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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 167 The naval battle is over, the original body gathers in Amara

After making great sacrifices, the first batch of Imperial warriors boarded the Necron warship aboard a gang of torpedoes and assault craft.

They encountered numerous attacks from Gaussian arc weapons and underworld scarabs. The Necronomicon’s Gaussian arcs and various structures exerted their powerful power, easily tearing apart the Space Marines’ power armor and directly raiding the vital points.

Countless warriors and puppets fell, but they had completed their mission. Their companions behind them installed teleportation beacons and activated teleportation jump gangs to buy time.

In an instant, batches of Krieg puppets, mortal marines, Titan soldiers and Space Marines were teleported to the Necron warships. There were hundreds of millions of them, more than constructs and Necron warriors.

Relying on their huge numbers, the Imperial Army destroyed everything inside the Necron warship, placing gaps in various structures, exposing energy pipelines, and installing melta bombs on key equipment.

As it goes deeper, more and more bombs are installed, gradually penetrating into the core structure. The jumping gang members press the detonator while they can still grasp the situation.

The Necron immediately retaliated in kind, using Necron teleportation technology to transport massive underworld structures to human ships, fighting each other with the defending Marines and puppets.

Battleships on both sides were jumped into gangs and then blown up, but the Necrons gradually discovered that this was not cost-effective. There were thousands of human warships left, and no matter how many Underworld Beetles there were, it was impossible for them all to join gangs at once.

On the other hand, hundreds of millions of humans have swarmed into fifty Necron warships. Each time one is destroyed, the value is greater than destroying a hundred ships by itself.

It’s like two parties changing homes. One side has a large land and rich resources, while the other side has a small territory. The latter will be annexed by the former before annexing the former.

The human beings who jumped into the gang burst out with a fearless spirit, as if they were already dead before they stepped into the battlefield, as if they had no breath before their heartbeat disappeared.

Human beings are still like this, and those wooden men wearing skeleton gas masks and fighting silently give the undead a sense of familiarity.

In the eyes of the undead commander Kuracht, the army in front of him did not look like living beings, but undead like it, which made him feel particularly troublesome.

It doesn’t know how many legions there are like humans. If it’s just regular troops, what should the Menak Dynasty do?

But no matter what, he had to change the current situation, so he ordered to stop jumping gangs, the fleet entered zero inertia navigation, and got rid of gang jumping through teleportation.

In the end, after losing twenty search warships, the remaining thirty or so Necron warships switched to kiting tactics, using powerful mid-range and long-range and zero-inertia maneuvers to continuously kill human warships.

Every Tesla fire and every Gaussian particle beam can easily tear open the shield of the Imperial warship and cause heavy damage to the hull.

On the other hand, the Imperial warships lacked mobility. Macroguns and torpedoes were offset by the starlight pulse force field, and only light spears could produce weak damage.

Fighting Moon, Nova Cannon and Jump Gang, Said’s ultimate move was exhausted at this time, and the Imperial Fleet could no longer pose a threat to the Menak Fleet.

At this moment, Kurakht’s voice came from the fleet radio, saying:

“Soldiers of lower races, your bravery has earned my admiration. In order to express my high respect, I decided to kill you all in the most efficient way!”

Said smiled bitterly and couldn’t help but said: “In the burning galaxy, killing everyone is the highest level of respect!”

Then with a thought in his mind, the puppet shouted through the public address box:

“Commanders of the Expeditionary Fleet, did you hear what the alien bastard said? He wants to kill us all. This is their way of showing respect!”

“It’s true as it says. In front of the aliens who are like gods, human beings are as humble as ants. Our lives are insignificant and we will all be killed in this battle!”

Did it still fail…Sadness and despair permeated the entire fleet. At this time, Said’s voice suddenly became passionate and he shouted angrily:

“Even though we are as humble as ants, even though we are insignificant, we still make our enemies fearful and fearful! We can still protect our homeland and compatriots behind us with our worthless lives!”

“If the aliens show respect by killing us all, we will show them…the pride of dying together!”

“Now, I give an order for all warships to move forward at full speed and launch a collision!”

Use your worthless life… to protect your homeland and compatriots and make your enemies fearful.

The enemy shows respect by killing them all, and we respond with the pride of dying together!

The words of the Imperial Prince were like a rumbling alarm bell, striking everyone’s heart. The next moment, all ships immediately executed the order and turned their engines to the maximum.

“Natural Selection, advance four!”

