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Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor — Chapter 168 The decisive battle of Amara

Looking back on the entire history of the confrontation between the Empire and the Necrons, the intensity of the Battle of Amalur was unprecedented, and with the return of the Silent King, it was also unprecedented.

After this battle, the human Necrons proved their strength, allowing the arrogant great god civilization to re-examine the seemingly backward race.

According to post-war statistics, at least thirteen necromantic overlords came to the front line in person, with countless necromantic warriors and various structures under their command.

The Empire gathered all the forces it could muster to fight against it, bringing carnage and death to the past galactic overlord.

In the Amara galaxy, over 10,000 imperial warships are standing ready, and countless space station fortresses, space mines, and orbital defenses have been activated.

On the surface of the main star, 300 billion troops entered the position, and countless anti-aircraft guns, Leman Russ tanks, and Chimera armored vehicles were ready to go.

The entire galaxy is armed to the teeth. In the words of Chagatai Khan: “There are more anti-aircraft guns on the ground than there is grass in the Chagoris steppe!”

However, the Menak Dynasty only gave the empire two weeks to prepare for war. In order to increase the chance of victory and extend the preparation time, the three legions of White Scars, Dark Crows, and Space Wolves spread across the star sea to carry out operations behind enemy lines.

The Raven Legion once tried to infiltrate the Necron warship, but the Raven’s stealth could only confuse living beings, not the activated metal life, nor the massive migrant structures.

The Necron fleet itself is impossible to infiltrate.

After encountering a setback, the Infiltration Corps decided to change tactics.

At this time, the Necrons swept through the worlds like locusts, only to find that there was no one there, only stupid animals and flowers and plants.

This was far from satisfying the Menak dynasty’s desire for killing, so they dispersed their troops and headed to more galaxies to search for more creatures to kill.

This gave the infiltration legion an opportunity to defeat them one by one.

The main fleet of the Necrons was nearly wiped out. At this time, apart from the world engine, there were only two tomb ships. In order to quickly deliver troops, teleportation technology was often used.

That is, the tomb ship goes to the vicinity of the galaxy, sends out the underworld structure to calculate the position, and then directly transmits the main force of the army to the surface of the planet.

However, the tomb ship did not discover that there was a human fleet ambushing on the other side of the galaxy. When the transmission was completed and the tomb ship left, the undead on the surface of the planet searched for living beings.

The imperial fleet immediately rushed out and launched a blind-angle orbital bombardment on the surface, blowing the undead into pieces. Even if the living metal had the ability to recover, it would not survive the blow.

The undead search force was attacked, and the tomb ship immediately went to the rescue. It was besieged by warships from three legions. Thousands of space warriors jumped into gangs and massacred inside the tomb ship.

They drew on the experience of previous naval battles and installed teleportation beacons on the tomb ships in an attempt to teleport more troops.

However, the Necrons also learned their lesson and immediately launched the zero-inertia engine to interfere with the teleportation. At the same time, the Necron Overlord personally pressed on and slaughtered the Space Marines.

The zero-inertia engine interfered with the teleportation beacon, and the subsequent large forces were unable to respond immediately. Facing the superior Necrons, the Jump Gang troops were unable to fight back and were quickly wiped out.

Having learned their lesson, the Necrons no longer dared to divide their forces and could only search one planet at a time, which greatly reduced their efficiency.

There are more than a hundred worlds in the Amala sector, and they were searched one after another. By the time Amala was found, it was already a year and a half ago, and the galaxy had already become a network by then.

Compared with humans who are calmly deploying defenses, the Necrons are increasingly anxious. The Curse of the Skinner tortures them all the time, forcing them to kill more creatures and devour more flesh.

If their needs are not met, the undead will become violent, break away from the control of the nobles, and become skinners wandering the morgue plane.

The Necromancer Overlord didn’t want this, so he had to speed up his advance and change from a step-by-step approach to a long march.

They skipped many lifeless planets and headed directly towards Amara, the richest and most strategically located capital world.

The Necrons know that Amara is in a dangerous position and is close to other star regions in the empire. Once it is breached, the Necrons will spread to other star regions.

In order to defend other territories, even if humans give up Orps, they will never give up Amara.

Driving straight in meant forming a protrusion that could easily be outflanked by the rear. The infiltration legion immediately decided to raid the Necron Crown World and steal homes to force back reinforcements.

This tactic was proposed by Chagatai Khan and was immediately opposed by Dark Crow, who said:

“Our current location is far away from the Crown World. It takes at least a week to sail through the subspace. If we encounter the Black Stone Forbidden Demon, it will take longer.”

“And our mission is to delay the enemy and buy time for Amara to deploy its defenses. By the time we arrive at Crown World, the Battle of Amara will have already begun, and the mission will fail by then.”

Chagatai Khan argued: “There is a proverb in ancient Terra, if you are outside, your life will be compromised. If it is true that the decisive battle of Amara has begun as you said, wouldn’t our sneak attack force the undead to retreat?”

