Even if the fleet is completely destroyed and reinforcements are cut off, the Orps sector and the empire behind us will continue to fight. We will never surrender to the aliens!”

“No one knows your names, but your deeds will be immortal. For the sake of the God Emperor and for the sake of mankind, kill all the aliens!”

As Said’s speech ended, tens of billions of soldiers in the imperial fleet fell into madness, bursting into hysterical hatred and anger.

The speech made my eyes wet…Long live the God-Emperor!


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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