A light cruiser suddenly accelerated and crashed into the Shroud cruiser closest to it. However, it was dodged by the zero-inertia engine, and was hit by the Tesla arc, causing it to explode.

However, while it was fighting back, another Moon-class cruiser collided directly with it. At this time, the zero-inertia engine was still cooling, and there was no time to start it again, so it was caught by the strong force.

In an instant, the two battleships exploded and turned into dazzling light groups in the dark sky.

This scene happened all over the battlefield. Due to the previous gang-hopping attack, the empire’s 6,000 warships were now distributed everywhere, almost throughout the entire universe.

Basically, there were at least hundreds of Imperial warships near every Necron warship. Following Said’s orders, they swarmed up without any regard for casualties.

Soon, green arcs and particle beams flashed continuously, turning the Imperial warships into ashes. The Imperial warships were like moths fluttering into the flames, while fighting back and launching fearless collisions.

In the end, when there were two thousand Imperial warships left on the battlefield, the Necrons had only two Tomb-class tomb ships left, and the rest of the warships had already been reduced to ashes in the Imperial Navy’s suicide attack.

At this moment, the two tomb ships were already scarred, and countless battleship wreckage exploded and burned on them. Before they both died together, some battleships fired macro cannons at close range, causing strong secondary damage.

Soon, these two tomb ships will also usher in their doom. At that time, the tomb world will have no defense force and will be destroyed by the empire’s extermination order.

Kuracht said: “Ignorant ants, according to your standards, you have indeed achieved a great victory and killed countless of our compatriots.”

“However, you got one thing wrong. We are immortal existences. Although we don’t want to be like this, we hope to have a life that can die like you.”

Said knew that Kurakht was right. As long as any piece of debris was dragged back to the tomb, the undead could be reborn indefinitely.

He replied on the public channel: “We may lose this war, our sacrifices will be insignificant, and the great victory of the God-Emperor will not occur today!”

“Sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire. Every day of the empire costs one billion sacrifices. Every second we fight, we consume your resources and buy time for the rear to prepare for war!”

“Our humble sacrifice today will pave the way for great victory tomorrow! Our efforts are by no means meaningless. It is who we are today that determines the empire of tomorrow!”

“Imperial soldiers, in the name of the God-Emperor, excommunicate the cursed aliens!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the officers and soldiers of the imperial fleet shouted in unison: “Suffering is salvation, faith is shelter, the empire is under siege, we are the sword of the God Emperor, furiously slashing the enemy!”

As the words fell, two thousand light spears fell on the tomb-class tomb ship. Some battleships controlled by puppets directly opened full power and rammed into the tomb warship.

However, after taking just two steps, it was destroyed by the tomb ship Tesla’s arc, but its actions inspired other warships.

As a result, the enemy that was originally planned to be eliminated with firepower turned into a collective kamikaze attack, and two thousand battleships rammed directly into the tomb battleship.

Through the communication channel, Kutrach said calmly: “You are very strong. If there are no accidents, you have replaced the Eldar and become the overlord of the galaxy!”

“But it’s a pity that even though victory seems to be one step away, this narrow distance is like a chasm! As a fellow warrior, I really don’t want to break your hopes, but I’m sorry, I can’t!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge celestial body suddenly appeared in the Imperial fleet. The next moment, the Tesla arc enveloped the surroundings, forming a killing cage that enveloped almost all Imperial warships.

In an instant, the battleships struck by the arc exploded one after another, and the remaining two thousand battleships were wiped out.

Kuraht said politely: “Dear warriors, let me introduce to you one of our ultimate weapons – the World Engine!”

“As a backward civilization, being able to force us to use this is enough to prove your achievements! In the last moment of your life, be proud and glorious!”

In the Royal Palace of Terra, Said clenched his gums and clenched his fists, staring at the Orpheus star chart, with Kurakht’s last warning echoing in his ears:

“Great warriors, the ancient etiquette is still valid. You still have two weeks to prepare for your own destruction.”

Finally, he sighed and said: “Two weeks, no two weeks at all, the expedition fleet has completed its mission!”

At this time, all civilians in the Orps sector were evacuated, the soldiers were sent to Amara, and the old and weak who were unable to fight were evacuated to other sector worlds, most of whom became citizens of the Bingmu world.

At the same time, in Amara, the capital of the sector, the nine primarch legions marched in glory, leaving the battleship and setting foot on Amara, which was covered with war clouds.

Phaenusmanus said: “This is great, it seems like I have returned to the Great Crusade!”

Leman Russ laughed loudly: “Isn’t that right! Wolf cubs, the hunting time has come again. Evil wolves never worry about the number of sheep!”