“If the undead retreat, wouldn’t it indirectly admit the undead’s defeat?”

At this moment, Leman Russ shouted: “What are you arguing about? What’s the point? His Royal Highness is the commander-in-chief, just ask him directly!”

Several people suddenly realized that they were still using puppets to convey messages. Said must have known about their conversation, and when they were about to ask, Said said:

“You can act according to White Scar’s ideas, and Amara can resist.”

With Said’s permission, Corax no longer objected, and the three of them agreed in unison: “Yes, Your Highness the Prince!”

Without the harassment from the infiltration legions, the Necrons advanced quickly, quickly arrived at Amara, and launched an attack.

In the original time and space, the empire did not know the true face of the enemy until the undead army came to the main star. It had always thought it was chaos and placed the main force of the fleet at Mandeville Point.

However, the Necrons have many types of faster-than-light voyages, and each type of ship does not involve subspace. As a result, the Necrons’ attack easily bypasses Mandeville Point and numerous defenses and reaches the main star.

However, in this time and space, the empire has long been aware of the characteristics of the undead and has shrunk all its forces into Amara Prime.

Tens of thousands of warships are parked in orbit, and 300 billion auxiliary troops are scattered on the surface. Under the instructions of Rog Dorn, they are repairing the fortifications day and night.

In the face of an enemy with the ability to teleport and teleport, strategic depth is meaningless. Simply abandon all peripheries and shrink your troops to the extreme.

This conservative method of warfare dissatisfied Guilliman and other cosmic decisive factions. Guilliman went to Said and said:

“Your Highness, the battle meeting has agreed on a decisive battle in outer space. Why should the fleet not be lost in low-Earth orbit? The aftermath of the battle will affect the planet’s surface and adversely affect post-war reconstruction.”

Said said calmly: “You have no say in the location and time of the battle. The Necrons have the final say. We must consider the worst case scenario, which is the decisive battle in planetary orbit as you mentioned!”

“What should we do if the Necron fleet is in the face and the main star is empty of troops? I agree with your idea, but only if the main force of the enemy ships is outside the galaxy!”

This explanation appeased the Space Decisive Faction, and deployed part of the legion’s troops on the surface, under the command of Rogal Dorn, and then worked with the fleet to improve the space defense of the galaxy.

The decisive battle in Amara started without warning. Just as Said expected, all the empire’s early warning and interception systems failed to work.

The initial anomaly came from the sudden activation of the stars in the galaxy. The originally stable stars suddenly mutated, and the solar storm swept the entire galaxy with plasma and strong radiation.

Many planets were completely burned on their sunward sides, with only Amalur Prime surviving due to its void shield.

However, the solar storm released a strong electromagnetic pulse, and the Imperial defenders temporarily lost their observation and communication capabilities until the puppets acted quickly and established an information exchange network by means of messages.

After the chaos subsided slightly, the defense platform in the orbit of Amara Prime suddenly exploded, and the fragments fell into the atmosphere like meteors. Only then did the defenders know that the war had begun.

The missile silo hidden underground was about to counterattack, but green lightning fell from the sky, accurately hitting the missile that had not yet been launched.

But then there were explosions one after another in the blue sky, and Night Scythe fighter jets and Lightning fighter jets fell one after another.

The Night Scythe fighter planes were in a crescent shape and emitted a strange green light. It was not difficult to imagine that the attack just now came from them. The navy carrier aircraft responded immediately and dispatched the air force to fight with them.

At the same time, in the atmosphere, countless fighter jets soared into the sky to engage in decisive battles with various flying structures of the Necrons. Human fighter planes continued to be shot down, and the Necromancer air force was killing everyone.

The performance of human fighter planes is not as good as that of the Necrons, but with their huge numbers and extremely disparate exchange ratio, they can firmly seize air supremacy.

At the same time, on the outskirts of the galaxy, a world engine the size of a battle planet appeared, accompanied by two tomb ships of the Tomb Class, like the king of the king, exuding majesty and domineering.

However, the fleet was almost completely destroyed in the previous battle, which greatly reduced the majesty and domineering power.

Leon Jonson found Said and said, “Your Highness, can we have a fleet battle?”

Said shook his head: “Waiting, waiting for the enemy to send landing troops!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the green light of the World Engine flashed, and the next moment, enemy attack reports came from all over Amara. Some of them came from the upper part of the nest tower, some from deep underground, and some from the Military Parade Memorial Square.

It can be said that the enemy launched three-dimensional attacks from all directions through precise teleportation, and a large number of unprepared soldiers fell under the Gaussian arc light.

On the other hand, human laser guns can only cause weak damage to the undead.

However, all this was expected by the defenders and was even written in the combat manual. The troops on the ground quickly organized a counterattack and fought fiercely with the invading enemy.

In the core command headquarters, Said found Dorn and asked: “Dorn, how is the situation?”

Rogdorn said: “The enemy’s attack was rapid and fierce, and the defenders were under tremendous pressure. However, they have arranged tactics based on His Highness the Prince’s intelligence and have now stabilized their position.”

According to the memory of his previous life, Said deployed massive heavy firepower, including basilisk cannons, Lemanus tanks, and Manticore missile vehicles to bombard the invading undead indiscriminately.

The defenders quickly counterattacked, and large numbers of undead were blown to pieces. Taking advantage of the fact that the living metal had not yet been repaired, they used engineer shovels and grenades to carry out secondary damage.

The Necrons immediately responded, sending out Tomb Stalkers to raid artillery and armor positions from underground, but they were met by a well-prepared Auxiliary Corps of Engineers.

They used seismic detectors to warn of the attack, and the engineers used shotguns, melta launchers, and plasma cannons to fight the tomb stalkers and successfully surrounded the artillery position.

The Necrons sent Night Scythe fighter jets for reinforcements, but they were caught in a fight with a massive number of Lightning fighter jets. The battle for air supremacy continued. Although the Imperial Air Force suffered heavy losses, it still fought for every inch of land.

The battle reached a stalemate, and Said asked Dorn: “Are you confident that you can hold on?”

A smile appeared on Dorn’s resolute face, and he said: “Of course, Your Highness, I have never fought such a rich battle. If I lose, I will commit suicide and go to see the God Emperor!”

Said nodded: “As long as you have confidence, even if we spend all our 300 billion troops, we still have to repel these iron ribs!”

“There is no sacrifice in the empire that is too big to bear, and there is no pollution that is too small to ignore! Just go ahead and do it!”

Dorn stood in awe and performed a standard eagle salute to Said.

The ground forces were commanded by Rogal Dorn, and the space fleet was led by Guilliman, Leon’s Jonson, Sanguinius, and Vulkan.

Leon Jonson contacted Said and said, “Your Highness, the enemy warships are outside the galaxy. Should we attack?”

Said nodded: “The attack is allowed, but before that, launch an orbital bombing of the pyramid array!”

At this moment, since the Necromancer fleet has not entered the galaxy, the control of the universe on the main star is still in the hands of the empire. Tens of thousands of warships surround the planet, blocking the brilliance of the sun.

As a result, these ten thousand warships launched an unprecedented attack, and countless light spears pierced the ground and accurately fell into the undead front.

Circle after circle of ripples spread in all directions, blasting the undead array to pieces, with the pyramid array being the focus.

On the industrial wasteland of the Kals Plain, there are a large number of strange giant pyramid structures erected. They are made of strange green and black stones, and are surrounded by more smaller pyramids with similar shapes.

The pyramid continued to emit and receive arcs into the sky, and countless underworld scarabs dragged in the undead remains, and then more undead remains and structures poured out from inside.

It is not difficult to imagine that these pyramids are the key to the Necron’s recruitment and teleportation, and are also the key protection areas for the Necron.

It is covered with strange-shaped turrets, which are connected to the central pyramid through right-angled trenches and continuously fire Gaussian arcs into the sky.

The power of each blow was not inferior to that of the Necron warships, easily breaking through the void shield and exploding the warships. However, they then fired a devastating salvo of macrocannons.

The power of each macro cannon shot is comparable to a thermonuclear explosion, which can easily level a city. When the macro cannon fires into the Necron Pyramid, it will cause a powerful explosion in an instant.

The explosion was unprecedentedly violent, leaving a huge crater on the ground that could still be clearly seen in the outer orbit. After the pyramid was destroyed, the Necrons’ recruitment speed slowed down significantly, and the pressure on all fronts was slightly relieved.

But the next moment, a group of pyramids appeared again on the surface of the plain, continuing the previous task of recruiting troops.

The navy was about to launch a second strike when the World Engine suddenly teleported and fell into the fleet, preparing to use Gauss Arc to destroy the defending fleet.

But the Imperial Army was well prepared, and with a thought in Said’s mind, the puppet controlled the battleship. Before the arc appeared, the engine accelerated at full speed and crashed into the World Engine.

The world engine was caught off guard and knocked into a collision. The power of the void shield generator, energy system, light spear generator, and macro cannon shells were superimposed, turning into a powerful bomb.

A huge mushroom cloud rose above the world engine, and other ships followed suit and joined in the collision.

I beg you to order all of them~


Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Warhammer: My brother is the Emperor

Status: Completed Author:


Said travels through Warhammer 40k and becomes the Emperor's younger brother
This year, Brother Huang is preparing to unify Terra
Twenty primarch nephews were still babies
Subspace Evil God Whispering Conspiracy
The green boss is happily gearing up.
The Necron are still sleeping
The Eldar are half dead
Titanium King or Paramecium?
At this time, Said gained the power of violent soldiers, eliminated the rebellion of the original body, and helped Brother Huang to defeat all kinds of monsters and monsters, and realize the great rejuvenation of mankind!
(To make up for regrets, the emperor does not sit on the toilet, violent soldier flow, hegemony flow, the male protagonist Warhammer Gao Qisheng)


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