Rogal Dorn snorted: “I will defeat all enemies of the God Emperor!”

Guilliman looked solemn: “We can’t take it lightly. The enemy this time is very powerful, probably as good as Ran Dan’s alien!”

Corax’s voice was soft: “The worried eyes cannot see the future clearly. We should trust the command of His Highness the Prince!”

Ryan looked solemn: “Twenty thousand battleships were wiped out. This kind of combat power was rarely seen during the Great Crusade. I agree with Guilliman’s view.”

Vulcan looked around: “Long live His Royal Highness the Prince, the civilians have evacuated, Salamander will let go of his hands and feet to destroy this group of smashers!”

Sanguinius sighed: “Why is the galaxy full of war, why is mankind full of suffering, how many gold coins must be contributed to the God of Death, so that mankind can be liberated!”

Chagatai Khan was silent, flipping through a book of ancient Terran poetry in his hand, with four large characters on the cover of “The Secret History of Mongolia”: “The stars rotate in the sky, and the countries are fighting… The world is turning, and the countries are attacking…”

After the military reform, the Primarch’s private army was once reduced to a single battle group. However, after many years of operation, it has returned to the size of the former legion.

Compared with the mixed legion, the private army of the original body has a stronger personal style, and the organization is basically the same as that of the Great Crusade.

At Sayyid’s request, the nine Primarchs gathered in Amara with their private armies, and their original duties were temporarily taken over by puppets.

When performing his duties on weekdays, Said’s puppet is everywhere, often acting as a secretary, cooperating with the original body to complete the work. When the original body leaves, he can quickly take over.

In addition to the Primarch, in order to fight this battle well, Sayid used the Empire’s reserve funds, which are the currency hidden in the treasury and not flowing into the market.

While spending money regardless of cost, he summoned a large number of auxiliary troops from various worlds, including many elite legions.

For example, Catachan Jungle Warriors, Mordian Iron Guards, Alicia Airborne Forces, Krieg Death Corps, etc.

Like the original time and space, Krieg still had a rebellion, and it became a world of death in the civil war. The descendants worshiped the culture of atonement of death in order to atone for the sins of their ancestors.

These auxiliary troops were incorporated into the Primarch’s private army to form a garrison corps to defend Amara.

In addition to the Primarch Corps and auxiliary troops from various places, Sayid also used the fleet reserve to pull out more than 10,000 warships and rebuild the Orpheus Navy.

However, at this moment, the empire lacked naval soldiers and legions, and could not fill more than 10,000 warships, so Sayid waved his hand and let all puppets control them, becoming the Prince’s Fleet and heading to Amara.

It can be said that while the star fleet was fighting outside the border, the Empire mobilized resources from all over to strengthen the defense of Amara.

When the naval battle ended, there were 300 billion auxiliary troops, 1.1 million space warriors, 10,000 warships, and countless fortifications on Amara.

These troops were assigned to the nine primarchs to play a stronger role.

At this moment, on Amara, Sayid puppet held a combat meeting and said:

“Everyone, after the previous battle, the enemy’s various parameters and combat modes have been exposed. How to defend Amara, do you have any ideas?”

Rogroen said: “Give me time, I can turn Amara into an indestructible fortress and ensure that the Necrons will not set foot on it.”

Corax said: “But we don’t have time. The enemy will arrive in twelve days. I plan to infiltrate behind the enemy and delay the enemy’s advance!”

Chagatai Khan immediately agreed: “I also have this plan. If the army moves forward, the Necrons will definitely be empty behind, and I will just sneak attack!”

Leman Russ took a sip of wine and shouted: “I plan to do this too!”

Fenus Manus suggested: “Since we have added 10,000 warships, we might as well have another decisive battle in the void outside the Amara system. Even if we lose, we can still give a strong deterrent!”

Lion King, Guilliman, and Salamander also agreed with this suggestion.

In the end, Sayid followed suit and made arrangements: “Rogal Dorn built fortifications and was responsible for the defense of the planet’s surface; Corax, Chagatai Khan, and Leman Russ fought behind enemy lines to slow down the Necromancer’s advance; Lion King, Guilliman, and Salamander sought a decisive battle outside the galaxy to annihilate the Necromancer’s space fleet. The meeting ended quickly, and the Primarchs received their respective tasks and began to exert their subjective initiative and be loyal to the Emperor and humanity in their own way. Tragic Orpheus, loyal Orpheus, may the Emperor have mercy on these loyal souls~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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